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"PS4 is like a 5 years old PC and it’s really holding developers back"

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This guy is full of crap. PS4 isn't holding anything back.

It's not like PC exclusives don't exist and I haven't seen anything on the PC exclusive front to suggest PS4 is way behind and holding PC back. Sounds like PCMR bullshit and that's sad coming from a dev. I own a high-end rig and a PS4 Pro and I never feel like I'm going back in time when I play games on my Pro. The graphics on my PC are obviously better but other than that I feel like I'm still getting a quality experience on the PS4.
Well to be perfectly honest, virtually no giant AAA games are going to be made without console releases, so you wouldn't see a difference in game design on PC vs consoles.


Why dont you develop exclusively to pc and stfu. You have the choice and if EA is pushing you to develop to consoles find another publisher you douchebag.
I wish PS4 was 20 times more powerful so that every studio took 10 years to make a game. Sounds great.


In fact in many areas it's the opposite.


Yeah... Horizon, UC4, etc demonstrate otherwise. Can they (or anyone) show me a 5 year old PC game that looked as good as Horizon on the Pro and a 4k TV? I'm waiting.


Assumably for most people it's the move to better performance actually. Going to 60fps has been a big and great push for the industry. It won't be that long until our TV's are able to accept native 120hz signals too. Some higher end TV's already do. And with tihings like adaptive sync, the benefits for pushing frames continue. I think a lot of people may not care about getting more than 30fps. But Alot of enthusiasts do, and enthusiasts play a large part on promoting and shaping the future. They're the trend setters.
Then you need to buy 10 copies of the Xbox One X.

Because if it doesn't fly off the shelves, they (Sony/MS) are not going to care.


My takeaway is that this is coming from a developer that has yet to push the envelope of a five year old PC. Maybe for their sake it's a good thing we're not bleeding edge.
Then you need to buy 10 copies of the Xbox One X.

Because if it doesn't fly off the shelves, they (Sony/MS) are not going to care.

PC is essentially the same thing. The more interest in PC, and the more users, the more they will care too.

Why dont you develop exclusively to pc and stfu. You have the choice and if EA is pushing you to develop to consoles find another publisher you douchebag.

Because some level of parity is a good thing, and necessary. Consoles aren't going anywhere obviously, but given the shriking costs and rising capability of even lower end gaming machines now it's important they try to keep up to some degree. Like has been said in here numerous times, the CPU is really holding these new machines back, so the choice to keep the jaguar CPU's seems baffling, considering the alternatives. Do they have a valid reason to hold the CPU back? Would consumers be ok shouldering a small increase in cost for the higher end machines like Pro and XboneX? We can't know because it was never presented as a choice for consumers. On PC they can make that decision, on console it's made of us. Like with the PS4 UHD HDR Blu-ray example I gave earlier. It was a decision arbitrarily made for us. I would have been happy to pay an extra $8-10 or even $20 for it.


Of course. If people don't get what he's saying then what's the talk about when PS5 will arrive all about? If nothing is holding games back on PS4 then why do we need PS5?

He's seriously 100% right and everybody here should know that by now, otherwise I don't get what 50% of the discussions at this place is all about. Graphics, framerates, details, physics, AI, world sizes, the amount of characters on screen, world and character/cloth destruction etc etc. Everything could get better with better hardware.

And, I mean, I actually thought he was kind of nice to say that PS4 is like a 5 year old PC. 4 years ago I bought my first gaming PC, with a 780ti GPU and i7 4Ghz CPU. I don't think I need to explain that PS4 didn't even come close to matching that.

"physics", sure. Explain why physics in Halo 1 on original Xbox is more impressive than on Destiny 2 on XBOX X/PC/PS4 Pro.

Same for AI. Just take a look at F.E.A.R., for example.

I think modern hardware already good for complex innovative games. Most devs just don't care.

edit: "the amount of characters on screen" also

did you miss Kessen or any Dynasty Warriors game? :)


Yeah, it's like a PC, except it works without losing hours updating drivers and settings, it has AAA exclusives and it doesn't cost $1000 or more.

That's why people play on that I guess. So many reasons.


:( using a gaming pc really does not require much work especially with modern games. As long as you use your brain and t can google work arounds you can experience anything without issues.

As for initial investment, it is higher butt you do not use the pc just to play, and you can compensate with good deals.
Well considering engines aren't typically written to be used on a single platform. I'm not sure what you're trying to say. There's some pretty big differences still in terms of potential and performance.

