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PlayStation boss Jim Ryan is retiring March 2024

Everyone's saying Big Phil should take the job, and I agree

Stadia Fail Harrison??



Gold Journalism
Its not so much I don't enjoy those story driven single player games its just the last couple have bored me especially the last God of War

Honestly I think thats what had me so incredibly hyped for Starfield was a new IP of something I had not played before (and can't wait for Wolverine)

I dunno its hard for me to describe but even SM2 I will play it but just not super excited about it
That's fine. I have also noticed that sometimes you also have to be in the mood or the right mindset to enjoy a game.

Like I started and quit Ratchet & Clank 3 times because I was not enjoying it. Then it became one of my favorite games when I played it on the 4th attempt, months later, and I pre-ordered and platinumed Rift Apart lol.
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Gold Member
Sounds like this guy was meant to be a stopgap from the very beginning. During his short time, the company had some considerable wins. Good for him. Will be very interesting to see whos going to replace him.


I don't play GaaS games. The Division 2 and GT7 are the only two GaaS games I've played for more than 30 hours (apart from Rocket League, which is just PvP MP), but I even played those as purely single-player games.

However, I do understand their reasoning -- even if those GaaS games aren't for me. If Shawn Layden started this, instead of Jim Ryan initiating this in 2020, Sony would have been in much better position today - especially in the context of losing Activision.

I'm the opposite in this sense. As I grew older, I've enjoyed more and more PS Studios titles. I've almost stopped playing MP games completely. It is only PS Studios story-driven action-adventure titles that have kept me in gaming after all these years.
I agree the polishment and writing on PS Studios games are on another level. Xbox games writing in general are so dumb and shallow. After 40 I prefer a solid single player experience with a great narrative and I only find that on PS Studios, Rockstar, CDPR and Larian games.


He is 63 per Bloomberg.

Clearly some console gamers feel threatened by the idea for reasons. I've yet to read a concrete answer as to why it is a bad thing from a gamer perspective. As I said before, PS games on PC will not transform console gamers into PC gamers. The majority of PS gamers are not even gaming there for exclusives. They are there for the CODs, Maddens, FIFAs, Fortnite, etc etc. We see that every year in the PS best selling games.

Having said that, I've also said I get why Sony prioritizes their console business. They have loyal fans there and they don't have to share revenue with Valve or Epic. So from a business standpoint, yeah, I get why.

What's with you? You are making this weirdly personal. If I don't have to spend $500 on another device then that is reason enough for me to want all games on one platform. It's really just that simple. Why don't you step back and try to discuss this without being personally offended by this stuff? It's just video games man.

Nah. If I believed that PS games being on PC day one would truly damage the PS platform then I would not be in favor of it at all. But that's simply not the case, imo.

But you tell me why it is so important for PS games to not be on PC day one? How does it reduce your enjoyment of those games? But please.....stop making it personal.
He’s just being emotional about PlayStation games coming to PC. It would literally not make that much of a difference if they launched games day and date with PC. Majority of people would still play exclusives on consoles and hell some might be turned off the idea of getting bad ports at launch on PC to purchase it on the console. I guarantee with all the marketing Spider-man 2 has it would probably sell almost double of what it will sell just on PS5. People don’t realize releasing games on PC is more money for Sony to invest into delivering more games for the Platform.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Eh....don't care about the guy being "cool" or not, personally. Often times, being "cool" comes at the expense of being genuine.
I think a lot of PS gamers have really put a lot of effort into tearing down any positive aspect Phil Spencer may have. No one honestly thinks he's "cool" or really cares about his shirts. What they like is that he at least is aware of gaming culture, enjoys and sees value in engaging with fans at events like E3 that help foster goodwill for the brand, enjoys the process of throwing tiny little fun hints around here and there like many top execs have done in the past like Reggie, Shawn and more, and understands the value of gaming as a medium from a creative perspective. That all leads to more support for a wider range of titles in the AA space that may not be immediate blockbusters. You see all of the above in people like Shu as well, and every single PS gamer knows that about Shu and thinks its a positive thing. Anyone trying to tell you they actually don't see it as a benefit to have someone at the top that understands gaming a little bit more in depth is just literally lying and gaslighting you.

