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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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I already have it properly seated on my head. I need to adjust eye distance but everything else is clear. What I'm seeing is a screen problem.

You shouldn't have any light bleed as the screens are oled. It's pitched black when I have mine on except for when there is light coming in from outside by accident.


I'm 6'3" and I didn't feel short at all playing the game. My camera is placed under my TV aiming slightly up at me, maybe that makes a difference?
That's where I have mine too. I don't feel sorry next to the Npcs but there environment I guess I'd just on a larger scale. When I pad under a door in real life I'm only 6 inches from the top. In re7 door frames are a good 1.5 feet over my head.


You shouldn't have any light bleed as the screens are oled. It's pitched black when I have mine on except for when there is light coming in from outside by accident.
Hmmm. Good to know. Mine looks like old LCD computer monitors from the early 2000s amount of light bleed. I'm going to try to adjust the brightness when I get home to see if that fixes it. I hope so. Otherwise I'm going to send it in.
I'll admit I'm waiting for a clearance price on this. Still think VR is a gimmick, but we'll see what the casuals think other than GAF. Bought PSVR games on rhe cheap thanks to BB recent deals. Don't know if thats a sign of VR going the way of the Vita someday as Vita games also started going down in price when it wasn't selling hotcakes. Still, I'm intrigued about using VR for PC too, so I'll keep an eye out for bargains on PSVR

You are going to be waiting for a long time. Still mostly out of stock and when they are in stock they sell out in 5 minutes. You can readily get them online if you pay really high prices. Clearly Sony is not making enough of these.


I guess thats a good number? Wish the VR number was way higher though. People need to see this. I can't even fathom playing RE7 on a flat 2D screen after being inside of it.

This is a GREAT number! The game will probably sale over 2 million units in the first month world wide. So if it held up and was played by 200,000 people, month one........
Hmmm. Good to know. Mine looks like old LCD computer monitors from the early 2000s amount of light bleed. I'm going to try to adjust the brightness when I get home to see if that fixes it. I hope so. Otherwise I'm going to send it in.

Do you think you can take a picture of the issue?


Are there any good platformers for PS VR as yet? Also, what do people think are the best games where VR isn't mandatory? Basically, what good games got updates to support VR? Aside from Rez Infinite.
Hey PS VR GAF, did you see this portal ? I think it only count players who registered on Resident Evil.net, but that's very interesting for the PS VR data.


Good stuff.


Hmmm. Good to know. Mine looks like old LCD computer monitors from the early 2000s amount of light bleed. I'm going to try to adjust the brightness when I get home to see if that fixes it. I hope so. Otherwise I'm going to send it in.

Is the light bleed uniform-ish (a sparkly gray) across what seems like it should be a black background, or is it brighter closer to the edges or center?


Dude that's some scary s*** right there! ;) lol
No one actually knows long term effects this technology can have on our brains... I hope the Benz can fix VR tech asap.

It scared me for a couple days. I panicked and started asking Gaffers questions about it too. But it went away and hasn't happened since.

UNTIL.....I played RE7. Now when I close my eyes I see the father chasing me. But that only happens for about 30 minutes after I finish playing the game. And this samething might have happened in non-VR too.
Sign up for this: http://www.nowinstock.net/videogaming/accessories/playstationvr/

As you can see by the history you will have to be quick

Jan 27 - 8:29 AM EST Amazon : Core Headset Out of Stock
Jan 27 - 8:21 AM EST Amazon : Core Headset Preorder for $399.99

So you will probably get about 5 mins to pick one up from getting the notification, they also seem to be coming in every few days on Amazon.com

The expanded history on that site tells an interesting tale: looks like a fairly regular drip-feed of new stock which sells out within a really short time. We'll never know what the sales figures could have been if Sony and their partners had actually been able to make enough to meet the demand.

When I walked past a CEX the other day I was amazed to see a second-hand PSVR in the window for £450.


Sparkly gray for sure. The light bleed is uniform

Okay, that sounds normal. What I think is happening is OLEDs handle pure black to color response slower than normal, so a lot of black backgrounds in apps and games won't go fully black to reduce blur. I think if you load up cinema mode (and a few other places), you'll notice black areas outside the virtual screen are truly black.

iirc, of course, it's been a while since I've taken note of the issue. I can double-check tonight, but I'm pretty sure that's what you're noticing.


Playing Resident Evil 7 in VR has confirmed to me that there's more to designing a VR experience than just making head movement control the camera. RE7 feels more like playing a regular game in 3D than anything else to me, which is OK - I'd prefer to see more games implement the VR option like RE7 than not.

