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PSVita vs 3DS


Phonomezer said:
All of these things could be applied to the 3DS.

Have you even tried to play online on PSN lately? It was shit at launch we get it but it's orders of magnitude better 5 years later now and VITA is an improvement. You don't even have a unified friend's list,the ability to background download, or chat that can be launched from the cross media bar in game on 3DS.

Online that looks to be even better than PS3 (LiveArea, Cross chat)
Cross platform play with PS3
Buzzati said:
How do you determine a group set ideology exists if you refuse/can't find the members perpetrating the ideology. Logic, how does that work?
When the entire groups spews out the exact same mindless dribble.


While I think the two will end up being quite so-so in terms of popularity, I think the end the 3DS will be slightly more successful. 3rd Party developers don't seem to have any games on the Vita, everything they showed so far are first party.


If I can get cross platform games on both the PS3 and the PSV for either free (buy the PS3 version and get the PSV version included) or for a small fee (up to 10 dollars perhaps?), plus some great games developed just for the PSV, well, I'm sold.

I never had a PSP but I had a DS and I kinda feel like I missed out on a lot of awesome RPGs that were on the PSP. Though, the DS had a lot of good RPGs as well. I wonder how it will be this time around.


Gold Member
Knux-Future said:
those listed games aren't getting a pass either. I'm sure a bunch of people would like to play RE:R on their ps3's but fighting games don't count as the whole ability to play on the go is awesome. It's games that are built for the console type play that are less than admirable. Like I said the Vita will fix the control and graphics issue so it will be cool but if you could play these games on you console then why wouldn't you?

I'm not getting street fighter because I have it for my ps3. I'm getting DOA because I don't have a working 360 anymore. I'm not getting resident evil ( because I suck at them) because I'd rather play it my ps3. i'm getting Zelda (becuase I'm a whore) because my n64 is dead and fuck the wii. See there are exceptions to the rule but still one thing Nintendo does well is make portable centric games for their systems. You can't play pokemon on the wii or certain excusive RPG's. Those are the games i buy.

Also games like Mario Kart which can be played on the wii are sequels or stand alone entries...so yeah I'll probably get Uncharted but if it's an direct port then fuck no.

I hope you all see where I'm coming from cuz I don't want to be labeled a fanboy.

I step foreward as the one who would rather play these on a portable. With a heavy travel schedule, a family that doesn't want to sit around watching me play games, and not really having the option of isolating myself in another room or playing loudly when the younger kids are involved, I would play the hell out of my PS3/XBox games on a portable. Not saying your point isn't valid, but just listing a few reason to why since you asked. Wii U kind of picked up on those same reasons also... except for that system just looks wierd to me right now.


seady said:
While I think the two will end up being quite so-so in terms of popularity, I think the end the 3DS will be slightly more successful. 3rd Party developers don't seem to have any games on the Vita, everything they showed so far are first party.

Vanillaware and capcom?


perfectnight said:
You mean the like the one being thrown around in this thread about how PSP and Vita games are nothing but console ports?

I know right? People seem to be ignoring games Smart As, Little Deviants, Soundshapes. Did they even look into the games? Or did all they see is Uncharted and go, "I see Sony hasn't learned it's lesson about these console like games on a hand-held."?

StuBurns said:
I thought you meant games similar to console games, not literally console games. Resident Evil Revelations isn't on a console.

I wouldn't play a game on 3DS or PSV I could play on PS360, I don't think that's strange though.
Someone mentioned Birth By Sleep and that isn't on a console. Yet anyway, Square is weird.


Anth0ny said:
Well Street Fighter is an inferior port of a console game, so obviously I didn't buy that. The same way I won't buy Street Fighter X Tekken for PSV.

The same way I'd rather see Uncharted/Vita games on a console, I'd rather see OOT, RE:Revelations and other 3DS games on a console too. To me, console power and a comfortable controller is way more important than portability.

However, I'm not sure I have that excuse with Vita. It's powerful as fuck, and is dual analogue. It's pretty much a PS3 controller with a beautiful OLED screen, so I'm hyped.

3DS' circle pad, on the other hand...

But what if SFxT (or another multiplatform game) is exactly the same as the other PS3/360 versions. Same exact graphics, same amount of modes, content, same online. Hell maybe the multiplatform games will have cross compatibility, so you can still play against the PS3 online community and friends with the Vita version. However the advantage Vita may have is that the game costs only $40 which is cheaper than the console version even though it is exactly the same, plus the game is portable too.
Does LittleBigPlanet Vita not look good to anyone? I think the touchscreen material / touch editing / probably new campaign would make that a pretty good choice.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
For the moment I have a slightly different take on it.

