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Pokemon Sun/Moon new info - Starter evolutions, Demo, Ash-Greninja

Each season, a set of special rules takes effect, allowing Trainers to experience a form of battle different from the usual Single or Double Battles.

In a special Season 1, which will begin November 18, this special format is anticipated to be a Single Battle format where you’ll be able to participate with Pokémon that cannot take part under other battle rules: the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala, the Magearna that can be obtained through the QR Scanner, the Ash-Greninja obtainable through the Special Demo Version, and others!

Looks like ash greninja is banned from regular battles.


As in "Heathcliff"
I think Water Starter is going to based on a tale of Ugly Duckling. Ugly starter evolved into very beautiful final form.
I know there is Swanna

Are my eyes tricking me or does Ash Greninja have hair?

EDIT: and I just now realized that the new owl starter is based on the rich kid trope/design you'd see in anime.

Owl = Oliver Queen confirmed. ;P


Rowlet's evo is a "pretty rich boy" type. Look closer at the final evo and you will see that it looks like a rich man who hides the fact in a cape. Also Robin Hood connections (he's sometimes a noble before becoming the protector of the poor) and being "accurate with it's feathers" and all that.
all i see in that final form is an arcer theme,something i can't say i see in the middle form..

Litten becomes a beefed up little cat with it's arms being quite big already. The brows and the tail also seem to "evolve" into that last form, for example. The back pattern too. The bell around it's neck could easily become the belt buckle thing and the info says something about throwing punches.

all the patterns and stripes are the same in the first form too,the patterns of the middle form and the supposed final form are both taken from that, of course they are gonna have a recurring theme..but nothing in the second form tells me "final evo is a wrestler werecat"
also the big firy pendant of the second evo disappears without a trace in the evo

Popplio's evo becomes feminine, gets bubbles in the "hair" (I see "pigtails", others seem to see ears) and the three frills around it's body seem to move to the neck, waist and tail on the last evo.

that is the one i agree wth...it's the more convincing one..but the others don't really look that much connected to the second forms


If the previously "leaked" final evos were "leaked" now instead of before the second stage I would probably have thought thenm fake because they are "too similar" to the second stages. Too many details just evolving into the last stage look from the first. It's too obvious and so on.

all i see in that final form is an arcer theme,something i can't say i see in the middle form..
Did you read it's info? "Dartrix is extremely sensitive to other presences in the area and can detect opponents behind it and throw feathers to strike them without even seeing them. This Pokémon conceals sharp-bladed feathers inside its wings, showing astounding precision as it sends them flying in attack. And it goes beyond propelling its blade quills in simple straight lines—it can even bend these feathers to change their trajectories!"
Sounds much more archer-y than it's appearance.
I see a frilly noble's shirt on the leaked last evo, but might just be me.
all the patterns and stripes are the same in the first form too,the patterns of the middle form and the supposed final form are both taken from that, of course they are gonna have a recurring theme..but nothing in the second form tells me "final evo is a wrestler werecat"
also the big firy pendant of the second evo disappears without a trace in the evo
Back pattern isn't the same on the first stage and neither are the brows. Those are the same for the second and "leaked" third tho. Leg colors also match more.
all i see in that final form is an arcer theme,something i can't say i see in the middle form..

His middle form is nearly perfectly accurate with throwing feathers. Throwing feathers will develop into archery.

He also has spots on his wings like the final form. The tail feathers are the same as well.

Robin Hood, before being an archer thief, was a nobleman. This evolution tells that story through the forms.
I continue to be very unhappy with how this gen is turning out.

I'm running spreadsheets to track my score for every design out of 10 and so far the numbers look like this:

Average Score for a new Pokemon: 5.0000
Average Score (including Alolan Forms): 4.842105263
Average Score (including Alolan AND New Forms): 4.850746269
Average Score (All Designs): 4.828571429

To contrast, by far my least favorite Gen is Gen V which has an average score of 5.91025641.
Favorite Gen (II) has an average score of 8.41.

Gen VII continues to be the slow meteor of doom for me.


Its growing arms and ability to punch hard, along with it gaining an angry look to its eyes. Its whiskers are also starting to grow much larger, like the final form. The bell has similar coloring to the belt.

it's the entire body that it's bigger,not just the arms..all i see is a bigger cat
the bell it's actually one of the part that make the final form less convincing fro me,because in the second evo is a a 3d object at his neck..while the belt is flat and basically drawn on his belly

as i said,it wouldn't be the first time that second and third for don't really match that much,but those leaks don't really get any more convincing with the release of this middle forms IMHO

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I'm thinking of a name for my pro-wrestling tiger. Tiger Mask is too on the nose and most "puro-resu" tend to have English names.

all the patterns and stripes are the same in the first form too,the patterns of the middle form and the supposed final form are both taken from that, of course they are gonna have a recurring theme..but nothing in the second form tells me "final evo is a wrestler werecat"
also the big firy pendant of the second evo disappears without a trace in the evo

read the dex

also the pendant becomes the belt
I continue to be very unhappy with how this gen is turning out.

I'm running spreadsheets to track my score for every design out of 10 and so far the numbers look like this:

Average Score for a new Pokemon: 5.0000
Average Score (including Alolan Forms): 4.842105263
Average Score (including Alolan AND New Forms): 4.850746269
Average Score (All Designs): 4.828571429

To contrast, by far my least favorite Gen is Gen V which has an average score of 5.91025641.
Favorite Gen (II) has an average score of 8.41.

