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Phil Spencer: You can share your Xbox One games with any 10 people

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Waiting for the inevitable


LMAO. Pretty much my feeling on it. Still, it sounds so great I'm not sure what caveat they could add. A potential fee each time you access a family member's game library? Still, I look forward to abusing the shit outta this with the rest of Gaf.


His description was one "family". Are you trying to say that only one console in the "family" can be the "mother" console and all game purchases have to enter the cloud that way?

I don't think we know if everyone in the family's games go into one big shared library in the sky or if I can go to Steve's shared library while you are in Jim's shared library.

Agreed. This is 1 family... 10 people. You rotate who's "shared games" each person plays within 1 family. This means no 2 people are on 1 persons shared games, and everyone still has "free" games to play.


All 10 people in the family can buy games and put into the library. Technically, you'd only need to buy 5 MP games for all 10 people in the share to play at the same time.

Why do you keep saying 2 people will be able to remotely play 1 game purchase simultaneously?


Yeah, I could see it working like that. This is surely going to be gold only.
Even so, Gold is less than the price of one game. We're talking about buying one game and getting nine free.

Never mind that the Gold money is already earmarked for providing online services and now a couple of free games a month as well.


I'm not sure if this was brought up. But didn't I read a rumor somewhere that all XB1 accounts HAS to have xbox live? I remember getting pissed reading that somewhere lol...

But that again, would allow for this sharing. However, how freaking hard is is Phil Spencer to make a video and detail it. Take 2 minutes and spell it out. There are people who are trying to weigh their options before preordering/buying. I don't know what's taking so long.
This way, you don't have to log in to your friend's console, nor share your account details. It's just a matter of adding them to your family friends list. And it'll also work with games you buy (cheaper) at retail.

I know, it's a little smoother and safer than the PS3 solution, for sure.

I thought it was a megaton though. I was thinking you could buy a game, share it with 10 people and all 10 people could play at the same time. This would have probably swayed me to get an XBone to be honest because, as others pointed out:

Get a group of 10 folks on GAF, each person buys 1 game per month, everybody plays it. In 10 months you have 10 different games and all it cost you was $60 bucks. I would be okay giving up my consumer rights to resell my products for that kind of a deal.

Sharing with just one other person is nothing new though, Sony has been doing. This is just a little smoother, that's all there is to it. Like I said, people used to have dummy accounts to share games on GAF when you used to be able to share it on 5 different machines.

Deleted member 59090

Unconfirmed Member
Wait so Sony cut down from 5 to 2 and Microsoft goes with 10?
When you share your disc, you can't play it because your friend/family is borrowing. Now someone across the country can access my library and play the same game (only one other person at a time, I get it)? That's amazing.


Oh look, a cool Xbone feature, let's downplay it!

I think my favorite is that EA is now considered a good guy because DRM will never be used on PS4.

The amount of skepticism towards MS = 90% of this forum.
The amount of skepticism towards EA = 50% of this forum.


would still allow for massive savings, with a little scheduling.
especially partnering with ppl in diff time zones..

I guess.

For two of you it'd be really easy and basically no restrictions - an easy 50% off assuming you have common
Tastes in games.

The more people you add to your 'family' the more they will need to consider scheduling.

For big titles you'd probably buy anyway, but for smaller titles, and backlog stuff, this could be really good - especially if all ten can be playing different games (as long as each game is only played by one, as it would be with a physical disc)
You don't count yourself. Only one family member aside from yourself can access your library at a time.

Its a convoluted workaround to lending one other person at a time, one game from your library.. with the possibility of being exploited..

I see MS making this VERY public, then changing it soon after launch for some flimsy reason -__-


Oh look, a cool Xbone feature, let's downplay it!

Not really downplaying it. It just sounds too good of a feature to not make a big deal of it at E3. They could have made a clear announcement of this right after the 499 part and nobody would have given a shit about that high price anymore.

And for that reason many of us don't think it's as good as it sounds like.


Why can't they make a simple video explaining it?. You know, with animated diagrams and shit

It's effectively 2 because your library gets locked when someone else is using it.
Where does one of them say it that in the interview?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Even so, Gold is less than the price of one game. We're talking about buying one game and getting nine free.

Never mind that the Gold money is already earmarked for providing online services and now a couple of free games a month as well.

I was under the impression the free games thing was just leading up the xbone release, but I haven't really followed it.


Why do you keep saying 2 people will be able to remotely play 1 game purchase simultaneously?

