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Persona Community Thread |OT9| SPOILER TAGS OR DIE

God I cannot wait for P5 to come out in the US.

As someone who spent time earlier this week reading the entire import OT up to that point (minus the spoiler bars), yes.

Also Life Will Change is a fucking awesome song and I keep listening to it over and over again. Instantly a favourite from the series.

I also listened to a couple others and the extent to which the whole phantom thief motif of being cleverer and more charming than everyone else is pervading the lyrics of this soundtrack is charming the hell out of me.


"The nail that sticks out gets hammered down."

I've been reading Shimanami Tasogare and it goes in on what it's like to be gay highschooler in Japan. The intense loneliness, anxiety, discrimination and social isolation is too much to bear.



It's heavy.

I know i'm repeating myself Persona 6 needs to cover this. If Persona is a franchise that prides itself on covering unspoken issues relating to Japanese culture, it definitely, definitely needs to cover this. No more dumb jokes. No more stalling. It needs to do this.

Just want to point out that this manga is really fucking good. It kills me that we have to wait over half a year for the next volume with how that one ended.

Also yes, as said before I would like them to at least not make it a joke.


Thank the lord the Phantom Thieves refer themselves using english codenames most of the time (Skull,Joker,Queen etc etc) right ... funny how the voices fit perfectly but they getting shit because pronunciation or delivery ...

And about the font maybe because im always liked simple things but i prefer something easy to read like that and no trying to be stylish and some weird ass one and cant read easily playing it

Plus that font seems to work with P5 dialogue boxes which people say are smaller than P3 / P4 ones , love to see it in the dialogue scenes
Thank the lord the Phantom Thieves refer themselves using english codenames most of the time (Skull,Joker,Queen etc etc) right ... funny how the voices fit perfectly but they getting shit because pronunciation or delivery ...

And about the font maybe because im always liked simple things but i prefer something easy to read like that and no trying to be stylish and some weird ass one and cant read easily playing it

Plus that font seems to work with P5 dialogue boxes which people say are smaller than P3 / P4 ones , love to see it in the dialogue scenes

The thing is, the font looks like it's misplaced, like a rushed fansub job for one of the JP trailers.


I thought the font for the English version looked a little bit weird at first, but comparing it to the Japanese version again made me realize that's got a similar style of font.

English / Japanese

That being said, the font might be a bit too thick?
I thought the font for the English version looked a little bit weird at first, but comparing it to the Japanese version again made me realize that's got a similar style of font.

English / Japanese

That being said, the font might be a bit too thick?

I agree. When I first on the font on my phone it kinda bothered me, but I actually really like it on bigger screens.


In defense of my asking about its pronunciation, I never fully trust myself about it ever since I was much younger and reading manga for the first time, and how I thought some names were pronounced differently.

(Akane as "Ah-cane", for example)

So I don't always trust my mental voice, heh. I figured it was weird, though, yea.


In defense of my asking about its pronunciation, I never fully trust myself about it ever since I was much younger and reading manga for the first time, and how I thought some names were pronounced differently.

(Akane as "Ah-cane", for example)

So I don't always trust my mental voice, heh. I figured it was weird, though, yea.

Well, nobody can blame you. You would only know, if you already heard the Japanese language quite a lot.

It also doesn't help that the English pronunciation of the the Hepburn romanization is not really close to the real pronunciation, even though Hepburn was American.


Well, nobody can blame you. You would only know, if you already heard the Japanese language quite a lot.

It also doesn't help that the English pronunciation of the the Hepburn romanization is not really close to the real pronunciation, even though Hepburn was American.

That still makes no sense to me. I mean what was this guy thinking? "Hey, let's invent a transcription system that's bound to confuse English speakers!"


As of right now... I'm single. No girlfriend. So I guess I'll be playing Persona 5 on Valentine's Day all by myself....
part of me is smiling... other part is crying ;_;


As of right now... I'm single. No girlfriend. So I guess I'll be playing Persona 5 on Valentine's Day all by myself....
part of me is smiling... other part is crying ;_;

There's more to life than a girlfriend, you know.

That being said, Atlus knows their audience and that's exactly why they picked this date for P5.


