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Playtonic removes JonTron from Yooka-Laylee.

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I want to say that I feel bad for Playtonic. They made the right call no doubt, but it's incredible shitty they have been put in this situation in the first place. Now their steam comminity, twitter responses, facebook comments, etc, will be filled with hate all over the place.

It sucks to live in a world where wanting to distance yourself from a white supremacist is seen as bad by a considerable amount of people.

Guys, make sure to support this game.

What will be the retail price when the game drops? What age demographic are they aiming for, versus the demographic that's paying attention? It's dropping in April. It's a platformer, so it would seem to be ideal as a holiday gift. Maybe this row will blow over by December.

And good on Playtonic for taking their stand. If they don't want their product being associated with one who harbors racist views, they're by no means obligated to be tied to him. I wish there could be a civic crash course on what the first amendment entails. These assholes always fall back on this canard, don't they?
How can you declare people are out to take someone down without reading or having ANY idea of what that person said? What kind of ignorant bs is that?


Just finished reading boogies twitlonger tweet with his apology.

First point - I don't believe boogie didn't read jontrons comments, because reading even one sentence would show how wrong he is so for boogie to comment he has to have at least known some of the content surely otherwise he is admitting to commenting on something with 0 knowledge on it.

Second point - while his letter is otherwise good taken at face value, he then responds to a tweet saying that this won't stop the haters and that he is their next acceptable target by saying he is probably right.

This means he still believes he is the victim of a witch hunt and not someone that many people have a legitimate complaint avout. This also makes his whole letter disingenuous since he is still of the mind that the hate he will get isn't deserved even though he just detailed why he was wrong and how he needs to change!

Lo-Ping, I know this fellow. They are a reaaall piece of work.


semen stains the mountaintops
How can you declare people are out to take someone down without reading or having ANY idea of what that person said? What kind of ignorant bs is that?

This starts happening when you want to be in the middle so much that you just automatically assume any side is wrong. Obviously anyone criticizing JonTron is wrong because they're not in the middle.


"Can't be sure but I believe holocaust survivors would find genocide jokes funny-not 100% suretho"

Is this boogie guy fucking serious with that shit?

And further, did all the deplorable youtubers decide to just start publicly outing themselves as awful human beings in the last few weeks? Seems like these guys can't jump up fast enough to ruin their own reputations.

Boogie is like a kindergarten kid. He seems to live in this fantasy world where everybody is trying to 'hurt' Youtubers just because they earn money with their videos. When in fact the whole Jontron story is about people standing up against the idea that other people are inferior because of their dna.
Still Boogie prefers to cover his eyes and ears while singing kumbaya. It's hard to take him serious at this point and normally it would be better to just ignore him. The problem is, he is someone with a huge following and won the trending gamer award in 2016. He is a person of public interest and he promotes the idea that racism is protected by free speech, which is plain stupid and dangerous.
Somebody should ask Geoff Keighley how he feels about Boogie defending racism and that it may be wise to give the trending gamer award 2016 to somebody else instead (retroactively).


Boogie is like 10+ years older than me. He's in his 40's.

When I was a fence sitter worrying about if people will like me and trying to appease everyone, I was a teenager suffering peer pressure.
boogie's defense of JonTron is quite poor given the post he release was meant to damage control things but really all it did was fireback on him. Him saying he didn't even what JonTron is hard to believe if he was quite sure about what the story was about in the first place.

Than another pin dropping moment was sitting on the fence on racism doesn't actually work s he normally does with his other video concerning topics and debate. He is indeed a crowd pleaser worried with fear that one day his Youtube channel will fall over and at his age and his current health disabilities it plays on his mind all the time.

However it doesn't excuse him for playing dumb and not doing your own research. I did my research more than someone who this as his full time job and with a sub total of nearly 4 million people. You would think that's something basic you do for a video. The problem for him is does he accept what he does or does he gets on his hands and knells begging to be forgiven. Here are my thoughts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDIcLNYW0-g


While this is fantastic news and probably the best chance we have of Google actually doing something about videos spouting hate speech, I am troubled that a video about abortion is lumped in with racist commentary.

