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#PS4NoDRM #XboxOneNoDRM || Now do you "Believe?"

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We did well, regardless if it influenced any decision making. People spoke up for the right cause and that's how it should be. You don't comply silently with wrong.
Just wanted to drop in and congratulate all of you. Whether the crowd outlash was the real deciding factor behind Sony's decision or not, it's still awesome news. Good job, guys.


Junior Member
There will be those who try to belittle this but this is an example of what can happen when consumers stand up for their rights. This is an example that we ultimately have the power.

Not to belittle it lol, and I even made a Twitter account for the cause, but we never knew they where trying something like MS and they claimed they never did. I personally think they found it very interesting what MS did but decided they could not afford any risk to scare away the gamer, hardcore or not. But we tried and if it had any effect at all it was worth it, to stop even the smallest changes that influence the costumer in a negative way.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'll take a paywall over DRM BS any day.

I'll take neither over a half-win that was mostly Sony's doing after they saw backlash in the first place.

But hey, twitter hashtags work right?


Gold Member
Awesome job guys!! I still can't believe they actually listened to us, I feel truly honoured to be a part of this community today. It was great to see them tweeting after the event, they were revelling in the reaction and it was great to be a part of it all.

Aside from the fact my eyeballs are hanging out because of lack of sleep & a long day programming (I work from home though so it's not all bad, lots of long "coffee breaks") I am so excited - still!

Big thanks to FM for starting it all and to anyone reading this who participated in any way shape or form - well done everyone.

P.S. to the naysayers who said it would have no effect - hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.


*pats everyone on back*

if PS+ retains the same base level of quality, adds in next gen features like gaikai streaming and can do dedicated servers due to the paywall i think i would be OK paying for it


Long post incoming.

I'll take neither over a half-win that was mostly Sony's doing after they saw backlash in the first place.

But hey, twitter hashtags work right?


It wasn't a half win because it was never aimed at free online play, it was No DRM and entirely about that - other messages were tertiary. You clearly haven't the slightest clue about how this movement started. I'm not happy about the paywall either but I'm not going to shit on something that didn't have anything to do with it. The other posts in this thread confirm that the movement did have an impact, not a huge one but it pushed Sony to a firm stance on DRM. famousmortimer's exchange with Adam Boyes especially highlights this, so take your smug ass attitude somewhere else.

Yeah, they clearly pulled that one over us and I didn't realize it until someone pointed it out to me in the IRC chat last night. It sucks and I'm bummed.

You know guys. Having had a night to think about this now. I just want to say one thing. There will be those who try to belittle this but this is an example of what can happen when consumers stand up for their rights. This is an example that we ultimately have the power. I really hope more will see this and wake up. Start standing up for your consumer rights. Don't let these companies tell you what to do or what you can't do. Don't take their shit.

People will belittle either because they have a vested personal interest in the issue, or are just plain assholes who don't like seeing others succeed. Too many people really are just willing to bend over and take it because of company loyalty, or because they can't be arsed to even do something as simple as posting a message on social media. Meanwhile, they complain in forums and claw at people who actually try to do something about their situation. They're the true slacktivists.

I guess his internet fame is starting to go to his head.

TB's raison d'etre for going against the NoDRM movement is almost entirely to protect his ego. He dismissed the first tweet he got, then when people found out and started tweeting him more he got angry and defensive. He put his head in the toilet with his heated arguments with everyone on twitter, and then proceeded to flush it with that god awful video about why DRM is an amazing thing and everyone should make love to it.

I think Sony has effectively turned this into a great marketing campaign where the fans feel like their hard work really paid off even though the decision would all come down to economics. Now Sony's decision to have no DRM seems like a response to an internet campaign when it probably wasn't. Either way I loved that crowd reaction.

If Microsoft changes their minds however, that would definitely be something and would be the work of fans. If enough loyal fans refuse to buy the new xbox, and if the general public is as put off by it as they will be, that should show them that using DRM is a poor decision in the long run. I think they should find a way to do away with it, whether it be a delay and hardware revisions, revised os, or a firmware update, unless they want to become some sort of luxury only console.

