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Pizza Guy gets 10 dollar tip on $1400 order

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Mr White: "Waitressing is a hard job..."

Mr Pink: "So is working at McDonalds, but you don't feel the need to tip them. Society says, 'don't tip these guys over there, but tip these guys here'. It's bullshit."

Indeed it is.

totally agree. mcdonalds workers have to work crazy hard.


I'd rather tip the cooks since they did the actual work. Raise your issues with the pizza or restaurant who pays their employees like shit.

Then again I don't like ordering food to my house.

I used to do deliveries for a home improvement store and often unloaded shit loads of materials to people's homes. I was paid 5 an hour and maybe 10% of the calls gave tips. It was awesome but I totally didn't expect it.


I'm guessing $10 is a larger tip anyway? $200 as a tip? GTFO! We're in a recession yo!

$10 is 2hrs pay for a pizzaboy?

What's the issue? 10 dudes sweating in the kitchen making 85 pizzas got jackshit.

Also, the $1400 worth of pizza probably cost $100 to make.


Mr White: "Waitressing is a hard job..."

Mr Pink: "So is working at McDonalds, but you don't feel the need to tip them. Society says, 'don't tip these guys over there, but tip these guys here'. It's bullshit."

Indeed it is.
Besides... being a waiter is not hard at all.

You just deliver the food to the customers. Food that a cook did. Now, cook is a hard work. Going from the kitchen to a table with food is not hard work.
As for decorum and respect. I have no respect for your stance on the subject, and I therefore have no time for decorum. Problem with that? I'm sorry, but if you can't bother to pay your wait staff a tip, I can't be bothered to pay your feelings attention.

It's like you didn't even bother reading what he said


Besides... being a waiter is not hard at all.

You just deliver the food to the customers. Food that a cook did. Now, cook is a hard work. Going from the kitchen to a table with food is not hard work.

Cook makes more than $2 an hour...

Tipping $10 on an order that large is asinine....period.


The restaurants in my country have started charging 5-10% as a service charge. Its good in a way that I dont need to leave a tip but also feel cheated since sometimes the service is bad and yet i have to pay 10%


The restaurants in my country have started charging 5-10% as a service charge. Its good in a way that I dont need to leave a tip but also feel cheated since sometimes the service is bad and yet i have to pay 10%

Where do you live?
I've always found the tipping culture in America to be quite surprising, almost as if drivers and waiters expect/demand tips.

In the UK it's more of a bonus/gesture of goodwill. There is no "15% rule" or whatever.


That's 10$ more than pizza delivery guys should have anyway. It's their job to deliver the pizza, that's what they're paid for. If you're unhappy that you actually got something extra without doing anything extra, then find a better job.

(Yeah, we don't have tipping culture here and I'm glad we don't)


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
If you can afford to tip you should be eating more classy food than pizza.
I've always found the tipping culture in America to be quite surprising, almost as if drivers and waiters expect/demand tips.

In the UK it's more of a bonus/gesture of goodwill. There is no "15% rule" or whatever.

Because in the UK those people get a normal wage, in the US there are many businesses that do not give their waiters (for example) any wage. They purely make money from tips.


Non-Americans should read the damn topic before commenting since, in the US, delivery people and wait staff are paid BELOW MINIMUM WAGE because of the EXPECTATION OF TIPS.

Non-Americans are trying to put some logic in your brain and to help you, citizen of america... We created civilization(s) and have a little more experience about what works in culture.

In another tipping thread, someone tried to explain that if the waiter's salary + his tips < minimal wages, his boss should put the difference. Is it true ? If yes, can the owners be fined ?

What I love most about any tipping thread is that it becomes citizens of a nation fighting amongst each other about, whilst simultaneously defending, the act of tipping.

We should try to do a list... what countries are actually expecting you to tip a certain percentage for having food brought to your table (not using the quality of the service as a variable) and, by doing it, completing a minimal wage that is not respected by the owner ?
Is it US vs the world ?

So stop whining about tips and make sure you get paid minimum wage? that's kind of the definition of minimum wage, that an employer is legally obliged to pay at least this much.

"Our system is dumb and broken but you're an asshole if you don't follow it"

Anyone else amazed by how one and the same culture can have this charity set up to support the poor delivery boys with giant tips and at the same time refuse to pay some taxes to ensure people can get social security and health care? Am I the only one who sees how ironic that is?

I'm curious as well, can we have the answer of a real american like The Adder ?