No one ever thought it was a "fake" thing until they wanted to start tearing down Xbox. No one thought it was horrible that Shawn Layden talks about Vib-Ribbon. It never made Layden "cool" or Shu. Everyone knows they're just execs. It is still a benefit though, and as soon as PS gets another person like that you'll see everyone change their tune immediately.
Why are some of you so desperate for executives that you think you can be friends with?

Spoiler: you can't.
I don't want to be friends with them haha. I just want someone with some real personality again who actually plays games when they find time.

I need Sony to try some new IP's


I think a lot of PS gamers have really put a lot of effort into tearing down any positive aspect Phil Spencer may have. No one honestly thinks he's "cool" or really cares about his shirts. What they like is that he at least is aware of gaming culture, enjoys and sees value in engaging with fans at events like E3 that help foster goodwill for the brand, enjoys the process of throwing tiny little fun hints around here and there like many top execs have done in the past like Reggie, Shawn and more, and understands the value of gaming as a medium from a creative perspective. That all leads to more support for a wider range of titles in the AA space that may not be immediate blockbusters. You see all of the above in people like Shu as well, and every single PS gamer knows that about Shu and thinks its a positive thing. Anyone trying to tell you they actually don't see it as a benefit to have someone at the top that understands gaming a little bit more in depth is just literally lying and gaslighting you.

No one ever thought it was a "fake" thing until they wanted to start tearing down Xbox. No one thought it was horrible that Shawn Layden talks about Vib-Ribbon. It never made Layden "cool" or Shu. Everyone knows they're just execs. It is still a benefit though, and as soon as PS gets another person like that you'll see everyone change their tune immediately.

Dude, what most companies need is a CEO that will drive the business forward and produce quality products that their prospective audience will gladly buy en-masse.

What they don't need is a limp dick cult leader that in any circumstances other than being backed by one of the top 3 richest companies in the world would have put the division they oversee out of business.
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Gold Member
I think a lot of PS gamers have really put a lot of effort into tearing down any positive aspect Phil Spencer may have. No one honestly thinks he's "cool" or really cares about his shirts. What they like is that he at least is aware of gaming culture, enjoys and sees value in engaging with fans at events like E3 that help foster goodwill for the brand, enjoys the process of throwing tiny little fun hints around here and there like many top execs have done in the past like Reggie, Shawn and more, and understands the value of gaming as a medium from a creative perspective. That all leads to more support for a wider range of titles in the AA space that may not be immediate blockbusters. You see all of the above in people like Shu as well, and every single PS gamer knows that about Shu and thinks its a positive thing. Anyone trying to tell you they actually don't see it as a benefit to have someone at the top that understands gaming a little bit more in depth is just literally lying and gaslighting you.

No one ever thought it was a "fake" thing until they wanted to start tearing down Xbox. No one thought it was horrible that Shawn Layden talks about Vib-Ribbon. It never made Layden "cool" or Shu. Everyone knows they're just execs. It is still a benefit though, and as soon as PS gets another person like that you'll see everyone change their tune immediately.

Don't care about any of that. I'm not playing games to worship corporate executives. I don't care how cool or how stiff a CEO is as long as he brings the games.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Don't care about any of that. I'm not playing games to worship corporate executives. I don't care how cool or how stiff a CEO is as long as he brings the games.
Reggie is as stiff as it gets. So is Shu. Thats again, not what I'm talking about. No one thinks they are cool. Its still absolutely an asset to have someone in the job that understands the concerns of the customers. And it absolutely does impact what kind of games get made.


I don't want to be friends with them haha. I just want someone with some real personality again who actually plays games when they find time.

I need Sony to try some new IP's

Realistically people in those kinds of positions shouldn't have time to play games. It's just the way the cookie crumbles. Their job is to ensure the quality and frequency of the products they are putting out is at the required level, and to do so consistently with efficiency.

