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PSVita vs 3DS


MrMephistoX said:
The difference is the PSP was only current gen for like a year and Sony really didn't have an established online infrastructure at the time. Modern Warfare 3 for Vita would probably be a huge seller especially if it features a TRANSFAR esque save system and Call of Duty Elite functionality. You know it's coming.

But for a year it was current gen, and it didn’t do much during that time. I don’t think that matters as much. If it’s easier for developers to port to the PSVita from the PS3 then they may have an advantage, but otherwise I think it may go the same route as the PSP.

Special J

^it can either go two ways, ppl continue to buy psps at an alarming rate which means it would compete against itself or because the psp has established good branding it will help the transition from psp to vita.

my thoughts:
OLED isnt the end all and still have some issues is that its luminosity degrades overtime. so i do wonder how sony is going to demo these in stores because if they're on 24/7 in 3-4 months the screen will look awful especially in very bright store rooms.
Akainu said:
All this people complaining about console like games on the psp aren't going to buy Resident Evil Revelations right? Or Zelda OoT 3D? OR didn't buy Street Fighter 3D?

And won't buy that new 3D mario or Luigi's Mansion or that new Smash bros or Tales of the Abyss 3D or that Ace combat 3D or Kingdom hearts 3D or MGS 3D or Paper Mario 3D or Animal Crossing 3D or Dead or Alive Dimensions 3D, etc.


Takes a certain kind of special to lie to yourself like that.
SYNTAX182 said:
I predict PSVita will do shitty in Japan, $250.00 is still too costly for them. /endprediction

Eh, I really think it'll depend on the software. Which, from a Japanese perspective especially, is extremely lacking right now, but maybe that'll change over the next few months.


Akainu said:
All this people complaining about console like games on the psp aren't going to buy Resident Evil Revelations right? Or Zelda OoT 3D? OR didn't buy Street Fighter 3D?
I don't think SF counts. The 'console' games people don't like on PSP are games with 3D character traversal because there's only one nub.


Gold Member
Knux-Future said:
My problem with the psp was that I had a hard time playing console level games on it because in the back of my mind was the though that I much rather play this on my ps3...hence I haven't finished MGSPW or Kingdom Hearts. I can't explain it but my portable games have to be portable(Persona 3 got this right sort of...despite being a port...weird)...perhaps the second analog will fix some of the controll issues but the system cannot be full of console ports.

Hopefully, if they do it right, you can play it on both. I would love to play a console type game on my Vita, then come home after a week of travelling and finish off the boss fight on my PS3.

The Wii U kinda does what I want, but if the controller has to stay near the system, then it will only be good for when I want to watch TV while still playing.
Special J said:
OLED isnt the end all and still have some issues is that its luminosity degrades overtime. so i do wonder how sony is going to demo these in stores because if they're on 24/7 in 3-4 months the screen will look awful especially in very bright store rooms.

how do OLED cellphones do on display? I can't see this actually being an issue. outside of walmart most stores that will be selling these won't actually have them on 24/7 anyway.


Akainu said:
All this people complaining about console like games on the psp aren't going to buy Resident Evil Revelations right? Or Zelda OoT 3D? OR didn't buy Street Fighter 3D?

This is the post of the thread right here.

StuBurns said:
I don't think SF counts. The 'console' games people don't like on PSP are games with 3D character traversal because there's only one nub.

So then why are people still complaining about it when the PSV has 2 joysticks? There is some hypocritical shit going around and I don't like it.


After a price drop and a redesign, I'll definitely be buying a 3DS. But right now, in terms of value, the Vita offers a lot more.


StuBurns said:
I don't think SF counts. The 'console' games people don't like on PSP are games with 3D character traversal because there's only one nub.
No one seem to be talking about the nub it just the, "I could be playing this on a console," line. I'm going by.


Fidelis Hodie said:
It's the DS vs. the PSP all over again, minus one giant difference: the price point.

