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Phil Spencer "I honestly don't goal the team on how many units Sony sells"


Junior Member
Xb1 and ms are trying. They show effort while sony sits on their pile of success and do nothing. No great announcements, only 3rds who were bought for timed exclusivity.
Xb1 has better games or at least games i would love to play in the future, games which will be available only on that platform. No mans sky is not enough me in the future.
I hope ms will do fine in this gen....
On the other hand they completely lost the japanese market. WP isnt doing well over there... Its more 50percent for apple over there....
This. So much this.

Of course they have targets and numbers they wish to reach. As long as they reach them, they probably don't care too much how many consoles Sony are selling.

It's not like the CEOs from MS and Sony meet up and have their own list wars.

People also have no idea how to create a vision for a team or a business. Selling more than your competitor is not a goal to have when you're building a product. It's something to aim for as a consequence of what you're doing, but it isn't a goal.
A good goal would be having X decrease in customer complaints, providing Y in a certain timeframe to customers, making a new Z game by the end of 20xx. Whatever, you get the point. I think there's a little too much reading into it going on in this thread. Microsoft has a good user base and different ecosystems to focus on. Their goals are to satisfy those customers and provide a quality of service there while attracting new customers. Not selling more units than Sony is really not what matters at this point. I have LOVED second place Microsoft. They are giving customers so much and its great, which is a huge change from what was going on with 360 by the end of last gen.


Its true that 360 never beat Ps3 in yearly numbers on world wide scale. Difference in EURO and Japan was too big in favor of Sony.

But the Ps3 was still a disappointment as its the follow up to the Ps2.

360 actually did reasonably well in Europe, especially in the early years. And extremely well in the US. They have lost quite a bit of share there with the Xbox One. Instead of trying to gain a bigger foothold on those markets they came up with this tier 2 bullshit.


I just realized I've become a fan of Phil Spencer since this most recent E3. Keep up the good work. I have all three current gen consoles and the Xbone get 90% of my game time.
You can want to "win" against a competing company and not belabor the point to your employees constantly. Why is that so hard to understand?


Your doing good work Philly. Keep focusing on the first party and bolstering live and the sales will come.

except they won't.

They are already selling well in the US and UK. The places they are selling badly are places 360 was previously outsold by PS3. PS4 is simply doing what playstation branded consoles do in those markets - the apparant difference this time is more down to them launching simultaneously and MS having the launch hiccups around messaging. Everything from here on in might tweak things a little but won't have any meaningful impact on sales
I get where you're coming from to an extent.

But MS can only blame themselves also for perpetuating console sales competition.

Saying shit during 360 era like "The first to 10 million wins" has only set the precedent by which some people will judge them.

oh they totally dug their own grave.

but i think ms is changing is business model pretty dramatically regardless, with a focus on getting people in the ecosystem more than anything else.

ecosystem being windows, not xbox
It is realism.

Sony crept back to go past Xbox 360 last gen because of Japan and the EU. This time around they are dominating in those two regions and the Xbox One is not 'winning' in NA or the UK.

Phil is going a good job. Don't focus on unit sales and keep on upgrading the network and giving more features to the users. They easily will outgun Sony in that regard.


Just because he doesn't want to discourage his team by telling them how far they're behind right now doesn't mean he's done trying to catch up.
he kind of has a point. ive been a day one owner of all the playstations, and the PS4 feels like sony is barely trying to satisfy customers compared to what xbox is doing. Yeah they have awesome indy and 3rd party deals, but there are things fans want that sony is flat out ignoring.
At E3 they gave fans a smorgasbord of shit they've been clamoring for.
oh they totally dug their own grave.

but i think ms is changing is business model pretty dramatically regardless, with a focus on getting people in the ecosystem more than anything else.

ecosystem being windows, not xbox

That doesn't make sense because Windows or Xbox aren't sharing the same content. So there is no single ecosystem.

In fact it would make the Xbox even redundant if they are really trying this.
That is a personal opinion. Obviously it is not a widely held view as many of their studios have made successful games.

What does a game being successful have to do with me liking it? COD is one of the most successful games ever and I haven't bought one since black ops. Plus I never said my view = everyone's view


benevolent sexism
Take a drink every time Spencer uses the word "honestly" in his PR answers.

Also, I learned a new bit of business grammar today. Fucking "goal the team." Repulsive.

this is what the article says,
Phil Spencer on Xbox's big year

“Next year's line-up is pretty incredible, and we haven't even talked about all the games that are coming next year”...Phil Spencer

The importance of exclusives, PC, VR and more.

What a difference one man and 18 months can make. Before Phil Spencer took over at Xbox, the brand was in troubled waters. Questionable policy decisions had shook Xbox and mired the early days of its new console in acrimony, and even though Microsoft wisely chose to listen to concerned consumers it's been working hard to regain the momentum lost ever since. As it heads into a vital fourth quarter of 2015, the momentum has definitely returned: the broadening of the Xbox brand to PC was helped by the relatively smooth roll-out of Windows 10, the Xbox division just turned a neat profit and, while it still falls short in sales to Sony's PlayStation 4, its line-up for the remainder of the year looks significantly stronger than its opposition's.

