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Pics that don't make you laugh but are still cool


Thagomizer said:
Baseballs don't move nearly that slow when hit. Callin' fake.
Probably is fake, but they are just practicing so they wouldn't be trying to hit it out of the park. Just saying.


Fail out bailed


Gui_PT said:
How can someone even consider the possibility that this isn't fake? smh
I doubt you would instantly say fake if that was on news or not already debunked. And stuff like that is not out of the ordinary really. A few years back a pitcher throw a ball that hit a bird in mid flight and it practically exploded. That gif above looks more convincing than what happened to the bird on live TV.
LQX said:
I doubt you would instantly say fake if that was on news or not already debunked. And stuff like that is not out of the ordinary really. A few years back a pitcher throw a ball that hit a bird in mid flight and it practically exploded. That gif above looks more convincing than what happened to the bird on live TV.
I don't know...the bird can just fly in front of the pitch but Longoria has to hear the ball in mid air to be able to do that in time.


LQX said:
I doubt you would instantly say fake if that was on news or not already debunked. And stuff like that is not out of the ordinary really. A few years back a pitcher throw a ball that hit a bird in mid flight and it practically exploded. That gif above looks more convincing than what happened to the bird on live TV.

This was the 1st time I saw this gif and immediately noticed it was fake. This kind of fake stuff is done all the time and is ridiculously obvious that it's fake. Same shaky cam as usual, same kind of camera used and so one and so on



Twig said:
Maybe we're not all cynical motherfuckers and want to believe cool things happen.


OR I don't fall for those stupid, poorly created tricks?

Edit: Forgive me for that picture I posted but I could've sworn I was on the "Pics that make you laugh" thread
Gui_PT said:
How can someone even consider the possibility that this isn't fake? smh

What caught me as wierd was the curve in the ball, not that he caught it. I used to be able to get perfect scores in Duck Hunt with just using peripheral vision from one eye, looking perpendicular from the screen, in this case he could have heard the sound of the bat and just been glancing that way in the nick of time. I've never seen a ball curve like that in mid-air from being hit by a bat.


Can't really see what's happening there. A crab getting sucked into some kind of really powerful hoover?

edit: actually, looks like a saw, but where is the crab disappearing to?


Colkate said:
Can't really see what's happening there. A crab getting sucked into some kind of really powerful hoover?

edit: actually, looks like a saw, but where is the crab disappearing to?
I think it's a hoover


Colkate said:
Can't really see what's happening there. A crab getting sucked into some kind of really powerful hoover?

edit: actually, looks like a saw, but where is the crab disappearing to?
Underwater pipe was cut. Water is being sucked into the leak and a crab got too curious.


MetalAlien said:
Underwater pipe was cut. Water is being sucked into the leak and a crab got too curious.

Oh right, I can see it clearly now.

Also those pictures of the low flying planes are pretty crazy.


El Sloth said:
Old Fig Tree

The story of how these are formed is quite awesome. Fig trees are epyphites: the seeds land on the leaves of a host tree and the roots grow down along the tree into the ground. They are a very aggressive species of plant and will grow out in all directions around the host plant, robbing it of sunlight and water. Eventually the host tree whithers and the fig grows stronger still. Over a hundred years the host tree has turned to dust and the fig roots are strong enough to support it's entire structure. Some of these trees have massive enclosures that you can step into. It's the space where the old tree trunk once was.


Dyno said:
The story of how these are formed is quite awesome. Fig trees are epyphites: the seeds land on the leaves of a host tree and the roots grow down along the tree into the ground. They are a very aggressive species of plant and will grow out in all directions around the host plant, robbing it of sunlight and water. Eventually the host tree whithers and the fig grows stronger still. Over a hundred years the host tree has turned to dust and the fig roots are strong enough to support it's entire structure. Some of these trees have massive enclosures that you can step into. It's the space where the old tree trunk once was.

Fig (Banyan) trees are fucking awesome! They also make for the BEST Tarzan swing trees around.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow

May 18, 2011 -- During her flight to Palm Beach International Airport, Fla., on Monday, Stefanie Gordon of Hoboken, N.J., woke to the sound of her Delta airlines (Delta 2285 out of NYC) pilot announcing that the launch of space shuttle Endeavour would be visible out of the passenger window. Using her iPhone, Gordon captured the breathtaking moment when the shuttle broke through the cloud and climbed toward space.


Professional Schmuck

Absolutely breathtaking, thank you. that's exactly why i love this thread. Reminds me of this youtube tribute to Carl Sagan:

We were hunters, and foragers. The frontier was everywhere. We were bounded only by the earth, and the ocean, and the sky. The open road still softly calls.

Our little terraqueuous globe is the madhouse of those hundred, thousand, millions of worlds. We who cannot even put our own planetary home in order, riven with rivalries and hatreds, are we to venture out into space?

By the time we're ready to settle even the nearest other planetary systems, we will have changed. The simple passage of so many generations will have changed us. Necessity will have changed us.

We're an adaptable species. It will not be we who reach Alpha Sentari and the other nearby stars; it will be a species very like us, but with more of our strengths ... and fewer of our weaknesses. More confident, far seeing, capable, and prudent. For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness.

What new wonders undreampt of in our time will we have wrought in an another generation, and another? How far will our nomadic species have wandered by the end of the next century, and the next millenium?

Our remote descendants, safely arrayed on many worlds through the solar system and beyond, will be unified ... by their heritage, by their regard for their home planet, and by the knowledge that whatever other life may be, the only humans in all the universe come from Earth.

They will gaze up, and strain to find ... the blue dot in their skies. They will marvel at how vulnerable at the repository of all our potential once was, how perilous our infancy, how humble our beginnings, how many rivers we had to cross before we found our way.​

If that doesn't make you feel simultaneously amazing, depressed, wondrous, insignificant, and more important than you've ever felt, you may not be alive.
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