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Person of Interest – The Fifth and Final Season |OT| "Thank you for creating me."

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I'm going to miss this show so much, this has been the only show in a long time which I actually sit down to see live.


I haven't watched the second episode of the current season so I will just leave a comment in general.

Its sad that this season is the last one but at the same time is a relief to know that it will last what it must lasts.
Mostly of TV shows start to decline its quality when they extend them unnecesary (Dexter, The Mentalist, etc.).

I really enjoyed every single episode of this amazing show. The writing is almost perfect in the sense of the coherence, the development of the characters and that mystery atmosphere of things that are appearing through the course of the show.
The use of flashbacks are perfectly done as well.

The only thing that I could critice is that this show should be more popular! It deserves it! I hope that one day Person of Interest could obtain the massive recognition that requires a piece of show like this.

I just hope don't regret of these words at the end of the season... but I'm sure that it won't be the case.


I haven't watched the second episode of the current season so I will just leave a comment in general.

Its sad that this season is the last one but at the same time is a relief to know that it will last what it must lasts.
Mostly of TV shows start to decline its quality when they extend them unnecesary (Dexter, The Mentalist, etc.).

I really enjoyed every single episode of this amazing show. The writing is almost perfect in the sense of the coherence, the development of the characters and that mystery atmosphere of things that are appearing through the course of the show.
The use of flashbacks are perfectly done as well.

The only thing that I could critice is that this show should be more popular! It deserves it! I hope that one day Person of Interest could obtain the massive recognition that requires a piece of show like this.

I just hope don't regret of these words at the end of the season... but I'm sure that it won't be the case.

Agreed 100%.

And you know the funny thing? This is probably the one show that I could see manage to get to season 10 without declining in quality.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Iris is coming back right guys? Right?

I like Iris :(

Coming back to die, you mean.

Just kidding. But John does have the bad luck to have the women of his life ending up dead.

Great episode. So awesome to see Kara coming back for one more episode. Her relation with John was interesting. But damn, she really did need to have a monologue about the job always, maybe she knew that John needed that.
The 2015 date on the Machine POV was throwing me off at first, I'm so used to this show being more or less real time. I lapsed on all the network fuckery with the final season, sat there and thought the scene with Iris was another flashback for a second haha.

I need more Keith David in this show.
The 2015 date on the Machine POV was throwing me off at first, I'm so used to this show being more or less real time. I lapsed on all the network fuckery with the final season, sat there and thought the scene with Iris was another flashback for a second haha.

I need more Keith David in this show.

Me too, at first when I saw it stop at 2015 I wasn't sure either.

He's awesome. As others have said, hopefully he gets to be good. :)

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
She's done.

I didn't like the break up scene in general. Felt too clean and convenient.

I don't know you, but if I was breaking up in public, I'd try to do it clean and convenient. The break down might come down after I get home.


Well, she knew what kind of guy she was going to date. She probably just believed that she could change him, but from her point of view he didn't change a thing. Hell, as miserable as he looked she could've also assumed that he wasn't enjoying this dual life either.
John is selfless to a fault. Like literally. He doesn't think he'll ever be worthy of redemption or forgiveness for what he's done. Like if you think of this episode as John's "Root Path" episode (almost down to a T) he never crosses over the threshold to change. And in the context of the show maybe he never will.

And even if he doesn't die by the end of the show, he probably never will be anyway. The ending of the episode might as well have been a microcosm of whatever will be Reese's final moments if he outlives the finale; that his hero complex will always get the better of him. The only thing that's really changed is that he doesn't outright murder people anymore. I wouldn't call that real change though, just a slight adjustment.


On the topic of the new logo splash, am I the only one wondering about the significance of the very end of it? We've had the "machine logo" and the "machine transitioning into Samaritan" logo...but now they've also added that "black doors closing shut" onto the end which I'm pretty sure wasn't there prior to this season.Seems like Samaritan going on lockdown? Or is it supposed to be some symbol of one or both ASIs being shut down? Just a nod to the show itself being shuttered after this run? I dunno, it just strikes me as an interesting detail.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Still, Sober, wouldn't you think he has at least opened up a bit more to his friends since Terra Incognita. The previous John would have never put a bowling shirt.
John is selfless to a fault. Like literally. He doesn't think he'll ever be worthy of redemption or forgiveness for what he's done. Like if you think of this episode as John's "Root Path" episode (almost down to a T) he never crosses over the threshold to change. And in the context of the show maybe he never will.