It's... neat. And it's probably a more immersive experience on the PS4 Pro - it's hard to believe the environment when everything five feet in front of you looks terrible.


Okay, that sounds normal. What I think is happening is OLEDs handle pure black to color response slower than normal, so a lot of black backgrounds in apps and games won't go fully black to reduce blur. I think if you load up cinema mode (and a few other places), you'll notice black areas outside the virtual screen are truly black.

iirc, of course, it's been a while since I've taken note of the issue. I can double-check tonight, but I'm pretty sure that's what you're noticing.
I'm not super worried. I do think that adjusting brightness will help. I didn't know you could do it before a gaffer told me there is a psvr menu. It's right on the edge of what I consider acceptable. If I can improve it 25 percent then I'll be happy.


Playing Resident Evil 7 in VR has confirmed to me that there's more to designing a VR experience than just making head movement control the camera. RE7 feels more like playing a regular game in 3D than anything else to me, which is OK - I'd prefer to see more games implement the VR option like RE7 than not.

It's... neat. And it's probably a more immersive experience on the PS4 Pro - it's hard to believe the environment when everything five feet in front of you looks terrible.

Is the main game worse than the demo?

I've only played the demo on my Pro but I thought for the scale of it it looked nice and clear and very very atmospheric.


Is the main game worse than the demo?

I've only played the demo on my Pro but I thought for the scale of it it looked nice and clear and very very atmospheric.

there is an outdoor section at the beginning of the game. i didn't think it looked that bad but some people think it looks a lot worse than the interiors (for obvious technical reasons)
So what are peoples thoughts on visualised body vs no body?

For me without body tracking I prefer no body visual simply because I find it quite jarring as my body is often in a totally different position. I think it could work well in a "walk a mile in my shoes" narrative but for general gameplay I find it distracting but for some reason hands don't bother me at all but put limbs on it and it feels odd.


To be honest for GEN1 VR I'd take being able to play any game in VR in a sloppy way, than play some gimmicky 2 hour demos designed from the ground up for VR.

This is due to the screen filter used to eliminate the SDE, not the screen itself. I'd rather have the SDE.

Is definitely prefer regular releases with a vr option like in re7. Granted it won't be as good as something designed from the ground up but at this point I'd take anything.

Also that's good to hear that it isn't the screen that's the matter. Is there a way to turn that off?
This is due to the screen filter used to eliminate the SDE, not the screen itself. I'd rather have the SDE.

That's not a filter. That is mura all hardware that are OLED have it. It is due to slight light differences when overlaid they don't match. Screendoor is minimised on the PSVR due to the way the pixel arrangement not a filter. Whilst you wont be able to eliminate mura with OLED due to the manufacturing process it is a lot better than using a backlight.

More info


Is the main game worse than the demo?

I've only played the demo on my Pro but I thought for the scale of it it looked nice and clear and very very atmospheric.

The problem is that the game lowers the resolution of objects that are at a distance from you, and RE7 has far larger environments than the demo (longer corridors, bigger rooms).

Outside environments with foliage understandably look bad. The game looks best when whatever you're looking at is a few feet in front of you, as was the case for most of the RE7 demo, but that isn't as often the case in the full game. Overall it's on par with the demo, and I imagine it's much better on the Pro.


Got Driveclub VR for cheap and have discovered that it's at it's most fun when you drive like a maniac in a race then watch the replay (which puts you in the passenger seat) and stick your head outside the car door waiting for impacts.
Got Driveclub VR for cheap and have discovered that it's at it's most fun when you drive like a maniac in a race then watch the replay (which puts you in the passenger seat) and stick your head outside the car door waiting for impacts.

Calibrate everything standing up then sit down for the race.


I was the person complaining about the washed out/lightbleed effect earlier. I turned down the brightness (default is max) down to just below half and it is much better. Color isn't the best even compared to my tv but it's acceptable. The sparkly is still there but it's tolerable. I'm enjoying my time with re7. The people in the game are rendered real enough for it to feel like there's a person in front of you. It's a lot of fun and very unnerving.


having now fooled around with the psvr more this evening, it's RE7 that is causing the problems I was concerned about. There's some gray filter used that makes it look washed out. Even the black areas around screen mode parts of the game. I was fooling around in the ps4's options and the black areas are totally black.

I hope they patch that out at some point unless that filter is hiding something worse.

We may never know.
Got a PS VR today and am really impressed with it. I was hesitant that I would like it, but boy was I wrong! Can't wait until I get into RE7.

