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PS4 can't play MP3, Music Unlimited needed for background music [Up:Yoshida responds]

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Huge proponent of Sony but with this information in tempted to say fuck it until they patch this in.

Really stupid move on their part.


If it's anything like what some developers do with Vita games and screenshots, whatever they feel like, for any or no reason.

Sounds about right.

Some of the story/plot stuff sounds like something they would restrict but if someone really wants to see that stuff, it will be on youtube within seconds anyway. Seems a bit pointless to stop people when they will get it anyway.
no mp3 support sucks that means no custom soundtracks for mlb the show. This is really stupid. No one wants to buy music unlimited when their are better options out their.
The music thing is unbelievably stupid, but I didn't miss is that much on PS3.

DLNA however...

Time for a new twitter protest campaign. This is, without question, horseshit.

One of my favorite features this gen was swapping out background music for my own on my 360 and certain PS3 games like Wipeout.

Locking that behind a paywall? Fuck you, Sony. Not even playing mp3's...the world standard digital music file? Fuck you, Sony.


Sony WTF really. If you want no piracy then make Music Unlimited free in the same way spotify is.

And no DLNA??? Are you fucking serious? I stream series from my pc to the ps3 all the fucking time.


The video client streaming is more aggravating for me. That really sucks. Got so much use out of it on PS3. And not being able to use my own PC playlists is pretty disappointing - especially for NBA2K14.


Doesn't help matters that the service is garbage. Constantly crashes, I constantly have problems logging into it, and despite them adding a high quality stream option recently it just sounds 'off' to me. They shouldn't be forcing this crap.


Straight from the PS4 FAQ posted on blog.us.playstation.com

"Will PS4 support media servers or DLNA support in order to stream videos or movies from a home PC?
The PS4 system does not support client functionality for media servers."

I was really hoping the PS4 would be even better than the PS3 in this regard. Not something I'd cancel a preorder for but highly disappointing nonetheless.
Bullshit :(
No DLNA support, either.

MP3s suck but that was fine I guess. No DLNA is shitty for me though. I actually use my PS3 a lot for streaming videos (and MP3s for that matter). I know they're all "games first" but I didn't think they were so adamant about it that they planned on pulling media support out of the OS.
Shit storms a'brewin'..................

I've been uber on Sony's side through all the next-gen drama, but this is one giant Fuck You to the consumers. I hope it blows up in their face.








I listen to music a lot on PS3, all of it bought legally.

Also, what does this mean for OST releases on PS4? It was great that I could get some digital OSTs from PS Store on PS3 (even though the process was made needlessly complicated/cumbersome).


You tweet peeps do your thing! Make Yosp regret this decision. I know it's not his sole decision... but someone at Sony has to regret it.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Forgive me for my ignorance about DLNA, but why is it so good? Doesn't streaming result in horrendous picture quality? Isn't it simply a far better option to have a dedicated media player hooked up to the TV and play files directly?

Good streaming has fantastic quality. Which wouldn't be a problem regardless, if it could play... wait a second. Does this fucker even play VIDEO? It doesn't play MUSIC. Godammit.
For me no mp3 is a non issue. It's been forever since I don't have any on my Pc or phone anyway, and the subscription plans are very reasonable to the market, specially for PS+ers...

If they allow 3rd party apps to stream too it will be even better.

No DLNA support for videos, however, is an issue. Hopefully sony also comes app heavy in the future so that can be solved.


Can't remember the last time I actually bought music. I just use Pandora, iTunes Radio, Spotify.

Sorry Sony PS+ is the only subscription you'll get from me. Of course if you screw that up I have no issue cancelling it
I dont know bro, this is pretty significant

it is lame and utterly pathetic, but it is no dealbreaker. no one is going over to the xbone just because their ps4 can't play mp3. people got over it during the ps3, and they'll get over it. it's a feature that's supposed to be standard, but most people here have played games without using custom soundtracks all their lives.

that no-dlna sucks more, though. but then again they're trying to push apps like netflix, flixster, etc. just as bgm feature is used to push music unlimited, so there's that. from a business standpoint, it's quite understandable. it's looking to push 80+ million units. if they can coax even a quarter or 1/5 of those people to buy music unlimited then why not. and again, not a dealbreaker for most people as well so it isn't as "sleazy business" and more of "lame business". it could work, who knows.


Really?! Isn't MP3 the mostly widely used music audio format? Their is no way I am going to use their proprietary music service bullshit....


Music Unlimited is an absolute mess of a program.
It instills no sort of confidence in Sony's ability to distribute their vast library of content.
Avoid at all costs, trust me I regret my subscription.


This is a very stupid move for sure, Shu needs to have an earful of how this is bullshit. With any luck they'll patch it in but we'll see I guess.


Are both consoles trying to avoid angering mpaa/riaa licensing with streaming stuff? Is that even relevant? This kind of streaming is supported on so many products, I'm truly baffled.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
For those of you saying this makes no sense, it makes a TON of BUSINESS sense.
Sony was much better off when they were quiet and just let Microsoft do the talking. Now the bullshit comes out. Couldn't hide it forever.

As shitty as this is to even compare it to MS restricting ownership of your physical copies by dictating where you can trade in, not allowing you to privately sell your physical property and most importantly forcing you to log in to their servers for daily permission to play the games you bought for is laughable.

Let's not start the false equivalency here.
Oh god it gets worse. This bit just cost them a sale to my brother-in-law.
If you want to avoid spoilers, don't watch streams or youtube videos.

Don't your shared PS4 videos go up in a "What's News" section of the PS4 interface? Like a wall or something? I think that's the spoiler fear. Not streams or youtube, obviously. =)

I dont know bro, this is pretty significant

Maybe. Here's how I see it:

If you really want a PS4, you won't cancel your preorder because of this. You will just use your phone, tablet, mp3 player or whatever to listen to background music.

If you were on the fence, though, you might cancel it over this, but I don't see people moving to Xbone because of other problems ($100 more, underpowered, etc).

Like I said earlier, it's total bullshit. Sony is doing this to push their MU service. It's ridiculous. But if you really want a PS4, you're not going to cancel your preorder over this.
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