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Popular gaming opinions that are just....wrong

Airbus Jr



mine - Devil May Cry is slower and less fun than Ninja Gaiden (not wrong)

theirs - Mario is Perfection in videogame form (wrong) there's a bunch of lame sports spinoffs that are shovelware trash, 2D Mario is now reduced to shovelware-rier spinoff bargain bin (oh the irony - from trendsetter to copying trends) - even the most diehard journos admitted Odyssey wasn't capable of saving videogames from klaus schawbian industrial control grid, i find it the average Mario fan likes to rub the scrutiny the Sonic series and positive leaning fans in their face, yet - Mario symbolizes the worst scale of consumerism, pretending as if it's still some gigantic pillar of quality and encouraging this weird obnoxious behavior you see in youtube videos, that would make they're ancestors embarrassed, it's like everyone wants Mario to go through a huger downfall (and Nintendo) than everyone claims Sega and Sonic did - in the long run, because you people are certainly setting up for one......

theirs - Sony will lose this gen (skeptical - somewhat wrong) i don't own a PS5 yet - and i hate a lot of what's they're associated with now - and i semi-blame them for what happened to the Saturn, but honestly.......Playstation has always come out on top each passing gen eitherway, that's just the realistic side of me talking, i buy them for japanese third party games - so do other gamers whom share the same mindset, with that BLM or ideologue pandering going on - if profits fall hard atleast from those things - then they are simply just gonna reverse those from feedback suggestions, it's not like there's any wokeness from the new God of War game at all, supposedly
That's some seethe.


SMS better hardware? lmao. Also, TG-16 was a niche console which only sold a few millions worldwide.
I have a suspicion you've played neither, based on that ignorantly dismissive response. Go look at games that came out on both SMS and NES, and then consider that Nintendo's business practices may have been one of the reasons why superior hardware sold less.


World’s Biggest Weeb
It's definitely a buzzword that's taken on it's own identity. I think in terms of genre, where everything has to be dumbed down to the smallest common denominator, "strategic," was the PR approved phrasing for "It's turn based," trying to soften the blow and maybe get a few oblivious gamer dollars from people who don't understand or have their decoder ring. Yes, I just made a blanket statement that the general public is stupid. Shocking.

Doing something in real time isn't any more or less strategic than doing it via menus and turns, arguably strategy becomes harder and more married to the gameplay than ever in real time, because you ACTIVELY have to think whilst doing.

People who prefer old school RPGs are in just mixed up in the lingo, I think, in conclusion. Like, there are nights when I'm in a "smoke a bowl and chill," mood and that's ideal for turn based games, whereas sometimes I just want all the pseudo-adrenaline of action games.

I will say that an added Hard mode in this old school re-releases of vintage RPGs could address the issue with the lack of ACTUAL strategy. Even the elements that I'd argue are closer to real strategy, like minmaxing and party makeup would be that much more relevant to the actual gameplay. But I guess that would require alteration to actual code, which is harder than just making everything look like Farmville and re-releasing it. But we're verging off into MY issues now, so I'll part with this reply.
IMHO a lot of the appeal of old school turn based JRPGs is precisely that they require almost zero strategy or skill. You can just shut your brain off and get your little dopamine hits watching your party members hit things and get stronger. You get all these cool flashy moves that all basically do the same thing (direct damage) and make you feel like a badass.

It’s almost an annoyance when you have some random encounter where you have to do anything aside from attack. Like it’s just difficult enough where you have to put in a tiny bit of thought to solve this puzzle, but not difficult enough where it poses a threat to you.

I’m skeptical whether you could make old school JRPGs better by upping the difficulty. These games are based around you fighting the same enemies over and over and over. Seems like when they try to up the difficulty you end up just solving the same puzzle over and over, and it’s more tedious than challenging.
"FFXV is trash. Worst FF game ever made".

Wheres back in the real world, it's probably the best FF ever made and certainly in the top five of JRPG games.
This is the worst opinion I’ve ever heard in my entire life lol. FFXV is a trend-chasing, confused, horribly paced, janky, half-baked, awfully written mess with an all guy cast and a game where the story was its last priority.

