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Playstation confirmed to not attend E3 2020


Gold Member
Looks like Sony's worried about blowing all their load.
If the last E3 they attended in 2018 is an indicator, they'll use the 2 hr timeslot at E3 2020 and split it between actors, musicians, and 4 games at half an hour each. But really 20 minutes each as they need the intermissions to force people to the next banquet hall.

It would probably be 4 sections of PS5 remasters: LoU 2 , Ghosts of T, Dreams, Nioh 2.

They bailed.

They prefer to have this at Sony Hall in NYC.
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I'm curious if folks would have said E3 is dead, if were Microsoft that skipped out for 2 years. Somehow, incredible alternative universe it would be coined as Microsoft getting out of video game business or they are scared of Sony.

Oh wait, they say that now too. My bad.

Because they're the company currently winning the console war? It'd be like if there was an E3 for movies and Disney skipped it.


Sony's message will be clearer without all the noise surrounding E3, less clutter..... When Sony eventually does the PS5 spec reveal or PS5 game reveals, all eyes will be on them, it will be everything Sony without the competition's conference coming an hour later or earlier.....

They will be the full focus and talking point for days and weeks and they can control their messaging as they see fit instead of waiting for a big splash once a year.....


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Sony's message will be clearer without all the noise surrounding E3, less clutter..... When Sony eventually does the PS5 spec reveal or PS5 game reveals, all eyes will be on them, it will be everything Sony without the competition's conference coming an hour later or earlier.....


Report me for console warring (Xbot, Xbro etc.)
Sony's message will be clearer without all the noise surrounding E3, less clutter..... When Sony eventually does the PS5 spec reveal or PS5 game reveals, all eyes will be on them, it will be everything Sony without the competition's conference coming an hour later or earlier.....

They will be the full focus and talking point for days and weeks and they can control their messaging as they see fit instead of waiting for a big splash once a year.....
If they are smart they will go completly independant. Make their own events the focus even for third parties to some extent. They have that kind of reach.


Gold Member
Sony's message will be clearer without all the noise surrounding E3, less clutter..... When Sony eventually does the PS5 spec reveal or PS5 game reveals, all eyes will be on them, it will be everything Sony without the competition's conference coming an hour later or earlier.....

They will be the full focus and talking point for days and weeks and they can control their messaging as they see fit instead of waiting for a big splash once a year.....
And they already did that with a PS4 reveal, then followed it up with E3 2013. And nobody got confused.

Who knew in the year 2019 and 2020, you suddenly can't do both, and every gamer gets confused at two shows.
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I'm sure they have big event for PS5 but i also think it's a mistake to drop out of E3 ahead of next gen console releasing few months after that


I'm curious if folks would have said E3 is dead, if were Microsoft that skipped out for 2 years. Somehow, incredible alternative universe it would be coined as Microsoft getting out of video game business or they are scared of Sony.

Oh wait, they say that now too. My bad.
So much this.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Even a lot of "normies" that I hang out with that don't follow video game stuff very much are all glued to their screens during E3 for video game news. All the tech journos will have messaging on full blast that week. Lots of people will be attending in person.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that of course I'll pay attention to whatever Sony is doing whenever they do it, but not everyone will.


Sony may think they don't need E3 but if we look back at history... E3 2014 was a critical moment in time for Sony and the success of the PS4. That event with both the MS mistakes on positioning and the ability for Sony to capitalize on those mistakes was covered across both gaming news and mainstream news. The narrative from that one event was talked about for years to come and influenced how much of the market viewed the consoles triggering a landslide lead for Playstation. Years after you still had mainstream consumers reference gaming sharing being a problem with xbox but not with PS4. Personally, I think this is a mistake for Sony... not cataclysmic but a mistake none the less.
Looks like all eyes on MS again.

Whereas traditionally Sony and MS would share the love for promoting indies and third party games, looks like MS will carry the load again.

"We do not feel the vision of E3 2020 is the right venue"

At E3, you promote whatever you want for about 1.5 - 2 hours. At a company sponsored event, you promote whatever you want for 1.5 - 2 hours.

