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Phil Spencer: You can share your Xbox One games with any 10 people

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hide your water-based mammals
This doesn't actually sound bad but it's not worth putting up with the rest of the DRM.

As noted before, this will be the same as PS3 and in translation, will also be a feature on PS4. You just don't have to put up with the rest of the crap, as you noted regarding the DRM.

I should correct myself and clarify that I don't think you will be able to do some 10 person share thing but I'm sure it will be 2 like it is now on PS3.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think Average Joe Consumer will find it easier to understand once the rules are set, and explicitly written somewhere. Right now MS obviously only has the general idea but didn't fix all the details, and we're speculating on incomplete information.

But the rules already ARE written on Microsoft's website.


I think this kinda makes sense:

- If you choose to be part of a family, you can only share your games within that family.
- You won't be able to join other families unless you leave your current family.
- Every family member has access to each other's games, but only the original owner and one family member can play a single game at a time.
- So, if everyone wants to play BF4, at least 5 people in the family have to have the game, while the other 5 can choose to play a copy of 1 other member's BF4.

Sounds perfect for me.


I will repeat this for the umpteenth time.

The catch: Only 1 persion out of the 10 can borrow any one of the games from your library at a time.

From the official MS PR:

Emphasis on "any one". It is 2 separate words.

While it sounds nice, it is actually still more restrictive than the current model where I can purchase 2 games and loan them to 2 people at the same time.

So what it's still very appealing. How many people can share a PS4 disc at one time?


How about I just buy a PS4 and share my games with how many fucking people I want to.

So a friend that lives 3000 miles away can have access to your entire game library? This is better then anything the PS4 has offered. People will bitch about anything MS does it is getting ridiculous.


Also, I highly doubt that this will automatically divide all games sales by 10.

If I don't know who you are (IRL) then I wouldn't add you on to my list.

There are 4 people I would add. That would be it.
it is worse for sales though because if i let my buddy borrow battlefield 4 over a weekend and he brings it back to me on monday and says "holy shit that game was awesome! i have to get it now!" there is an extra sale whereas if he's just on my family list he never needs to buy it. he can just say holy shit this game is awesome and now i have access to it free of charge because i'm on FMT's family list!

I agree, I cannot see how this 10 person Family Sharing System is going to increase game sales and make more Money.
I will repeat this for the umpteenth time.

The catch: Only 1 persion out of the 10 can borrow any one of the games from your library at a time.

From the official MS PR:

Emphasis on "any one". It is 2 separate words.

While it sounds nice, it is actually still more restrictive than the current model where I can purchase 2 games and loan them to 2 people at the same time.

This would be EXACTLY what Sony has now with gamesharing wouldn't it? i.e. I can buy TLOU on PSN and share it on my friend's PS3 by logging in with my account on his PS3 and downloading the game.

You used to be able to share with 5 people on PS3 before.


I would like to know the logistics of this. I'm assuming you'll have to download the game first. That's not exactly going to be convenient, is it?
Imagine the abuse you can use this for single-player games or primarily single-player. You just beat the game and then let your friends play it and vice versa. This is unbelievable, both figuratively and literally.

to be fair you can let a friend barrow a copy of a game you beat right now. The weird part is letting you both play it at the same time.


Yeah, but I suspect that the trade in values won't make it worth it.

I mean just look at this,



Game will only give you £20 if you trade in TLoU today. That should give you an idea of what trade in values will be on the One.
Ah gotcha, that could get pretty shitty indeed.

However in the scenario you described you shared the game with 10 other people. I imagine until the last person has finished it at least a month or two has passed at which point you wont get more for a used copy anyway.

For example has the brand new Remember Me already hit 25 pounds on the used market


If you can only have one person playing per account at once, isn't this pretty much pointless? I mean, it's better than not being able to share at all, but if you have ten people with access to an account, the chances of none of the other 9 being logged in when you go to play are probably slim unless you work it so that you only share with people in different timezones or something.
I think this kinda makes sense:

- If you choose to be part of a family, you can only share your games within that family.
- You won't be able to join other families unless you leave your current family.
- Every family member has access to each other's games, but only the original owner and one family member can play a single game at a time.
- So, if everyone wants to play BF4, at least 5 people in the family have to have the game, while the other 5 can choose to play a copy of 1 other member's BF4.