Whether or not it really affected Sony wasn't the point of the movement at all - everyone knew going into this when it first started that the chances of actually changing anything were nil, but having no other way to express frustration, decided to voice it anyway. Had you read up on the thread that lead to the NoDRM movement, you'd see that. It seems many people only look at the movement from the outside and come to ridiculous conclusions about it and sneer, but the truth is everyone who joined in the campaign had already come to terms with the possible outcomes and were braced for the worst.

The fact that it got as much attention and grew as much as it did shocked EVERYONE. As for MS, they were lost from the get-go as was presumed for a while, the only thing that will work now is to vote with our wallets.


Well done to everyone who took part in this.

I don't care whether it influenced Sony or not, what matters is that it was huge, polite, passionate and positive rather than the usual Internet whinging and cynicism. Some people just want to pull down the achievements of others, but the campaign was an achievement in and of itself- it got a huge amount of press coverage in uniting individual gamer's voices in a positive way, rather than a few threads becoming argumentative cesspits of bile.

It takes a lot more effort, and leaves you open for more flak, to try and do something constructive while framing your arguments well, rather than spending a few seconds sniping at people about how it's all pointless. Kudos to you all.


It's not an optional service. If you want your multiplayer game to work you have to pay Sony extra.

It is an optional service. I have zero interest in online multiplayer, clock up hundreds of hours a year in single player, hence I won't be buying PS Plus, even though it doesn't look that bad with the games that come with it.

Fair play to anyone who likes online gaming, but I'd rather not subsidise those that do use it, that seems fair to me. At what point did playing online become compulsory?

Ultimately in going from PS3 to PS4 I'll be going from paying nothing to not play online to, er, paying nothing to not play online. Sounds good to me. Quite a sizable chunk of people don't use online services.


*pats everyone on back*

if PS+ retains the same base level of quality, adds in next gen features like gaikai streaming and can do dedicated servers due to the paywall i think i would be OK paying for it

I agree!
I actually encouraged people to get PS+ months before the paywall was announced.

Even convinced my brother and mother to get it (for free games, and as an HDD back up since his 80GB fatty is artifacting like crazy and ready to croak).

I really don't see why people wouldn't have it to begin with, especially if you own a PSP or Vita as well.

The difference with Live being that I don't think the discounts are the same there and you're forced to have live even for your unrelated subscription services, which sucks.

Rebel Leader

Tag WELL earned. Whether or not we were directly involved in this result or not, the fact is Sony was smart enough to capitalize on our energy to be UTTERLY CLEAR in their desire to not fuck us. And they were as crystal clear as can be.

We can now anticipate a PS4 with no fears or concerns (except PS+ multiplayer paywall, but a minor quibble).

"just heard you there"
It's not an optional service. If you want your multiplayer game to work you have to pay Sony extra.
Extra that I'm already paying for them.

I have 15+ games on my HDD thanks to PS+. I'm getting my nephew on PS+ because he always wants games
Has there been talk about a #PS4NoPaywall campaign? I feel like it's needed. All of the stuff you get with PS+ has nothing to so with, and does not justify, a subscription fee for online play.
Has there been talk about a #PS4NoPaywall campaign? I feel like it's needed. All of the stuff you get with PS+ has nothing to so with, and does not justify, a subscription fee for online play.

I think they want to move away from the mediocre (free) server they have had before, and want to deliver premium online play with less lag and stuff, so I'm for it. Plus, they're probably selling the PS4 at a loss as well, and PS+ features are well worth the price, specially considering it gives you games for PS3, Vita and PS4.

[edit] Also, if we go out whining about every little thing, the campaigns will have less and less impact. This is a power that should be used only when necessary, otherwise it loses its impact.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Too bad ya'll didn't rail against a paywall.

I'll take neither over a half-win that was mostly Sony's doing after they saw backlash in the first place.

But hey, twitter hashtags work right?

Too bad you have to come in here LTTP just to thread shit. Too bad you didn't start up a thread to rail against a paywall if it is important to you.

