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Phil Spencer: You can share your Xbox One games with any 10 people

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I think this kinda makes sense:

- If you choose to be part of a family, you can only share your games within that family.
- You won't be able to join other families unless you leave your current family.
- Every family member has access to each other's games, but only the original owner and one family member can play a single game at a time.
- So, if everyone wants to play BF4, at least 5 people in the family have to have the game, while the other 5 can choose to play a copy of 1 other member's BF4.
Only one family member can access the library at a time, not two.

OK, but the key point is - you have a "sharing hotseat" that may be filled at any one time. you cannot have all family members playing all different games. You can have ONE family member playing ONE game, the others are locked out.


Stop shaking the foundation of my hate, Phil.

I still won't believe it until I see it, but if it's really like he says in the OP, it almost puts the Xbone in contention. I just don't know why they would work so hard on their DRM system only to implement a system that could potentially lose them 9 sales per game. They must have a lot of alternative revenue streams worked out with advertising, paywalls, and marketing data.
This seems like something they should be bragging about a little louder...but they don't. Which leads me to believe there's something they don't want to divulge about it yet.

This HAS to be the case. If this was all sunshine and kittens, they would not slip this in after all that has been said and done. This would be highlighted in the conference... unless they are actually mentally deficient.


Case A: This is real.
In said case, Microsoft marketing team is made up of morons for not showing it at E3 or reveal.
Case B: There's a terrible, terrible catch that we're missing.
In said case, Microsoft marketing team is evil, and the cake is a lie.

This. You don't create a system like this without shouting from the rooftops. For the mainstream media, E3 is already over.


That alleviates some of the issues I have with their system.

I account share on PS3 with a trusted friend, but we can both play the games at the same time. I'm not sure which is better to be honest.


hide your water-based mammals
You can if PS4 works like PS3... I've shared digital content with my brother for a lonnng time.

As above though, pubs have tolerated this on other systems...at least, until they seemingly persuaded Sony to cut down on the number of sharing accounts. The simultaneous use restriction is kind of a cap on abuse though. Microsoft is by their description making it easier to set up, but I don't know if that'll create a fundamental dealbreak for pubs or not. And they may have a lot of control here...

I think because some might not have the experience like they did on PS3 with sharing that this is a new thing but it should work like PS3 but there is a difference unless someone can clarify this....

On Xbone, do you need to be logged in to the main account for the 2nd person to play at the same time? Or is it like PS3 where you can share your account but not need to be logged in?


Junior Member
But wouldn't this hurt them even MORE?


I buy a game and share it with 9 friends. They all play it through and the publisher lost out on 9 sales.

I then trade that game in to Gamestop. Publisher gets a small cut.

A new person buys the game and shares it with 9 friends. They all play it through and the publisher loses out on ANOTHER 9 sales.

You could argue that's no worse than passing around a disc. Just... much much more convenient. And more... guaranteed. Meeting with 9 people, lending, getting back, being reliable... challenges. Simply open up for share? Easy as pie and no worries.

And yeah, then repeat with resale.

I really wanna see publisher reactions to this announcement. ESPECIALLY if it's 2 people (owner+member) at once. Half sales right there on Day 1.


Nah, I can't see it?

You can't see what?

Occam's Razor, which is more likely: MS wants everybody to download and install games in the new digital future, or they have a competitor to Gaikai that they did not announce at all?


I'm skeptical, and I think we likely won't have any clarification until after launch when people get their hands on it and find out the limitations first hand.

Instead of making official an press release with crystal clear wording to put the issue to bed, it seems they're just casually putting it out there in eloquently crafted lawyer speak with plausible deniability and hoping it'll go viral. XBone's marketing strategy to this point has involved too much PR spinning and deception to buy into this at face value, especially when it seems as unrealistic from a business sense as this.

If this were truly a feature as good as it sounds that was planned from the beginning, I'm pretty sure they would have drilled it home to death during the press conference. And I have doubts that publishers would be very thrilled if it turns out this is a reactionary response to try to make up for their mistakes.

On a side note, you know how people like to bring up the topic of how "Games Journalism" isn't real journalism? Hey Game Journalists. If you want to be taken seriously, get to the bottom of this. Asking PR representatives for rehearsed answers isn't "Journalism", it's "Reporting". Right now we need some Journalists in the house.


Very few games will ever hit anything like 50gb. Also games can be played as they're downloaded next-gen, on both consoles.

Bandwidth is expensive and potentially 10 people downloading a 50gb game for free seems a stretch.

20-30gb games are becoming the norm on the pc and it still takes hours even on my fibre connection.