If consoles Are holding pc back, where are the pc exclusives showing us what can be done?
Nope. Theres exactly 1 pc game with tech better than the best console games, and that game may not ever even release

You may or may not be ignoring entire genres of games :X

Larger release RTS specifically in its current form on PC could not be possible on consoles given their heavy CPU performance requirements: Total War, Dawn of War, COH2, Ashes... etc.

Lot's of AI, lots of objects, lot's of animations.


Enlighten me. Because literally every studio is taking forever this generation to release anything.
That's because of ballooning budgets and scope creep. Bloody everything has to be open-world in this day and age, which automatically results in much longer dev times as the sheer amount of content is far larger than older mid-budget games.

That plus the incessant desire for more and more detailed game worlds, including more incidental objects to populate those worlds with (just compare, for example, a modern Assassin's Creed game to the first Assassin's Creed), are huge contributors to the massive dev times involved in modern video games. The fact that technology is allowing this to happen is orthogonal to the developers' ambitions to realize these facets.

If we had enough technological power to realize full real-time path tracing the dev times would be almost entirely unchanged, but they would look much, much better graphically. Obviously, we don't have that power right now, but don't expect dev times to get any longer than they already have - unless a dev is shooting for something really ambitious.
Yeah, it's like a PC, except it works without losing hours updating drivers and settings, it has AAA exclusives and it doesn't cost $1000 or more.

That's why people play on that I guess. So many reasons.

Please... Can we retire this argument. It's a really annoying misconception. Pretty much none of those things are true, and haven't been for years.
Cry more?

This is what the market is. Don't like it? Too bad.

Publishers have to go where the money is to make games be happy you get the games you do today on any platform.

Shit could've gone much worse in many other ways. There will be games to show the potential of Pc even if fewer between and there will be others to demonstrate for consoles.

Stop all your God damn fanboy wars and get along you little bitches lol.
As someone who does 90% my gaming on a 5 year old PC should I be thanking the PS4?

You know what? Maybe you should. That's an interesting perspective and I think it's as valid as seeing it the other way around, moreso since most of the people gaming on PC today are using shit that's around that ballpark, or lower.

I mean, shit, PS4 and Xbox One being the baseline means you can play games like MGSV on PC without breaking the bank.


Yeah... Horizon, UC4, etc demonstrate otherwise. Can they (or anyone) show me a 5 year old PC game that looked as good as Horizon on the Pro and a 4k TV? I'm waiting.

Can every developer right now put out a Horzion/UC4/Order level game without trouble on a reasonable budget/time scale ?

Definitely not.Therefore no one's limited by tech.


You may or may not be ignoring entire genres of games :X

Larger release RTS specifically in its current form on PC could not be possible on consoles given their heavy CPU performance requirements: Total War, Dawn of War, COH2, Ashes... etc.

Lot's of AI, lots of objects, lot's of animations.
Yep. Ashes of the Singularity in particular is 100% impossible to get to run smoothly on an underpowered Jaguar processor.

Of course, since it's not a graphically impressive AAA first-or-third-person game most folks on Gaf are going to discount it, but eh. Them's the breaks.
Well to be perfectly honest, no giant AAA games are going to be made without console releases, so you wouldn't see a difference in game design on PC vs consoles.
Star Citizen exists you know. Over $150 million later it's impressive but it's still not done yet and I still don't feel like it's that far ahead of the experience I get from my PS4 Pro. It's still very glitchy in the PTU and netcode is still trash despite the other impressive things going on in the game.


Developers kind of rely on the revenue they receive from consoles. And consoles provide the revenue because of their install base which can take years to grow. The volume and the scope of video games we see today wouldn't be sustainable if they were just releasing on PC. It would be a lot more niche.


Star Citizen exists you know. Over $150 million later it's impressive but it's still not done yet and I still don't feel like it's that far ahead of the experience I get from my PS4 Pro. It's still very glitchy in the PTU and netcode is still trash despite the other impressive things going on in the game.
Ok, so one game. I didn't mean literally none :)

Edited that post to clarify.
Well, it IS 3 and a half years old.

This kind of comments happen EVERY TIME when we're halfway through a console gen, lol. Yes, PS4 (and especially XB1) doesn't have the raw power of the average GAMER PC, but it's still capable of incredible looking games like Horizon, GT Sport, God of War, Detroit, Uncharted 4...

I actually feel like this generation is holding up a lot better than the previous one.