There is a quote from Harrison stating it.... there is also in the explanation the fact it says the owner can always play the game and one of the people can from the "family"


You aren't sharing a disc though. You are actually sharing a license because the XB1 is a digital platform. The disc is worthless.

The only thing this allows is for 2 people to play together miles apart on 1 license and you can do this currently on the PS3 with game sharing.

However, you still cannot properly lend games and you can not lend out more than 1 game at a time. In other words, the bigger the circle is, the less likely it will be for folks to actually be able to play games from a particular library because as the circle grows so does the likelihood than someone will be using the library when you go to play a game. In order for it to function optimally there should only be 1 other person besides yourself in the circle. This is identical to game sharing on PS3 at that point.

I know how it works I read it well before E3, it was even listed here somewhere that you could lend your library to up to 10 family members. It was Family members that confused and as for the PS4 you can lend to only 2 friends. Yes of course there's a chance that someone maybe using the library when you want, so what it is still a good deal. As for the disc I was comparing it to lending a physical disc which no matter what you can only lend to one friend at a time. MS DRM machine is far more expansive for lending than the PS4, that is a fact at this point.
I said it in another thread about this, but being able to let your 'family' play your game from 3000 miles away doesn't make up for the stripping of our ability to resell and lend games to our neighbor/friend down the street. It's a loss of a sense of ownership. As nice as this digital lending idea is, it's not enough to cover that loss.


This wont be a PS4 feature because you cant play games from the cloud on PS4.

I assume it will because PSN accounts let you access games from said account on up to 5 consoles.


LMAO. Pretty much my feeling on it. Still, it sounds so great I'm not sure what caveat they could add. A potential fee each time you access a family member's game library? Still, I look forward to abusing the shit outta this with the rest of Gaf.

Right, or that. "That's pretty much like a new game"

Share them with 10 people... for $5 less than full retail price. LOL


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
No, no MS, you don't get to tip toe around your features anymore. This needs clarification.

Phil's trying to make this sound exactly like how PSN accounts work right now, with 10 consoles instead of 5 (IIRC). The problem is that this doesn't delineate where sharing ends and abuse begins. I expect some sort of restriction.

The PSN thing is being abused but it wasn't intended to be used as a sharing feature. If I remember correctly it was because you needed to authorize your account on the PS3 and they allowed you up to 5 authorizations in case your PS3 died. Just like on Windows 8 I can have 5 trusted PCs which sync with my account and can all access my store purchases.


I said it in another thread about this, but being able to let your 'family' play your game from 3000 miles away doesn't make up for the stripping of our ability to resell and lend games to our neighbor/friend down the street. It's a loss of a sense of ownership. As nice as this digital lending idea is, it's not enough to cover that loss.

Again you can just sell your 10 digital slots. Even if you just charge each person 6 bucks you'll get your entire game cost back. Also retail games often go on sale for under $20. I'm going to make a killing off this.

You can still sell your disc to your friend if you want to, you'll just have to make sure they are your XBL friend for 30 days first. As for lending you'll be able to lend to them just by adding them to your family without giving them the disc and having to worry about them losing it or outright stealing it or scratching it to hell (I'm sure everyone has experienced the friend who borrows your game and then doesn't return it).


What I bolded above is not referring to this, correct?

No loaning would be i select you off my friends list and say 'loan game' ie that single game

If someone is a 'family' linked user they see all games

Wait so Sony cut down from 5 to 2 and Microsoft goes with 10?

No on ps3 all people could just install the game and play it, depending on who you speak to the original owner + one other cna play at the same time or maybe one person


I still can't sell my copies privately, so no go.

This is the only, the ONLY complaint I have about this fiasco.

But if MS is sure about this and want gamers back on their side, A full $60 sell back would be awesome..... Not gonna happen though. :(

def sim

The skepticism is warranted. Even if only one person can play a shared game at a time, it would be too good.

I'm inclined to believe as this makes their service look better in light of the competition and they definitely want to keep Live as profitable as it was this generation, but they will need to show us and not remain silent like a bunch of dolts.


I said it in another thread about this, but being able to let your 'family' play your game from 3000 miles away doesn't make up for the stripping of our ability to resell and lend games to our neighbor/friend down the street. It's a loss of a sense of ownership. As nice as this digital lending idea is, it's not enough to cover that loss.

For me at least getting an effective 50 percent off on games by sharing with my brother who lives somewhat far away would be totally worth a lot of that crap. Of course I'd still have to buy the console first, which I'm not sold on, but this system as described makes a lot of the policy stuff sting less.


