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Playstation Social Justice Fund and Career Pathways

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Can't believe we still have people on this planet that think and act like this. He would NEVER say something like that to ANYONE of color. Coward! I'm glad he's gone. You're lucky all you got was a perma ban. In the real world it's much worse and much more deserved.
If its the "c**n" comment you're talking about, yeah he did say it to a person of color. I'm wondering though, wasn't he a person of color?
If its the "c**n" comment you're talking about, yeah he did say it to a person of color. I'm wondering though, wasn't he a person of color?
I can understand the thought of slurs being worse when not being used by and about two people of the same race, but that seems like a really weird thing to police on the internet.

That said, while I'm very much a proponent of free speech, I do still feel slurs should be forbidden pretty much everywhere on the internet. They're impossible to use without collateral damage, and they're not needed or beneficial for any argument or point that can be made. I don't feel that any government should disallow their use, though.

However, I also didn't report the post, and instead recommended it be edited to remove content I strongly suspected could result in a ban.
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I can understand the thought of slurs being worse when not being used by and about two people of the same race, but that seems like a really weird thing to police on the internet.
I didn't really take offense to be honest.
I kind of expect comments like that coz I've come across people like this before.
That said, while I'm very much a proponent of free speech, I do still feel slurs should be forbidden pretty much everywhere on the internet. They're impossible to use without collateral damage, and they're not needed or beneficial for any argument or point that can be made. I don't feel that any government should disallow their use, though.
I understand how you feel and I agree with some of this, though I myself believe that slurs can be repurposed in positive ways depending on the type of person you are.
However, I also didn't report the post, and instead recommended it be edited to remove content I strongly suspected could result in a ban.
No worries, I wasn't trying to accuse or anything like that (sorry if it came across that way).
Though I found the comment somewhat amusing, I'm grateful that you pointed it out, lets me know what lines not to cross.
I understand how you feel and I agree with some of this, though I myself believe that slurs can be repurposed in positive ways depending on the type of person you are.
Well, they sure do make someone's argument look bad, and make them look like an ass, so I guess that's a type of positive if you're arguing with them.
No worries, I wasn't trying to accuse or anything like that (sorry if it came across that way).
Though I found the comment somewhat amusing, I'm grateful that you pointed it out, lets me know what lines not to cross.
It didn't come across that way, but I felt like clarifying. As to what lines not to cross, aside from slurs and such, the other things I mainly see people get banned for are rudely disagreeing with an action taken by moderators, or generalizing the members of this forum.
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Where are you getting that 50,000 number from? That seems extremely low.

It was a presentation I received at work from a non-profit working to create opportunities for black people specifically in the area of tech.

That 50,000 is the number of students graduating per year with the type of degree that tech employers are looking for. So total tech-related degree graduates will be higher, but many will not have graduated in a program that is desireable for the major tech companies.

March Climber

Gold Member

You guys sure know how to pick your thread titles. Incoming 20 pages.


This place is depressing sometimes.
Because you're looking in the wrong places. Check the following and be happy:


You guys sure know how to pick your thread titles. Incoming 20 pages.
Just ignore such threads rather than replying in them and bumping the thread to the top.
I truly believe it comes with being colonized. It's a colonized mindset.
To do your thing and succeed at it? or have people not believing in whatever path you decide to take? Because these two things are so common everywhere that this is probably the most cliche story you can tell (you'd know if you were around people from all around the world on a regular basis).

There is a guy in my distant family who made a fake resume, sent it to a couple of European IT firms back in the 90s and he got hired. Not too long after he started working on Novell Netware they noticed that he was struggling and started asking him questions. So he just told them that it was "different" where he came from, he then took the books that came with the software and went through them learned everything he needed to. He got to keep the job and make tons of money.

Just where I work now, a young woman who did not want to take the jab had to skip her online only university class (these brainiacs are so worried about people's health that they won't let you attend online class unless you are fully vaccinated, Canada he!)... anyway, she was hired as an office assistant a few months back, and is so much appreciated that she got promoted.

I got in my current line of work in a similar manner, no lies in my resume, just someone who had an opening where I worked and offered it to me.

These things happen all the time, no need to play the victim, give it a try.


To do your thing and succeed at it? or have people not believing in whatever path you decide to take? Because these two things are so common everywhere that this is probably the most cliche story you can tell (you'd know if you were around people from all around the world on a regular basis).

There is a guy in my distant family who made a fake resume, sent it to a couple of European IT firms back in the 90s and he got hired. Not too long after he started working on Novell Netware they noticed that he was struggling and started asking him questions. So he just told them that it was "different" where he came from, he then took the books that came with the software and went through them learned everything he needed to. He got to keep the job and make tons of money.

Just where I work now, a young woman who did not want to take the jab had to skip her online only university class (these brainiacs are so worried about people's health that they won't let you attend online class unless you are fully vaccinated, Canada he!)... anyway, she was hired as an office assistant a few months back, and is so much appreciated that she got promoted.

I got in my current line of work in a similar manner, no lies in my resume, just someone who had an opening where I worked and offered it to me.

These things happen all the time, no need to play the victim, give it a try.
Did you read my posts? My attitude is the opposite of playing the victim?