It was good! It's a strong line-up - I think it's hard to argue there's another console with a more compelling line-up of exclusives this year

Phil Spencer: Is that what you're writing? I like to hear that! You guys are better spokespeople for Xbox than I am.

18 months ago Xbox was in choppy waters - which is great for you, but there's no drama for us - how do you assess those 18 months, and where do you see the next 18 months taking you?

Phil Spencer: I see nothing but opportunity in front of us. The console space is so healthy right now - and that's also not a terminal point you can write about anymore, the death of the console! - it's nice to see Sony doing well, PlayStation 4 and Xbox is selling more than we've ever sold before. That health is great. I really think about us coming, more about putting the gamer at the centre of our decisions over the next 12 months, and less centred on specific ties to any platform that those people want to play on. It's such a huge opportunity. We have a unique position being both the Windows company and the Xbox company, that allows us to go do more.

The thing that causes me the choppy water angst is the amount of things in front that you can go do, and prioritising whether it's about mouse support on the Xbox, or you look at the other side and think when are we going to increase our game portfolio on PC, making sure the Xbox Live ecosystem is full up, we have to finish all the back compete games we want to do. I feel really good about where our team is, but there's so much opportunity in front as we move from a dedicated device focus with Xbox and more about gamers and where they are, and we're going to learn a tonne as we move forward, around business model around creative opportunities and about partnerships. Even something like bringing on Minecraft in the past year - I don't know if anyone really owns Minecraft, it's a living game you participate in and we're the shepherds of it. Growing more properties like that, that have those same sensibilities, will be fantastic for us.
It's not redundant, millions of people prefer to play on home consoles.

Yes, and?

When we following the logic that Microsoft wants to push people into their ecosystem through Windows then it makes the Xbox a pointless device.

But in reality Microsoft is still pushing the Xbox so hard as possible with exclusive games and features.
Xb1 and ms are trying. They show effort while sony sits on their pile of success and do nothing. No great announcements, only 3rds who were bought for timed exclusivity.
Xb1 has better games or at least games i would love to play in the future, games which will be available only on that platform. No mans sky is not enough me in the future.
I hope ms will do fine in this gen....
On the other hand they completely lost the japanese market. WP isnt doing well over there... Its more 50percent for apple over there....

Is this some famous post only remade to fit this thread and used as sarcasm?
I love how the numbers suddenly don't matter when last gen everyone was waving them around like idiots, and this this gen started off with manufacturers making wild predictions about where they will be in a year.


Well of course his dialogue is diffenent. The situation is different.

Previously he was operating under Ballmer with a focus on console and XB1 and he no doubt felt that with strong measures it could be a close game and he wanted to sound bullish.

Now it's clear that, outside a very low statistical probability, worldwide it's already over. Continuing to be bullish about winning when you're 99.9% going to be second simply isn't the right way to address the market. In addition it's obvious that under Nadella the focus is on the broader ecosystem and multilpe devices and growing focus on PC/mobile users hence a switch of focus to that.

It's obvious at this point that the market for home consoles is too fickle for MS to dominate consistently and that, coupled with Nadella at least seeming to get many market changes Ballmer didn't or refused to, is seeing a sea change at MS towards the Xbox consoles, Live and their overall strategy.

At this point I can see MS being perfectly happy to be second on home consoles so long as they have a decently relevant device themselves and plenty of additional customers across PC and other devices.

In short I don't think MS see victory in a console vs console battle anymore as being the business driver for success.

Sure they'd like to be but it seems to be less of a focus plus they surely understand this gen at least they're not going to be anyway.

I don't see this as any kind of back-down, or defeatist attitude or changing his tune. He's simply being upfront about changing nature of the division within MS respective to the market.


Yes, and?

When we following the logic that Microsoft wants to push people into their ecosystem through Windows then it makes the Xbox a pointless device.

But in reality Microsoft is still pushing the Xbox so hard as possible with exclusive games and features.

They want to push in both fronts, Xbox or Windows, whatever works best for each one.

Windows it's just having increasing attention lately because was pretty much abandoned in the game front.
They want to push in both fronts, Xbox or Windows, whatever works best for each one.

Windows it's just having increasing attention lately because was pretty much abandoned in the game front.

Windows is Microsoft's core product. Of course they are pushing it but Windows and Xbox aren't one eco system.
This is not a good tactic.
It's a joke right?


Maybe my sarcasm detector is broken but if you want to get the most out of people as a manager of some sort you don't brow beat your employees to "work work work so we can beat the other guy!". It works if you're a special kind of personality like a Steve Jobs in the '80s, but it doesn't really work now. Any educated person these days will just scoff at that tactic with the attitude that their employer doesn't give a crap about them. It demotivates people more than anything.
oh they totally dug their own grave.

but i think ms is changing is business model pretty dramatically regardless, with a focus on getting people in the ecosystem more than anything else.

ecosystem being windows, not xbox

I'll agree completely with you there!

Microsoft aim at this point is just to bring people into Windows and Xbox live, creating a sustainable consumer base, which they're easily on track to achieve.

Being 1st or 2nd at this point doesn't matter, though they'd obviously prefer the former.

Is this some famous post only remade to fit this thread and used as sarcasm?

Nah, the salt levels are just positively toxic lol
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