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Pokemon Sun/Moon new info - Starter evolutions, Demo, Ash-Greninja


I really didn't want the greninja pandering to continue.

At least he's still stuck out of pokken kekekekek.

That "bounce house" looks non-interactive, please don't tell me that's the only alternate way to gain EVs because super training was the best thing about X/Y.



Just want yall to know - I got dibs on dartrix...

For real tho. This bird almoat sounds word for word like me in his bio. That's crazy! This pokemon is my soulmate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Did you read it's info? "Dartrix is extremely sensitive to other presences in the area and can detect opponents behind it and throw feathers to strike them without even seeing them. This Pokémon conceals sharp-bladed feathers inside its wings, showing astounding precision as it sends them flying in attack. And it goes beyond propelling its blade quills in simple straight lines—it can even bend these feathers to change their trajectories!"
Sounds much more archer-y than it's appearance.
I see a frilly noble's shirt on the leaked last evo, but might just be me.
what's the description for the first form,does it imply archery in that one too?

Back pattern isn't the same on the first stage and neither are the brows. Those are the same for the second and "leaked" third tho. Leg colors also match more.

back pattern on the second stage is the same in the forehead of the first one,a vertical line with two horizontal ones,design that it's kinda there in the final evo albeit a little different

here are the things that don't convince me that much

-ears grow bigger in the second form but get really short in the final form
-eyes totally change shape and color
-the color is different,albeit it's not really that big of a deal..just look at charmander/charmeleon/charizard
-it suddenly becomes bipedal..usually for the other fire starters it's the second form that changes posture
- the big pendant on the neck,which seems a big part of his design suddenly disappears..the theory is that it becomes the belt..but they don't look that similiar at all..in fact the belt is just a flat pattern on his waist,the pendant is a 3d object
-and again,not really screams "werecat wrestler" in the second form,of course it's not mandatory for hints to the final form to be there though.

oh well,let's just wait..if the game is really all there in the demo,the game is gonna get datamined way before it comes out, and we will have out final evos
what's the description for the first form,does it imply archery in that one too?

back pattern on the second stage is the same in the forehead of the first one,a vertical line with two horizontal ones,design that it's kinda there in the final evo albeit a little different

here are the things that don't convince me that much

-ears grow bigger in the second form but get really short in the final form
-eyes totally change shape and color
-the color is different,albeit it's not really that big of a deal..just look at charmander/charmeleon/charizard
-it suddenly becomes bipedal..usually for the other fire starters it's the second form that changes posture
- the big pendant on the neck,which seems a big part of his design suddenly disappears..the theory is that it becomes the belt..but they don't look that similiar at all..in fact the belt is just a flat pattern on his waist,the pendant is a 3d object
-and again,not really screams "werecat wrestler" in the second form,of course it's not mandatory for hints to the final form to be there though.

oh well,let's just wait..if the game is really all there in the demo,the game is gonna get datamined way before it comes out, and we will have out final evos
Again, no need to wait. They're already confirmed. Once they're data mined you'll still be here saying how you're not quite convinced.


Unova = America
Hawaii = American state
Alola = Hawaii

As a Unova fan, you can just claim Alola as a Unovan state!

Unova = NYC=/=United States of America as a whole
Unova and Alola are regions of some large unnamed country.

Sou Da

the evos all look cute! can't wait for the demo and I'm excited to get Ash-Greninja

glad mega evolution is back, wonder how they're gonna give the stones away. need me a Charizardite X since I went with Y last name

Zygarde cell gathering probably


Unova = NYC=7=United States of America
Unova and Alola are regions of some large unnamed country.
I like to think the president of this unnamed country is Carbink

edit: wait foreign-born people can't run for president and Carbink is French/Kalos


Unova = America
Hawaii = American state
Alola = Hawaii

As a Unova fan, you can just claim Alola as a Unovan state!

It would be really cool to take a plane in-game to the mainland (Unova) post-game.

I doubt we'll ever get 2 regions in-game ever again outside of remakes though.


Oof. For some reason I thought the "ash" in "ash-greninja" would be one of those regional variations (Ashen coloured maybe, like in Monster Hunter?). What I got was much weirder and it's almost literally a fusion of Ash the character with a Greninja. What.
Hmmmmm really unsure about the demo. I wanna go in fresh and I give negative fucks about more Greninja marketing, but I still should have it just because.

really,no need to insult saying this kind of bullshit
"So we know it's Fire/Fighting, that it's called Burnger, and that it knows Acid Spray. But do we really think that matches up with these drawings? It doesn't even look much like a tiger to me, and I don't get the wrestling comparisons at all."