On question, I ocassionally had the vr screen cut to black briefly while playing the demos. It only cut out for a second, and was back. Is this normal? Or is there something I can do to minimize this? It happened like 4 times in the couple hours I played Thanks!


Played the COD VR game, that's absolutely awesome and looks cleaner than the EVE demo.

Still enjoying carnival VR, and got a chance to play werewolves within a few times, pretty cool but god I'm awful at lying.

To above post:

I've had the odd black screen both through normal play and in VR on my pro, interestingly I never had it on my original PS4 with VR, it is totally random and I believe some people have solved it turning off HDCP.

Hopefully Sony fix it with a firmware update as it can be very annoying.
I have played RE7 in VR the last three nights, and have really been struggling with motion sickness. After about an hour of play I have to stop, and the nausea continues to linger for hours afterwards.

I tried both the snap and smooth movement, both of which still eventually make me nauseous. It's really disappointing as I had really been having a great time in my shorts stints with it in VR. Sadly I may have to finish it without....


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Just sat down to play RE7. Just took off the headset and it's an hour and a half later... I seriously thought I was in for a max of 30 minutes. Absolutely incredible game. This is the VR killer app.

Having a bit of an issue though. I get "micro wobble" on the headset. Basically if I'm trying to look at an object I picked up or if I'm trying to read something on a wall, my viewpoint is constantly wobbling in tiny increments in random directions. It's very miniscule movements... almost like a vibration.

Anyone have this or know how to fix it?

(It's not my head shaking)


So has there been any progress on the screen drifting issue? It's a bit of a concern of mine regarding the psvr

No real fix other than power cycling the PSVR Box and a fresh boot of the PS4.

Also try to leave the headset on a flat surface facing the way you'll sit for at least 30seconds when you first switch it on.

Still hoping for a FW fix eventually.


Just sat down to play RE7. Just took off the headset and it's an hour and a half later... I seriously thought I was in for a max of 30 minutes. Absolutely incredible game. This is the VR killer app.

Having a bit of an issue though. I get "micro wobble" on the headset. Basically if I'm trying to look at an object I picked up or if I'm trying to read something on a wall, my viewpoint is constantly wobbling in tiny increments in random directions. It's very miniscule movements... almost like a vibration.

Anyone have this or know how to fix it?

(It's not my head shaking)

Check for reflective or IR sources exposed to the camera
Just sat down to play RE7. Just took off the headset and it's an hour and a half later... I seriously thought I was in for a max of 30 minutes. Absolutely incredible game. This is the VR killer app.

Having a bit of an issue though. I get "micro wobble" on the headset. Basically if I'm trying to look at an object I picked up or if I'm trying to read something on a wall, my viewpoint is constantly wobbling in tiny increments in random directions. It's very miniscule movements... almost like a vibration.

Anyone have this or know how to fix it?

(It's not my head shaking)

It told me I was in for two hours but looking at other streams up to the point I finally "noped" out, I made 20 minutes of progress if that.

I'm gonna finish the game 100% in VR, I just have to work myself up to it.


Guys if I wanted to grab this for RE and the Batman game, do I need anything else other than my PRO and the VR headset?

I see you can get a camera and MOVE controllers as well, what are those needed for?


So has there been any progress on the screen drifting issue? It's a bit of a concern of mine regarding the psvr

Strictly anecdotal but since I had to put my camera in a room with limited space I had bad judder until I mounted it high up on the wall (so high that standing up it can't even see the bottom headset lights unless I look up) and that helped considerably. I still get some occasional movement in static scenes but nowhere near the level I had before. I also completely darken the room and have the tv off which might be helping?


Guys if I wanted to grab this for RE and the Batman game, do I need anything else other than my PRO and the VR headset?

I see you can get a camera and MOVE controllers as well, what are those needed for?

You have to have the camera to use VR at all.

You can play Batman with the gamepad but it's not ideal. (Also you should know it's only about half an hour long.)


Guys if I wanted to grab this for RE and the Batman game, do I need anything else other than my PRO and the VR headset?

I see you can get a camera and MOVE controllers as well, what are those needed for?

Camera is mandatory. Move controllers are optional. Highly recommended for Batman though.


Guys if I wanted to grab this for RE and the Batman game, do I need anything else other than my PRO and the VR headset?

I see you can get a camera and MOVE controllers as well, what are those needed for?

The camera tracks the lights on the headset, so at the very least, you need that.

If you want to play Batman the proper way, with full hand tracking, you then need 2 Move controllers. IMO just stick with the VR stuff and RE7. Batman is like an hour long.
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