In no way, shape or form should abortion be considered as an extreme or negative subject and especially shouldn't be comparable with racism.
I'm hope because of theguardian's left of centre slant they're talking about abortion scare videos made by pro lifers.
You the the ones with catchy titles like "Brutal abortion video".
I'm hope because of theguardian's left of centre slant they're talking about abortion scare videos made by pro lifers.
You the the ones with catchy titles like "Brutal abortion video".
I'm assuming it's simply one of the examples given by the companies as to one of the videos that they didn't want to be linked with. In that case the issue is with companies equating abortion with racism which doesn't surprise me, anything that could turn away customers, even right wing ones is seen as a threat.


I'm assuming it's simply one of the examples given by the companies as to one of the videos that they didn't want to be linked with. In that case the issue is with companies equating abortion with racism which doesn't surprise me, anything that could turn away customers, even right wing ones is seen as a threat.
No that paragraph is talking about the guardian's own personnel finding the videos.
Fifteen minutes of browsing YouTube by the Guardian was enough to find T-Mobile ads on videos about abortion, Minecraft banners on videos about snorting cocaine and pre-roll ads for Novartis heart medication running on clips titled “Feminism is cancer”.
No that paragraph is talking about the guardian's own personnel finding the videos.
Fifteen minutes of browsing YouTube by the Guardian was enough to find T-Mobile ads on videos about abortion, Minecraft banners on videos about snorting cocaine and pre-roll ads for Novartis heart medication running on clips titled “Feminism is cancer”.
Ah yes your right of course, hopefully it is as suggested and more extreme videos and not just the subject in general.


I don't watch his videos or whatever it is he does now but from my few run-ins with his exploits on this forum Boogie has always seemed like the kind of person that wants to be liked by everyone at all costs.

I mean this in a way that paints him as supremely obnoxious rather than as a form of endearment. It comes across as awkward and spineless and If he's that weak of a person or just wants to protect his media personality, since I assume it's an earner for him, then he should learn to simply keep his mouth shut about things he hasn't even read.

As he says he is a liberal then he should at least understand that the majority of big scuffles these days are pretty damn black and white lately, involving a lot of targeted abuse and dehumanizing people. I don't think in the past five months we've even had the luxury of minor politics or much silly faux internet outrage. Again, if he's a liberal he should notice that things are pretty fucked in our country lately.

At least with the Pewdiepie stuff, it struck me more as moronic edgelord humor from the aughts than some genuinely hateful man, and at least (I think?) it was apologized for.

But Jontron went completely 'round the swingset. Dude is crazy and even one line from that interview, which was quoted everywhere, would tell you that. There was no backtracking either, no "sorry, the internet has made me crazy lately, I need to work on myself", guy doubled down.


I'm losing any reason to care about Boogie in any way. Though at the same time you do have to care because he's a white moderate in a vocal position with an audience, and he just let's things slide which tends normalizes a lot of hate because he chooses to hunt for a middle ground.

He just speaks a lot of words but nothing means anything because he'll flip later, then flop after. Nothing sounds sincere.

EDIT: I'm feeling a mix of apathy and exasperation. I really dislike fake people.


Just a question for someone is ignorant of aspects of the gaming industry and culture, what does Mighty No. 9 have to do with this. I've seen people mention that in conjunction with this shitstorm but as far i know or remember the game's problem was that i was disappointing. Was there more i didn't know.


Just a question for someone is ignorant of aspects of the gaming industry and culture, what does Mighty No. 9 have to do with this. I've seen people mention that in conjunction with this shitstorm but as far i know or remember the game's was a problem of being disappointing. Was there more i didn't know.

Maybe sommit tied into a "failed successful kickstarters" narrative, but other than that I'm at a loss. Not sure.


Just a question for someone is ignorant of aspects of the gaming industry and culture, what does Mighty No. 9 have to do with this. I've seen people mention that in conjunction with this shitstorm but as far i know or remember the game's was a problem of being disappointing. Was there more i didn't know.

I think some people are angry at playtronics and demand a refund because JonTron is no longer a part of yooka laylee (Their pint is: the game is no longer as advertised).