That still makes no sense to me. I mean what was this guy thinking? "Hey, let's invent a transcription system that's bound to confuse English speakers!"

It's quite weird, on Wikipedia they say: "The main feature of Hepburn is that its orthography is based on English phonology. More technically, where syllables constructed systematically according to the Japanese syllabary contain the "unstable" consonant for the modern spoken language, the orthography is changed to something that, as an English speaker would pronounce it, better matches the real sound[...]"

Yeah, I don't agree at all. Basically all the vowels are not as pronounced as an English speaking person would pronounce them. Way more similar to how e.g. Germans would pronounce them.


It's quite weird, on Wikipedia they say: "The main feature of Hepburn is that its orthography is based on English phonology. More technically, where syllables constructed systematically according to the Japanese syllabary contain the "unstable" consonant for the modern spoken language, the orthography is changed to something that, as an English speaker would pronounce it, better matches the real sound[...]"

Yeah, I don't agree at all. Basically all the vowels are not as pronounced as an English speaking person would pronounce them. Way more similar to how e.g. Germans would pronounce them.

Absolutely. Being a native German speaker helped a lot when I started learning Japanese.


I never had any problems pronouncing japanese names because it's already extremely similar if not identical to how you'd pronounce them in portuguese. Dat Sakamato tho.

As of right now... I'm single. No girlfriend. So I guess I'll be playing Persona 5 on Valentine's Day all by myself....
part of me is smiling... other part is crying ;_;
I don't have a girlfriend or a PS3/4.

Worry not, children. Lord Krishna shall give you the love you so desperately desire and free you from all the suffering of this world. All you need to do is accept his salvation.
Too bad about that PS3/4 though, lord Krishna only answers to Nintendo.
I have a PS3, PS4, and a preordered PS4Pro and I wont be playing Persona 5 2/14 either, cuz ill be in japan, probably looking for P5 merch to pass the time


As of right now... I'm single. No girlfriend. So I guess I'll be playing Persona 5 on Valentine's Day all by myself....
part of me is smiling... other part is crying ;_;
Hey man, it won't be too bad! You'll have Persona 5, and it will be excellent. You'll also have the waifu's as well ahahahah-
I don't have a girlfriend or a PS3/4.
Ouch. Get a cheap PS3 if you can't afford a PS4!
Bright side is, now the waifus will have no competition.
I knew I would not be the only one to make the joke, lol.

So, for those of us who can't play this game until February and are avoiding all spoilers, why don't we go ahead and predict best girl? I can't decide between Ann or Makoto.


So, for those of us who can't play this game until February and are avoiding all spoilers, why don't we go ahead and predict best girl? I can't decide between Ann or Makoto.

It's Igor, no contest.

Keep the waifu talk out of this thread please.


Reading the P5 OT, I'm most looking forward to a couple of months after the game has released so that we can discuss it properly. If the import OT is anything to go by, a lot of people are going to be saying crazy things like "eclipses P3 and P4 in every way".

After the hype has died down, it will be a lot easier to talk about what the game does right and wrong.

In terms of characters, it's obviously hard for me to comment as I don't know their personalities at all, but I will be sincerely surprised if it tops P4's cast. At best, I can see it matching it, but that's not accounting for the fact that I think Ryuji is going to be shit.

Also, in terms of Ryuji, I don't know if I've said yet, but his actor is great. Very pleased again.


Reading the P5 OT, I'm most looking forward to a couple of months after the game has released so that we can discuss it properly. If the import OT is anything to go by, a lot of people are going to be saying crazy things like "eclipses P3 and P4 in every way".

After the hype has died down, it will be a lot easier to talk about what the game does right and wrong.

In terms of characters, it's obviously hard for me to comment as I don't know their personalities at all, but I will be sincerely surprised if it tops P4's cast. At best, I can see it matching it, but that's not accounting for the fact that I think Ryuji is going to be shit.

Also, in terms of Ryuji, I don't know if I've said yet, but his actor is great. Very pleased again.

What if I never found the P4 cast to be good?
I dont have high hopes for the main cast eclipsing P4 for me, but I expect to enjoy them more than P3. I do have high hopes for the non party social links this time around.

