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--PS5 reportedly struggling with Resident Evil 8: can barely run it at 1080p/60

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What’s your point? DirectX12 isn’t some panacea.

Sony has low level graphics APIs.

DX12 is not an advantage in the slightest.

porting from Direct X 12 on pc to Direct X 12 on Xbox Series X is way easier than porting it to GNMX (or whatever they might rename it to) on PS5. and if they want to use GNM (or whatever its PS5 equivalent will be called) then that will take even more work still.
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It's 15%... you can imagine whatever figures you like though.... whatever you do instead of playing good games.

You can imaging what ever you want as well, we all know that that 18.2% gap isn't fixed and I wouldn't be surprised if the differance rises to 20% to 30% in real life performance benchmarks.

Mister Wolf

He might be talking about porting. A game ported from directly from PC might run better on the Series X than PS5 because of the OS (without optimization). I have no idea though, I'm not a tech nerd :messenger_grinning_sweat:

"With DirectX 12 Ultimate, advanced effects such as ray tracing are expected to reach more games sooner, and it makes developers’ lives easier by allowing them to create games using the same common graphics API and graphics architecture for both PCs and consoles,” Team Red(AMD) said in a statement.
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Matt on ree just confirmed that Dusk Golem claims were basically bullshit (well he was more polite as the claim came from another mod), and that the difference between both consoles is the smallest ever between 2 competing consoles. Also he said that PS5 ~10tf is not a theoretical max and is what is available most of the time.

Matt is a dev (or working with devs) that has seen first hand games running on both machines.
He's like all the rest. Hot air.
Anyone these days can come across as an "insider" and make a long post as an attempt to sound more convincing, and It seems that If its something bad about PS5, it automatically gets too much attention despit all the failed FUDs before (overheating, rdna1, no Ray Traicing etc).

I understsand the desperate from Xbox fanboys making another fake rumour gets popular after the embarassment of Xbox latest events.


Years off? We are in 8 month of 2020. Resident evil 8 is officially slated for 2021. Did you lost concept of time?
Games never get delayed, do they? There could be another major bout of Covid-19 in the winter. A lot can happen between now and the end of 2021.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
He is referring to Resident Evil Village. This game is a next-gen exclusive. It's not coming to PS4, PS4 Pro or Xbox One, refer to:

And the insider knew months before the reveal that resident evil village is coming. Is a good source.

There's a difference between a random guy in the US with industry connections knowing that Capom is working on a new Resident Evil games and knowing that an alpha version of RE8 game runs badly on a PS5 dev kit. That the next RE game would be called Village is something Capcom's marketing departments in the US/Europe obviously knew about for a very long time, people at Sony US/UK/Europe would also know about the existence of RE8, it could be that journalists were already aware of its existence but under NDA. Plot details could have leaked that way too.

The second rumor is something nobody besides Capcom's RE8 development team in Osaka would know or care about at this stage. In fact, I'd wager not even all members of the RE8 team would be aware of it, but only the guys working directly on porting RE Engine to the PS5. And they'd know it's early days. So how would a random game in the US find out about those details?


Gold Member
Anyone these days can come across as an "insider" and make a long post as an attempt to sound more convincing, and It seems that If its something bad about PS5, it automatically gets too much attention despit all the failed FUDs before (overheating, rdna1, no Ray Traicing etc).

I understsand the desperate from Xbox fanboys making another fake rumour gets popular after the embarassment of Xbox latest events.
Don't forget all the BS from people saying PS5 would be anywhere from 11-15 TF. Even that asshole on Reeee "I used to work at Gamefan magazine, I know people" Guy BS'ed and then requested a ban when it got heated as he didnt want to answer people when the real stats came out. Guy bolted for the hills. Probably didn't even work at Gamfan. If he did and knew people for 20 years, you'd think he would be right or pretty darn close.

I don't think there was even one person who said it would be 10.3tf except a handful of people giving ranges like 10-11tf. Any insider who claimed anything 11+ were BSing for a year. I'd even give anyone who called 10-11tf close enough, and we didnt even get many people getting that right.
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30% did an entire cargo plane of Columba's finest land on top of your head or something

well, if we look at the PS4 Pro vs the One X in many game tests we see a difference in rendered pixels per second of up to +100% on One X even tho its raw GPU numbers suggest a +42.8 difference compared to the PS4 Pro.
but it is of course ridiculous to speculate on this without having tests done on final hardware, especially because these systems are way closer in their overall design than the PS4 Pro is to the One X, which also had a whole year between their launch dates.
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Gold Member
Is this even a 2021 game? This seems like it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off in 2022. This seems like it would release when PSVR2 would hit. 2022 seems like it's when it would come out.
The game is at least a year away and it was running at 4K when they showed it in June. That same guy who's making this claim btw said the reason it looked janky at the Sony show was because of the quality of the stream now he's changing his tune a bit. Honestly this is a whole lot of hot air, true at the time or not that's just part of the development process.
well, if we look at the PS4 Pro vs the One X in many game tests we see a difference in rendered pixels per second of up to +100% on One X even tho its raw GPU numbers suggest a 42.8 difference compared to thePs4 Pro.
but it is of course ridiculous to speculate on this without having tests done on final hardware, especially because these systems are way closer in their overall design than the PS4 Pro is to the One X, which also had a whole year between their launch dates.