Imagine the abuse you can use this for single-player games or primarily single-player. You just beat the game and then let your friends play it and vice versa. This is unbelievable, both figuratively and literally.

You can do this now with your discs. MS Just gave you an easier more convenient way of doing it.


A lot of people seem to think you can share your games with 10 different Xbox Live accounts but I don't think that's possible. I'd bet you can only add people to your Family Account who don't have an Xbox Live Gold account. I'd say each Xbox One would need to have its own Gold Account to be activated or have the ability to use this feature.

I'm sure there will be some restriction to stop people who have their own Xbox One's to use this feature. It's intended for people who are sharing one Xbox One console.


I could see them betting on the impatience of gamers. If I just spent a couple hours playing a game and now someone else is playing it in the same library and it says "play or buy" and play is blacked out because someone is playing it...you can bet people will jump on that.

I could also see publishers feeling that this works better for them and if they did some digital pricing you have some pretty quick purchasing of games as well as enticing people with digital DLC or other things to entice people. They buy it and its already on their system and they are playing within seconds.


Only on GAF will you find threads where posters are calling restrictive software practices "awesome" and "cool".

This is actually giving less restrictions on digital games in comparison to how things are now so if someone is more "digital" than "physical", how isn't this good for them?


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I guess it could work with careful synchronisation but with 10 people I hardly believe it will be achievable.

The logistics wouldn't be a problem.

It's just that I would give my account data, with the online store access attached to it, only to people that I really trust.

Right now, only my fiancée has my iTunes account.


Why would it minimize though? Couldn't I just change my family members?

I think this news is just really incredulous because this would be the most consumer friendly policy that has ever existed in gaming, which is why GAF is not willing to admit it. But seriously MS should call a brief press con right now just to announce this to get this into every media outlet.

it wont be so easy. Probably youll have to pay money to change group or even to add someone.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
You can if PS4 works like PS3... I've shared digital content with my brother for a lonnng time

Well, the share video shows a disc based game specifically. Since the xbone installs everything it lets even those work like this, though you're right about the digital PSN stuff.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
You could argue that's no worse than passing around a disc. Just... much much more convenient. And more... guaranteed. Meeting with 9 people, lending, getting back, being reliable... challenges. Simply open up for share? Easy as pie and no worries.

And yeah, then repeat with resale.

I really wanna see publisher reactions to this announcement. ESPECIALLY if it's 2 people (owner+member) at once. Half sales right there on Day 1.

No, you really couldn't. This would give people instant access.

Let's also consider this:

For all the trouble WE are having figuring this out, how easy is it going to be for Average Joe Consumer?


I think this kinda makes sense:

- If you choose to be part of a family, you can only share your games within that family.
- You won't be able to join other families unless you leave your current family.
- Every family member has access to each other's games, but only the original owner and one family member can play a single game at a time.
- So, if everyone wants to play BF4, at least 5 people in the family have to have the game, while the other 5 can choose to play a copy of 1 other member's BF4.

Gamestop confirmed that Xbox One will be supported and the majority of retail chains will be able to I believe.

I'm not sure why people is trying to make the Xbox One sound bad without even remotely reading what Microsoft had said about it.

I actually wasn't trying to make this sound bad, I'm just being a realist in that if this is the policy going forward, they'll likely be aiming to neuter the used games market in some way and destroying in trade in values is one of the ways to achieve such a goal.
This is actually one of the places on their policy page that they don't say "Publishers can enable".

I just don't see how (considering all else MS is doing), they will implement a system that let's one copy be shared by 10 people all over the world.

Also these features supposedly won't be there at launch and MS reserves the right to change policy at any time.

Could be true, I'm just not buying it considering they are being so anal about borrowing physical discs. Now they let me share digital copies with 9 other people at free will?! And two people could be playing the "same" copy at the same time? Fishy as hell.


I also think this means sharing your account, as you do today on ps3 for example (up to 2 or 3 ps3 if i remeber right). What this means is that as they would have to log into your account, naturally you won't be able to access that game if he already started playing it.

It explicitly says you can add users, I don't think that would make any sense if you were just giving people your account.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Depending on how quickly you can change who's in your family list you could theoretically buy 1 game and have access to to every other game in the Xbones library for the entire generation. Just have a huge group of people and you could message each other "I want to play X who's got it", "Ok I'll add you to my list", etc etc.