It still makes absolutely no sense in the larger context of Microsoft's present strategy. Why regulate used games while you're handing out free games by the boatload? None of this makes sense.
YOU can play any of your games at any time, and ONE of your friends can play ONE game from your library at any given moment.

So consider the following situations:

1. Two (or more) of your 10 friends CANNOT play three separate games at the same time.

2. Two (or more) of your 10 friends CANNOT play one game at the same time.

3. One of your 10 friends CAN play one game while you play.

Non-simultaneous play is the catch to this whole deal.


If the console has DRM for piracy concerns, why wouldn't a feature like lending your games out over Xbox Live be hard to swallow for some of you? Its essentially the same thing with lending out your copy, but digitally.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I agree, I cannot see how this 10 person Family Sharing System is going to increase game sales and make more Money.

If you add a fee to it (e.g. "family membership" for 50$ a year, or something like that), you would make money and people would still buy it.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the PSN game sharing have no restrictions at all beyond the 5 limit before they lowered it? If you had 5 people and they all downloaded all of your digital games, they had full ownership and could play them whenever. This way does impact sales as they literally 'own' the game itself based off this.

How this works only lets one person have the actual ownership, the rest need to share with it. If they are really in the mood to play your version of battlefield and it gets blocked off as someone else is playing it, they could impulse buy it as digital games make it easy to do that. If you split costs, whoever is actually pulling the trigger is still having primary ownership, so you would need a REALLY savvy group set up to actually have this function in a really exploitable way.


This sounds...good? I mean, really really good.

Could this be the reason for other restrictions (24 hour check in etc) also?

This would be pretty huge for me and my nucleus of gamer friends, all things considered.

On this one, the 24hr check I doubt will apply

Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One

“With Xbox One you can game offline for up to 24 hours on your primary console, or one hour if you are logged on to a separate console accessing your library. Offline gaming is not possible after these prescribed times until you re-establish a connection


Neo Member
If it's owner + 1 can use in a pool of 10 then that's pretty rad. I will probably just share with my brother but that right there is 50% off on games.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
People on message boards like this can easily coordinate. One person plays one game for a week, the next person gets the next week, and so on. Keep a solid rotation. It's not that hard.

It's not that hard but speaking only for myself it's a pain in the ass. Sure, if I'm on someone's family list and they have an older game I might want to check out and would never buy I might try it out, but if there is a game I want I'll just fucking buy it. I don't want to have to set up a schedule of when I can play a game and when I can't. My time and convenience is more important to me than the cost of the game.

On the other hand my stepsons live 9 hours away with their father. This will be perfect for me, as it is now I lend him my Xbox 360 games and I get them back 4 months later.
I think Average Joe Consumer will find it easier to understand once the rules are set, and explicitly written somewhere. Right now MS obviously only has the general idea but didn't fix all the details, and we're speculating on incomplete information.

Not to mention that users will have the console prompting them and giving the proper messages along the way.

"Oops, sorry, you can't play that game from your shared library right now because Bob has it locked. Wait until he's done playing it." Etc, etc...

def sim

They're going to have to take me through this with a video and explain it all slowly before I can believe it. This is a great feature if true.


GAF's Bob Woodward
As noted before, this will be the same as PS3 and in translation, will also be a feature on PS4. You just don't have to put up with the rest of the crap, as you noted regarding the DRM.

I should correct myself and clarify that I don't think you will be able to do some 10 person share thing but I'm sure it will be 2 like it is now on PS3.

Yeah, this is a bit of a 'why can't we have both?!' situation.

Microsoft's system does sound a little easier to set up, but digital sharing, without all the shitty drm that straddles all media, is possible. (Heck, it would be possible Microsoft's way without that DRM too, but there ya go).


I think this kinda makes sense:

- If you choose to be part of a family, you can only share your games within that family.
- You won't be able to join other families unless you leave your current family.
- Every family member has access to each other's games, but only the original owner and one family member can play a single game at a time.
- So, if everyone wants to play BF4, at least 5 people in the family have to have the game, while the other 5 can choose to play a copy of 1 other member's BF4.

I think it still sounds too good to be true.


This would be EXACTLY what Sony has now with gamesharing wouldn't it? i.e. I can buy TLOU on PSN and share it on my friend's PS3 by logging in with my account on his PS3 and downloading the game.