The One X has more than a GPU advantage over the pro, the CPU runs a little faster and it has more memory for devs to use.


Is this even a 2021 game? This seems like it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off in 2022. This seems like it would release when PSVR2 would hit. 2022 seems like it's when it would come out.
coming early next year

The One X has more than a GPU advantage over the pro, the CPU runs a little faster and it has more memory for devs to use.

true, the Series X also has a CPU advantage tho, and a large part of the RAM runs faster as well

but like I said, there is also a lot more under the hood that made the One X just way more efficient than the Pro, which will most likely not be the case here
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Mr Moose

well, if we look at the PS4 Pro vs the One X in many game tests we see a difference in rendered pixels per second of up to +100% on One X even tho its raw GPU numbers suggest a +42.8 difference compared to the PS4 Pro.
but it is of course ridiculous to speculate on this without having tests done on final hardware, especially because these systems are way closer in their overall design than the PS4 Pro is to the One X, which also had a whole year between their launch dates.
4GB of extra/faster RAM :messenger_smiling_hearts:

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Doesn’t mean there’s a huge power gulf in the systems — could possibly indicate they’re having trouble optimizing for PS5’s variable clock speeds, and it’s something that will be fixed by release.

But of course, Neogaf‘s console warrior crowd will love this shit.
Don't forget all the BS from people saying PS5 would be anywhere from 11-15 TF. Even that asshole on Reeee "I used to work at Gamefan magazine, I know people" Guy BS'ed and then requested a ban when it got heated as he didnt want to answer people when the real stats came out. Guy bolted for the hills. Probably didn't even work at Gamfan. If he did and knew people for 20 years, you'd think he would be right or pretty darn close.

I don't think there was even one person who said it would be 10.3tf except a handful of people giving ranges like 10-11tf. Any insider who claimed anything 11+ were BSing for a year. I'd even give anyone who called 10-11tf close enough, and we didnt even get many people getting that right.
I remember when you try to talk sense they'll bring "but klee said".
I told them back in the days that it's probably 5700 Xt +/-10%, but NO !


Might need to stop sniffing glue
That’s it, cancel the next gen. It’s clear that neither system can run games! Everything we’ve seen has been all smoke and mirrors.


Eh, guys, there have been unoptimized games before.

Also, Craig!

Anyway, "reportedly" is one of those words~


MS and Sony fanboys are both gonna have fun damage controlling aren't they?

Funny how I'm sure there would be an opposite reaction from both camps if it were the other console..



Are you guys sure Dusk Golem got this right? What I heard before was that the game was running a bit bad on PS4 and current gen systems since the devs are trying to push newer effects etc....So I guess XBONE and even XBONEX would have issues too because PRO run most of these Capcom games very well...Also I think when first seen, RE7 and other Capcom games always run a bit worse when first seen.....

I mean the RE Engine was one of the best engines this gen to deliver 60fps, so I don't think this will be an issue at all....Still RE8 is a cross gen game, so issues on next gen hardware is not going to be an issue on release...

so, the vetted moderator that broke out in a very descriptive manner BOTH capcom stories (SF leader getting canned and RE8 problems) is called an <<insider>> within quotes,
while the one-liner protege that replies -as usual- to these scoops with "one is more powerful, the other is faster, everybody wins" is called a legit insider, no quotes :messenger_beaming:

I dont know who this person twitting is, but I've been laughing for 5 minutes non-stop as you guys complain about xbox's timdogs and the like.
This one is much much worse than any timdog :messenger_beaming:

The only thing I feel bad for, is the unthinkable, the unparalleled amount of bullying DF crew will suffer come winter when ps5 is out :messenger_beaming:
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Are you guys sure Dusk Golem got this right? What I heard before was that the game was running a bit bad on PS4 and current gen systems since the devs are trying to push newer effects etc....So I guess XBONE and even XBONEX would have issues too because PRO run most of these Capcom games very well...Also I think when first seen, RE7 and other Capcom games always run a bit worse when first seen.....

I mean the RE Engine was one of the best engines this gen to deliver 60fps, so I don't think this will be an issue at all....Still RE8 is a cross gen game, so issues on next gen hardware is not going to be an issue on release...
He said a load of contradictory stuff... looks like he has no idea what he is saying really...
Ok this is literally just propaganda at this point, but I guess the x t shirt boys need something to grab on while they fall.

The engine never ever had any problem running flawlessly even in PS4 with some of the greatest visuals we've seen this gen, this is horse shit.

(Looks at my X T shirt)

Believe me I’m a nice person mate
so, the vetted moderator that broke out in a very descriptive manner BOTH capcom stories (SF leader getting canned and RE8 problems) is called an <<insider>> within quotes,
while the one-liner protege that replies -as usual- to these scoops with "one is more powerful, the other is faster, everybody wins" is called a legit insider, no quotes :messenger_beaming:

I dont know who this person twitting is, but I've been laughing for 5 minutes non-stop as you guys complain about xbox's timdogs and the like.
This one is much much worse than any timdog :messenger_beaming:

The only thing I feel bad for, is the unthinkable, the unparalleled amount of bullying DF crew will suffer come winter when ps5 is out :messenger_beaming:

We've gotten to the point where we're calling Matt the developer worse than the best buy dog

Good lord lmao
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