Nintendo is selling the 3DS at a profit, while Sony will be selling Vita at a loss. Nintendo has a lot more flexibility where pricing is concerned. The 3DS will drop to $199 this Christmas and will take off with the combination of a price drop and Super Mario 3DS.

I think Vita will do better in the U.S. and Europe than PSP did, since it won't be crippled by a control interface that is inadequate for console-like games and will be able to connect to PSN for features like trophies and friends list, but 3DS will be the dominant handheld. Japan could go either way at this point.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Special J said:
my thoughts:
OLED isnt the end all and still have some issues is that its luminosity degrades overtime. so i do wonder how sony is going to demo these in stores because if they're on 24/7 in 3-4 months the screen will look awful especially in very bright store rooms.
They do degrade, but not anywhere NEAR that quickly. It also looks fantastic in both a bright store environment and in the dark.

It's the DS vs. the PSP all over again, minus one giant difference: the price point.
No it's not. The interface of the DS was unique and innovative at the time and that helped drive its success. No such advantage exists this time.


Akainu said:
All this people complaining about console like games on the psp aren't going to buy Resident Evil Revelations right? Or Zelda OoT 3D? OR didn't buy Street Fighter 3D?


When the 3DS was announced people are foaming from their mouths over getting to play RE and the like on the 3DS. Vita comes, if prettier and it's a case of "why would I play this on Vita and not PS3?" Double standard, damn right silly.


LM4sure said:
Didn’t the PSP get a unique version of MGS, one of the biggest franchises on the PS2/PS3? And that did not help with PSP sales. Not sure what the selling point is here to be honest…
Several different MG games actually, with MG Acid 1 and 2, MGS: Portable Ops, and MGS: Peace Walker.

And just FYI, the PSP has sold just under 70 million units. for its lifetime it'll end up very close to the GBA line in fewer years, with a higher price, in a more competitive era (against the DS and phones).

I'd say the PSP did pretty well for itself and most of the mistakes Sony made with it are now being rectified on the Vita (comparable to current gen consoles, touchscreen, good network infrastructure and online marketplace out of the box, no disc based media, dual analogs, etc.)


I'll state right off the bat that I know I am a biased towards Nintendo, but with the 250 pricepoint for the NGP I will definitely be picking one up this time instead of waiting for a long time with the PSP. However I still believe that the 3DS will offer a larger variety of software that will be great pickup and play style, whereas the NGP will be more console ports, which isn't necessarily bad, but I'd rather play most of them on a console.
KAL2006 said:
For me personaly Vita has ticked every box

Region Free
$40 games
Dual analogs
5" OLED, High res
Unique controls
Online that looks to be even better than PS3 (LiveArea, Cross chat)
Cross platform play with PS3
Nextgen games like Uncharted and SFxT
Unique games like Sound Shapes
Pick up and play games like LittleBigPlanet, Hotshots, Super Stardust and etc.

All of these things could be applied to the 3DS.
Izayoi said:
I was more wowing at the fact that you called it a DS 1.5 (or no better than a PSP), which is completely ridiculous.

It does exactly what the PSP does - it's an upgrade to the DS with generally visual upgrades.

F#A#Oo said:
Personally I think Sony have promoted the Vita wrong from the get go...

What they should have done is shown us a tech demo of what they plan on having people use the Vita for as a design philosophy type thing (show us ways on how to use the touchscreen in interesting ways)...instead we got Uncharted a very deep and console-centric game with tacked on touch controls...but that tells me that they don't understand that the majority of people who buy into handhelds are in it for a different experience to their console.

Patapon...Lumines...LocoRoco...Half a Minute Hero...these are the games that made playing PSP great...

I'm sure that we will see those games on the Vita, though as download titles.
KingDizzi said:

When the 3DS was announced people are foaming from their mouths over getting to play RE and the like on the 3DS. Vita comes, if prettier and it's a case of "why would I play this on Vita and not PS3?" Double standard, damn right silly.