That's 10$ more than pizza delivery guys should have anyway. It's their job to deliver the pizza, that's what they're paid for. If you're unhappy that you actually got something extra without doing anything extra, then find a better job.

(Yeah, we don't have tipping culture here and I'm glad we don't)

Same here.

I just usually tell the delivery guys to keep the change (sometimes less than a dollar).


We should try to do a list... what countries are actually expecting you to tip a certain percentage for having food brought to your table (not using the quality of the service as a variable) and, by doing it, completing a minimal wage that is not respected by the owner ?
Is it US vs the world ?

Sounds good. I'll start:

I'm from Mexico. Waiters/waitresses are paid the minimum. Tipping is optional, but the average is 10% if you want to leave tip, not 15%. In most restaurants they charge you extra 10% if there are 8 people in the table.

Same with delivery guys.


Sounds good. I'll start:

I'm from Mexico. Waiters/waitresses are paid the minimum. Tipping is optional, but the average is 10% if you want to leave tip, not 15%. In most restaurants they charge you extra 10% if there are 8 people in the table.

Same with delivery guys.

In France, we have "service included" printed on the note. We don't deal with the waiter salary. A tip is not expected, but appreciated. It's seen as a reward for good service. You give what you want, some people never tip, some just let the change on the table, some are generous.
The staff usually has to merge the tips from everyone, then share the pot based on your position.


Gold Member
Wow I would have been pretty pissed after lugging that many pizzas around. I wonder if the driver was able to do it in one trip. What an asshole that customer was.
Anyone else amazed by how one and the same culture can have this charity set up to support the poor delivery boys with giant tips and at the same time refuse to pay some taxes to ensure people can get social security and health care? Am I the only one who sees how ironic that is?

You'd have poll Americans to see if they would support a mandatory 15% service tax added to all restaurant bills, and whether they would also support nationalized health care, to see if there is any "irony".


First this wasn't a single person buying these, this was mostly likely a corporation for some kind of party, which makes it worst. If you can afford 1400 dollars in pizza, you can at the very least afford a hundred dollar tip (that's not even 10 percent).

Second of all, the guy had to load all the pizzas into his own car, then take them all to this business, while getting less than minimum wage. That's 85 pizzas into his own personal car. He could have done several more deliveries and got more tips, in the time it would have taken him to do this.

Third of all, most likely you people (the one's against this) have never had to do this kind of work and can't relate. You all are "uni" students that have had life funded by mum/dad. When you actually have to work for a living you'll understand how the treatment of this is wrong.


The problem I see with percentage tipping is that it doesn't fairly compensate the actual time & work involved. If I order one $15 pizza and tip the driver $3 (20%), I think most reasonable people who live in the US would consider it an average tip and not have much of a problem with it. OTOH, I doubt that even a small minority of the same people would feel that if I order 85 pizzas, a $255 tip is reasonable to expect.

I also think it is a bit unfair how percentage tipping is dependent on the cost of the product. One local pizza place has a $8 large plain pie special M-W, but also has gourmet pies that are $20+. How much less effort is it to deliver the $8 pie? Should the driver be penalized because I ordered the less expensive option?


Unconfirmed Member
First this wasn't a single person buying these, this was mostly likely a corporation for some kind of party, which makes it worst. If you can afford 1400 dollars in pizza, you can at the very least afford a hundred dollar tip (that's not even 10 percent).

Second of all, the guy had to load all the pizzas into his own car, then take them all to this business, while getting less than minimum wage. That's 85 pizzas into his own personal car. He could have done several more deliveries and got more tips, in the time it would have taken him to do this.

Third of all, most likely you people (the one's against this) have never had to do this kind of work and can't relate. You all are "uni" students that have had life funded by mum/dad. When you actually have to work for a living you'll understand how the treatment of this is wrong.

So he/she loads the Pizzas into the car. 85 pizzas, lets say they could carry 7 or 8 pizzas comfortably. So that's 12-11 trips to the car while loading it up. This is assuming no-one else helped, which given the size of the order, improbable. So he drives to the house/ residence/ building, and carries some of the pizzas to the door, possibly getting a hand with the rest from someone when they answer the door. Yeah, that's a $140-200 job right there. Herculean effort, I don't know how they did it. I mean they practically ran a marathon.

You all are "uni" students that have had life funded by mum/dad.

