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Persona Community Thread |OT9| SPOILER TAGS OR DIE


P5's ending kind of feels like it ends suddenly, because there's not a 'True' ending. So when you hit the ending, that's it. Game's over.

At the same time, the final dungeons are kind of a slog. Lots and lots of boss fights, and, at least to me, an unsatisfying narrative guiding it.

It's by no means bad, but it doesn't exceed P3 or P4's endings, and falls into many of the same holes (particularly as P3).

Lots and lots of boss fights at the end.... Damn it! If they aren't meaningful or special then they're even more annoying and tiresome.


I'm sure there's some benefit to maxing out all social links and maxing personality stats..... That stuff is in Persona 5, right......????? !!! Actually don't answer that.


I'm looking forward to the If... costumes myself. One of my favorite battle themes in Nocturne and the new remix is sounding baller as fvck.

I'm probably only gonna start using the costumes close to endgame though since I want to take my time with Last Surprise.

The if... DLC is the only one I'm seriously considering - I really like the uniforms and the music.


Can't believe is tuesday already .. hoping we see a new dub clip + interview this week
Wondering which character is next , i go for Morgana or Ann (which her VA is still unknown to me) so im looking forward to "know" her.(despite i already i see a couples of her roles these days , she got the tone i think)

PD : Maybe Ryuji is the second video too ...
I really regret having started Innocent Sin on PSP. The loading times of the UMD version make it basically unenjoyable and super slowly paced. I like the mechanics but I'm considering just playing the emulated PS1 version with the fan translation instead. Persona 1 PSP on the other hand was really nice.

It's the only Persona I haven't finished and I'd really love to close this gap.


Do we know why Okada and Satomi left Atlus? I wonder how SMT would look like today if they were still there.

Okada felt like he was done with the series and that if he stayed at Atlus, he'd only be allowed to make more Megaten games.

Dunno why Satomi left, but it must've been on good enough terms that he was willing to come back to write the new scenario for P2EPP.


Even more surprising considering that it's a Hashino game.

I've also felt that P5 takes some slight inspiration from DDS in some areas, or rather, some of Hashino's ideas from DDS have re-emerged in P5 in some way. Hard to explain what I mean.


It feels nostalgic to talk about the old staff, at least Kaneko is still there, but he's basically retired.

Do we know why Okada and Satomi left Atlus? I wonder how SMT would look like today if they were still there.

More experimental?

Okada felt like he was done with the series and that if he stayed at Atlus, he'd only be allowed to make more Megaten games.

Isn't that what's basically happening with Hashino? If the comment about wanting to take a break from Persona is anything to go by.


Isn't that what's basically happening with Hashino? If the comment about wanting to take a break from Persona is anything to go by.

I don't remember that, but I can see it with the backpacking idea. It's something different from the usual formula.


Unconfirmed Member
Isn't that what's basically happening with Hashino? If the comment about wanting to take a break from Persona is anything to go by.

Well dunno seems like he at least could negotiate to make Catherine which is pretty damn out there in a way and was rather successful for them as well.
Feels like he has enough sway to negotiate for projects that serve as creative recharges if the team desires so.


After the nonsensical lead up to P5 after Catherine, which included four spinoffs, I'd definitely love P Studio to work on something else.

That said, their name is P Studio now, so it doesn't bode well.


I've also felt that P5 takes some slight inspiration from DDS in some areas, or rather, some of Hashino's ideas from DDS have re-emerged in P5 in some way. Hard to explain what I mean.
It's the most DDS/Nocturne-ish game Hashino has made since, well, DDS and Nocturne.

It's really great, and I'm looking forward to everyone playing it. There's some really, really good stuff in there. My only concern at this point is the English dub, I guess. Hope it's good!

As far as going forwards, I think they'll struggle to make a game that improves on their current formula. I think they'll change things up next.


It's the most DDS/Nocturne-ish game Hashino has made since, well, DDS and Nocturne.

It's really great, and I'm looking forward to everyone playing it. There's some really, really good stuff in there. My only concern at this point is the English dub, I guess. Hope it's good!

As far as going forwards, I think they'll struggle to make a game that improves on their current formula. I think they'll change things up next.

I'm torn. Half of me thinks they'll try to roll out a 6 relatively fast (two years?) on the same engine that's more iterative than it is inventive. The other half agrees with you and thinks they'll just swing for the fences with a game that won't be out for a while.


Quality over quantity, ladies and gentlemen. Persona 6 isn't coming for a good while. We'll get a Persona 5 spinoff and hopefully Persona Musou sometime within the next 2 years.


Quality over quantity, ladies and gentlemen. Persona 6 isn't coming for a good while. We'll get a Persona 5 spinoff and hopefully Persona Musou sometime within the next 2 years.