Gen VII continues to be the slow meteor of doom for me.
gen ii is easily my least favorite gen in terms of new pokemon designs personally


it's the entire body that it's bigger,not just the arms..all i see is a bigger cat
the bell it's actually one of the part that make the final form less convincing fro me,because in the second evo is a a 3d object at his neck..while the belt is flat and basically drawn on his belly

The back legs stay the same in all three. By contrast, the front legs progressively get beefier. And the belt looks like that because the finals are concept art.
Festival Plaza is literally Join Avenue, so I hope it's a little beefier with Spotpass than original JA was in BW2.

Pokepelago is fuckin brilliant and I'm pumped for it. I was just talking about what a shame it is that the Pokémon in my living dex just sit in the box. Now they can go on adventures and find items for me!

Why is Alola so far away :(((
it's the entire body that it's bigger,not just the arms..all i see is a bigger cat
the bell it's actually one of the part that make the final form less convincing fro me,because in the second evo is a a 3d object at his neck..while the belt is flat and basically drawn on his belly

as i said,it wouldn't be the first time that second and third for don't really match that much,but those leaks don't really get any more convincing with the release of this middle forms IMHO

The design elements the middle water form introduces into the line that carry into the leaked final form are too explicit to be coincidence. That line, alone, could probably confirm the entire leak. The bubble hair, the three frills, the different colored tail tip, the eyes, it all comes together on that form.

But also Mallow is in the leaked images, which were leaked months before she was announced, so we know these are real.
it's the entire body that it's bigger,not just the arms..all i see is a bigger cat
the bell it's actually one of the part that make the final form less convincing fro me,because in the second evo is a a 3d object at his neck..while the belt is flat and basically drawn on his belly

as i said,it wouldn't be the first time that second and third for don't really match that much,but those leaks don't really get any more convincing with the release of this middle forms IMHO
Let's ignore that the leaks were confirmed to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt weeks ago.

The belt has been shown to be where the final stage produces its heat (heating the kettle pot), just as the bell produces it for the 2nd stage. Remember that Litten can't breathe fire, it needs to use its hair to produce flame. The second stage could have gained a fire breathing ability, but it didn't. Instead, it uses this organ that later migrated to the torso. It's also likely that the belt projects away from the body, at least a little.

Plus the description of the cat makes it pretty clear that it'll end up being a muscle man, on top of that it's rude attitude fits perfectly with the spitting we saw for the third stage.

If this doesn't convince you more (or if you weren't already convinced), I don't know how to help you.


From a lore standpoint, I love Poke-Pelago. Makes me feel better about abandoning so many Pokemon in boxes. Now I know they're just going on a vacation!
I continue to be very unhappy with how this gen is turning out.

I'm running spreadsheets to track my score for every design out of 10 and so far the numbers look like this:

Average Score for a new Pokemon: 5.0000
Average Score (including Alolan Forms): 4.842105263
Average Score (including Alolan AND New Forms): 4.850746269
Average Score (All Designs): 4.828571429

To contrast, by far my least favorite Gen is Gen V which has an average score of 5.91025641.
Favorite Gen (II) has an average score of 8.41.

Gen VII continues to be the slow meteor of doom for me.

Bruh I live in Unova and will fight to the death for it but Alola's Pokémon are blowin me away. I dunno it seems to me like Gen VII is the true successor to Gen V.
gen ii is easily my least favorite gen in terms of new pokemon designs personally
It's really awesome seeing the line of correlation that goes between my quantified stats for Pokemon designs and my enjoyment of the generations as a whole.

I always knew that I valued Pokemon designs highly when it comes to my enjoyment of a Gen, but I didn't know it was THAT high.

Gen II just rocks my world on every level, don't think Pokemon can ever hit that high again.

II > IV > III > VI > I > V

Bruh I live in Unova and will fight to the death for it but Alola's Pokémon are blowin me away. I dunno it seems to me like Gen VII is the true successor to Gen V.
Pokemon's biggest offense to me is taking the greatest city in the whole universe and making it the host of by far my least favorite Gen.

And yes, I do think that VII is the true successor to Gen V for me :p
Middle evolution looking weird or odd has never bothered me. Kinda like how Wartortle sticks out like a sore thumb in its line.

dat awkward teen phase


Bruh I live in Unova and will fight to the death for it but Alola's Pokémon are blowin me away. I dunno it seems to me like Gen VII is the true successor to Gen V.
Unova = America
Hawaii = American state
Alola = Hawaii

As a Unova fan, you can just claim Alola as a Unovan state!


From a lore standpoint, I love Poke-Pelago. Makes me feel better about abandoning so many Pokemon in boxes. Now I know they're just going on a vacation!

Now you're just shipping them off to an island while telling them you'll be back later. What's worse, imprisonment or imprisonment with false hope? I think it's the latter.


I continue to be very unhappy with how this gen is turning out.

I'm running spreadsheets to track my score for every design out of 10 and so far the numbers look like this:

Average Score for a new Pokemon: 5.0000
Average Score (including Alolan Forms): 4.842105263
Average Score (including Alolan AND New Forms): 4.850746269
Average Score (All Designs): 4.828571429

To contrast, by far my least favorite Gen is Gen V which has an average score of 5.91025641.
Favorite Gen (II) has an average score of 8.41.

Gen VII continues to be the slow meteor of doom for me.

bad taste my dude, its been a solid 8-9 for me.
Apparently there's an ice stone in the trailer during the Pelago stuff.

bad taste my dude, its been a solid 8-9 for me.
Obviously it's bad taste, that poster's favorite gen was Gen II.


Litten still confirmed GOAT! Also that Greninja makes me gonna download the demo, even though I wanted to go into the game fresh. Can't pass up a cool Greninja. :D
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