Despite the incredible sales of the DS family, by the end the PSP DID actually sell a lot. However, I'm not so sure even half of its sales were to people who also had a DS. I think there may not be as much cross-over between the PSP and DS existing userbases as folks in a place like GAF may think. We are gadget elitists and tend to have one of each, etc.

Therefore, this time, I think the 3DS is not aimed at cutting off Sony's next gen portable. I wonder if Nintendo took it as a *given* that people who were into PSP would stay with PSP, and Sony's product would be custom fit to making sure PSP users stay with Sony.

And that appears to be exactly the case. Vita solves the dual analog issue. It upgrades the visuals so they don't look bad compared to PS3. It adds some touch functions for the "bi-curious" PSP owner who always glanced at the Other Team out of the corner of his eye.

3DS meanwhile, seems optimized to keep people who were firmly in the DS camp and used one every day happy with the Nintendo portable world. Many of its selling points are direct responses to problems with the DS itself: it fixes online issues (with more features still to be added), it makes ambient wireless functions much more useful, it improves the software store and game storage. It even enhances functions like the camera system as funny enough, a lot of people with DSi did use a lot. Especially with the Facebook uploading. (Which will also probably be back soon.)

Most of all, 3DS improves what was becoming the focus and specialty of the DS - high quality "traditional" games repackaged in a portable format with modifications to make them playable in bite sized chunks, but still quite large and deep games. It visually may not have the raw horsepower of the Vita... but it's still a massive upgrade over the DS, and allows games like 3D Mario, Luigi's Mansion, games with large worlds like Kid Icarus, and even fighting games to be feasible. And look pretty damn nice.

TL;DR - I'm still not so sure the 3DS and Vita are competing entirely for the same dollar from the same people. I also think Nintendo has to be smart enough to predict "realistic" sales of their next portable now that there's competition for the casual user from other devices, so the 3DS is armed to make the person who really wants to play dedicated games - with buttons - on a portable device happy. And Vita is essentially doing the exact same thing for its camp.

Edit: Forgot to add, I think the form factor of each unit may be a tacit admission of their real goals.

Some couldn't believe Vita looked just like a PSP but even bigger, and see its size as a flaw.

Some couldn't believe the 3DS looked just like a DS, and think it is too easy to confuse with a DS.

That's the rub though. Vita is an admission of how PSP fans use the PSP an what they really want out of it. 3DS keeps the DS form factor because it primarily is trying to keep people happy with what they liked about the DS: slim portability and pocket friendly, clamshell, automatic screen protection.*

Neither of them is the least bit interested in crossing lanes, converting people from the other camp.

* Yes lol ironic considering the screen issue in early 3DS units. Talking about the concept here.
Manmademan said:
You think the 3DS is set up to have an online ecosystem better than the PS3? Really? REALLY? no way in hell this happens.

Oh sorry, I should have elaborated on that point, I mean in relation to its sister console, Wii.
Magicpaint said:
There isn't any "major flaw" in the ideology unless the ideology is selectively applied by the same group set.

And that is exactly what is happening, most of these people went rabid when they heard OoT was being ported to the 3DS, yet they disregard a game like uncharted despite the fact that is was built from the ground up for the PSV.
King Cobra said:
And that is exactly what is happening, most of these people went rabid when they heard OoT was being ported to the 3DS, yet they disregard a game like uncharted despite the fact that is was built from the ground up for the PSV.

With all due fairness, OoT fanboys are completely irrational.


Portability is a negative for me, as neither handheld has TV-out or a choice of input devices, so I would never pick a multiplatform game for Vita over PS3 or 360.

But if I gotta get one of these things (due to a few great exclusives, of course), it will probably be Vita. It already has Shinobido.
King Cobra said:
And that is exactly what is happening, most of these people went rabid when they heard OoT was being ported to the 3DS, yet they disregard a game like uncharted despite the fact that is was built from the ground up for the PSV.
If you've specifically noticed people that have applied this double standard, fine. I was just explaining the dangers of generalisation.

A Link to the Snitch said:
With all due fairness, fanboys are completely irrational.