Which would have been a half-decent point if the game had been advertised as such, at all. But it hadn't.

Well, I don't know than. The steam forum and community hub is pretty much a toxic, post nuclear hell and it is impossible to get any kind of information out of it.


All I'm getting from that latest boogie post is a resounding, "but what about MY problems?"

His twitlonger post?


I think boogie has stuck his foot in it commented on something without knowing the full extent of jon's statements and unknowingly defended absolutely racist views. That doesn't mean it's ok. He should have taken due diligence and actually educated himself on the situation before commenting on it. It was incredibly irresponsible of him to put out that video without complete knowledge of the situation.

He should really remove his original video and re clarify his view if he is being sincere.


Well, he's lying, I think. It's his attempt to save face by looking foolish rather than approving.

He'd rather be the affable idiot who aw shucksed his way into Mistaketown on the Wagon of Good Intentions than the guy who defended a racist saying racist things and was called out by people who extended beyond his reach.
Personally, i doubt that. I dont think he would have gone through the length of that long Twitlonger post if he really ment it, nor defended it in the first place. I havnt really followed Boogie, but i havnt heard anything about him being remotely racist.


From his post

But the very least I can do is what I've been doing for the last 2 years. Shutting the fuck up. Playing with my toys and making silly videos that people can enjoy. Staying away from an arena where I genuinely feel I am neither welcomed nor qualified to be in. So I suppose that's for the best.

I don't know, I rather racists (and defenders of a racist) actually tell me they are one so I can avoid their pieces on the internet.

I am just a poor black man who just wants to game with no hatred and prejudice.

Please understand.

EDIT: Maybe, calling him names won't help anyone, but does he piss me off
So his excuse is: I didn't know what I was talking about. So take like the 3 minutes to look it up? He is just - again - trying to avoid conflict now that he is being attacked for this thing. There is nothing genuine in that post to me.


How can you declare people are out to take someone down without reading or having ANY idea of what that person said? What kind of ignorant bs is that?

It's schoolyard shit. You leap to the defense of your guy on the playground because he's your friend, even if he was deliberately starting shit and should be left to reap what he sows.

It's simple

He has self esteem issues. So he plays both sides to get as many people to like him. Then when somebody isn't taking that crap, he immediately begs their forgiveness and says they're right so they still like him. Guy seeks approval like a madman

Yep, seems like the obvious answer. He may not be racist, but he's trying to curry approval and favor with everyone up to and including racists.


Yeah, that was a pretty WTF thing for him to say...

He did also go on to say this

Sounds like he is learning, though.

He is learning? I strongly disagree.

From the sound of that long, long ''apology'', is that the only thing he learnt is how to slightly move the car from the road that leads to issues he cause in the first place (Anika Vs Racist, defending jontron, etc...) while saying that he shouldn't voiced these opinions because of the backlash he received.

He didn't outright, condemn these comments he made in the past, nor apologised for it, and evend dare to say that she should have just kept his mouth shut, implying that he was and always had these ideology firmly.

I honestly thinks he is worse than Jontron, at least Jon knows where he stands, don't bullshits me and gets on with it, while this guys flipflops between being nice and being ''nice''


He is learning? I strongly disagree.

From the sound of that long, long ''apology'', is that the only thing he learnt is how to slightly move the care from the road that leads to issues he cause in the first place (Anika Vs Racist, defending jontron, etc...) while saying that he shouldn't voiced these opinions because of the backlash he received.

He didn't outright, condemn these comments he made in the past, nor apologised for it, and evend dare to say that she should have just kept his mouth shut, implying that he was and always had these ideology firmly.

I honestly thinks he is worse than Jontron, at least Jon knows where he stands, don't bullshits me and gets on with it, while this guys flipflops between being nice and being ''nice''

You're absolutely right. He's a damn fool and hasn't learned anything from his past mistakes.

Here's his state of the channel video that was not even posted almost 3 months ago talking about drama videos and his plans for them in 2017 - https://youtu.be/qch-nFspQos?t=1m30s

Only making videos that directly impacts him and his way of life. What a fucking joke.