TotalBiscuit is that you?
Can't post the link to the source (guess where), but this is from article on Adam Boyes (VP of Third Party Relations at SCEA) media roundtable :

Moving onto the gamers themselves, specifically the #PS4NoDRM campaign, Adam was actually in a meeting with Jack Tretton when it was trending, and he got on his whiteboard, putting “here’s the world, here’s what we’re leaning towards right now, and here’s the feedback, so we’re leaning in that direction, let’s just lock it in.” They had always intended to not include DRM, used games restrictions, etc, but those things factored into the conversation.

Chiming in to thank everyone who participated and made your voices heard. I was one of the fools that didn't think this would do a thing, but after all the media response and hashtag name drops, I won't underestimate the power of social media ever again.

And congrats on the shiny new tag OP!
In regard to the posters and such, the statements of buying the competitors or slamming Xbox or Microsoft come off as (Sony/Nintendo) fanboys, rather than regular consumers. MS might not be seeing this base as potential customers, rather than people that have been with MS for years.

Am I wrong that Microsoft hasn't acknowledged any anti DRM statements on twitter or in interviews?


In regard to the posters and such, the statements of buying the competitors or slamming Xbox or Microsoft come off as (Sony/Nintendo) fanboys, rather than regular consumers. MS might not be seeing this base as potential customers, rather than people that have been with MS for years.

Am I wrong that Microsoft hasn't acknowledged any anti DRM statements on twitter or in interviews?

Yes you are wrong on that.



That was before E3 and nothing changed. It doesnt even seem like they are actually listening.

The #NoDRM movement was before E3. They certainly didn't listen, but they did hear us.

Am I wrong that Microsoft hasn't acknowledged any anti DRM statements on twitter or in interviews?

That's what you were asking, no? You didn't specify when these acknowledgements had to be made.


Adam Boyles on the giantbomb stream with evilore right now just straight up saying #ps4nodrm was hugely important

someone tweet it to that british douche


I ♥ Japanese Games @Japan_Game_Love
Getting bored / irritated by Xbox hate. A new console 'wins' by virtue of having last gen features? Isn't that indicative of a larger issue?

Saw this on twitter and seems someone is mad that the PS4 didn't have DRM.

I ♥ Japanese Games @Japan_Game_Love
@brettclaxton The biggest 'cheer' went to 'It does the same as the last one' - horrible PR willy waving. We've lost perspective somewhere.

I wonder if next year, it will be "The console that does the same as the last generation is selling more, I'M OUT"

Also funny how it's an account called "I ♥ Japanese Games" when the XBone is region locked and isn't even going to be in Japan at launch (and who knows how long it will be til it is)... Just a fun observation.
I was skeptical at first but I have to give props where props are due. Both to the GAF-enthusiasts who set this up and to the Sony execs if everything Boyes said on the GB-stream today was genuine.

The thing about Boyes is that I don't think he knows how to be a fake PR dude. It just doesn't seem to be in his nature. He said they were leaning towards no DRM already but the campaign helped them lock it in, and I am happy to believe that scenario. Sony depend on too many markets outside of the US so I can't imagine that SCEE and SCEJ would have been happy with DRM forced by SCEA. Jack Tretton seems to be pretty pro-consumer as well anyway.
Saw this on twitter and seems someone is mad that the PS4 didn't have DRM.

I wonder if next year, it will be "The console that does the same as the last generation is selling more, I'M OUT"

Also funny how it's an account called "I ♥ Japanese Games" when the XBone is region locked and isn't even going to be in Japan at launch (and who knows how long it will be til it is)... Just a fun observation.
Yeah that is... worrying.

The response to the Xbone DRM (and Sony's E3) has gotten to the point of 'sick of hearing it, so everyone should stop' for some people. Like the Aliens: Colonial Marines scandal and other stuff recently, people eventually just start feeling apathy or want to go against the grain by being annoyed at something they see everywhere.

Which is sad, since consumer rights are kind of a big deal. But no, wanting their Twitter or Facebook feeds to not be full of it is so much more important. :/
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