You used to be able to share with 5 people on PS3 before.

What? That is possible? Never knew this. But you have to give your PSN credentials... Right?


also, another thing to consider for those saying 'too good to be true'... on PS+ we get a ton of games for 'free' (rent) forever that we never buy. I'm sure there there is a part of that ps+ money gets sent to publishers for every game that is downloaded (kind of like music rental services/ zune/etc).

I'm sure you're going to have to have a gold account to participate - thus MS could potentional give pubs money from it? I never understood how PS+ could give 'free' games away... maybe MS has a similar deal with Pubs in place for this sharing.


This is pretty awesome for someone who buys a good number of games. You could foresee charging people to be in your family to play all of your games, which would in turn pay for your games. The enterprising gamer will gain a whole lot from this system. If this ends up being true I'll get an Xbone and do exactly that.


I know that there must be a limitation, but how could you say that is better to share a physical game with a friend?

If you do that, you can't play the game simultaneously too, so isn't an excuse really

My main problem is that still, you can't sell the game, and I do that a lot


If you can only have one person playing per account at once, isn't this pretty much pointless? I mean, it's better than not being able to share at all, but if you have ten people with access to an account, the chances of none of the other 9 being logged in when you go to play are probably slim unless you work it so that you only share with people in different timezones or something.

That is fine. If everyone has the same 10 friends, in a giant circle.

So person 1 is playing person 2's shared games
Person 2 is playing person 3's shared games
Person 3 is playing person 4's shared games
Person 4 is playing person 5's shared games
Person 5 is playing person 6's shared games
Person 6 is playing person 7's shared games
Person 7 is playing person 8's shared games
Person 8 is playing person 9's shared games
Person 9 is playing person 10's shared games
Person 10 is playing person 1's shared games.

Everyone gets "free" games other than the ones they purchased, get everyone to rotate each week... profit.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
also, another thing to consider for those saying 'too good to be true'... on PS+ we get a ton of games for 'free' (rent) forever that we never buy. I'm sure there there is a part of that ps+ money gets sent to publishers for every game that is downloaded (kind of like music rental services/ zune/etc).

I'm sure you're going to have to have a gold account to participate - thus MS could potentional give pubs money from it? I never understood how PS+ could give 'free' games away... maybe MS has a similar deal with Pubs in place for this sharing.

Yeah, I could see it working like that. This is surely going to be gold only.


also, another thing to consider for those saying 'too good to be true'... on PS+ we get a ton of games for 'free' (rent) forever that we never buy. I'm sure there there is a part of that ps+ money gets sent to publishers for every game that is downloaded (kind of like music rental services/ zune/etc).

I'm sure you're going to have to have a gold account to participate - thus MS could potentional give pubs money from it? I never understood how PS+ could give 'free' games away... maybe MS has a similar deal with Pubs in place for this sharing.

No, "families" is the key word here and they've already said that families can share one main account.

So there's no way they can require separate Gold on each person accessing the share.


I think almost everyone was on the hate train for the xbone at least a little bit and rightfully so, but now it's gotten to the point where some people don't even acknowledge anything positive about the console anymore.
What? That is possible? Never knew this. But you have to give your PSN credentials... Right?

Yeah, I know I shared games with my nephew before so I know it's definitely possible. There used to be a group on GAF when the limit was 5 consoles per license. People just had a dummy account to buy the games and share it.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
So what it's still very appealing. How many people can share a PS4 disc at one time?

You aren't sharing a disc though. You are actually sharing a license because the XB1 is a digital platform. The disc is worthless.

The only thing this allows is for 2 people to play together miles apart on 1 license and you can do this currently on the PS3 with game sharing.

However, you still cannot properly lend games and you can not lend out more than 1 game at a time. In other words, the bigger the circle is, the less likely it will be for folks to actually be able to play games from a particular library because as the circle grows so does the likelihood than someone will be using the library when you go to play a game. In order for it to function optimally there should only be 1 other person besides yourself in the circle. This is identical to game sharing on PS3 at that point.


I think this sounded cool. I'll never borrow physical games from people at this point. This would theoretically give me an option to borrow digital games with online friends. I hope the PS4 eventually gets something like this/ or even Steam.
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