Edit: FFS I will expand on this. No it’s not inherently bad that the cast is all guys. But for 15+ hours that’s personally not my thing, I like a cast of both guys and girls. Secondly, the bros are extremely shallow (yes I’ve played the DLC, watched the anime, etc.). Lastly, I find Prompto annoying and Noctis to have no real personality though I know XV fans love to paint him as this “charismatic super dork” because he asks the bros to play games
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Reseterror Resettler
IMHO a lot of the appeal of old school turn based JRPGs is precisely that they require almost zero strategy or skill. You can just shut your brain off and get your little dopamine hits watching your party members hit things and get stronger. You get all these cool flashy moves that all basically do the same thing (direct damage) and make you feel like a badass.

It’s almost an annoyance when you have some random encounter where you have to do anything aside from attack. Like it’s just difficult enough where you have to put in a tiny bit of thought to solve this puzzle, but not difficult enough where it poses a threat to you.

I’m skeptical whether you could make old school JRPGs better by upping the difficulty. These games are based around you fighting the same enemies over and over and over. Seems like when they try to up the difficulty you end up just solving the same puzzle over and over, and it’s more tedious than challenging.

Yeah, for sure. I think the Battle system was a piece of the entire experience, with exploration, music and storyline rounding everything out, if done well.

For a Hard mode to really thrive in a turn based game, it probably would require some substantial alterations, I'll give you that. The two easiest methods to implement it would be, as you said, essentially turning every encounter into a boss, which would quickly make trash mobs bullshit, unless you had a baked in option to set no encounters, OR the other simple method, just adjusting hit/crit/damage rates, making your characters suck more and the enemies suck less by design. Which also sounds shitty in a 40+ turn based game.

It's a thinker, for sure.
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What's wrong with an all male cast?
I don’t like spending 15+ hours with just 4 shallow “bros.”

Yes, I watched the anime, I watched Kingsglaive, I played all the DLC.

Still my least favorite FF by a country mile and I still view it as a disgrace to the franchise.

The only thing it’s good for is if you’re looking for a game to mindlessly dick around in. Mindless because the combat system is hilariously unbalanced and has tons of not-even-half-baked systems, and because the traversal mechanics in this open world game are boring and slow.


I have a suspicion you've played neither, based on that ignorantly dismissive response. Go look at games that came out on both SMS and NES, and then consider that Nintendo's business practices may have been one of the reasons why superior hardware sold less.
The sound chip on Master System just sounds bad. The graphics seems to only allow for very brightly colored games too.
SMS better hardware? lmao. Also, TG-16 was a niche console which only sold a few millions worldwide.
SMS was significantly better hardware in literally all categories than the NES and yes, I had both to compare constantly. It just didn’t get the third party support the NES received.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
Yeah, for sure. I think the Battle system was a piece of the entire experience, with exploration, music and storyline rounding everything out, if done well.

For a Hard mode to really thrive in a turn based game, it probably would require some substantial alterations, I'll give you that. The two easiest methods to implement it would be, as you said, essentially turning every encounter into a boss, which would quickly make trash mobs bullshit, unless you had a baked in option to set no encounters, OR the other simple method, just adjusting hit/crit/damage rates, making your characters suck more and the enemies suck less by design. Which also sounds shitty in a 40+ turn based game.

It's a thinker, for sure.
I think FF12 came up with a good answer: just let us automate all the simple braindead stuff to our exact specifications and intervene when necessary. Fast forward button, no battle screen transition, no victory animations. Just walk up to an enemy and watch your guys whoop it’s ass, touch the loot to pick it up, and keep moving. It’s like they knew the old battle system formula was mostly superfluous so they made it as fast and unobtrusive as possible.

I always laughed when people criticized it for “playing itself”. Hey, all the stuff you did in those classic turn based games can be replicated by a short list of if/else statements. Maybe it should play itself. Bonus: programming your gambits just right in FF 12 was more fun and strategic than the actual battles in the earlier FF games.


Reseterror Resettler
I think FF12 came up with a good answer: just let us automate all the simple braindead stuff to our exact specifications and intervene when necessary. Fast forward button, no battle screen transition, no victory animations. Just walk up to an enemy and watch your guys whoop it’s ass, touch the loot to pick it up, and keep moving. It’s like they knew the old battle system formula was mostly superfluous so they made it as fast and unobtrusive as possible.