Unconfirmed Member
the quote in context isn't about the PS4 it's just about consoles in general. He happens to be showing it on a PS4 so that's what he points at but nowhere does it specifically call out the PS4.

people getting super defensive about nothing.
Work on PC exclusive games and live with the sales you get. Problem solved.

When you work on PC exclusive games you still have to account for the huge part of your audience using i3s, AM3 CPUs and/or 750 Ti-level GPUs. It's not like you can magically sell only to 1080 Ti owners.


As someone who does 90% of my gaming on PC I'm fine with this. Consoles set a base level each generation that is more than enough of an improvement for me and keeps my hardware relevant longer.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
When you work on PC exclusive games you still have to account for the huge part of your audience using i3s, AM3 CPUs and/or 750 Ti-level GPUs. It's not like you can magically sell only to 1080 Ti owners.
I know. The whole thing is ultimately an economic argument. How many copies you are hoping to sell is going to greatly determine what hardware footprints you are targeting.


Well, it IS 3 and a half years old.

This kind of comments happen EVERY TIME when we're halfway through a console gen, lol. Yes, PS4 (and especially XB1) doesn't have the raw power of the average GAMER PC, but it's still capable of incredible looking games like Horizon, GT Sport, God of War, Detroit, Uncharted 4...

I actually feel like this generation is holding up a lot better than the previous one.
Funny, because I felt the PS4 was underpowered from the start.

I mean, the fact that its CPU is blatantly inferior to my i5 2500k which is running on close to seven years old at this point was never a great selling point.

That being said, the games are certainly holding up better this time around, it's true. And I'd chalk that up to a superior knowledge base when it comes to graphics technology, especially thanks to the advent of PBR.

That doesn't mean the console ain't underpowered, though. (And he's talking about all consoles, BTW, not just the PS4 specifically.)


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Yeah, it's like a PC, except it works without losing hours updating drivers and settings, it has AAA exclusives and it doesn't cost $1000 or more.

That's why people play on that I guess. So many reasons.

you spend more time on long loading screens that i spend updating video driver (that is automatic) and tweaking settings
"physics", sure. Explain why physics in Halo 1 on original Xbox is more impressive than on Destiny 2 on XBOX X/PC/PS4 Pro.

Same for AI. Just take a look at F.E.A.R., for example.

I think modern hardware already good for complex innovative games. Most devs just don't care.

edit: "the amount of characters on screen" also

did you miss Kessen or any Dynasty Warriors game? :)

This entire post misses the point, and those examples are all extremely shoddy.

Physics in Halo 1 aren't especially impressive today (nor are Halo 1's level of physics suitable for every game design concept) and that they're more impressive than Destiny 2's on the surface means little.

FEAR's AI is surprisingly simple; it seems advanced because it's well designed and because it's so intertwined with the level design. FEAR's AI isn't readily applicable to games that move beyond the hallway/office approach to FPS level design.

Kessen has tons of characters on screen. Characters with practically non-existant AI. Same goes for Dynasty Warriors, which still has to cull characters at a certain distance. Want tons of characters on-screen with a weak CPU? Your game better be designed with concessions like dumb-as-rock AI, then.
Well, it IS 3 and a half years old.

This kind of comments happen EVERY TIME when we're halfway through a console gen, lol. Yes, PS4 (and especially XB1) doesn't have the raw power of the average GAMER PC, but it's still capable of incredible looking games like Horizon, GT Sport, God of War, Detroit, Uncharted 4...

I actually feel like this generation is holding up a lot better than the previous one.

On it definitely is. I'm more dissapointed just at the restrictions on the Pro and Xbox One X. That iteration has been largely diminished by decisions that held them back quite a bit. Overall though the generation has been putting forward some great looking games, in large part thanks to technologies developed and that benefit the entire industry. Like dynamic resolutions, checkerboard rendering and some material based rendering and stuff. As always we move forward. It would just be nice to let the newer iterations stretch their legs a little more instead of the leash pulling caused by the Jaguar CPU's.
You may or may not be ignoring entire genres of games :X

Larger release RTS specifically in its current form on PC could not be possible on consoles given their heavy CPU performance requirements: Total War, Dawn of War, COH2, Ashes... etc.

Lot's of AI, lots of objects, lot's of animations.

Dont those games run on pcs weaker than the consoles? Also total war and coh/dow arent very optimized titles and probably have lots of room for improvement, especially with the lack of overhead on console


I just can't stop laughing about this thread...

A reminder from what I posted before:

Forget consoles exist and think about how mixed the PC environment is in terms of hardware. What % of the worlds PCs are top notch?

...then continue laughing your way through the day!
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