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Pokemon Snap Announced for Nintendo Switch


Never played the original and don't like Pokémon but I'm in for some kind of chill wildlife game where I roam around taking pictures.

How did this game work in the past, are you on rails (like in the little bubble kart thing in the trailer) or are you free to explore around at your own pace? Do you have to set traps and lure the Pokémon in to take pictures? Do they ever attack you?


It's really kind of crazy to see this finally announced. Like, we actually have the Pokemon Snap sequel people have been asking for since... the Wii? Almost a Half Life 3 amount of time.

For my part, I never played the original, and it just looks like a fun game to me. I always wanted to, reading the magazines back in the day, and I'm glad the visuals haven't been phoned in for this type of game, something I was a bit afraid of with Pokemon.

Never played the original and don't like Pokémon but I'm in for some kind of chill wildlife game where I roam around taking pictures.

How did this game work in the past, are you on rails (like in the little bubble kart thing in the trailer) or are you free to explore around at your own pace? Do you have to set traps and lure the Pokémon in to take pictures? Do they ever attack you?

On rails, yes. The catch being that there's a ton going on, and lot of ways players can influence the action to create their own good shots. The traps and lures thing is basically it, but I remember there being even more ways to interact with the level and creatures and create awesome opportunities.


I've always wanted a new Pokemon snap but this looks very underwhelming. Graphics are pretty mediocre also.


Gold Member
Oh... yeah, I'm still proccesing it LOL

For those "disapointed" by how the game looks and plays... It's a goddamn Pokemon Snap, wtf were you expecting? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Also, Pokemon D&P remake for next week babe!


Gold Member
They already showed the cover for this game


It probably depends on how old you were when you played it.

From the lens of a young child obsessed with Pokemon, the game is simple and rewarding as you 'capture' Pokemon through the lens of your camera.
I mean, I was around 10 or something when I tried playing and I also returned to it on a few occasions. I never played more then 20 minutes I think..
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Gold Member
I wouldn't make a big deal out of this. Thats not to say its a bad thing...Snap was something else for N64. The idea behind it was surelly something fans would hope they come back from(the idea was terribly implemented in Sun and Moon though). And its from Bandai Nanco, thats good news.

Can't say much about the visuals though.

Pokemon games never push the tech.

Pokemon never pushed almost anything tbh.
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I mean, I was around 10 or something when I tried playing and I also returned to it on a few occasions. I never played more then 20 minutesI think..
It was a pretty huge departure from what 'playing' Pokemon was all about.

I think you had to be more of a Pokemon fan than a video game fan to truly enjoy it.


Gold Member
wait wait wait wait

its still on rails?

dat apple pop in yeesh.

its 2020. whats a wii game doing on the switch
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I absolutely LOVED the first game on N64... hopefully this one is beefy with tons of content.

I've seen some people bitching about the graphics but i thought they looked good for a switch game?? Esp the water scenes...

Xaero Gravity

I loved the original as a kid, but I'm not sure how much this kind of game will hold my attention these days. I'll probably check it out and then hate myself for doing so lol


4-Time GIF/Meme God
*new Pokémon game is announced*
Gaf: oh, ok
*it's Pokémon Snap*

But you know... graphics are kinda bad


Finally! Looks like there's also gonna be a vast majority older better designed Pokemon in the game, too!

It probably depends on how old you were when you played it.

From the lens of a young child obsessed with Pokemon, the game is simple and rewarding as you 'capture' Pokemon through the lens of your camera.
I played it for the first time 2 years ago (or was it 3?) and I enjoyed it a lot. Never felt bored.
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You know it's strange that it is GOOD news to hear that a game in a major franchise is being created by an outside developer.

Nothing against Pokemon itself, but I don't think GameFreak is a very talented developer.or if they are talented, they aren't given enough time and budget to make something that justifies its popularity.
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Gold Member
Why wouldn't it be?
because they arent as restricted by the hardware as they used to be.
because pokemon games have proportionately larger budgets than the early days.
because rail games restrict the player immersion.

lots of reasons actually why I would expect it to not be on rails in the present day

I expect innovation after 21 years

What does this even mean?
it means that the time to put out the game was on the wii.
it also means that from what they showed off it looks like a wii game.
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because they arent as restricted by the hardware as they used to be.
because pokemon games have proportionately larger budgets than the early days.
because rail games restrict the player immersion.

lots of reasons actually why I would expect it to not be on rails in the present day

I expect innovation after 21 years

The core design of the game is on rails. Do you expect this to be an open world game or something? The mechanics were built around the game being on rails.

I would fully go in expecting the game to still be on rails.

Looks like a Wii game? Get your eyes checked.
This game actually woulda made more sense on the Wii U than the Wii or Switch but okay.

It works just fine on the Switch.


Gold Member
It pushed its way to becoming the single largest biggest entertainment product amongst all media, leaving second place Star Wars in the dust.

An archievement for someone who didn't pushed any limits in their visual appresentation, story, graphical capabilities, perfomance, inovation, etc.

In no point I denied that Pokemon don't sell. The dumb take is still believing that pokemon pushes anything. Just face it, the name and cute monsters sell themselves. The game is far behind in terms of anything.

Let any dev or company do the same thing they do. If the game has no "Pokemon" in their name, they would not only crucified but ruined in terms of selling.


Hopefully they add support to Wii U Gamepad too, handheld mode is already taken cared (gyro joycons) but for the big screen action!
One can hope...!


This was so unexpected! Hoping they beef it up with way more Pokemon and routes than the N64 one. Also the models and animations look fantastic


oh man...this brings back memories.
Me popping Pokémon Snap into my N64 as a kid...having no idea wtf I was doing lol.
Good times.
I was always surprised a Snap game never released for Wii U, the game pad was basically perfect for it. That being said, I'm hype as hell. Loved the original, even if it is arguably a somewhat lacking title.

Excited to see more!
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