I always laughed when people criticized it for “playing itself”. Hey, all the stuff you did in those classic turn based games can be replicated by a short list of if/else statements. Maybe it should play itself. Bonus: programming your gambits just right in FF 12 was more fun and strategic than the actual battles in the earlier FF games.

Yeah, XII was a game where I could spend 20 minutes in a menu and feel completely engaged. Reminded a lot of old school PC gaming. Gambit were a brilliant addition, and the easiest evidence to cite for it was how much vitriol the game received when it initially released. It was ahead of norms in mainstream gaming by a good 3-5 years, if memory serves. Can't say enough good stuff about FFXII, or basically anything Matsuno even walked into a room and coughed during development of.

You've touched on something I don't see mentioned a lot, either. The repetitive nature of random encounters not just because of the Battle itself but the Fanfare, the menu screen post battle, the camera panning around the battlefield in 3D games, etc. There really was something liberating about walking up to four wolves, cutting them into ribbons and walking away, instead of posing in front of the corpse whooping and hollering like you just escaped supervised custody.
Video game storylines and writing are more important than the gameplay and fun. Makes no sense to me at all. Who cares about supposedly good writing and the story when the game plays like trash or is boring. These aren’t movies, but “interactive experiences”.

People say Souls games are janky and clunky, yet they seemingly enjoy the gameplay of games like the Witcher 3 and Bethesda games like Skyrim.

Physical games need to die in a fire. I know digital is more convenient, but how does physical gaming existing hurt your digital gaming experience and besides convenience, how is it better when you literally have no options compared to physical gaming?

Live service games/GAAS/online only games are good for the industry and the future. I think they will end up destroying the industry.
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All these twats that are blaming "diversity hiring" as some dirge to modern game development.

"gAmEs ArE bAd BeCuZ oF wOmEn AnD tHe BLaCkS"

Literally one of the dumbest opinions I've ever come across.
It's only dumb if people are literally saying "women and black people harm a games development". I think most have issue with that type of hiring being the main focal point. If companies hired purely based on talent and whose best for the position I wouldn't give two shits if the entire dev team was white/black/all dudes or all women. It's just when diversity is the point that people have issue.


Yakuza 0 is good --- (It's mediocre game at best)

TPS > FPS --- (FPS games are superior in shooting mechanics and have superior variety of subgenre like immersive sims)

Souls games are hard --- (Souls games are not hard they are just not piss easy)

Tank controls and fixed camera have "aged badly" --- (REmake stands as an example of timeless survival horror masterpiece, the fixed camera allows for more scare shots and the tank controls are fine)

WRPGs have bad gameplay
--- (A lot of WRPGs may have bad combat, though DOS2 proves it can be otherwise, but as a whole, interacting with the games is pretty good and the rpg mechanics and the variety of things you can do adds to the goodness of the gameplay, Morrowind may be janky and outdated but the sheer amount of rpg mechanics and interactive systems make its gameplay engaging and rich enough at least for its time, the same can be said about Skyrim in modern times)

Rockstar games are "brave" --- (Rockstar games are super safe and they have not innovated or did something groundbreaking outside of graphics since the days of San Andreas, Rockstar are only brave in spending huge budget on production values and not on game design)

Nobody cares about critic scores --- (Yeah we see how every thread and every place posts and cares and watches the score closely and we see how most games that get mediocre score is swept under the rug and ignored by the majority of the community)

All of those statements are wrong
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Gold Member
60 fps with mediocre graphics just worst in most genres vs 30 fps with amazing graphics.

This is a scientific FACT.
What you don't understand it's that framerate improves graphics too, just in s different manner and that's why 30fps games look worst to many than same game with less resolution but don't framerate... In my case, animation and action fluidity get way more immersive that way, therefore, the game plays and look better. But yeah, framerate is graphics too.
Sega made the first 3D fighting game.