I'm almost positive this will be not be allowed. There will likely be some sort of restriction on how often you can change your family list.
Could be that the reason they didn't shout from the rooftops about this is due to how easily exploitable it is, so why raise attention to it. Just let the small segment of gamers who know about it exploit it. Wait, I don't think that makes sense. I'm derping...
You could argue that's no worse than passing around a disc. Just... much much more convenient. And more... guaranteed. Meeting with 9 people, lending, getting back, being reliable... challenges. Simply open up for share? Easy as pie and no worries.

And yeah, then repeat with resale.

I really wanna see publisher reactions to this announcement. ESPECIALLY if it's 2 people (owner+member) at once. Half sales right there on Day 1.

it is worse for sales though because if i let my buddy borrow battlefield 4 over a weekend and he brings it back to me on monday and says "holy shit that game was awesome! i have to get it now!" there is an extra sale whereas if he's just on my family list he never needs to buy it. he can just say holy shit this game is awesome and now i have access to it free of charge because i'm on FMT's family list!


The Amiga Brotherhood
I remember you could share PSN games upto 5 friends. Well... that didn't last long. Developers would revolt if upto 10 accounts can play the same file. Let's be logical here, it will not happen like this.


A lot of people seem to think you can share your games with 10 different Xbox Live accounts but I don't think that's possible. I'd bet you can only add people to your Family Account who don't have an Xbox Live Gold account. I'd say each Xbox One would need to have its own Gold Account to be activated or have the ability to use this feature.

I'm sure there will be some restriction to stop people who have their own Xbox One's to use this feature. It's intended for people who are sharing one Xbox One console.

You're conflating two different systems they have. They have the "everyone in your house can play your games on your console" thing and then this separate "share with your family on any Xbox One." See the two sections below from their policy page:

- Share access to your games with everyone inside your home: Your friends and family, your guests and acquaintances get unlimited access to all of your games. Anyone can play your games on your console--regardless of whether you are logged in or their relationship to you.

- Give your family access to your entire games library anytime, anywhere: Xbox One will enable new forms of access for families. Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One. Just like today, a family member can play your copy of Forza Motorsport at a friend’s house. Only now, they will see not just Forza, but all of your shared games. You can always play your games, and any one of your family members can be playing from your shared library at a given time.


hide your water-based mammals
This is actually giving less restrictions on digital games in comparison to how things are now so if someone is more "digital" than "physical", how isn't this good for them?

Indeed. If it works like sharing on PS3 then cool. I've had games like Nino Kuni (among other big hitters on my friends account) shared with me just fine. I don't like every other thing regarding the policies but this is a good feature.


A lot of people seem to think you can share your games with 10 different Xbox Live accounts but I don't think that's possible. I'd bet you can only add people to your Family Account who don't have an Xbox Live Gold account. I'd say each Xbox One would need to have its own Gold Account to be activated or have the ability to use this feature.

No, it has been stated that each user would need an Xbox Live Gold account for this.

The person on the "master console" (or whatever you want to call it) will choose which users get put into the Family Sharing Plan.


If Sony took away 3 activations from 5 to 2 for this very same reason of game sharing, then I doubt Microsoft would allow 10. Something is fishy here. Sorry haven't read the entire thread but this makes no sense.

It's still really only 2 at a time for XB1. You just have a greater pool of two (10) with the family.

So, some family members will still have to buy games - and for big epic games with a lot of replayability (CoD/Destiny/titanfall) you'll probably have to buy 5 copies since only 2 can play on a shared account at a time.
I think this kinda makes sense:

- If you choose to be part of a family, you can only share your games within that family.
- You won't be able to join other families unless you leave your current family.
- Every family member has access to each other's games, but only the original owner and one family member can play a single game at a time.
- So, if everyone wants to play BF4, at least 5 people in the family have to have the game, while the other 5 can choose to play a copy of 1 other member's BF4.

Don't forget that each member of your 'family' will likely need a gold sub to be able to take part in the sharing.


No, you really couldn't. This would give people instant access.

Let's also consider this:

For all the trouble WE are having figuring this out, how easy is it going to be for Average Joe Consumer?

I think Average Joe Consumer will find it easier to understand once the rules are set, and explicitly written somewhere. Right now MS obviously only has the general idea but didn't fix all the details, and we're speculating on incomplete information.
MS and Sony probably has policies for publishers.
That the core game has to 1:1 in content.

I can bet that publisher will try to get money by releasing dlc expansion packs instead of yearly rehashes i assume dlc is not share able. Release the game release either mappacks worth their price every 2~3 months or sell a season pass. After Season pass is over instead of releasing BF6 for example. They could release a BF5:Vietnam edition for $30 and release BF6 a year later. At least that is how i as a publisher would monetize the policies of Sony and if this is true this microsoft policy.
Margins are probably a lof higher on DLC then on disk based expansion packs.
It makes no sense that a system with so many restrictions, especially those regarding USED GAMES, would allow you to share your complete games library with 10 other people all over the world.