Wait so Sony cut down from 5 to 2 and Microsoft goes with 10?

Don't even try to compare the two.

With someone's game-sharing library, I can play them any time I want on any account, so long as the system's activated.

It doesn't lock the other guy out.


Why do you keep saying 2 people will be able to remotely play 1 game purchase simultaneously?

Because phil spencer said so?

The question is how many people can play the game at the same time. Spencer told me he believed that two people can play one copy of a game concurrently, but he urged me to check Microsoft's official wording on the matter to be sure. This is what the licensing page states:


Not really downplaying it. It just sounds too good of a feature to not make a big deal of it at E3. They could have made a clear announcement of this right after the 499 part and nobody would have given a shit about that high price anymore.

And for that reason many of us don't think it's as good as it sounds like.

I don't get how this isn't worse for them than used games.

It's not possible that they do this.
Yes. Or go over to their house and put your account on their system.

But if your 10~300 miles apart for example.
I have some live only friends or people on gaf.

But hell no i would not give them my log in information.
This is also guarantees i wont get back a damaged disk,friend lost it or i forgot i lend out the game or to who i lend the game. Happened enough with my shitty little brother and his always yes attitude lost like 3 ps3 games seven 360 games.


Where does one of them say it that in the interview?

One will enable new forms of access for families. Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One. Just like today, a family member can play your copy of Forza Motorsport at a friend’s house. Only now, they will see not just Forza, but all of your shared games. You can always play your games, and any one of your family members can be playing from your shared library at a given time.


I am SERIOUSLY considering running my own Gamefly with this. Buy every game with a different XBL account and rent the account out via the family system daily/weekly for a fee.

If they required each participant to be a gold member this would be extremely unprofitable.
It's obviously been set up as the digital equivalent of lending a disc. You can't lend it to two people at once.
Which is still cool, as you can "virtually" lend to to a friend without having to physically give them a disc. And you can loan downloadable titles, which you never could before.
The downside is you can only lend to your pre-selected ten very special friends/family.
But even with that restriction, it is a very cool feature. Just a pity they had to muddy the waters with all this confusing TOS crap.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
They have said. Did you read the PR? It is in black and white. It could not be more clear.

If it were 2 people they would have said "any two family members". If it were all ten they would have just said "any family members". It is just the one though, hence the "any one".

"Any one" doesn't have to mean literally one. It's a common phrase. For instance:

"John was headed to the mall and wondered if he'd run into his friends since any one of them might be there". That doesn't mean ONLY one. It means any, all or none.

Mikey Jr.

So gaf has a bazillion insiders and nobody that knows exactly how it works? Where's the catch?

The person who is sharing the game has to be online for someone to share it and has to stay online for the person to keep playing.

Thats my best guess at the catch.


This is effectively like the current sharing system on PSN (10 people don't matter since only 2 can be accessing it at the same time) but without the drawback of actually having to share your password and account details other than just your gamertag in my interpretation.

So who want's to rent Forza 5 from me, day one, for same as gamefly price, $15/month?
You can also choose other games :)


So gaf has a bazillion insiders and nobody that knows exactly how it works? Where's the catch?

I don't think there is a catch. The license page is pretty specific:

1) You can share your library with up to 10 people in your "family"

2) You can always access your library and one other person in your "family" can access your library at a time

3) Nothing is said if both people can play one game at the same time, but my guess would be no.


OK, so without knowing the catch, what I am getting is this.

Each user has a local account (primary console) and a roaming account for use on other "Ones"

Local account 24 hr check in. Roaming account 1 hr check in.

Family have to log in to your roaming account to access the shares (likely only one person at a time).

If your local account doesn't log in within the 24 hr period, both accounts disable gaming (after roaming account checks in on the hour).

Am I reading it right so far?


Shared copies of a game can probably only played multiplayer with other members of the family. So the shared copy can only play single player by yourself or co-op with family or multiplayer with/against family.

No sharing your dudebro shooter with your bros and them expecting to go online and shoot other random dudebros.
I wonder if we'll be able to disown "family" members.

Say one of my family members decides to get a new gamertag, or stops playing? Can we remove their old tag from our family list and add a new one?

If the ten people we share our library with can be altered, that's freaking amazing. If we're stuck with the same ten people forever, that's gonna suck.
It's effectively 2 because your library gets locked when someone else is using it.

I really don't read it that way. The way I read it, the library is still accessible and people can play other games, it's just that no one can play the same game at the exact same time.
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