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Playstation only owners speak up, will you be buying an Xbox or a Going PC now

Playstation only gamers answer, will you be buying an Xbox or Gaming PC now after today's news

  • Yes I will buy an Xbox but will keep my PlayStation

    Votes: 26 17.0%
  • Yes I will buy an Xbox and sell my PlayStation

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Yes I will buy a Gaming PC but will keep my PlayStation

    Votes: 26 17.0%
  • Yes I Will buy a Gaming PC and sell my PlayStation

    Votes: 4 2.6%
  • No I will not purchase an Xbox or a Gaming PC, I will still stick to PlayStation only

    Votes: 79 51.6%

  • Total voters
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The fact that some users here think there are gamers who ONLY have/play PlayStation is kinda funny.

What? I only own a PS5. What do you mean?

Ok technically I also own a switch but it's been collecting dust for years now.
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Never really found a reason or interest whatsoever to buy an Xbox. I feel content with PS5 and PC
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There is very little that I play that MS has control of...I'll maybe dip into Xcloud some day on Android or something if there is something i'm desperate to try otherwise PS has always had the games I'm interested in.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
There's a few games that could potentially get me to get a Xbox Series X but I'll have to wait and see how they turn out. I'm not getting anymore games on my XB1

Hellblade 2
Fable (if it's a SP reboot)
Gears 6
Indiana Jones
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Well i already a Series X due soley to Jim Ryan's buffoonery.

I use a brook controller adaptor to usr ps4 / ps5 pad on series x.

I quite like the bc/gamepass combo (& retroarch) in terms of one box with most games on it.


I still haven’t seen a compelling reason to buy an Xbox at all

Bethesda and Activision have never been the types of games I enjoy.

I’m more interested to see how other projects turn out like Avowed or PD

But Microsoft is actually moving in the opposite of what I care about - heavily into subs and GaaS focus on everything
Pretty much this. Elden ring is about to make open world RPGs obsolete and revolutionize the genre so there will be plenty of copycats as we’ve seen with From games. Sekiro stays with From too.

I only buy new consoles for Resident Evil. I also look forward to Insomniac games, mainly R&C, and I also look forward to Dragon Quest games.

I always end up buying other things too but they're mostly things I stumble on.

The BC with the Series X had me really interested but I think that's over now and the main game I wanted it for doesn't work with it (Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding). I think the Series X is an awesome console and still interests me but I probably won't ever buy one.

Also, I recently ordered PSVR so the only Bethesda game(s) I'm actively interested is Skyrim VR/Doom 3 VR and that's still available so I'm good on Bethesda games. I can also play Fallout 3 on the PS3.

I've never given a shit about COD, I recently picked up Ghosts on the Wii U for like $6, but mostly got it so I could have a FPS game on the Wii U. Still haven't played it.
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Gold Member
If they make Blizzard great again

Haven't bought COD in a decade. THPS, Spyro and Crash are good legacy gets
This poll alone shows how far back the Microsoft/Xbox brand is….clearly it’s okay they bought Activision, they might even need to buy more. They need evreything they can get.

The mind share for PlayStation is just so high, why are people mad about this?

Xbox is making great strides, I don’t see this as a bad thing.
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Gold Member
I was always going to get a Series X this gen. None of the AB games I care about so that hasn't changed anything.


I don’t think anything is going to change to be honest. MS isn’t going to gate keep big games like COD. It will just be free on game pass and this is their strategy. Eventually everyone will have game pass on every device. Own PS and Switch for their exclusives. Game pass for everything else.


I already throw my Nintendo switch and my PS5 in the garbage as soon as I heard the news! It’s all over!

Nintendo will go back doing toys for kids and Sony will only do what they know best! Make expensive TVs.

Quite frankly I’ll wait for the results of all those acquisitions…. Let’s see if they know how to manage so many studios.
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has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
For me I also don't see a point in getting a Xbox Series X yet if ever because I already have so many games to play

My backlog is enormous

A Lot Alice GIF by Un si grand soleil


The fact that some users here think there are gamers who ONLY have/play PlayStation is kinda funny.
They exist, shown already in this thread. One of my closest friends only have PS5. He’s starting to warm up on Xbox because of Gamepass but haven’t jumped in yet.


I do not care about either of the two big publishers they've bought,haven't bought a single game from Bethesda or Activision since 2012 probably.