The graphical gap is much smaller compared to the original DS and PSP.
Could the DS do Peacewalker? No way, it's impossible.
Could the 3DS do Uncharted Vita? No, but I think it could get pretty close.
I also think 3D is a bigger advantage than it gets credit for.
Of course the software is the most important thing, and Nintendo never fails there, and 3rd parties currently seem a lot more on board with 3DS.

Basically Vita didn't impress me at all at E3.


I'll be buying both systems anyways, because I have the finances to do so and because I love what both systems offer me, but ultimately, for me, it's all about the games.

Nintendo 3DS: 25+ games announced from publishers that I want coming out over the next two years from now, with at least 7 games hitting retail this year alone based on that 2011 release list Nintendo released this week.

PSVita: Uncharted and LBP. Mostly I only care about the exclusives and the graphics of the system. As long as PS3 games come with digital copies (FOR FREE) of the PSVita games for playing on the go, that is amazing and i'll buy them right away. If I have to own two independent copies of the game just to do the transfarring, then it's a waste of money for me in that aspect.

Also, I was unlucky in that I never got to play OOT on my N64 as a child, so for me, the 3DS version is a 100% completely new experience for me, which I am looking forward to greatly (and it launches on my birthday in the US). I've gotten to play the other ones, just not OOT.
bon said:
The graphical gap is much smaller compared to the original DS and PSP.
Could the DS do Peacewalker? No way, it's impossible.
Could the 3DS do Uncharted Vita? No, but I think it could get pretty close.
I also think 3D is a bigger advantage than it gets credit for.
Of course the software is the most important thing, and Nintendo never fails there, and 3rd parties currently seem a lot more on board with 3DS.

Basically Vita didn't impress me at all at E3.

The point that should be made here is that Vita is clearly not about the graphics, like the PSP was in a lot of ways. In respect to third parties, there was decidedly less from them on 3DS at E3 2011 than at E3 2010.

Thoraxes said:
I'll be buying both systems anyways, because I have the finances to do so and because I love what both systems offer me, but ultimately, for me, it's all about the games.

Nintendo 3DS: 25+ games announced from publishers that I want coming out over the next two years from now, with at least 7 games hitting retail this year alone based on that 2011 release list Nintendo released this week.

PSVita: Uncharted and LBP.

Also, I was unlucky in that I never got to play OOT on my N64 as a child, so for me, the 3DS version is a 100% completely new experience for me, which I am looking forward to greatly (and it launches on my birthday in the US). I've gotten to play the other ones, just not OOT.

Well yeah, if you randomly and arbitrarily exclude most of the games shown at E3 for no actual reason, you have an awesome point.


A Link to the Snitch said:
Well yeah, if you randomly and arbitrarily exclude most of the games shown at E3 for no actual reason, you have an awesome point.

For which system? I really only cared about Uncharted and LBP for Vita. The other games didn't really tickle my fancy at all.
Already got a 3DS. Planning to get Vita later. Refuse to take part in defending one system over the other when they both clearly have their strengths and faults. Love me some Marios and Zeldas, but shoot man, gotta get that Uncharted to.

The whole console games on a handheld thing doesn't bother me because I like portables, and any time there's an opportunity to play a console game on a handheld, I'll take it. Sometimes I just get bored sitting there on my couch playing for a long time. Not to mention the upstairs of my house gets hot over the summer, and my room downstairs is the coolest room in the house (both cool in the cold sense, and the awesome sense. Run shades.exe).

The only thing that worries me at the moment is that it seems like there's only one game I really want for PSV, and that's Uncharted. But, I'm not gonna be a crazy and think that there's never any games coming out for it. Not to mention I got a whole PSP catalog I can jump on because I missed most of that (borrowing a friend's PSP just doesn't feel the same as ownership).
Kenak said:
You're definitely right, but at the same time you cannot deny that there tends to be a GroupThink that goes on around here. Where were all of the people complaining about the "console" ports when 3DS was announced? Why is the criticism so prevalent here, when quite literally many of the big 3DS titles announced are console ports? And not just console IPs on the 3DS, but actual ports of console titles.
i saw, and have seen, plenty of people levelling this complaint at the 3DS.

group think doesn't happen nearly as often as people think it does.

sometimes it happens, and it is revealed quite hilariously (like all those people who thought the 3rd party Wii U graphics looked worse than xbox 360 and PS3 games when they WERE xbox 360 and PS3 games)... but that's all the more reason to actual find the quotes when you do the calling out.


