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Playstation Social Justice Fund and Career Pathways

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Reverse groomer.
In black communities pathways into tech are barely existent
this is literally because most black people do not give a shit about tech, and even if there are people who are, there are far too little of us. We're called a minority for a reason, we're behind Latinos who are already a distant second place from white Americans when it comes to the US population
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this is literally because most black people do not give a shit about tech, and even if there are people who are, there are far too little of us. We're called a minority for a reason, we're behind Latinos who are already a distant second place from white Americans when it comes to the US population
Wow it’s almost like you have to cultivate interest in an industry early, through programs.


How about a fund for making some videogames, Sony?
You are the fund.

You're also funding PC and mobile shit, by the way.

Shout out to my guy B-rye in the sky.

Gone, but never forgotten.


PlayStation social justice guidelines:

1. Every game needs to have at least one Empowered Black Woman

2. There should be at least one tender, loving, totally normal and boring, homosexual or non-traditional relationship that’s displayed prominently. Even if it doesn’t fit the tone of the game or have anything to do with the rest of the story.

3. All non-cis/white/hetero characters need to be really witty, nice, and likeable. They should have no serious character flaws.

4. Corollary to #3: it’s okay for those characters to suffer from lack of confidence, as long as the player character gets to encourage and help them blossom into the wonderful diversity superstar they really are.

5. White men can only be: a. Villains, b. Cocksure boss/authority figures that the player character stands up to, c. Assholes, or d. Milquetoast beta cucks who gladly defer to their superiors.
Post of the year.


Gold Member
Yeah let’s go back to poorly designed $600 consoles, shit 3rd party relations, and 1st party studios putting out C rated crap.
Hell Yeah Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

This news is so empowering and inspiring. Inspiring me to sell off all my PS5 stuff and call it a day in Linux. Can't deal with this shit anymore :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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The fact that people don't get this is a bit weird. They clearly must believe that success/failure is purely an individual's choice and there is no such thing as classism or straight out nepotism in certain industries.
People don’t understand their own advantage in certain scenarios, so they’ll never understand how others may be at a disadvantage.

People who argue things like “merit” or “bootstraps” just come off at best ignorant and at worst racist.


Yeah let’s go back to poorly designed $600 consoles, shit 3rd party relations, and 1st party studios putting out C rated crap.
The only reason PS5 is not a $800 console is because AMD gave their chips basically for free. A grave mistake that I do not expect them to repeat
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And people still think he is doing good work? I would rather want them to waste money making games, not some stupid twitter funding ideas.

Sony Japan, just do something already.
They just did. Increased the price of the PS5 like they did with most of their products, lmao
Yes, but, while these sorts of organizations usually do good work, they should have always been about supporting people with few means in general, rather than specifically supporting colored people with few means.
They're focused on a specific demographic...nothing wrong with that. There multiple organizations that support different groups or are inclusive of everyone. These one might promote specifically to their intended demographic.

this is literally because most black people do not give a shit about tech, and even if there are people who are, there are far too little of us. We're called a minority for a reason, we're behind Latinos who are already a distant second place from white Americans when it comes to the US population
Very wrong in the bold. If you want to use the equivalency of overall population directly to sector population...its still less than half. So the numbers in the tech industry are still low compared to general population. Programs to help bolster that are good. Usually they give training, opportunities than prepare you for the work force...which is only good, especially in artistic/tech mediums. More voices in the industry is only ever good.


You know what not racist/sexist?
Hiring people for their skills instead of their skin colour and gender
The problem is of course in many areas of life, that isn't what actually happens at all. If it did, these kind of initiatives wouldn't be needed.
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Wow it’s almost like you have to cultivate interest in an industry early, through programs.
Esentially...so if you teach kids programming or IT in schools you'll garner more interest. He made it seem like the majority of us don't utilize phone, computers, gaming systems etc. We just don't have the proper programs on a wide scale level that introduces it to us as a career option.


The internet's gonna have a field day with something literally labelled "social justice". Put on your hazmat suits.
Yeah the worse thing you can be on the internet is anti-racism and anti-bigotry.

God forbide people try to slow down the effects of racism.
"Hey Sony so you care about social issues right?
"So does that mean you'll stop overcharging for your console in third world countries? Maybe offer some regional pricing so a new game doesn't cost like a fifth of a minimum wage?"
Games are a luxury. Why would they lower the prices.

Sony-”youre poor? play Destiny 2.”
In what black communities?

I'm black and virtually everyone I know in my black community works in Tech. I'm the only one who doesn't, in fact.

