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PS4 Owners Unite - A PSN ID Exchange Thread


PSN ID: Ben60659
Games: Too many to list tbh
Location: Louisiana (CST)

Feel free to add me GAF, but let me know that you're a Gaffer when you do.


Gonna post my ID again, it has been some time.

I play quite a lot of different stuff and also FF 14 and ESO lately. Would be great to find some new people to play some online or just follow each other. Also love my Vita

I also played Bloodborne, FF X and 0, Driveclub, Witcher 3 and a lot more. Batman coming up next week

PSN-ID: MoreThanMiles

I´m located in Berlin


PSN: Mathieran

I am on the east coast (North Carolina) and play odd hours, primarily single player. I just like to see what other folks are up to.
It would be cool to link up with others in the triangle area :)


Neo Member
PSN ID : Yoyo81

Location : France

Plays almost whatever is playable : (J)RPGs, adventure, soccer, fps...
Currently mainly on Destiny, ESO, and soon on Rocket League !


PSN ID: GradonPrower
Games I play: Far too many. Mostly Bloodborne, Resident Evil Revelations 2, Mortal Kombat X
Location: UK

Add if you want to talk or play. I'm on a lot of different games though.
PSN ID - licbone73

I play everything and stuff, but a LOT of Destiny, so there's that. I'd be down for someone to tackle some Borderlands stuff too, since I haven't even opened that.


PSN ID: crackajackcw
Games: Most kinds, though specifically Bloodborne and Last of Us (only bought my PS4 in April)
Location: California (PST)


Hard to Kill

Location france

can speak english french and a bit of spanish

games: Dragon Age Inquisition, Bloodborne, Diablo III, Driveclub, Knack, Binding of isaac, destiny, killzone, last of us, ffx x-2 and others
is you're interested I don't play that much but still it can be interesting.


PSN ID: budrickton

Witcher 3
The Last of Us: Remastered
FFX/X-2 HD Remaster
Batman: Arkham Knight (starting on Tuesday)

and plenty of digital ones, including pretty much all the Plus games
PSN; johnnycubsfan. Hit me up fellas.

Also, please let me change my PS ID. Shu, pls.


Witcher 3
Binding of Isaac
Arkham Knight on Tuesday


PSN is Coriandurr, I'm in the UK.

Playing through The Witcher at the moment but play PES (badly), Peggle 2 and The Last of Us online amongst other stuff.
I recently changed my psn after 7-8 years.

Psn: LooneyLMD

I play everything except music and sports games.

I'm recently playing Trine 2, DAI, and ACU.


Is there a way to keep your psn limited to gaf members only?

Use email tag. Gaffer has to quote you to see the ID, so this is only possible as member.

quote this post to see what i mean


GMT +2 (Berlin)

PS4 games. Lots of Battlefield 4 atm and occasional Driveclub. Just got Platinum in Bloodborne so i'm going to pause this for a while. If you just want leaderboard ppl, add me too.
Psn: michalmarek77

Mostly SP Player but i do enjoy DriveClub, USF4 (i suck) and Destiny (i will jump back around Taken King DLC) sometimes.


PSN ID: Evuk

Many games.... have about 52 preordered from this last E3
Adventure to Racing to RPG's

Live in the Toronto area




I play just about anything and everything. Looking forward to Battlefront this fall and going to need some new people to play with!


Neo Member
PSN: Sciv131
Region: East Coast, USA
Games: Mostly single player although some Trials, Diablo and Bloodborne

Anyone can feel free to add me, I like filling up my friends list and seeing what others are playing!


Adding myself on here since it's been a while. Any and all can add me!

PSN ID: kevinlever
Time zone: EST (Canada)
Games: Everything. Almost everything. I play primarily on PS4 now, but still have a PS3 and a Vita!


Neo Member
PSN: UbuntuSolo

Like numerous others, mostly a single player gamer. Playing through Wolfenstein The New Order (followed by The Old Blood), FF Type-0. Anyone can feel free to add me though. Have a Vita as well.

Located in Virginia, USA.


I barely have any psn friends, feel free to add me.

PSN ID: Duramboros
Time zone: GMT (UK)
Games: Mostly single player ganes, but also sometimes Destiny, Diablo and any mp games that get added to ps plus.
PSN: mushrambio

Games currently playing: Witcher 3...that's about it lol. I do have Bloodborne, Drive Club, Evolve, and Far Cry 4 for any MP though.

Location: Virginia, USA

Feel free to add :)


PSN: Tralfamadore64

Driveclub, Diablo 3 (mostly inactive), BF4 and COD:AW... Getting MGSV of course. Lots of other games that aren't coming to mind at the moment.

Time Zone: EST (US--WV)

I'm on sporadically due to a strange shift rotation, but I'm usually on afternoons or late nights.


PSN ID: Freshjiven84
PS4 game: Almost every decent PS4 title with multiplayer
Location: AZ Timezone (yes, we have our own timezone :p)
PSN: Ehjee

I play pretty much all games
currently playing a lot of TLOU, Borderlands, Bloodborne, DriveClub and GTAV. Will be playing a ton of MGSV, when it comes out.

Eastern Time Zone but most of my psn friends are on the west coast


PSN: QuantumJazz
Games: GTAV, TLOU:R, Driveclub PS+, PvZ GW
Location: US West (evenings PST)

Edit: I misspelled my own damn PSN ID. Jesus...


Add me!


Here are some of the games I play that have online functionality
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls
Driveclub (I need to join a club)
Little Big Planet 3
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