Gold Member
I don't really buy games from Actvision, Blizzard, or BGS so it's business as usual over here.

Maybe in a few years if they start releasing quality titles I like, cut out the 'modern gaming' bullshit, and stop being disgusting, reprehensible, soulless corporate hacks and their games find their way to Steam then I may give them a look.

Recent examples like Spyro and Crash remakes with 42 page long EULAs almost was enough for me to put those in the trash right then and there.
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The most amazing thing I’ve learned today is that no one plays Call of Duty and it’s still the best selling game every year.

Closely followed by all Activision Blizzard games are shit, yet they still seem to have been the highest valued 3rd party company in existence.
It’s been an upside down kind of day :messenger_tears_of_joy:

(Full disclosure I haven’t played a COD since that one with the controversial scene in the airport - can’t remember which one that was - I always want to, but don’t because the single player is always ridiculously short and fuck multiplayer. But now I’ll be able to play all those campaigns I missed).
Not immediately but as soon as first big Bethesda/AB game releases under Microsoft, skips PS consoles and it’s a critical hit, I’ll do it. Starfield maybe?

EDIT: I’ll probably sell PS5 for Series X because SX sells for 700€ here.
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It'll be determined entirely by what exclusives are released this generation. At the moment PlayStation clearly has better exclusives, so I'm happy to stick with it. If by the end of the gen Xbox has better exclusives, I'll consider switching. I'm not particularly interested in any of Microsoft/Bethesda/Activision's franchises, though, barring something unexpected from Diablo 4 or one of Obsidian's games.

I'm not particularly interested in having two consoles and I'll never waste money on a gaming PC. I have been considering getting a Series S for PS2/Gamecube emulation though.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Several ps5’s, two xsx’s and 1 xss at home/office.

I buy several games every week across switch, pc, PlayStation (including double dips).

I have not purchased an Xbox game in 3 years and don’t see myself buying one again due to game pass.

Disclosure: I have been an Xbox live subscriber since the early 2000’s and have several years of game pass ultimate.
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Gold Member
I wont buy an xbox because xbox isnt officially launched where i live. I dont think gamepass is supported here? Would have bought a series x earlier than my current ps5 if it wasnt for this problem.
I already have a gaming PC. I can play Call of Duty already because it's released day and date on PC with the console versions.

The last Call of Duty I enjoyed was Infinite Warfare though. I don't need any more World War II and I'm getting kind of tired of the Black Ops series and I'm not sure what else there is in CoD anymore.


Well as by too many COD players on GAF it seems. So this wouldn’t be as big compared to the general population that eats cod every year.
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All of this. It’s funny because some people can’t grasp the concept that there are gamers that aren’t interested in Bethesda or activision.
It is kinda weird to be a gamer and not be interested in anything under activision or Bethesda tbh. Maybe favour other studious like myself. But as someone who plays games to say they have no interest in anything these to offer is hard to believe.


The nicest person on this forum
It is kinda weird to be a gamer and not be interested in anything under activision or Bethesda tbh. Maybe favour other studious like myself. But as someone who plays games to say they have no interest in anything these to offer is hard to believe.
I never once played anything from Bethesda, Activision or Blizzard (other than Sekiro), they simply make games I have zero interest in.


I have decent Laptop( 5900hx + 3080 ) to play games but i have hardly used it. So PC is a no go for me.

Maybe Xbox in 2-3 years time when all these exclusives start to drop. But then again i will buy 3 months of gamepass, play everything and then abadon it for some time. Unless they bring single player AAA game of PS studio quality, Microsoft will always be 2nd choice.

Its not about loyalty and i can afford both but i have a soft spot for Sony because of their technology background ( me being an engineer). Microsoft always seemed like a douchebag company with monopolistic behaviour. So i will play games which i like, but would definitely pay as little as possible to Microsoft. With Gamepass they have a method for me to do so.


I have a gaming PC to play Xbox exclusives. For now I didn't have any reason to use it (outside of work) and going by the current announced stuff, Hellblade 2 will be the only reason to change that. Maybe Starfield, if it's NOT Fallout in space.


Already have a Series X, Nintendo Switch and a Gaming Laptop with an RTX 3070 to go along with my PS5. So not missing anything with this acquisition.
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