Boogie is at least attempting to show contrition. If you really want change in the world, you have to be willing to work with people. No one can change overnight. Maybe he's full of shit and is only sorry that he got caught out on his bullshit, but if it keeps him from saying this shit again, even if he still believes it in his heart, that's a victory for the rest of the world who can go on without him passing it along to other people.

Unsub, dislike, do whatever you want, but I think there is also value in a reasoned discussion with him about why what he said was wrong and how it affects people instead of just blasting him as a "fat turd" and hoping he falls off the face of the earth. If he's truly sorry and people can reach him with the true consequences of defending someone like JonTron, Boogie could use his "celebrity" to maybe change the minds of some people in his audience.

So yeah, he's wrong and he should know that. There's nothing wrong with telling him that, but just blasting him and name calling him won't advance the dialogue or help anyone. Be better.
"Can't be sure but I believe holocaust survivors would find genocide jokes funny-not 100% suretho"

Is this boogie guy fucking serious with that shit?

And further, did all the deplorable youtubers decide to just start publicly outing themselves as awful human beings in the last few weeks? Seems like these guys can't jump up fast enough to ruin their own reputations.

JonTron lowered the bar with his white supremacist rant so much that it became impossible for idiots to not comment on the situation without putting their foot in their mouth.

The fact that Boogie and TB would rather defend Jon's integrity, criticize publications for bringing it up at all, and reduce his racism as being a mere "political opinion" reveals what asses they always were.

L Thammy

Maybe it's just me, but I can't help but think that Boogie's "well obviously I agree when you point out how I'm supporting racism" is a bit like when people making a whole bunch of racist/misogynist/fascist jokes for pure shock value and then go "well obviously I don't actually believe this" when people question it. Particularly when it's followed by the exact same behaviour as before.

They want you to believe that obviously they can't be this bad thing, but they don't actually want to put in any effort into looking like they aren't the bad thing. We're just supposed to take it for granted that anything they do has good intentions based on no evidence.
One can hope its sincere but it feels more like its him grasping for the carreer on youtube he just recently shat down the toilet by being a biggot. He can change all he wants and i truly hope he does, but the fact still stands that he said this stuff on the internet and it cannot be undone.
Imagining all the nerds quoting Char Aznable on leaving the nest and letting mother earth heal herself, and that our refusal to grow up has only brought harm and destruction to earth.

Man, Char's Counterattack was so good... Now I'm sad to think what Gundam has become. :(

It was actually promising for the first half (and I actually understand where he's coming from and feel kind of sorry for him), but when I kept reading it started becoming increasingly obvious that, even after these talks he had with friends who made him aware of the full extent of the issue, no apology was forthcoming, no realization that his "no confrontation" policy is actually the wrong one in this issue, no recognition that he fucked up royally, no promise to take a harder stance against JonTron and the likes, nothing at all, I was actually shocked. Then I realized I was probably projecting those expectations in the first place.

Boogie is at least attempting to show contrition.

Not really, no. From that twitlonger he's pretty obviously more sorry about the consequences to himself than to everyone else. To me contrition is a bit more than "please stop hurting me".


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
So the Twitlonger basically reads
"Didn't read it before but it doesn't really change anything, be nice to racists, I should shut up now, please like me"

Did I forget anything?

L Thammy

Just read the Twitlonger (only skimmed the page and somehow missed it). I don't know, I'm probably much too willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but if he does shut up I don't mind so much. I can understand if the guy's too unhealthy to be able to approach these topics appropriately. If he's not trying to silence people for speaking up against racism then at least he isn't causing any damage.

I still think he shows more sympathy to people who cause harm than to people who are vulnerable to it, but if he doesn't act on that, I don't care if his feelings are stupid.

Mind you, if he goes back to defending assholes on Twitter (as I suspect he may), fuck him.


Boogie's apology feels incomplete, and I suspect he recognizes that fact. Near the end, he states:

That's where I find myself at this moment in time. I know its not enough to please some people who want more of me and its just enough to upset the people who have championed me for 'standing up for what i believe in' but regardless I needed to say this in the hopes that I can get some sleep for the first time in about a week.