Agreed on the new IP's. I also want more focus on SP games and less GAAS, but those are business strategy decisions, these are not things that are contingent on the personality of the individual running the business.

King Dazzar

Don't care about any of that. I'm not playing games to worship corporate executives. I don't care how cool or how stiff a CEO is as long as he brings the games.
I'd be happy with a CEO that says absolutely nothing, to the point that I don't even know who he is. All I care about is getting a great gaming experience.


Good riddance you disgusting suit!

Bring someone who doesn't just care about live service and the bottom line.
I would LOVE hermen hulst for the job!

And you think Hermen Hulst won't care about live service and the bottom line?

Happy Cracking Up GIF by Regal


Gold Journalism
Fuck that noise. Shawn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim
Man, Shawn didn't do jackshit.
  • He didn't acquire any studio,
  • Didn't expand internal teams,
  • Couldn't fix Japan Studios,
  • Couldn't help ND retain 2 teams and make it work,
  • Couldn't acquire Insomniac,
  • Couldn't start any notable multiplayer project,
  • Let multiple IPs die down into oblivion,
  • Let go of Team Ico
  • Closed down Evolution Studios
  • Let go of Stig and his team and deprived us of Internal 7
  • Almost shut down Sony Santa Monica
It's like we're all living with short-term memory loss, coupled with nostalgia.

He wasn't good at his job. Jim Ryan was 10x better than him.


Man, Shawn didn't do jackshit.
  • He didn't acquire any studio,
  • Didn't expand internal teams,
  • Couldn't fix Japan Studios,
  • Couldn't help ND retain 2 teams and make it work,
  • Couldn't acquire Insomniac,
  • Couldn't start any notable multiplayer project,
  • Let multiple IPs die down into oblivion,
  • Let go of Team Ico
  • Closed down Evolution Studios
  • Let go of Stig and his team and deprived us of Internal 7
  • Almost shut down Sony Santa Monica
It's like we're all living with short-term memory loss, coupled with nostalgia.

He wasn't good at his job. Jim Ryan was 10x better than him.
We will just have to agree to disagree 👊

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'd be happy with a CEO that says absolutely nothing, to the point that I don't even know who he is. All I care about is getting a great gaming experience.
I don't believe any of you guys. The greatest marketing moment of the PS4 was Shu being in touch enough with gamer concerns to quickly put together that PS4 "this is how you share discs" viral video. He knew what the customers felt and could respond quickly. It's not about him being cool. He's just a guy that falls asleep in meetings and wears business suits.

Watch everyone immediately change their tune if PS gets a front facing CEO that can string together more than 3 sentences.
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Gold Member
Reggie is as stiff as it gets. So is Shu. Thats again, not what I'm talking about. No one thinks they are cool. Its still absolutely an asset to have someone in the job that understands the concerns of the customers. And it absolutely does impact what kind of games get made.

That's fine. So we agree that none of that depends on the guy being "cool".


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Legit question, why?
I'm really confused by this. I see multiple replies in this thread having this stance, or mocking people who like PC ports, and I don't really understand why. It doesn't change anything for people playing on ps5, it stays the same for you.
The only thing it does is that it lets more people play the game on a different platform, which only seems like a positive thing.
I don't understand how it can be viewed as a problem when it doesn't change anything to you.
I am not like those guys mocking people who like PC ports. I buy them myself.

But I do not agree that it changes nothing for people playing on PS5. I actually answered this question years ago on this very forum. Why? Just why are multiplatform games bad. I am too lazy to go back and pull it up, but this was when Horizon was being ported and I pointed out the pitfalls of a first party publisher becoming a multiplatform publisher. I predicted certain things that all came to be true.

I said HZD's PC port would take resources away from HFW and might cause a delay. Well, GG ended up spending 8 months after launch fixing the buggy mess that was left to them by a porting studio. Guess how many months HFW was delayed by?