I wouldn't buy too many games at all if I could leech off my friends system and play his.

Or, you get 10 hard core gamers, that each decide to buy 1 different game each so they can all share, and you end up getting only one sell for each game VERSUS multiple sales.

Why would I rush out to buy a new Xbone game when I could just play my friends copy. It isn't going to entice me to buy it, I would be more willing to wait until none of his other friends are playing it so I could play it myself and save the $$.

This sounds too good to be true, especially for this system which has been dogged by restrictions. Gamers are a savvy group. Look at all the PSN Sharing that was done here on GAF and on other sites. Sure, you get more people playing your game, but that isn't necessarily making you more money.

We all know Microsoft, as a company (like any company) is out to make a profit. I cannot see how the 10 person family sharing is going to increase game sales at all, and this is where you make all your money, game sales.


Surely it is that all 10 can chip into a "shared library" but only any two people can be playing the games at once. THAT is the restriction - two players at once, no matter what the games. The others cannot access the shared library AT ALL until one of the others logs off.

Partnering up with one friend seems the best way to go it seems, no hard feelings because someone else wants to play and you still only have to pay for every second game. I think this policy has been modified a bit after the huge backlash, but they were too proud say their model is bad so they thought of this extremely attractive feature. Gold members also get two free games per month now, maybe things are not so bad after all. I can see them using 70$ price points for brand new AAA games though.


The logistics wouldn't be a problem.

It's just that I would give my account data, with the online store access attached to it, only to people that I really trust.

Right now, only my fiancée has my iTunes account.

It doesn't seem like you have to give account data to anyone. You just add people to this family group.


Too little too late

"gee thanks ?"
"too little?"
you guys don't understand what this means.
If that really is how it works that's the best deal ever.
it goes far beyond selling your games, buying used ones or lending games.
I'll gladly pay the console 100$ or 200$ more than the competition, because the amount of money you d be saving on games would be huge.

that's why it can't be.


You can do this now with your discs. MS Just gave you an easier more convenient way of doing it.

You can.... I don't. I generally keep my games. However since there is no down side, there is no reason every person won't share their games.... much larger than the current used/lending market.
There's 0% chance that you could play the same game on multiple consoles simultaneously.

I agree, the wording on "Your Games" and "Shared Library" makes something smell fishy. It may be that moving something from "Your Games" into your "Shared Library" means you won't have access to it anymore.....but your family will......just like a physical copy.


Could be that the reason they didn't shout from the rooftops about this is due to how easily exploitable it is, so why raise attention to it. Just let the small segment of gamers who know about it exploit it. Wait, I don't think that makes sense. I'm derping...

No you're right. Much like Sony never trumpeted their sharing options either.

Hell I never even used it and of this day I don't know why.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
It doesn't seem like you have to give account data to anyone. You just add people to this family group.

Sure, I am only speculating. It's just that on other services (like iTunes) "adding" is done by entering your account login on the device that you want to share media with.

Or is there evidence that rules this out?


LMAO, no way this happens. I buy a game and pass the disk around to 9 others to install and play freely? Yeah, no freaking chance.

Anyone who buys this is fooling themselves. They would lose more money allowing this than they ever lost from people selling used games.

Even with the current state of things, you sell a game or trade it or pass it to a friend, you lose the ability to play it. MS advertising that you can trade it away to 9 friends, while keeping a copy of your own? Start saving quotes.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Am I the only one that realizes that the DRM on your game collection isn't about 3rd parties selling more copies of their games and stopping used games? It's about becoming become more of a platform like iOS appstore or Steam. The gamesharing seems counter intuitive to their "corporate greed anti consumer policies" because the motivation behind the account system was to created to enable features like this. They just want you and your friends to buy into an ecosystem. I would not be surprised if said ecosystem eventually extends to mobile phones and Windows. Once your games are tied to 'Microsoft' instead of a physical disc, they could allow things like purchasing a game and playing it on either XB or PC. Then once the devices you care about are in Microsoft's ecosystem (consoles, PC), you are more likely to buy other microsoft products (music streaming, windows phones) etc.

That's what they mean about battle for the living room. They can't allow you to have digital accounts where you can access your collection everywhere if there is also a disc floating around. That's why they are taking the disc out of the equation. Not because they are tired of you lending games to friends.

I've been saying the exact same things. To me the DRM seems to be a by-product of moving everything to digital. The fact the still have to sell games on discs is what muddles it all up.
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