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Person of Interest – Season 4 |OT| Gods Will Be Watching – Tuesdays 10/9c

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Now that I am thinking about the route they chose, I am very happy they decided not to wrap up everything in a nice bow.

Nolan/Plageman & Writers have a storyline in their collective thoughts from beginning to end and they are adamant that, given the chance, they can pull off a brilliant story for the ages if they get the commitment.

This makes me happy because even if CBS refuses to give the green light for further episodes this season, perhaps others such as Netflix or Amazon would consider it, whether it be months or years down the line.

It's fledgling hope, I know, but it is still hope. Like Arrested Development, this is a type of show that people will wait for developments, even if it's years later than we expect.

Taking all of this into account, with Netflix getting the off-network licence to air POI S1-S3 starting September, more people will take notice and hopefully they will swoop in if support falters at the network level.

Ivy, don't steal my hope away. PLS.

Also, the POI Comic-Con panel is coming in a few hours. I think they haven't started filming yet but I expect more news about S5 anyways.
We're absolutely getting some closure this season, whatever "closure" means in a show like this. The panel is coming up soon but the cast and crew were in the press room earlier for interviews, and of course the "final season?" question kept coming up. Some of the answers have been thrown around on twitter, and Scott32020 posted some of them, but not all of them. He missed two important ones:

1. Nolan clarifying that they are going to treat this like the last season.
2. Greg Plageman confirming (maybe some people don't want to know this? I guess it's technically a plot spoiler for S5?)
Sarah Shahi is going to come back for it.

Also, they don't start shooting until later this month, so yeah obviously no footage.

edit -

Holy shit that S5 teaser! LORD HAVE MERCY.

The only thing that sucks about a 13 ep order right about now is having to wait until bloody 2016. This is going to be unbearable. Then again, I might need that extra time to prepare myself for the inevitably gut wrenching finish.


Now that I am thinking about the route they chose, I am very happy they decided not to wrap up everything in a nice bow.

I definitely want them to end it this season in some form, unless an early surprise renewal comes.
A bad ending would actually fit the show, and give them the option to revisit it later, should that later ever come.

We're absolutely getting some closure this season, whatever "closure" means in a show like this.


1. Nolan clarifying that they are going to treat this like the last season.


The only thing that sucks about a 13 ep order right about now is having to wait until bloody 2016. This is going to be unbearable. Then again, I might need that extra time to prepare myself for the inevitably gut wrenching finish.

Thank God, in the machine, for them treating it like a last season.
I don't mind the waiting time that much, gives my time to finish season 4 again, or even watch it all again on Netflix or other SVoDs


I'm guessing they'll put an end to the Samaritan arc and probably hint at something else that could still happen, just to give some kind of closure.

But CBS has done an overall disservice to this show with how shitty their episode scheduling has been in its entire run. From delaying episodes to having long random breaks between episodes. And the fact that they made it so hard to find on streaming didn't help either.

So yeah, fuck CBS.
Some of the highlights for me from the panel:

Nolan will explore other possibilities if CBS cancels, but recognizes that S5 could be the last and promises that it won't be disappointing.
Caviezel's favorite episode last season (probably not surprising since it's an acting showcase) is Terra Incognita.
They want as many of the guest characters as possible to come back for the next season. (So more Zoe is a safe bet and... dare I dream... Leon?).
Denise Thé promised that even if she kills the whole cast, Bear will make it out alive.
On the issue of Shaw:
They would like her back for a multi-episode arc if possible, but are still talking to Sarah about it.

And more plot stuff, spoilers in case anybody is going into S5 pure:
Terra Incognita is a turning point for Reese, he will be the one rallying the team together and pushing them to fight.
YHWH is a turning point for Finch, he now accepts the Machine as his child, and in rebuilding it, will look to nurture it and give it more freedom.
Rebuilding the Machine will be the main story arc of the season.
Fusco is left hanging in a peculiar situation at the end of S4, having witnessed part of The Correction. He will be asking more questions next season and may finally learn about the Machine.

Also just spitballing now:

Person of Interest - Season 5 |OT| If you're reading this, you're probably already dead.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Thank goodness John character development is not forgetten. Hope to see how he's changed because of Terra Incognita.


Crystal Bearer
Finally caught up on this... the scene in the last episode where the Machine apologizes to Harold was really emotional. THIS. SHOW.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
One of us... One of us!

Glad to see you liked it, Kagari!


I shot people I like more for less.
Some of the highlights for me from the panel:

Nolan will explore other possibilities if CBS cancels, but recognizes that S5 could be the last and promises that it won't be disappointing.
Caviezel's favorite episode last season (probably not surprising since it's an acting showcase) is Terra Incognita.
They want as many of the guest characters as possible to come back for the next season. (So more Zoe is a safe bet and... dare I dream... Leon?).
Denise Thé promised that even if she kills the whole cast, Bear will make it out alive.
On the issue of Shaw:
They would like her back for a multi-episode arc if possible, but are still talking to Sarah about it.

And more plot stuff, spoilers in case anybody is going into S5 pure:
Terra Incognita is a turning point for Reese, he will be the one rallying the team together and pushing them to fight.
YHWH is a turning point for Finch, he now accepts the Machine as his child, and in rebuilding it, will look to nurture it and give it more freedom.
Rebuilding the Machine will be the main story arc of the season.
Fusco is left hanging in a peculiar situation at the end of S4, having witnessed part of The Correction. He will be asking more questions next season and may finally learn about the Machine.

Also just spitballing now:

Person of Interest - Season 5 |OT| If you're reading this, you're probably already dead.

Good stuff, thanks.


All caught up, this is the first time to me the machine actually behaved like a conscious being and not just a computer program with an objective.


Finally finished this season.

Damn, it was bad as far as seasons go. But the finale was decent, with the last few Pink Floyded minutes being undeniably epic - when the song started, first feels of this season happened. Of course the last shot of them just walking against bullets was lame as hell again.
But yeah, it seemed like the budget was lower, so all the shootouts and fight scenes this season looked incredibly cheap, the writing was pretty pedestrian for the most part, and of course Shaw lacking didn't help matters any.
I hope next season will be the last and they will go out with a bang...while concluding satisfactorily.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
It's going be such a long wait. It has already been dammit.


Best news yet, Shaw is back next season. Shahi is gonna be in about 8 or 9 episodes. Rejoice!




Season 5.

This thread was for Season 4, but it's already aired. Next season is season 5.

Damn, I am stupid :)
For some reason I thought season 3 just aired, and the upcoming last one is season 4.
LOL, maybe I shouldn't post when I am close to very tired
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