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PlayStation boss Jim Ryan is retiring March 2024


Why do you think it's short term?
It's the same as thinking gaas will die out. Business wise Jim decisions are concise and focused on long term trends/profit. They maybe not liked very much by old-school traditional players, but if you look 10 years into future, where current young age hooked to mobile f2p stuff will become adult, it make perfect sense to properly position youself
Gaas only getting bigger and richier and more technologically advanced.
You may not like games like Genshin, but they earns billion a year and have ten of millions playerbase. And bringing them to playstation, some even on console exclusive basis means a lot more money for Sony overall and more money to fund single-player AAA games.
i have nothing against what gaas can be honestly, arcade games always operated on the gas model, specially fighting games, i think some genres can make it work and it can be not predatory.
What i mean short term, is that he didnt pushed the company in a direction that creates better brand loyalty and attraction for the closed ecosystem but instead on revenue and profit, it might not seem like much but it creates volatility on the brand value and its obviously not good for consumers because you are not being catered to anymore. The brand is still riding on the previous management somewhat, we'll see.

I mean, if you ask me about what i care, i care about great games, Platinum Games have made several of my favorite games and they all sell like shit and i prefer their focus...until now, i have not idea what is gonna happen next with Kamiya leaving.
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Gold Member
This posted already?

Sleepwalker Sleepwalker and I were speculating that the constant travel might be the issue.

Sounds about right, he's probably yearning for a well earned rest.

Pretty sure no one even read what the man said, but he states its been hard to reconcile working in US but living in europe, hes probably super tired.

I'm betting he has to do a lot of flying back and forth. I wouldn't want to be doing that in may 60s either.


And by the traditional metrics he's basically ran them out of town. Xbox has had to go crying to daddy for tens of billions and completely upheave their business model just to even gave a hint of parity of revenue with PlayStation.

Do you think Xbox would be still in the game if it weren't for the tens of billions and gamepass?

Not sure what traditional metrics are, but by factual metrics, even if that was their goal, they failed. There is no way they didn’t know that Xbox was a division of Microsoft?
putting playstation games on pc is a terrible and shortsighted decision that will hurt the playstation brand long term. there's a reason why you don't see Nintendo doing this. I hope whoever is next in line is able to see that. some people dislike the investment in multiplayer games, but i personally think that was the correct decision - sony is seriously lacking in multiplayer games.
Idk if I agree with it being a terrible idea to put games on PC because here is the thing, a lot of PC gamers will never buy a playstation. Also these PC ports were launched years after the games launched on playstation so its not like they were losing sales from the games by putting them on PC.

These gaming companies have inside information that we don’t so when Sony decided to put games on PC , I look at that move and think they probably have data that is showing that console sales are slowing down as less people buy consoles each Gen and they need new ways to sell their games to a different audience and PC can help with this.

The PC sales can also pay for the development of new games.
Not in the direction of Gaas games primarily. And actually having showcases that give PS customers some idea of what can be expected from first party should not be a hard ask. Those are the big mistakes Jim Ryan has made this gen, imo.

I'll give him credit for putting more PS games on PC. That is a no-brainer. Good for gamers, good for Sony. Wish they were day one, but still.....progress.
I am not a fan of Gaas but when you consider that Fortnite and Call of Duty makes more money than most of Sonys biggest first party games combined every year and probably cost half to make I can see why Sony wants to try to get atleast one or two solid Gaas games to pay for their expensive single player style games.

As for them giving PS customers more of a heads up on new games. I can understand that take but at the same time i don’t think them showing games that are years out will satisfy PS customers.


Even thots can be goofy extremist fantards. IDK about everyone else, but that is infinitely more cringe coming from a chick.


Marvel Studios Smile GIF by Disney+


Gold Member
I am not a fan of Gaas but when you consider that Fortnite and Call of Duty makes more money than most of Sonys biggest first party games combined every year and probably cost half to make I can see why Sony wants to try to get atleast one or two solid Gaas games to pay for their expensive single player style games.

As for them giving PS customers more of a heads up on new games. I can understand that take but at the same time i don’t think them showing games that are years out will satisfy PS customers.

Yeah, but making another Fortnite is heck of a lot easier said than done. Bit of a pipe dream if you ask me. And Sony's first party games have done very well so I don't think they need a Gaas game to pay the expenses. I just don't think Gaas is the right way forward for PlayStation. I could be wrong. but I doubt it

As far as the showcases, if Sony has nothing to show for two years straight that isn't years out then they have serious problems. And I can't help but wondering if all this retooling for Gaas bullshit is the culprit there as well.

Basically, I blame all the world's problems on Gaas. :messenger_sunglasses:


Jim should have waited until spider-man 2 record breaking launch sales and than retire the day after. No better way to go out

He'll be going out when the PS5 cracks 25 million units this FY, setting a new record for any PlayStation console. That's a better way to go out 😃


Thing I like most about Shu is his attitude towards games in general. Probably not the most business centric attitude, but his focus always seemed to be on delivering content even if it wasn't always profitable.

