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Playstation Social Justice Fund and Career Pathways

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Gold Member

SIE’s Social Justice Fund and PlayStation Career Pathways awards scholarships and welcomes new partners

With more than $11 million already committed, new scholarship partners join SIE’s global Social Justice Fund portfolio.

In 2020, Sony Group established a $100 million Global Social Justice Fund to support social justice and anti-racist initiatives around the world. As part of Sony Group, Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) has committed more than $11 million in total to advance race equity within the gaming industry and beyond.

Through SIE’s Social Justice Initiative and our PlayStation Career Pathways, we’re supporting organizations and efforts focused on strengthening educational and career opportunities for historically disadvantaged communities. Our objective is to drive a new era of creativity, development and growth in the gaming industry that allows for more diversity and representation.

Today, I’m excited to share an update on our PlayStation Career Pathways partnerships and SIE’s Social Justice Fund portfolio as we continue our efforts to drive change – locally, nationally, and globally. This is just another step as we’ll continue to strive to make Sony Interactive Entertainment and the video game industry more diverse, inclusive, and accessible.
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Go woke go broke?

PS I don't really believe that, you can probably tell from my previous posts.

So this initiative started in 2020 with 100mill connected to Sony group but is now gonna be another boring culture war political thread from a super vanilla blog post despite NeoGAF not having a political section.
There is always someone trying to make a culture war thread out of something sadly.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Yeah let’s go back to poorly designed $600 consoles, shit 3rd party relations, and 1st party studios putting out C rated crap.
I don't know, their 3rd party relations in the PSX/PS2 era seemed to be on another level compared to day.
Maybe they was difficult to deal with but still got the job done, either way it's not what it used to be


Gold Member
That topic about trolling jim ryan management aged even better than the dismantle 343 one...

Brave Sony is best Sony.


World’s Biggest Weeb
PlayStation social justice guidelines:

1. Every game needs to have at least one Empowered Black Woman

2. There should be at least one tender, loving, totally normal and boring, homosexual or non-traditional relationship that’s displayed prominently. Even if it doesn’t fit the tone of the game or have anything to do with the rest of the story.

3. All non-cis/white/hetero characters need to be really witty, nice, and likeable. They should have no serious character flaws.

4. Corollary to #3: it’s okay for those characters to suffer from lack of confidence, as long as the player character gets to encourage and help them blossom into the wonderful diversity superstar they really are.

5. White men can only be: a. Villains, b. Cocksure boss/authority figures that the player character stands up to, c. Assholes, or d. Milquetoast beta cucks who gladly defer to their superiors.


I remember when Playstation was a Japanese company. Good times.
Not sure why Sony want this fight.

Xbox is the best ‘Western’ console. It’s basically a mini PC at this point and you see that with the games they push (being more in tune with the PC audience).

PS was a fantastic hybrid between East and West, always has been, and that’s why they ‘win’. They should have carried on down that path.

If they stray any further they’ll continue to get dominated by Nintendo, and Xbox will continue to close the gap.
Japan’s entire country bent the knee to Western ideals long before gaming even existed. It amazes how anyone could ever think PlayStation was “Japanese”.


Gold Member
Isnt this just Affirmative Action, but with another name?

Affirmative action refers to a set of policies and practices within a government or organization seeking to include particular groups based on their gender, race, sexuality, creed or nationality in areas in which they are underrepresented, such as education and employment.


Gold Member
That Japanese company also made the most successful game console of all time, but go off I guess....
Actually, don't. Shut the fuck up

Because people care about third party shovelware so much. If only to brag about how many games are on that particular system, without providing context


Gold Member
No. You could, however, benefit from such an initiative seeing how you can’t read.

I'm white so I wouldn't benefit from this "initiative".

Also the OP's post literally states the following:

Through SIE’s Social Justice Initiative and our PlayStation Career Pathways, we’re supporting organizations and efforts focused on strengthening educational and career opportunities for historically disadvantaged communities. Our objective is to drive a new era of creativity, development and growth in the gaming industry that allows for more diversity and representation.

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You know what not racist/sexist?
Hiring people for their skills instead of their skin colour and gender
Training/ education for some positions require money and funding in order to make sure it’s widely accessible to everyone.
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Idk man, I had a blast with my PS2 back then.
Yeah PlayStation did real well when they didn’t have to think of anything innovative and their main sources of competition were a struggling new entry in Microsoft and Nintendo in their flop era.

Anyways my point is that PlayStation is thriving now being run by the US/UK teams who are predominantly white. They spend a fraction of their time doing their white guilt song and dance and that’s fine by me.


Reverse groomer.
Good on Sony supporting marginalized groups in the tech space. In black communities pathways into tech are barely existent and the more money put into the space the better.
just between the 2 of us, black to black, you have to understand this shit is literally all a farce to raise their ESG score and make their PR look good. They don't truly give a shit about us because if they did, they wouldn't be raising prices or censoring Japanese games. Companies aren't sincere when it comes to this shit
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