Demographic GAF strikes again.
having worked at papa johns(its almost pizza), i guarantee that at least 80 of them were made sloppily and most likely sucked unless this was some gourmet place charging $20+ per pie

Correct, but you can, and usually are, paid less than minimum wage because if you are receiving tips that is a legal practice.

I made $2.13 an hour when I worked at Outback Steakhouse

and you probably made $10+/hr in tips am i right?

the only way not to at a place like outback would be if your outback still had weekday lunches and made you work only those mon-thur in which case youd prolly quit pretty soon.


Unconfirmed Member
It is impossible to put 85 pizzas in a car. He had to have made multiple trips. Let's say 20 pizzas per trip. That's four trips back and forth, and depending on how far away the place was it would take and upward of 2 hours.

Lets take your estimate and say he made 4 trips. The average tip is like $2, no? They paid $10. So he made 125% what he normally makes.
I highly doubt the guy just called up and said "I want 85 pizzas". Futhermore when he did order the pizzas the store KNEW that it would be effort to create and deliver them, and should've charged him according to that extra cost. Relying on him to decide how much the delivery was worth is silly.


Unconfirmed Member
yeah thats not how it works.

So you're saying that even though he did the same amount of work he normally would, they should pay more because tipping is less to do with effort and more to do with "You-spend-money-give-me-money"? Noted.


Why should a delivery boy's tip be related to the total price anyway? He made one trip anyway. At least a waiter in a restaurant would have his work cut out for him waiting on a table which orders 85 pizzas.

Edit: To the people calculating the trips. I used to work at a company with 100 people and the company used to pay for lunch on friday. All the food (not just pizzas) would always be delivered in one car in one trip.


100 people does not equate to 80 pizzas.

100 people sounds more like 10, or maybe 20 pizzas. You can fit that many in a car. You can't fit 80 in a car, however.

What? No. Everyone gets his own pizza. Other meals take approximately the same space anyway.

Wait what size pizza are we talking about here? I am honestly not having any trouble imagining transporting 80 pizzas in my car.


Thank God I live in Belize where delivery guys can actually make a living off of what they are paid to do, and thank God the tipping culture here isn't completely broken. :)


I'd say he did pretty well if he got any tip at all. Maybe he should be thankful instead of being an arse about it.
It's possible for a person to be empathic but still refuse to tip. For example, they don't tip because they don't like how the system marginalizes the wait staff by exposing a large portion of their wages to the whims of tippers. The only way to change such a system is to ensure that it's not viable.

Yes, going to a restaurant and providing a revenue stream while shafting the servers is a great way to prove that. *smh* If you disagree with the concept then DON'T GIVE THE ESTABLISHMENT YOUR MONEY.


Everyone at your party gets their own large pizza? What the fuck kind of party is that? Every party I've been to people share their pizza, so a party of maybe 100 people will have say, 10-15 pizzas.

So everyone gets one slice? I have never seen that, it's usually ~3-4 people per pizza every sponsored event I have been to.


Everyone at your party gets their own large pizza? What the fuck kind of party is that? Every party I've been to people share their pizza, so a party of maybe 100 people will have say, 10-15 pizzas. So let's say the average person eats 2 slices, 3 if they're really greedy/hungry. 2 x 100 is 200 slices. There are typically 12 slices in a large sized pizza. 200 divided by 12 is 16.6.

One box of pizza per person? Are you bullshitting me? Or are you talking about personal pan small sized pizzas?

It's not a party, it's just lunch. Here everyone gets their own individual (15-16") pizza. Did you guys calculate that the ones in the OP are large pizzas from the price or something?

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Pretty sure I'd have given them what I always tip pizza guys, $2. If I could tip the people who actually made the pizza, now that I might do. Might.
The argument that servers get paid less is bullshit. Minimum wage across Canada for servers is about $9/hr, only a dollar less than minimum wage for all other work. I'm still expected to tip 15-20%.

I tip when I get good service, but the idea that someone has a pre-defined notion that they're entitled to my money for doing their job is ridiculous.


What, is there some sort of obligation to tip?

He should be happy with the $10 that he got.

Seriously. All he did was transport the pizzas. Even if he transported 1 or 2 pizzas like I'm guessing he usually does, why does he deserve more just because the bill was more?

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Pizza drivers make pizzas too. This guy probably made a bunch of these pizzas considering the order. Do you really think pizza drivers ONLY drive pizza around or are you just that naive?

Yes, that's exactly what I think. Why would I think any different? I have definitely never seen a pizza driver making a pizza. The idea of that actually makes me reconsider delivery pizza.
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