Granted anything can change, I expected Naoto to be my least favorite character. I put aside all prerelease expectations once I pick up the controller


In terms of characters, it's obviously hard for me to comment as I don't know their personalities at all, but I will be sincerely surprised if it tops P4's cast. At best, I can see it matching it, but that's not accounting for the fact that I think Ryuji is going to be shit.

To be honest, I'd say the cast definitely tops Persona 3 and 4 for me. I roll my eyes when I see comparisons between them and characters from the other games, because they're much more than that. The Phantom Thieves are not mere caricatures or expies of previous game characters, that's for sure.

I don't think there's a single bad character among Persona 5's cast, and I think everyone is going to walk away with more than one favorite.


What if I never found the P4 cast to be good?

Then it's a moot point for you, I guess?

But most people who love P4 seem to love it for the cast. I mean, the weakest character is Yukiko, and she's not that bad.

P5 is probably at a disadvantage due to a lack of 'social' events, and a complete lack of large scale ones like the camping trip. As far as I recall, most events are plot related, so it'll depend on how we all feel about the whole Phantom Thieves thing.

To be honest, I'd say the cast definitely tops Persona 3 and 4 for me. I roll my eyes when I see comparisons between them and characters from the other games, because they're much more than that. The Phantom Thieves are not mere caricatures or expies of previous game characters, that's for sure.

I don't think there's a single bad character among Persona 5's cast, and I think everyone is going to walk away with more than one favorite.

I think Futaba and Ryuji are going to annoy some people.

Futaba especially.
I think Futaba and Ryuji are going to annoy some people.

Futaba especially.
ha, prerelease shes the one I expect to like the most. Never trust those prerelease expectations

she reminds me of Frau from robotics;notes atm, a character I hated for half of the anime, then completely flipped my opinion later. Just kindve expect to like Futaba based on that, and she also has my favorite design


I think Goro is the most intriguing character since Atlus was probably trying to "hide" (if you can even call it that) him for a reason. He's either going to be one of the best or one of the worst characters in the game because of that.

I'm also kind of surprised how it's already November and I still don't know any details regarding the game's plot. I'm getting better at this spoiler dogging thing.


The entire cast is great. I can't wait for it to come out in English so I can discuss it with everyone. <3

I will be surprised if people latch onto the characters like they did with P4.

I feel like Atlus kind of caught lightning in a bottle with P4's cast.

We'll see. They seem good though. I think I'm going to really like Yusuke and Makoto.


I think Goro is the most intriguing character since Atlus was probably trying to "hide" (if you can even call it that) him for a reason. He's either going to be one of the best or one of the worst characters in the game because of that.

I'm also kind of surprised how it's already November and I still don't know any details regarding the game's plot. I'm getting better at this spoiler dogging thing.

As someone who has read all the spoilers and seen virtually all the story, keep at it. This is one game you definitely do not want spoiled if you can avoid it.


The entire cast is so great, that it almost seems futile to pick a "best" character anyhow.
This is so great to hear, I absolutely cannot wait for Persona 5 now. :)
Reading the P5 OT, I'm most looking forward to a couple of months after the game has released so that we can discuss it properly. If the import OT is anything to go by, a lot of people are going to be saying crazy things like "eclipses P3 and P4 in every way".
After the hype has died down, it will be a lot easier to talk about what the game does right and wrong.

In terms of characters, it's obviously hard for me to comment as I don't know their personalities at all, but I will be sincerely surprised if it tops P4's cast. At best, I can see it matching it, but that's not accounting for the fact that I think Ryuji is going to be shit.

Also, in terms of Ryuji, I don't know if I've said yet, but his actor is great. Very pleased again.
My hype for this game is going to the roof, someone help me. I've been reading some spoiler free threads, and it reeks of comments like these. Persona 5 must be the serious game changer.
I sure hope Ryuji is awesome. I hope he's not another Yosuke, nothing against that character.


Ryuji isn't really like Yosuke, from what I could tell, aside from fitting into the 'best friend' template that Yosuke and Junpei also fit into.
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