Only one console 5th gen had a Z-buffer

Shenmue is a good game

Bomberman 64 is a good game

Tekken is better than Virtua Fighter

Street Fighter is better than Mortal Kombat

Amiga has good games

Sony copied Nintendo's thumbstick

Virtua Fighter 3 is a good game

Silent Hill is scary

Resident Evil is scary

Xbox 360 has better exclusives than the Original Xbox

PS4 is better than PS2

Switch is better than GC

GB+GBC were good

Final Fantasy VII is better than Legend of Dragoon

Tales of is a good franchise

Final Fantasy VII is better than Breath of Fire 3

2D Mario is better than 2D Wario

Banjo is better than Mario 64

Namco had better 3D fighters than Square in the 90s

Ridge Racer is better than Daytona

Half-life is better than Rainbow Six

Goldeneye is better than The World Is Not Enough

Turoks draw distance was excusable

Final Fantasy 9 is better than Breath of Fire 4

Quake is better than Skynet/Future shock

Pikmin is good


Gold Member
My unpopular opinion is that technological stagnation is good for the games industry. High development costs are what have forced devs to converge on the samey AAA model, if technology stagnates eventually development costs will fall and we'll see a rise in the proportion of innovative, high-quality games like we saw in the SNES, PS1, and PS2 generations.
Creativity is always enhanced via restriction and limitation.


Furthering what you said - the Island section of RE4 is like CoD. I've also seen people say that RE5 and 6 are "just" shooters or like CoD.



This goes back to a topic I just made in which I was not clear in my title, but the """"fact"""" that only 10 out of 10 games are """worth playing."""
I know people in my life outside the internet that have told me this. Also, people who refuse to play games that are less than 60 frames per second as also limiting themself, but there is no fixing stupid, so oh well.


Ok. Any examples?
There are tons of games using transparency. The latest I played is Vandal Hearts and the game is loaded with transparency effects.
Search in Google, you will find them, as well as videos and articles explaining how this console works...

Do you know what software rendering is? There are games with normal mapping on the PS2 despite its gpu not supporting pixel shaders.
We are talking about Saturn, a 32 bits hardware released in 1994.
That nintendo doesn't get a score boost for their exclusives...it's obvious as day they get away with technical and design conventions that will be overlooked or overplayed because many games journalist and fans grew up with their IP. A game like Hollow Knight or Ori is far superior to Metroid read but one got nominated for goty...


There are tons of games using transparency. The latest I played is Vandal Hearts and the game is loaded with transparency effects.
Search in Google,

We are talking about Saturn, a 32 bits hardware released in 1994.
Well there's this video showing transparency effects on the PS1 lacking in the Saturn version.

Yes the textbox/menus looks transparent, although that could be a trick similar to how the megadrive handled transparency.

We are talking about Saturn, a 32 bits hardware released in 1994.

you will find them, as well as videos and articles explaining how this console works...

I guess many developers used dithered textures/sprites instead of true transparecy for shits and giggles.
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Reseterror Resettler

Souls games are the Pinnacle of hardcore gaming.
-That I see teeny bopper scene chicks on Twitch steamroll every day, despite having a vocabulary of around 65 words. Yeah, I'm sure it's hard, and fulfilling and immersive and great, but from my very limited experience and exposure, it just feels like a VERY literal digital interpretation of Simon says, pattern recognition and reflex. I'm not gonna give you the keys to the city and the official designation "One Bad Dude," because you play hard games.

Console Wars are Entirely bad
- Nah, it promotes consumerism, drives up engagement on social media and can even be incorporated into promotional stuff with the right angle and savvy. Console Wars are not the problem. Console Warriors are. No class, no elegance, no multi leveled long game trolling, no honor. It's just lame ass "HERP WEAR R TH GAMEZ?" or lame catchphrases. The only thing current gen Console Warriors are good at is memeing, and even those came from somebody smarter and funnier than you 80% of the time. Just move onto like modding trucks or gardening or some shit.

Bluebox Conspiracy is Fake
- #TeamReal, Cry moar Kojima, I know it's you.

Remakes are becoming played out.
-No, bad, lazy, cheap, rushed Remakes are getting played out. Plenty of good ones, and surprisingly a few that are doing interesting things with the concept. A remake should never be a replacement for an original, it should be a supplement, and something that is fresh enough to be played back to back with it's original and not feel like you're doing the same thing.
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