Are you talking about the US?
Depends on what economic demographic you talking. i like in brooklyn NY...most black people here dont work in tech. Black people make up 5% of tech workers so your group is deff an outlier. I work in tech too...I know a few but the majority of my friends or community doesn't. It's anecdotal to use the circle around you/me...I'll look into how many black people in the tech field...but its growing due to programs helping out in many situations.
"Hey Sony so you care about social issues right?
"So does that mean you'll stop overcharging for your console in third world countries? Maybe offer some regional pricing so a new game doesn't cost like a fifth of a minimum wage?"

Black African here, know what my reaction is?


North America is a weird place, man.
For as much as we wish to rid ourselves of problems we love to ignore the advances we've made culturally and socially and then pretend we're fixing them again with stupid worthless programs like this. It's a never ending revolving door so people can continue to swap out virtue signal labels on their social media pages to stay in the good graces with what's accepted by the large majority currently, otherwise you face the wrath of being shunned.
Some communities needs a bit more help than other. Like with medication sometimes specific situations and communities need something different than others. Can't simplify complex issues.
This is true sure, but at the same time, more can be said for helping communities fend and build for themselves. Japan itself never needed this much hand holding when it was recovering from WW2
For as much as we wish to rid ourselves of problems we love to ignore the advances we've made culturally and socially and then pretend we're fixing them again with stupid worthless programs like this. It's a never ending revolving door so people can continue to swap out virtue signal labels on their social media pages to stay in the good graces with what's accepted by the large majority currently, otherwise you face the wrath of being shunned.
Puritan era all over again...
Depends on what economic demographic you talking. i like in brooklyn NY...most black people here dont work in tech. Black people make up 5% of tech workers so your group is deff an outlier. I work in tech too...I know a few but the majority of my friends or community doesn't. It's anecdotal to use the circle around you/me...I'll look into how many black people in the tech field...but its growing due to programs helping out in many situations.

It's anecdotal, I know, but among my peers in the UK, together with the black communities I interface with here in Canada, it definitely seems like the rate of black folks going into the tech field is growing massively.

I'd be intrigued to see the numbers.

Seems like you're talking about black people from underprivileged homes/neighbourhoods. My circles consist of predominantly born-middle-class black communities. These folks don't seem to have any issues getting into tech/finance etc...

TBH, 5% of tech workers being black in the US is pretty good. The total black population is only 12%. So I wouldn't consider 5% make-up in the tech field underrepresented.
Fair enough. Personally I don’t buy games where I suspect I’m going to pay to be lectured to. I’ve been buying fewer and fewer games and it appears that that is going to continue.

It does mean I probably miss some gems from time to time, as I just take an educated guess, but I’m quite happy with that. Gives me more time to do other activities.
just between the 2 of us, black to black, you have to understand this shit is literally all a farce to raise their ESG score and make their PR look good. They don't truly give a shit about us because if they did, they wouldn't be raising prices or censoring Japanese games. Companies aren't sincere when it comes to this shit
Especially not Disney (I'm one of those Africans who hates Black Panther BTW).
This is true sure, but at the same time, more can be said for helping communities fend and build for themselves. Japan itself never needed this much hand holding when it was recovering from WW2
Japan is a homogenous nation where racial issues didn't play a role in the countries history for the most part.

It's anecdotal, I know, but among my peers in the UK, together with the black communities I interface with here in Canada, it definitely seems like the rate of black folks going into the tech field is growing massively.

I'd be intrigued to see the numbers.

Seems like you're talking about black people from underprivileged homes/neighbourhoods. My circles consist of predominantly born-middle-class black communities. These folks don't seem to have any issues getting into tech/finance etc...

TBH, 5% of tech workers being black in the US is pretty good. The total black population is only 12%. So I wouldn't consider 5% make-up in the tech field underrepresented.
I'll look up the numbers another time, because you can't really gain much from anecdotes...but yea I'm talking about under privilege communities...programs that go there make a big difference. Of course it doesnt undo the history or lack of funding, but even if one kid from the community finds footing in the field due to these programs that a net gain. 5% is low, companies are doing their best to raise that number.
Fair enough. Personally I don’t buy games where I suspect I’m going to pay to be lectured to. I’ve been buying fewer and fewer games and it appears that that is going to continue.

It does mean I probably miss some gems from time to time, as I just take an educated guess, but I’m quite happy with that. Gives me more time to do other activities.
This here is what sucks the most I think, because now we can't really tell whose trying to lecture us on shit, or who is just a foreign creator making something cool with no wokisms in it.
If only there was some sort of tag or something.
Japan is a homogenous nation where racial issues didn't play a role in the countries history for the most part.