Am I missing something here? So what's the difference aside from Sony wanting to save money by hosting an event in their own building like Sony Hall?
It's the perfect opposite. No eyes on MS... or less than it should have been. All the ligths Sony could have bring to E3 won't be there. PS5 would have been the star of the show, it's not there, the focus for everyone - except hardcore gamers - won't be there. Sony is destroying E3 and everyone there in order to be shure to win whatever MS has to say and it takes place even before the launch.

Sony is saying: "E3 is to small for us, we want to talk to everyone, you, you and you."

Sony is playing chess and is winning right now.


Report me for console warring (Xbot, Xbro etc.)
I'm curious if folks would have said E3 is dead, if were Microsoft that skipped out for 2 years. Somehow, incredible alternative universe it would be coined as Microsoft getting out of video game business or they are scared of Sony.

Oh wait, they say that now too. My bad.
The problem with this kind of thinking is that you and other xbox fanboys think that Playstation and Xbox are playing on the same level.

Spoilers alert: they are not and the sooner you understand that the sooner you can stop crying about them getting different treatment.


Not Banned from OT
I don't get it.
Save money for bigger bonuses to end the year. That is about the only reason to skip E3 and hurt smaller development teams who depend on that attention they get at E3. With out Sony there is no world wide coverage and word of mouth does not get out for those small teams who have good games.
I think E3 was a perfect fit for Sony. Usually they wouldn't have too much to show throughout the year, but at least they would have a fantastic showing at E3. Now they're abandoning that stage, and instead focus on their own streams. I understand, but I think they're a bit too hasty. Sony just doesn't seem to have the amount of (exclusive) games releasing to host a regular online stream like that.

Nintendo is much better at drip-feeding announcements and trailers and all that through their Directs, because they have smaller and bigger games coming out all the time. Every Direct has the potential to contain a huge announcement for some game we don't know about yet. Sony just hasn't done that yet.


Writes a lot, says very little

I look forward to E3 because of the sheer electricity that happens when both companies are on the stage. there will be no "Who won E3 conversations" that have any real meaning. All the players need to be there.

I'm really not feeling this holier than thou type of shit.

?? Where is "there"? Some of the biggest announcements in gaming don't even happen "there" and simply happening online with a video, teaser, trailer etc during that time frame.

So...EA, Activision, Sony etc skip E3 in favor of just releasing trailers themselves online or having their own events on or around E3. What ESA are charging might be too ridiculars for those publishers when the publisher mentioned are the top publishers in the business. When you move 25 million units a year of a game or 100 million units a system a generation, it matters not the event you attend.

No one is buying a system based on that, show us a damn trailer, release date etc and fans will buy. So "E3" isn't really needed as much as folks might exaggerate. By that logic, Nintendo shouldn't be moving units, Sony shouldn't be moving units and Call Of Duty and Madden should have failed in sales....
It's the perfect opposite. No eyes on MS... or less than it should have been. All the ligths Sony could have bring to E3 won't be there. PS5 would have been the star of the show, it's not there, the focus for everyone - except hardcore gamers - won't be there. Sony is destroying E3 and everyone there in order to be shure to win whatever MS has to say and it takes place even before the launch.

Sony is saying: "E3 is to small for us, we want to talk to everyone, you, you and you."

Sony is playing chess and is winning right now.
Except their press conference are spaced out days apart and engagement with either are completely independent of each other.

Not exactly a thought out post.
In that case let's doing nothing anymore ? Right Sony ?

No E3, no Tokyo Game Show, no Gamescom, no Paris Games Week, ...

E3 is too epic and hystoric to avoid, and even more when starting a new gen !

How Sony can disappoint so much fans all around the world that waiting for them to come at E3 ?????

E3 = Christmas for gaming and gamers.

You have to respect that legendary event and absolutely be there !
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Gaming Christmas is dead. It usually was cringy nonsense anyway. And too much news for a few days, so it makes sense to skip it in this internet era.

But gaming is going to be without a yearly event soon.