And even if he doesn't die by the end of the show, he probably never will be anyway. The ending of the episode might as well have been a microcosm of whatever will be Reese's final moments if he outlives the finale; that his hero complex will always get the better of him. The only thing that's really changed is that he doesn't outright murder people anymore. I wouldn't call that real change though, just a slight adjustment.

Reese is definitely selfless but I feel the way he's gone about it has changed over the course of the show. When he broke up with Jessica, he did it because he wasn't so sure that Jessica could accept the man that he became after the wars and CIA bullshit (hence why he thought Peter was a better man before we see his dark side), AND wasn't sure he was going to come out alive, so why not give Jessica another chance to have a life, right? Whereas, with Iris, the stakes are too high with Samaritan being a step closer to identifying Reese and the rest of Team Machine and the last thing he wants is for Iris to be a casualty after what happened to Carter and HR.

I want to believe so badly that he gets a chance to let go and have a chance at the real world and life. In fact, this character has a lot in common with Bruce Wayne in TDKRises, like Bruce, Reese appears to have an addiction to "The Man in the Suit", maybe it's because of the guilt of telling Jessica "you're all alone, and no one is coming to save you"? Who knows? The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that he's a dead man walking.
Keith David was talking about POI on twitter today and confirmed his appearance was a "one and done." Too bad.

The timing is pretty weird for introducing a character like that. I did enjoy his final scene with Reese, though, and it was kind of nice to get one last "person of the week" episode before Shaw returns and we go hurtling towards the final confrontation with Samaritan. Even though we're still basically getting all the pieces set up, this has been the strongest start to any POI season since S2 or maybe even ever? The premiere was on point and SNAFU was fantastic. Truth Be Told felt like more of a calm before the storm, and essentially filler, but it was a good excuse to get one more "classic" episode and Keith David so I'll allow it.

I don't want to jinx it but damn this season is off to a great start.


Such a shame if Keith David's appearance is one and done. It would be funny to see a department head of the CIA be completely baffled at what is going on and just shitting their collective pants.

Although I have to cross my fingers and hope Control returns in some capacity.


Such a shame if Keith David's appearance is one and done. It would be funny to see a department head of the CIA be completely baffled at what is going on and just shitting their collective pants.

Although I have to cross my fingers and hope Control returns in some capacity.
Yeah, what a pity. It would've actually been interesting if he made research on his own, very cautious of surveillance and freed Control somehow. I generally dreamed of Control creating a group of former adversaries of Team Machine to ride to their support. But alas, there is no time.


Root brushes back a nonexistent lock of hair.

ME Root: Cool your jets, Johnny boy. You’re the muscle, Harry’s the maestro.

AA Finch: This is delicate. Things must be taken one at a time, in order


That scene where the Machine is mixing up the team and the actors get to pretend they're each other - was that released as promo material? I seem to recall seeing it before and I thought I was watching an old episode at first.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
That scene where the Machine is mixing up the team and the actors get to pretend they're each other - was that released as promo material? I seem to recall seeing it before and I thought I was watching an old episode at first.

Yeah, that scene has been around for a long time. Probably the 1st actual clip released for the season, unless you count that empty subway set from the beginning of the season. That was used in the original Comic-con teaser trailer.


Yeah, that scene has been around for a long time. Probably the 1st actual clip released for the season, unless you count that empty subway set from the beginning of the season. That was used in the original Comic-con teaser trailer.

Thank you, I was super confused. I saw the beginning of the episode and was like "haven't I seen this before last season? Is this a glitch?"

Well, I mean, technically it WAS a glitch...


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Dammit, when looking at promo pictures of the upcoming episode, saw a episode brief on the May 30th/31st episodes (9 & 10).

Serious Hype, though. Shit gone to the next level x 10.


Loves all 3 episodes so far.