But that and all the other console games on the 3DS are different BECAUSE-


NSQuote said:
But 3DS also has the casual crowd with a touchscreen and 3D movies on the go, along with the typical "3D brain training" puzzle games.

Both handhelds seem like they will do well, in my eyes.

I said "too" meaning that I already acknowledged that the 3DS had features that would sell to a casual crowd.

but if you compare the features that you pointed out I think Vita wins

Touchscreen = Vita has a 5" multi-touch screen & a 5" touch pad on the back the 3DS has 3" touchscreen that can work with your finger but is ideal for using a stylus which isn't a real bad thing but I don't think you will get the same gameplay experience

Movies on the go = ok 3D movies are cool but it's on a 3.5" screen at 400x240 resolution compared to watching them on a 5" OLED screen at 960x544

puzzle games = I think the possibilities with all of the Vita's control inputs might be a lot better than the 3D & touchscreen of the 3DS
KingDizzi said:
When the 3DS was announced people are foaming from their mouths over getting to play RE and the like on the 3DS. Vita comes, if prettier and it's a case of "why would I play this on Vita and not PS3?" Double standard, damn right silly.
The problem with this kind of logic is that it is a generalisation. How do you know the people foaming in their mouths about 3DS ports are the same ones complaining here? Unless you can point out specific users that use this double standard, then there's no point bringing this up.


The 3DS and PSV will both be slow-starters by virtue of the existing competition. The 3DS has to compete with the DS and the PSP. And when the PSV arrives, it'll be competing with the DS, PSP and 3DS. It'll take compelling exclusive software to spur sales, but those sorts of games take a long time to develop. No matter what the price or features, I don't foresee massive sales until the popular franchise titles show up. For the 3DS, that looks like around Christmas time. For the PSV, it's probably even further out.
Magicpaint said:
The problem with this kind of logic is that it is a generalisation. How do you know the people foaming in their mouths about 3DS ports are the same ones complaining here? Unless you can point out specific users that use this double standard, then there's no point bringing this up.

You mean the like the one being thrown around in this thread about how PSP and Vita games are nothing but console ports?

Magicpaint said:
The problem with this kind of logic is that it is a generalisation. How do you know the people foaming in their mouths about 3DS ports are the same ones complaining here? Unless you can point out specific users that use this double standard, then there's no point bringing this up.
right. and as a bonus, calling hypocrites out makes for hilarious times.
perfectnight said:
You mean the like the one being thrown around in this thread about how PSP and Vita games are nothing but console ports?

Yeah...that's retarded and I have already implied the same in previous posts. Still doesn't change anything about what I said.


Akainu said:
No one seem to be talking about the nub it just the, "I could be playing this on a console," line. I'm going by.
I thought you meant games similar to console games, not literally console games. Resident Evil Revelations isn't on a console.

I wouldn't play a game on 3DS or PSV I could play on PS360, I don't think that's strange though.
perfectnight said:
You mean the like the one being thrown around in this thread about how PSP and Vita games are nothing but console ports?

you have to link the two. demonstrate that the people complaining about that on the PSP/PSV are excited about the same thing on 3DS. then you get a slap on the back and you get to serve them a plateful of crow.

too often around here people make out like the same people are saying contradictory things, when it's actually two distinct groups of people saying distinct things... but when someone calls them out properly, it's a brilliant moment.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Not buying any new hardware until next spring due to the sheer amount of console software coming out this year. That will give me plenty of time to see how things pan out, particularly in terms of third party support. Handhelds are not much of a priority to me.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Magicpaint said:
The problem with this kind of logic is that it is a generalisation. How do you know the people foaming in their mouths about 3DS ports are the same ones complaining here?

Well, this is a thread of relative comparison between the two systems.