I'm so happy that after I got Ghost of Tsushima all my games are were bought on Steam , GOG or used.
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Gold Member
End of the day, for people who need a corporate push to enter a career field, go ahead. But to me, its on you (as a person) to figure out yourself.

In modern day where everyone can read up, learn, and figure out how to apply for this job or that job as a career it cant be any easier. In the OT tab there's even a thread where a gaf user asking about Python. You couldnt access career info or do after dinner hobbying (ie programming) any easier than mouse clicks and free downloads.

Here's a game you can all test:

For you or good friends you know their history, compare what career or hobby you guys have done vs. how much in your face marketing or parental guidance you got to get you where you are:

I'll start. But you can see you dont always need real life examples and guidance to do your own thing in life.

Zero correlation

Me. Dad business and tech. Mom low level admin jobs and homemaker. I did business. But not because of dad. He's an old school grouch I never talked jobs with. He didnt either. I knew which company he worked at but didnt know what he even did there. As long as I got a degree in anything thats all he cared about. I went into business because my high school career tests showed I liked numbers and office jobs, plus I liked watching fucking Melrose Place. My business interest actually was advertising as if I was going to sleaze it up in ad agencies with Heather Locklear. But I ended up in finance.

Siblings. Sci tech job (chemistry), programmer (not what my dad did)

Good friend 1. Dad was a judge. Mom was similar to mine doing either low level jobs and stay at home mom. She's a teacher.

Good friend 2. Dad managed a drug store. Mom stayed home. He went into marketing.

Good friend 3. Just by luck, his dad also managed a drug store too but was also the pharmacist who owned it. He's currently in sales.

Good friend 4. Dad was a postal worker. Mom who knows. He hasnt spoken to her in like 10 years as he doesn't like bringing her up so there's obviously some shaky shit going on so I dont want to bug him asking. He's a VP of sales at a company I'm sure some of you have his products at home.

Good friend 5. Dad is a lawyer. Not sure what mom did, but her parents are divorced. She's a sales analyst.

There is correlation, or perhaps guidance from parents

Sibling. Got a business job like me, but have no idea if it's due to our dad doing it too

Good friend 6. Parents owned a business. He took over their business when they retired

Good friend 7. Dad was a CEO or VP of a machinery company. Mom is a real estate agent. She's a real estate agent and they work at the same brokerage

Good friend 8. Dad worked at a car plant on the assembly line. He's a mechanical engineering working at car companies
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Boss Mog

Yeah the worse thing you can be on the internet is anti-racism and anti-bigotry.

God forbide people try to slow down the effects of racism.
People don't like so called "anti-racists" because you can never win with them, they'll always find something to complain about:


Not to mention that many of these so called "anti-racists" are just grifters exploiting this current divisive "whitey is evil" rhetoric to make a buck:



Gold Member
People don't like so called "anti-racists" because you can never win with them, they'll always find something to complain about:


Not to mention that many of these so called "anti-racists" are just grifters exploiting this current divisive "whitey is evil" rhetoric to make a buck:

Good ones are when social justice groups complain about lack of LTQB representation in movies and tv shows.

But when studios blatantly show viewers they are gay or lesbian going out their way from plotlines, the group can whine why they do that when most act or dress like every day people and you cant tell.

But if that's the case, how would anyone know a character isnt straight unless they are psionic mind flayers?

It stupid doubled edge arguments that nobody can ever win. Just as your pics above show.


People don't like so called "anti-racists" because you can never win with them, they'll always find something to complain about:


Not to mention that many of these so called "anti-racists" are just grifters exploiting this current divisive "whitey is evil" rhetoric to make a buck:


You are more describing the horrible 20% vocal minority that gets all the headlines on Twitter. Both sides have them. I'm not sure why all you people love paying attention to those people when they honestly don't represent the average person on the "anti-racist" side.

Sadly it has people like you thinking White Fragility is a bad book and a good example to use here. Twitter isn't real! I hate that it dominates the conversation so much.


World’s Biggest Weeb
You are more describing the horrible 20% vocal minority that gets all the headlines on Twitter. Both sides have them. I'm not sure why all you people love paying attention to those people when they honestly don't represent the average person on the "anti-racist" side.

Sadly it has people like you thinking White Fragility is a bad book and a good example to use here. Twitter isn't real! I hate that it dominates the conversation so much.
Maybe it’s “only” 20% but they are pretty damn good at shaming and silencing others into compliance.

If you think it’s so terrible that this vocal minority of wackos are giving the “real” anti-racists a bad name and harming the cause, how about you grow a pair of balls and let them know they’re full of shit, instead of trying so hard to silence any discussion of them.
You are more describing the horrible 20% vocal minority that gets all the headlines on Twitter. Both sides have them. I'm not sure why all you people love paying attention to those people when they honestly don't represent the average person on the "anti-racist" side.

Sadly it has people like you thinking White Fragility is a bad book and a good example to use here. Twitter isn't real! I hate that it dominates the conversation so much.
How are the beliefs expressed in that book different than those expressed by that the people on twitter that you're referring to? From what I know about both, they seem a lot alike to me, but I'm happy to hear an argument suggesting otherwise.
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