I pointed out how the moment you start thinking multiplatform, your whole outlook changes. You go from making games to sell your console to making games to sell games. We saw this play out the last three years as sony pushed out one unambitious cross gen exclusive after another. The mentality of Sony changed the moment they decided to port their games to PC. At that point, it became about increasing revenue by any means possible. What changed for me was that i did not get the industry standard setting, genre defining, or boundry pushing next gen exclusives from premiere Sony studios because they only cared about revenues.

Just look at Spiderman 2. Barely an upgrade over the first game. Definitely not a generational leap. Why? What changed? Nothing except for the entire outlook of the company. They turned into a multiplatform publisher who are willing to waste months if not years of dev time from studios like Naughty Dog who have been MIA outside of a bs remake they took over for another team for the past three years. I am sorry, i dont want ND working on a PC port for 8 months then another 4 months fixing it. Id rather their talents go towards making the next gen PS5 game. I dont want their engineers trying to figure out how to support low end PC hardware or GPUs with 8GB of vram. I want them to focus their efforts on getting Nanite and Lumen into their next PS5 game.

And if that sounds entitled, i have EVERY right to be entitled. I INVESTED $500 on their console that came with a promise that Sony would then repay my faith in their product that came with ZERO games with a promise of 7 years of exclusives. Exclusives from their first party studios that fully utilize the PS5 hardware. I dont want my investment benefitting PC owners who didnt bother investing in Sonys ecosystem. If Sony has the money to invest in PC porting studios, they have the money to hire them as support studios to ensure games release on time and dont get delayed by a full year like Horizon, GT7 and GOW did.

Lastly, you know what else multiplatform companies do? Chase trends. Chase fads. When making the most money by whoring your product around is your only goal then you do dumb shit like invest MORE money into GaaS than in your SP studios that made you the success you are today. Their E3 conference was so bad because of its focus on gaas trash. It was so bad that mods themselves edited polls or thread titles. Sony is now being compared to Activision and EA. ND's PC port was so bad they were turned into a meme. premiere sony studio turned into a meme for 25k concurrent users on steam. for pennies. their brand name is being dragged through the mud. And I literally predicted this three years ago when all they had announced was one Horizon port.

P.S Sony has a total of 1 first party games releasing this year. And like 4 PC ports of first party games. So no, this extra revenue from PC doesnt help me one bit.
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If getting Hermans Mayo from Guerrilla games as a WWS head was Jim's decision, you cant say the dude was making the best decisions for the platform regarding games. This retirement announcement just solidifies my suspicions that dude wanted to bring revenue as high as possible on the short term to retire with a fat bonus. You see it happen all the time.
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King Dazzar

I don't believe any of you guys. The greatest marketing moment of the PS4 was Shu being in touch enough wish gamer concerns to quickly put together that PS4 "this is how you share discs" viral video. He knew what the customers felt and could respond quickly. It's not about him being cool. He's just a guy that falls asleep in meetings and wears business suits.

Watch everyone immediately change their tune if PS gets a front facing CEO that can string together more than 3 sentences.
What a weird take from my statement. I genuinely dont care about any CEO, anywhere in any industry. They all come across as cunts to me. I'd be equally happy just having a faceless PlayStation management team. Jim had the charisma of a paper clip, with the one redeeming plus, that he spoke less than Phil.


Gold Member
I'd be happy with a CEO that says absolutely nothing, to the point that I don't even know who he is. All I care about is getting a great gaming experience.

Yeah....I mean, we kind of had that with Jim Ryan. He didn't put himself out in front of media and influencers very much. He definitely wasn't "cool". I've made it quite clear on these forums that I did not care for this Gaas-driven direction he was taking PS down, but my dislike of his direction had nothing to do with his personality. Agree....it's just about the games.

Yes, I said that in my first post.

Go Ahead Yes GIF


Gold Journalism
New CEO can bring fresh ideas, so I'm looking forward to it. I just hope the next guy is even better than Jim.

Most importantly, I want Ted Price to have a bigger role in PlayStation Studios. Sony is wasting that guy.
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