If a complaint is made about one here it's not a huge assumption that it's being made relative to the other system, as a contrast to the other system. The implication is that if it's a minus point in this context, it's one that doesn't apply to the other system. If it did, it wouldn't be raised as a point of contrast between the two.
I have faith the game will be better, but the videos shown of Uncharted Vita felt lifeless (no cutscenes, no jokes, same setting as Uncharted 1, seemed like Drake was just running through the motions).
Anyone note at all, that under current conditions every single PS1/PSP/PSMini game will be available to play on the PSV.

I will NEVER buy anything digital on a Nintendo console until they get a proper account infrastructure. Why can't people play the VC games they bought on their Wii? Oh wait.... The PSV has an incredible amount of content without even putting in a PSV game and the launch line up looks great anyway.


A Link to the Snitch said:
No, that's not a generalisation
How is it not a generalization? I've only seen one "PS3" port of a game announced so far, and that seems to be the hack and slash dungeon crawler game.

Stephen Colbert said:
I have faith the game will be better, but the videos shown of Uncharted Vita felt lifeless (no cutscenes, no jokes, same setting as Uncharted 1, seemed like Drake was just running through the motions).
I've seen a couple cut scenes so far.

plagiarize said:
you have to link the two. demonstrate that the people complaining about that on the PSP/PSV are excited about the same thing on 3DS. then you get a slap on the back and you get to serve them a plateful of crow.

too often around here people make out like the same people are saying contradictory things, when it's actually two distinct groups of people saying distinct things... but when someone calls them out properly, it's a brilliant moment.
You're definitely right, but at the same time you cannot deny that there tends to be a GroupThink that goes on around here. Where were all of the people complaining about the "console" ports when 3DS was announced? Why is the criticism so prevalent here, when quite literally many of the big 3DS titles announced are console ports? And not just console IPs on the 3DS, but actual ports of console titles.
those listed games aren't getting a pass either. I'm sure a bunch of people would like to play RE:R on their ps3's but fighting games don't count as the whole ability to play on the go is awesome. It's games that are built for the console type play that are less than admirable. Like I said the Vita will fix the control and graphics issue so it will be cool but if you could play these games on you console then why wouldn't you?

I'm not getting street fighter because I have it for my ps3. I'm getting DOA because I don't have a working 360 anymore. I'm not getting resident evil ( because I suck at them) because I'd rather play it my ps3. i'm getting Zelda (becuase I'm a whore) because my n64 is dead and fuck the wii. See there are exceptions to the rule but still one thing Nintendo does well is make portable centric games for their systems. You can't play pokemon on the wii or certain excusive RPG's. Those are the games i buy.

Also games like Mario Kart which can be played on the wii are sequels or stand alone entries...so yeah I'll probably get Uncharted but if it's an direct port then fuck no.

I hope you all see where I'm coming from cuz I don't want to be labeled a fanboy.
The point being made is that a lot of what people were excited for a console experience on the 3DS (with RE, OoT3D, Star Fox 64 3D, etc.), yet the Vita is receiving criticism for offering roughly the same experience (but a whole lot better).

Kenak said:
How is it not a generalization? I've only seen one "PS3" port of a game announced so far, and that seems to be the hack and slash dungeon crawler game.

I've seen a couple cut scenes so far.

No, I'm just trolling.
Magicpaint said:
The problem with this kind of logic is that it is a generalisation. How do you know the people foaming in their mouths about 3DS ports are the same ones complaining here? Unless you can point out specific users that use this double standard, then there's no point bringing this up.
Yeah, there is no point in pointing out the major flaw in a group set ideology unless you can find the first people who perpetrated it first. Logic, how does that work?


Phonomezer said:
All of these things could be applied to the 3DS.

True but there are reasons why there was a need to list these for Vita, as many of those were expected for 3DS.

For example:
pick up and play games are well known to be on 3DS, however PSP had the dreaded notion that it doesn't have pick up and play games, but the software that was shown, many games were pick up and play.

cross platform play looks to be huge on Vita, 3DS will have it too but I don't see it being as extensive as Vita, remember Vita can handle quite a few next gen games, we have already seen 4-5 cross platform games.