I'll look up the numbers another time, because you can't really gain much from anecdotes...but yea I'm talking about under privilege communities...programs that go there make a big difference. Of course it doesnt undo the history or lack of funding, but even if one kid from the community finds footing in the field due to these programs that a net gain. 5% is low, companies are doing their best to raise that number.
Why did it rap music take off then? What the rappers got special treatment?
this is literally because most black people do not give a shit about tech, and even if there are people who are, there are far too little of us. We're called a minority for a reason, we're behind Latinos who are already a distant second place from white Americans when it comes to the US population
Honest answer, well said.


Some communities needs a bit more help than other. Like with medication sometimes specific situations and communities need something different than others. Can't simplify complex issues.
Colored people are not one giant community with shared features. They are different people in different places with different outcomes and possibilities. There is no reason why any community should be singled out by race. People with disadvantages should get help, period. Plenty of non-colored people live in terrible positions and need these sorts of organizations to help them.

This is completely different than medication. A poor Colombian guy, a poor black women, a poor white guy in a trailer park, a homeless asian women, there should be no difference in the opportunities they have when it comes to getting support from organizations than focus on helping. Having a goal to diversify is cool, but if it means their services only extend to certain races, it's not. If that means that 80% of the funds would eventually go to colored people, and that more colored people need more help in certain ways, that's fine, but the outset should never be race-focused.
What I find most baffling is that I hear stories of self taught indie devs all the time, but when it comes to "marginalized people", we get treated like babies who can't think for themselves.
Nobody needs to be told to make a game, nobody needs to see someone who "looks like them" making a game to wanna make games.
You do or you don't, you're interested or you aren't.
Why do you need some million dollar marketing campaign to see yourself doing something, if you're already interested in whatever it is.
I'll look up the numbers another time, because you can't really gain much from anecdotes...but yea I'm talking about under privilege communities...programs that go there make a big difference. Of course it doesnt undo the history or lack of funding, but even if one kid from the community finds footing in the field due to these programs that a net gain. 5% is low, companies are doing their best to raise that number.

How can you claim that 5% of workers in Tech being black is low when the overall black population is only 12%?

Of that 12% total black people, only a portion are of working age at all, and that working age proportion is not the same across all other ethnic groups.

The idea that 12% of the population being black should mean 12% of the workers in every industry sector should be black, is just not rooted in realism or a pragmatic viewpoint.

Beyond just the lack of opportunities for minority groups being able to access a certain professional sector, there are other factors like just plain old interest, that play into people's choice of career to pursue.

All that said, I'm not against help for underprivileged black communities to get the kids into high-paying careers (not just tech). But I wouldn't single out underprivileged black communities in this specific example, especially when the representation of black workers in the tech field at 5% is so high. We're simply not underrepresented in tech.


You know what not racist/sexist?
Hiring people for their skills instead of their skin colour and gender
As it already is the case. Except in companies who take into consideration 'inclusion and diversity' quotas.

Regarding women, in gaming there are less women because most of their work positions are tech related and since they are babies on average women have way less preference by tech stuff than men, so when adult on average way less women decide to have a tech related career, they prefer other type of careers which happens the opposite: there are way more women than men. Plus there are other industries that are somewhat 50/50.

The difference isn't only in the companies, it's also in the schools and universities. And as happens in universities, women aren't rejected: there's simply way less women applying for certain careers, like in the industries.

TBH, 5% of tech workers being black in the US is pretty good. The total black population is only 12%. So I wouldn't consider 5% make-up in the tech field underrepresented.
In USA is there a big difference in the amount of money that on average have the persons depending on ethnicity? What is the split in US population and US gaming industry in the other ethnicities?

To work in tech maybe you needed a long education in pretty expensive schools/universities in USA, plus also have to spend a lot of time learning and practicing at home. Things that maybe only people from families with a certain amount of money can afford.

Maybe the difference comes from there: maybe on average certain ethnicities, in addition to be a way smaller part of the population, on average there's a smaller portion of them who can afford the required time and money required to start in the industry.

Maybe the problem is to turn a basic need like education a business that many can't afford, keeping some people out of the loop.
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just between the 2 of us, black to black, you have to understand this shit is literally all a farce to raise their ESG score and make their PR look good. They don't truly give a shit about us because if they did, they wouldn't be raising prices or censoring Japanese games. Companies aren't sincere when it comes to this shit

Don't worry they don't give a shit about us either. True Equality.


Social justice,anti-racist and equity.......I've not bought a PS5 yet Sony......keep pushing this bullshit and it will be an easy pass.
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