I am gonna mist this show after it ends :(

Best show ever, and sad to see it being unpopular.

PK Gaming




Completely floored by the latest episode. Believe the hype, it was that fucking good. Easily the best episode after If-Then-Else.



I was not ready.

Top 3 POI episode all time.

My god...

You. Know. NOTHING.

Everyone watching tomorrow, stay away from Twitter or the internet until you can see this episode...







Might need to rewatch it cause
I guess it was intentionally 'off' on purpose and I wasn't expecting the twist right up until a few scenes to the end. I guess Samaritan also writes bad POI spec scripts.
Well that was... something.

Might need to rewatch it cause
I guess it was intentionally 'off' on purpose and I wasn't expecting the twist right up until a few scenes to the end. I guess Samaritan also writes bad POI spec scripts.

I had sort of the opposite experience. I called it in like the first five minutes that
the title is a reference to the simulation number, and that it was going to be something like an If-Then-Else from the Samaritan POV. There were admittedly a couple parts that made me second guess myself, but as you say, it was just so blatantly off (Shaw's easy escape, no less than THREE (3!) major character deaths in episode fucking 4, and just the general fan service and toying with obvious audience expectations i.e. Shaw and Root finally hooking up, Greer finally taking a bullet, etc.) that I figured it had to be a narrative ruse. To what end is the part that kept stumping me, and after the episode ended... I'm still not sure?

I don't know if I like this episode, honestly. It's sort of fun in the way it fucks with the audience, and I really liked some of the filmmaking and editing style, but what does it actually accomplish?
By the nature of its concept as a single simulation exercise, it literally does not advance the plot, unlike If-Then-Else. Nor does it seem to tell us anything we didn't already learn/surmise about Shaw's imprisonment during S4. I'll have to watch it again and see if I missed anything. Also maybe reevaluate it when we see where this Shaw subplot is going in the next few episodes.

kind of felt like a missed opportunity to not bring back Martine for an episode and show her torturing Shaw, but maybe we'll still see that (there weren't any actual flashbacks). Lambert was fantastic this episode, though. Glad to see that actor still around.


Well that was... something.

Yeah I tend to agree.
It was super obvious what the big plot twist was within the first 10 minutes of the episode. Things were just moving really fast and were poorly explained. POI gets itself off on explaining all the really technical aspects of the show as realistically as possible (just look back to the PS3 in the first episode of this season :p) but everything in this episode was glossed over, here's this chip in Shaw's head (eventually shown to not do anything later on but still), here's this magic USB device that will inexplicably infect the machine, here's this really conveniently placed phone they can use to track down Greer for some reason. It was all just a little bit too tidy.

Episode was merely okay, nothing amazing. It had a big problem like you say
in that it does absolutely nothing for the plot. We learned nothing new here that we didn't know already. Normally I wouldn't care but we're working with half a season here so I'd rather every single episode push us closer to the end.


Amazing episode,
the scent of dream simulation was there early, but it was still awesome too see er act. I hope Team Machine saves her. I also suspect that Samaritan does not actually have mind altering chips yet, given that it can't "even" get information.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I do think we learnt something.
The simulations are being done in order to train her for when they finally let her into the wild, she does what she was programmed to do. Not only that, but Greer gave no fucks about dying, as long as the Machine was found and destroyed. I used to think that the "we're all irrelevant" speech of his was just all talk, and it would truly be his downfall, when Samaritan no longer needed him. But turns out, that even he uses his own life as a chess piece in order for Samaritan to win the game. It says a lot, I'd think. We also now know that Samaritan is not only actively searching for the Machine, but is going to use trojan horses like that USB for something.

I'm also pretty sure that the chip does do something, or else they wouldn't have put an electrode or that in the place where the surgery took place (which was also pretty healed up as well).

Got to admit, I'm happy they are finally letting Samaritan feel like an all power being. The setting didn't feel as hopeless before, but this is how S4 should've felt.
What an episode! I've rewatched it several times already.

My theory prior to the episode was that it would be a mix of reality (the escape) and hallucinations. Well, that was very wrong haha. Someone (Greg?) did say that Shaw would think that she's back with the team earlier than when she actually is..it all makes sense now.
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