Nextgen games only count for Vita, the 3DS graphics are okay for what it is, but I wouldn't call it nextgen, where as graphics on Vita almost look as good as sub PS3.

Unique controls I added for Vita, is because this is what PSP was lacking, where as DS already had those, so this is more huge for Vita, in fact Vita seems to have more unique controls with back touch, multi touch on the main screen, and better AR.

As for online, it is obvious Vita online will be better than 3DS.


King Cobra said:
Yeah, there is no point in pointing out the major flaw in a group set ideology unless you can find the first people who perpetrated it first. Logic, how does that work?

How do you determine a group set ideology exists if you refuse/can't find the members perpetrating the ideology. Logic, how does that work?


King Cobra said:
Yeah, there is no point in pointing out the major flaw in a group set ideology unless you can find the first people who perpetrated it first. Logic, how does that work?

KAL2006 said:
True but there are reasons why there was a need to list these for Vita, as many of those were expected for 3DS.

For example:
pick up and play games are well known to be on 3DS, however PSP had the dreaded notion that it doesn't have pick up and play games, but the software that was shown, many games were pick up and play.

cross platform play looks to be huge on Vita, 3DS will have it too but I don't see it being as extensive as Vita, remember Vita can handle quite a few next gen games, we have already seen 4-5 cross platform games.

Nextgen games only count for Vita, the 3DS graphics are okay for what it is, but I wouldn't call it nextgen, where as graphics on Vita almost look as good as sub PS3.

Unique controls I added for Vita, is because this is what PSP was lacking, where as DS already had those, so this is more huge for Vita, in fact Vita seems to have more unique controls with back touch, multi touch on the main screen, and better AR.

As for online, it is obvious Vita online will be better than 3DS.

I have no pick-up-and-play games for 3DS.


Akainu said:
All this people complaining about console like games on the psp aren't going to buy Resident Evil Revelations right? Or Zelda OoT 3D? OR didn't buy Street Fighter 3D?

Well Street Fighter is an inferior port of a console game, so obviously I didn't buy that. The same way I won't buy Street Fighter X Tekken for PSV.

The same way I'd rather see Uncharted/Vita games on a console, I'd rather see OOT, RE:Revelations and other 3DS games on a console too. To me, console power and a comfortable controller is way more important than portability.

However, I'm not sure I have that excuse with Vita. It's powerful as fuck, and is dual analogue. It's pretty much a PS3 controller with a beautiful OLED screen, so I'm hyped.

3DS' circle pad, on the other hand...


A Link to the Snitch said:
The point being made is that a lot of what people were excited for a console experience on the 3DS (with RE, OoT3D, Star Fox 64 3D, etc.), yet the Vita is receiving criticism for offering roughly the same experience (but a whole lot better).
I think recieving console experiences on a handheld is a great thing for both handhelds.

If X group say "console experiences on handhelds are great" and Y group says "console experiences on handhelds is not great at all", that isn't contraditictory.

If X group says the experience is great while talking about Nintendo AND says the experience is bad when talking about Sony, then it is contradictory.


A Link to the Snitch said:
I have no pick-up-and-play games for 3DS.

What, I am sure 3DS has plenty of pick up and play games, if not they are coming. Hell isn't SSFIV 3D pick up and play.
King Cobra said:
Yeah, there is no point in pointing out the major flaw in a group set ideology unless you can find the first people who perpetrated it first. Logic, how does that work?
There isn't any "major flaw" in the ideology unless the ideology is selectively applied by the same "group set".

It isn't wrong to criticise a portable for offering console like experiences if you apply that same criticism across the board. That is simply a matter of preference.


Stephen Colbert said:
I have faith the game will be better, but the videos shown of Uncharted Vita felt lifeless (no cutscenes, no jokes, same setting as Uncharted 1, seemed like Drake was just running through the motions).
There are cutscenes (though we didn't hear the audio, so we can't speak on if there are "no jokes". Maybe someone who demoed it can speak on that)
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