Why limit yourself to Persona? Atlus Musou, baby. Raidou and Minato team up to beat Nyarlatothep while Demi-Fiend distracts Babel on one side of the map and Nemissa holds off Lucifer on the other. Living the dream.
Gimme Persona 5 Arena, with Guilty Gear Xrd graphics. I don't care what else Atlus does, but just give me that damnit.

Agreed. If anything, it'll test how much I can ignore the spinoffs developments.
Atlus should just hurry up and release P6 so they can milk P5 and P6 together. I'm also more than fine with them leaving P3 and P4 behind.

Honestly, I would want a Persona spin-off without recurring characters more than a P5 spin-off. Maybe a game where the main characters are adults?

Just so we're clear, you mean the NEW main characters are adults, not returning characters?


Atlus should just hurry up and release P6 so they can milk P5 and P6 together. I'm also more than fine with them leaving P3 and P4 behind.

Honestly, I would want a Persona spin-off without recurring characters more than a P5 spin-off. Maybe a game where the main characters are adults?


I have a feeling we'll probably see Persona 6 in a few years. Longer than the timeframe from P3 to P4, but not as long as the tiemframe from P4 to P5.

More then likely we'll see them do another HD title of some sort tho. The only reason I wouldn't say "Shin Megami Tensei V" outright is because SMTIVA just came out on the 3DS.


P4 used a lot of resources from P3 and came out fairly close to P3. I expect the same for P6. Maybe it will be announced in 2018, release in 2019. From what I've seen, P5's engine is enough to carry Atlus through this gen, and I don't see big structural change to the franchise.


Honestly i see Persona 6 gets released around 2020-2021 minimum, see those guys having at least 1-2 P5 spinoffs before jump to P6 ....

Persona 5 Arena is a given i think at this point , see which engine is going to use is the question (something like Guilty or more simple like Blazblue / P4U)
* Betting for the later

But like i say before i will more excited to see them trying some new (like a Golden Playhouse one) than see another persona game (main / spinoff) gets announced this year / next


Atlus should just hurry up and release P6 so they can milk P5 and P6 together. I'm also more than fine with them leaving P3 and P4 behind.

Agree 100 % i prefer ten times see P5 gets their spinoffs by they own , or crossover with a new cast aka P6 ( or idk something not possible like Catherine , SMT x FE , Apocalypse lol ) than see them getting involve in the shadow ops storylines or get fit in the summer after Golden of P4 .... i love P3 and P4 chars but really is time to put them to rest , and if they really need to bring back Narukami bonds team or Mitsuru squad just dont mix the phantoms into it...

Then Atlus send all to hell when we see the Phantom Thieves dealing with Sho bullshit or making friends with Labrys (or a new robo waifu) in "Arena 3" *sigh*


Uh, before a new Persona, I would prefer a new IP with its own characters under the MegaTen umbrella. Devil Survivor is fine, but when you compare it with Digital Devil Saga and Raidou Kuzunoha (yeah I know, it's a spin-off of a spin-off, but still was a new IP) and why not, Persona 3/4 it's kinda sad (*). Now Atlus have more horsepower to develop games in a PS3/PS4 and Sega it's a lot better than the disaster known as Index, I hope the situation improves.

(*) Yeah, I know, sad to MegaTen fans, but the need to develop in the DS was a blessing to Etrian Odyssey fans xD and thanks to the EO engine we have Strange Journey, hmmm.


Why limit yourself to Persona? Atlus Musou, baby. Raidou and Minato team up to beat Nyarlatothep while Demi-Fiend distracts Babel on one side of the map and Nemissa holds off Lucifer on the other. Living the dream.

No Persona musou, guys. It would be terrible.

It pains me to admit it, but I agree with Dantis

I don't think Persona and Musou would be a good fit
Don't think Persona would work as a musou. I want a Danganronpa one lol

???? How would Persona Musou not work??? It could be a cool tribute to the series as a whole and actually have real time combat that some people wanna see.
I could see a few ways that a Danganronpa one could work, if they went with more of an Another Episode style setting.

I don't really see it fitting Persona though, especially if it would be a crossover with the established casts. I guess they made a dancing game work, but even then, story mode was basically a VN with a few minigames.
I could see a few ways that a Danganronpa one could work, if they went with more of an Another Episode style setting.

I don't really see it fitting Persona though, especially if it would be a crossover with the established casts. I guess they made a dancing game work, but even then, story mode was basically a VN with a few minigames.

Then again, the Arena games' story was a VN with fights peppered in between (Labrys' story, anyone?)

Seriously, I could see Persona Warriors working. I'm not sure why people think it wouldn't work when Zelda pulled it off. Is this just fatigue setting in for some of you, or am I just deluded?

As for why Shadows suddenly became so densely packed hordes, "the collective unconscious" is an excellent hand-waving device.


Hot Take: Musou sucks.

If we're really gonna have this discussion, I'm going to have to go back to my old default: Platinum Games. Gimmie dat Aigis-based Vanquish-like.

But really, I just want P-Team to work on more new IP like Catherine, even if they are "smaller" in scope.
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