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Playtonic removes JonTron from Yooka-Laylee.

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I'm only part way in and he's already suggesting we should just tolerate and be nice to racists. He doesn't fucking get it.

"Its been a tough few weeks. Please be kind."

Reality check. It's been a tough forever for our nonwhite brothers and sisters. How about you actually stand up for them instead of rolling over and going "omg woe is meeeee".

EDIT: He even says some things that suggest he's at least somewhat aware of this...yet he still can't just decisively stand against this. Almost makes it worse.

The thing is I give him a pass foe acknowledging his 'balanced' views are fucked up. The thing is he's such an apologist I dont know if he really gets it or if he thinks its what a sizeable group of his audience wants to hear, lol


Dude, you can go on and get out of here too with this strawman BS. This thread has been incredibly civil and mature outside of a couple very extreme examples (which the thread promptly condemned).

Why would you be posting at this point? Didn't we all essentially criticize Boogie for doing the same thing?

He goes on to explain why he felt that way and that people have explained things to him in a way that has changed his mind. Whether that's true or not we don't know, but he's at least attempting to show some contrition as compared to Jon, so it isn't "almost worse".
He spends the majority of the post explaining why we should feel bad for him. He is 100 percent fishing for sympathy to try and reduce the current blow back. It's selfish honestly.

YES. He's certainly not a raging racist like JonTron. Boogie actually makes the effort to realize the problems that exist. But then he still does this huge song and dance as to why he's pussyfooting around it all. I don't know, maybe just man the fuck up and do the right thing instead of doubling down on "everyone should just be nice to each other?"

I'm sick of this.

L Thammy


Jesus Christ. These people really have no perspective at all, do they?

I remember in World War II where the SJWs first fought against the YouTube. My grandfather fought in that battle, killed fifty YouTubers with his bare hands.

EDIT: BY2K, has your avatar been your facial expression for this whole thing? Because it's been close to mine.


From the comments:
"wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor whites" Is not a racist remark, it's a statement of fact - It's only racist if he believes that they commit more crime BECAUSE they are black, which I don't believe he did state. He might be wrong about it and the statement might be factually untruthful, but that doesn't make him a racist by default.

Holy fuck ... Iam done


The thing is I give him a pass foe acknowledging his 'balanced' views are fucked up. The thing is he's such an apologist I dont know if he really gets it or if he thinks its what a sizeable group of his audience wants to hear, lol
It read exactly like that. It doesn't read like someone who has actually come to an understanding of the situation. He's just saying what he thinks people want to hear. He only cares what people think of him. It's super fucking obvious.
From the comments:
"wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor whites" Is not a racist remark, it's a statement of fact - It's only racist if he believes that they commit more crime BECAUSE they are black, which I don't believe he did state. He might be wrong about it and the statement might be factually untruthful, but that doesn't make him a racist by default.

Holy fuck ... Iam done
Yea some gross comments in there. Feel bad for the article writer.

L Thammy

I don't even know what this means in this context. Are you talking about the people getting mad at Playtonic for removing Jon or are you talking about the people getting mad at Jon?

Basically, people love to complain about censorship when developers remove breasts or whatever from games, but never care what the developer actually wants.


Basically, people love to complain about censorship when developers remove breasts or whatever from games, but never care what the developer actually wants.
There are also dumb hills people are willing to die on to deliver take that to the SJWs. Tracer was dumbest one recently

I looked at the comment history of many of those on the kickstarter page looking for refunds and noticed most of them have multiple comments with different phrasing for the same refund demand with the usual anti-political sentiment and droppings of "SJW". There are clearly some backers upset about this but I get the impression it's a small number of people attempting to make large scale noise.


I'm so buying the game. Hell, I don't even enjoy that much collecta-a-ton plataformers from the mid 90's. But I feel I need to support the devs for doing the right thing.
Yup, same here. Whenever it hits PS4 I will be buying this to support the devs. Also game looks pretty decent from what I've seen.
Please note: I have certainly made several mispellings and perhaps even completely mispoken sentences as I am typing this in a mostly dissociative state brought on by my anxiety. Its been a tough few weeks. Please be kind.

Classic attempt to make it about it himself and how much he's suffering while trying to minimise the issue and the real reason he has to make this shitty excuse of a statement in the first place.

Classic attempt to make it about it himself and how much he's suffering while trying to minimise the issue and the real reason he has to make this shitty excuse of a statement in the first place.

His whole Twitter it basically trying to get sympathy and playing the victim. "I can't sleep. I was in therapy. I can't function as a person. I don't deserve any support from people."

If your mental state is not able to handle this kind of fallout, maybe Youtube isn't the career for you, and maybe you shouldn't make misinformed statements putting yourself in the middle of such issues. I don't know the dude and maybe he has had a difficult time with stuff, but I fail to see how that related to the current events. Now it just comes off as pathetic and an attempt to save face.
If your demanding a refund you never wanted the game begin with. And I don't want to hear any "I am a hardcore fan of Banjo and Rare!" cuz if you really are quick to want that refund I guess you really didn't want a spiritual successor to Banjo.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Impotent reaction. These fuckers will buy the game as soon as it comes out. It's no different from the idiots who say they'll boycott Stabucks, etc and then end up going there a few hours later and forget all about their stupid protest because it's too much of a inconvenience to actually protest.

It's also worth noting, that ~63% of the backers of this game paid less than half of the retail price for it.

L Thammy

I also like how removing the guy who spouts race theory adds politics to the game. I guess because he's a negative, subtracting him functions like addition? Arithmetic was never my strong suit.
His whole Twitter it basically trying to get sympathy and playing the victim. "I can't sleep. I was in therapy. I can't function as a person. I don't deserve any support from people."

If your mental state is not able to handle this kind of fallout, maybe Youtube isn't the career for you, and maybe you shouldn't make misinformed statements putting yourself in the middle of such issues. I don't know the dude and maybe he has had a difficult time with stuff, but I fail to see how that related to the current events. Now it just comes off as pathetic and an attempt to save face.

I want to say he's a narcissist, but I haven't really followed him enough to know what he does in his videos and how much he tries to manipulate others into feeling sorry for him.

Just going by that statement, it has the hallmarks of a narcissistic personality.


Unconfirmed Member
I will say Boogie is still claiming the media is out to get JonTron... when he was asked this morning by someone from Engadget (I believe) for specific names... he said google it...


He's full of shit. "Google it" is the laziest way to dodge having to back up a claim


If your demanding a refund you never wanted the game begin with. And I don't want to hear any "I am a hardcore fan of Banjo and Rare!" cuz if you really are quick to want that refund I guess you really didn't want a spiritual successor to Banjo.

Or you really prefer racism over a beloved game sequel, which might be worse


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
That seems like a flawed system wouldn't it be better left to the creators

Then you'd have cases were developers intentionally put wrong labels on their game to "attract" customers. In all honesty, the best move is to ignore all user curated stuff on Steam and everywhere else. It's bad even when there aren't a bunch of children screaming cause their favorite racist got removed from the game.
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