This is the quote that stuck with me:

"It's a hit-driven business. We look at our financial results of the titles, and probably three or four out of ten make money, and maybe one or two make all the money to cover the cost of the others titles. So we have to be able to maintain that hit ratio at a certain level to be able to continue in the business, so we always try to find out and support and help grow the talent. That's the most important work that I believe myself and some of my management team at worldwide studios are doing."

This is the attitude that I think allowed Japan Studio to exist and make those great games like Gravity Rush and The Last Guardian that probably were among the games that didn't make money, but added to the overall culture of PlayStation. Probably also the attitude that keeps him from getting the job, sadly.
Shu is the man, i really like how not even The Last Guardian got canned, he knew it meant too much for the medium and he has been super aware always of how important is to foster the niches in the ecosystem.


Who is taking over?
They need someone young and hungry. Everybody known is getting old. Even Cerny is apparently 59 now, Shuhei as well.


How in the fuck is a thread that was started yesterday, about someone's retirement no less, up to 21(?!) pages already? :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Jim should have waited until spider-man 2 record breaking launch sales and than retire the day after. No better way to go out
Jim going out at the point that they announce PlayStation has sold 25million PS5s within a single year, when the fiscal year ends in April, will be a better way to go out


I think a lot of PS gamers have really put a lot of effort into tearing down any positive aspect Phil Spencer may have. No one honestly thinks he's "cool" or really cares about his shirts. What they like is that he at least is aware of gaming culture, enjoys and sees value in engaging with fans at events like E3 that help foster goodwill for the brand, enjoys the process of throwing tiny little fun hints around here and there like many top execs have done in the past like Reggie, Shawn and more, and understands the value of gaming as a medium from a creative perspective. That all leads to more support for a wider range of titles in the AA space that may not be immediate blockbusters. You see all of the above in people like Shu as well, and every single PS gamer knows that about Shu and thinks its a positive thing. Anyone trying to tell you they actually don't see it as a benefit to have someone at the top that understands gaming a little bit more in depth is just literally lying and gaslighting you.

No one ever thought it was a "fake" thing until they wanted to start tearing down Xbox. No one thought it was horrible that Shawn Layden talks about Vib-Ribbon. It never made Layden "cool" or Shu. Everyone knows they're just execs. It is still a benefit though, and as soon as PS gets another person like that you'll see everyone change their tune immediately.

Sorry but this post screams desperate to me.

You sound like someone who’s in need to worship something or someone. Who cares what a suits says only sheep do that’s who. Being a costumer is simple, make a good product and i’ll buy it. I don’t need you to pretend to like gaming or being a
”gamer” like this Phil guy or say something ”smart” or ”funny”. When people say these suits are not your friend it means THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND!!!

These exces wants your money more than anything else and if they manage to make you worship them in the process then their job becomes easier. Don’t you get it???

In other words you will look the other way when they do you or anyone else wrong, or even worse you will start defending them for their poor choices etc etc…. It’s not rocket science. We see this all over the internet.

Now wake the fuck up and stop being under the spell of some suit. It’s weird and out right disgusting. It’s poison nothing more nothing less.


CEO are not there to be your friend and smile your face. Most CEO hire a pr people for that.

I sware sometimes it seems like people are looking for a father to go along with their console.

How the fuck you came to that conclusion from what I wrote is beyond astounding. I swear, sometimes people need to be chaperoned on the internet.
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Gold Member
Generally not a fan of him, he appears boring AF and corporatey brit.

But i give him props for trollin both sides. Nickel dimed his PS fanbase, and at the same time crushed Phil efforts by being a corporatey brit.


Gold Member
Sorry but this post screams desperate to me.

You sound like someone who’s in need to worship something or someone. Who cares what a suits says only sheep do that’s who. Being a costumer is simple, make a good product and i’ll buy it. I don’t need you to pretend to like gaming or being a
”gamer” like this Phil guy or say something ”smart” or ”funny”. When people say these suits are not your friend it means THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND!!!

These exces wants your money more than anything else and if they manage to make you worship them in the process then their job becomes easier. Don’t you get it???

In other words you will look the other way when they do you or anyone else wrong, or even worse you will start defending them for their poor choices etc etc…. It’s not rocket science. We see this all over the internet.

Now wake the fuck up and stop being under the spell of some suit. It’s weird and out right disgusting. It’s poison nothing more nothing less.
Big Brother Popcorn GIF by Pop TV


That's why I haven't liked the way PS has been trending of late but its the games but I know that could just be on me

I don't like the growing GAAS and honestly I have not been thrilled with the recent big games from them

Maybe its just because I am getting old

Don’t you spend most of your time on Gaas games? And how is Xbox first party any better, either way?

I say this because you say Xbox is your main platform, and whenever somebody whose main platform is Xbox says something like that I get very confused.
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