We already knew the drawings were real when they revealed a new character weeks in advance, the second evos only make it more obvious. Only a person being purposefully obstinate could still doubt it, and if you're acting like that now I don't know why anything would change with a data mine. Once they're finally revealed I fully expect you to point out a slight color difference between the art and final product and come to the conclusion that the leaker just got lucky.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Ash Greninja is such a terrible marketing stunt. Nobody wants a loser like that on their team.


At first I was like, "That's lame if Ash-Greninja is a one-off Pokemon, what if we get bad IVs." But then I remembered: Hyper Training! Now all of those event Pokemon we receive can have perfect IVs.

Gen 7 is the best.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
I can't believe this is happening but I think Gen 7 may actually over take gen 6 in best Pokemon designs.

I just love how much personality and variety each one has.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
At first I was like, "That's lame if Ash-Greninja is a one-off Pokemon, what if we get bad IVs." But then I remembered: Hyper Training! Now all of those event Pokemon we receive can have perfect IVs.

Gen 7 is the best.

But then you remembered natures still exist, and so you still can't win.

That said, I'm interested to see how the QR rental team works. That's the real good idea, rather than Hyper Training.
I don't get the whole "Greninja is a jobber/trash" while ignoring that Charizard lost to Blaziken, Poliwrath (with Ice Beam), and Dusclops.


So who's excited that in 10 days we'll know everything because game freak fucked up with the demo again. I'm hyped as hell.


It would be really cool to take a plane in-game to the mainland (Unova) post-game.

I doubt we'll ever get 2 regions in-game ever again outside of remakes though.
Who knows, maybe later in the future they releases a region based in Washington DC, you found out later in game that the president of the United PokeStates is the leader of the evil organization and when you beat the E4 you can take a bus to Unova.


But then you remembered natures still exist, and so you still can't win.

That said, I'm interested to see how the QR rental team works. That's the real good idea, rather than Hyper Training.
Ah, forgot about natures. It's still a net gain overall, but yeah, Hyper Training doesn't solve everything.

I agree rental teams are the most exciting addition, though. That frees up our ability to experiment and just enjoy the battling for battling's sake.
But then you remembered natures still exist, and so you still can't win.

That said, I'm interested to see how the QR rental team works. That's the real good idea, rather than Hyper Training.

No reason there can't be a nature switching pill that you can buy for like 500BP at the battle cabana or whatever it's going to be in this one.


Ash-Greninja is just a marketing name I assume; its just a Greninja with a special ability. Really not much of a reason to be upset over it.

Undecided on starter still; I'm leaning to water.
This game will be bonkers.

We're still debating who gets what starter and the evos aren't helping, right now leaning towards wife-Rowlet me-Popplio daughter-Litten.
I think these evolutions look pretty good. I find the designs overall so far to be lackluster for this gen though, but I like some of them.


I don't get the whole "Greninja is a jobber/trash" while ignoring that Charizard lost to Blaziken, Poliwrath (with Ice Beam), and Dusclops.

Charizard jobbing to a starter who was at the time merely decent and two nobodies doesn't make Greninja any less of a jobber.


I don't get the whole "Greninja is a jobber/trash" while ignoring that Charizard lost to Blaziken, Poliwrath (with Ice Beam), and Dusclops.

They're joking plus that's Ash Charizard that lost those battle and not Alan's Charizard.

Who knows, maybe later in the future they releases a region based in Washington DC, you found out later in game that the president of the United PokeStates is the leader of the evil organization and when you beat the E4 you can take a bus to Unova.

I doubt it since gen 3 region have been getting bigger and bigger to the point that you can't feasibly do the whole 2 region gimmick well, unless you opt to do a mini version of said region.

The 2 region in gen 2 is a horrible mistake as both region suffered terribly and the level curve was just god awful.
Apparently there's an ice stone in the trailer during the Pelago stuff.

Obviously it's bad taste, that poster's favorite gen was Gen II.
If it makes you feel better, Stanler is one of the lowest scoring Pokemon from Gen II rocking a 6/10.

Also "that poster" has a name!!! :I
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