I don't mind if they skip E3, saves me all-nighter, but at least make that "direct" video fun to watch.
Last year's video was boring af, same goes for the State of Play vids.
Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about E3 (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is at CES where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over at E3, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the E3 public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase PS5, nor will they purchase any of Sony's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this move.

Sony, publicly apologize and return to E3 for the PS5 reveal or you can kiss your business goodbye.


Writes a lot, says very little
The Playstation February event will be bigger than anything they could have done at E3. It's not like any company can have major reveals every single event.

Honestly just one or two big events a year feels right tbh. We only have to look at the 2017 Sony E3 to realize why not spreading yourself too thinly is a good decision.


Plus with their own event, they can hog all the news cycle. Its why many publishers stopped going to E3 in favor of just having their own events "around" E3 as it allows them to separate themselves to get their own buzz. Who on earth is out here trying to spend all this money, just to announce their BIG NEW AAA IP....on top of a Call Of Duty announcement, GTA announcement, Mass Effect announcement etc. Even those I mentioned have skipped E3 in favor of just releasing a teaser, trailer etc on their own. Red Dead 2 announcement got its own news cycle and hype fest cause it wasn't announced with 100 plus other games flooding the damn news cycle. Its why GTA, Call Of Duty and many more release their info, trailers and such separately and not at events like this. Its not only cheaper, but it allows them to be the only thing talked about. So I'm not bothered at them skipping E3 as many games I buy today had zero E3 reveal anyway lol They have games coming, where they announce that is totally irrelevant to me, I simply want a reveal, info etc

Airbus Jr

Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about E3 (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is at CES where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over at E3, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the E3 public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase PS5, nor will they purchase any of Sony's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this move.

Sony, publicly apologize and return to E3 for the PS5 reveal or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Dude this is the age of internet and social media

You can put your new system to show anywhere and boom thats it

It is not mandatory for Sony to come to E3 in order to suceed

Theres no need to be outraged over this

Not like theres any lack of other gaming event around
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It doesn’t matter when they do their big PS5 show. It’s the consumers watching at home that matter and the show is the same whether it’s at E3 or somewhere else on a different day.


Writes a lot, says very little
Too be fair 2016, 2017,and 2018 were all embarrassing and boring.

Shawn Layden was a mistake.

I mean...sure, boring, embarrassing and maybe a mistake.

They still sold more units then their competitors COMBINED with all that "boring", maybe that is why they are skipping E3 folks.

Clearly it had next to no effect on their sales :pie_raybans:

I think Sony sees it as a waste if a simple youtube video gets them millions of views in a few minutes and has them talked about unopposed for weeks.


Spend more, be "boring" and have to fight for any type of media attention. That isn't an issue for Red Dead 2 that was announced in a trailer on Youtube out of the blue and moved monster units, wasn't an issue for Call Of Duty and I think Sony is clearly seeing that as the market leader, they need not spend on a more expensive event that might be boring and stacked on TOP of several other publishers all announcing near hundreds of games the very same day drowning them out. Reality is, no one is really buying a game or system based on showing up at E3.
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Good. E3 is nonsense. Do your own thing and don´t throw millions into it, unlike what E3 would cost.

Isn´t E3 2020 also some streamer event shit?
I have a gut feeling others will slowly follow. E3 these days costs a lot so it is common sense now that Sony and MS can easily have their own events. Most people watch from home anyway.
I mean...sure, boring, embarrassing and maybe a mistake.

They still sold more units then their competitors COMBINED with all that "boring", maybe that is why they are skipping E3 folks.

Clearly it had next to no effect on their sales :pie_raybans:
The shows were boring period and I'm a PS guy. The ps4 reveal, the pre launch e3, the year with FF7 remake and Shenmue...those were fun shows. I just want that again, doesn't have to be at E3. Just no more stuffy orchestra bullshit with no presenters.
I mean...sure, boring, embarrassing and maybe a mistake.

They still sold more units then their competitors COMBINED with all that "boring", maybe that is why they are skipping E3 folks.

Clearly it had next to no effect on their sales :pie_raybans:

Switch has been outselling the PS4 since 2017.
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