Okay, so if you haven't done enough to please the people who want you to not defend white nationalists, maybe reconsider and rewrite your apology. Unless, of course, you'd like to take it easy on those who want a white ethnostate.

Anyhow, I understand that Boogie may have mental issues, and these are worth empathy. But this issue is much bigger than his personal feelings.
“Won't somebody please think of the racists???“

I would unsub you again if i could, you fat turd.
Does calling someone fat make you feel good. I don't think it's bad to call a duck and duck I just don't see the importance in the fat or not.

Never agree with the ideology of using what you don't like toward others though.

This turd thing has been used a lot the past year.

These guys only get more popular and make more money in these situations usually.

I bet tron is loving this

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
So the Twitlonger basically reads
"Didn't read it before but it doesn't really change anything, be nice to racists, I should shut up now, please like me"

Did I forget anything?

Nah that's pretty much it.


Not really, no. From that twitlonger he's pretty obviously more sorry about the consequences to himself than to everyone else. To me contrition is a bit more than "please stop hurting me".

I said he was attempting. Compare that to Jon who just doubled down on what he said. Even if Boogie is only sorry because it got him in trouble, people have to start somewhere.

It just depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to just keep yelling at him that's fine, it's certainly your right, but why not try to see if he's open to a continued understanding of his mistakes. Sometimes people need an impetus to change, maybe his was initially selfish but it could still be an opening to helping him grow as a person.
I will say Boogie is still claiming the media is out to get JonTron... when he was asked this morning by someone from Engadget (I believe) for specific names... he said google it...



Nah that's pretty much it.

I don't think that's what he said at all. He specifically mentions that people have explained to him why he shouldn't be tolerant of these views and how he is an influence on children and needs to try to do better. Yeah, he focused on his own problems more than he probably should have but you guys are brutal just dismissing the whole thing out of hand. I see someone who is at least trying.

Boogie said:
Over the past few days, certainly many people have shown me why that is. Sure, progressive thinking people have shown me that but more importantly so have people DIRECTLY affected by this type of thinking. They have shown me they no longer wish to tolerate bigotry and that I should no longer do the same. By normalizing and allowing it to exist, much less signal boosting it as I did, can be very harmful. Times have changed and I should change with it, seems to be the message that has been delivered loud and clear.
I don't think that's what he said at all. He specifically mentions that people have explained to him why he shouldn't be tolerant of these views and how he is an influence on children and needs to try to do better. Yeah, he focused on his own problems more than he probably should have but you guys are brutal just dismissing the whole thing out of hand. I see someone who is at least trying.

He was 'trying' during GG too, and here we are again. It sucks because I don't want to criticize someone who self-admittedly has things he's working through but he also has a tendency to insert himself into these greater online debates, usually to his own detriment, and usually on the side that just happens to be toxic assholes, racists, bigots, sexists, etc. It's a troubling pattern. That's why he basically got self-banned from GAF and doesn't seem to have done much reflection on anything in the interim.


I'm only part way in and he's already suggesting we should just tolerate and be nice to racists. He doesn't fucking get it.

"Its been a tough few weeks. Please be kind."

Reality check. It's been a tough forever for our nonwhite brothers and sisters. How about you actually stand up for them instead of rolling over and going "omg woe is meeeee".

EDIT: He even says some things that suggest he's at least somewhat aware of this...yet he still can't just decisively stand against this. Almost makes it worse.
"Its been a tough few weeks. Please be kind."

Reality check. It's been a tough forever for our nonwhite brothers and sisters. How about you actually stand up for them instead of rolling over and going "omg woe is meeeee".
Lmao I immediately thought the same thing. It's been a tough few decades - at least - for the groups of people he wasn't very "kind" to.


I'm only part way in -

Why would you be posting at this point? Didn't we all essentially criticize Boogie for doing the same thing?

He goes on to explain why he felt that way and that people have explained things to him in a way that has changed his mind. Whether that's true or not we don't know, but he's at least attempting to show some contrition as compared to Jon, so it isn't "almost worse".
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