A Link to the Snitch said:
The point that should be made here is that Vita is clearly not about the graphics, like the PSP was in a lot of ways. In respect to third parties, there was decidedly less from them on 3DS at E3 2011 than at E3 2010.
Honest questions:
1. What is Vita about?
2. What third party games does Vita have, other than the SFxT port and the Dragon Crown port? Going into E3 I was expecting a new Metal Gear Solid, or something on that level, exclusive to Vita.


I will definitely buy a Vita but not at launch. I kind of feel some buyers remorse with my 3DS and I have to spread out my financial hit with that.


Parmesan et Romano
Aw damn. Slept in today and now I'm 14 pages too late.
everybody knows jokes don't fly past the first couple of pages

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Spike said:
As with every other system I have ever purchased, show me 5 games that I'm interested in and I will purchase it.

Paper Mario
Super Mario
Luigi's Mansion 2
Mario Kart
Kid Icarus Uprising

PS Vita

So, I have my 5 games for the 3DS already lined up, so that is a definite purchase now.

Agreed. Add the obvious Pokemon in there and I knew I'd get whatever handheld it was.

Just like the second they announce Dark/Demon Souls for Vita, I'm there. No questions asked.

Or Kingdom Hearts.


bon said:
The graphical gap is much smaller compared to the original DS and PSP.
Could the DS do Peacewalker? No way, it's impossible.
Could the 3DS do Uncharted Vita? No, but I think it could get pretty close.
I also think 3D is a bigger advantage than it gets credit for.
Of course the software is the most important thing, and Nintendo never fails there, and 3rd parties currently seem a lot more on board with 3DS.

Basically Vita didn't impress me at all at E3.
Actually we don't know that yet. I mean it's closer yes, but I don't think we even seen the best Vita graphics could get yet. We didn't even see the best of PSP's capabilities till 5 years into its life. So I think it's a premature to overlook that advantage.

As far as 3D being a bigger advantage. In what way? To potential consumers or for gameplay? From what I've experienced, it doesn't give any advantage to gameplay. And it isn't exactly flying off the shelves neither.
bon said:
The graphical gap is much smaller compared to the original DS and PSP.
Could the DS do Peacewalker? No way, it's impossible.
Could the 3DS do Uncharted Vita? No, but I think it could get pretty close.I also think 3D is a bigger advantage than it gets credit for.
Of course the software is the most important thing, and Nintendo never fails there, and 3rd parties currently seem a lot more on board with 3DS.

Basically Vita didn't impress me at all at E3.

You're grossly overestimating the graphical capabilities of the 3DS big time if you think 3DS can pull off anything remotely close to Uncharted Vita graphics, or controls for that matter.


I would argue either one way or the other, but I know by the end of everything, I will own both and have a handful of awesome games on each.


Depends on whether the 3DS will have Monster Hunter or not.

I'll probably buy a 3DS in the future for Pokemon (and other Nintendo stuff, but Pokemon's the main draw). If the Vita gets Monster Hunter instead of the 3DS, then I'll have to buy that too.

I feel bad about buying consoles for 1 game, but really, these two games are all I play anyways. Zelda here and there and the 999/Ghost Tricks too, sure, but it's a 1:9 ratio. Pokemon and Monster Hunter are the vast majority of my play hours.


For me personally it is

Mario 3DS
Mario Kart 3DS
Zeldfa OoT
Phoenix Wright VS Layton
Resident Evil Revelations

Hotshots Golf
Super Stardust

So basically even for me, but I give, Vita extra points because it isn't even out yet and it had enough games announced for it, as well as the Vita hardware and features (online and other features) being way better than 3DS. Plus price (games and system) and region free are extra points for Vita.


MalboroRed said:
You're grossly overestimating the graphical capabilities of the 3DS big time if you think 3DS can pull off anything remotely close to Uncharted Vita graphics, or controls for that matter.

I bet if you ask him if he think PS Vita can pull off games pretty close to a PS3 quality game he will say no even though he think the 3DS can come pretty close to Uncharted on PS Vita.
MalboroRed said:
You're grossly overestimating the graphical capabilities of the 3DS big time if you think 3DS can pull off anything remotely close to Uncharted Vita graphics, or controls for that matter.
Yeah this is true. There is a generational gap technically between the two just like there was with DS/PSP. This time around though the differences aren't as readily obvious, but he is still wrong that the 3DS could come close to Uncharted Golden Abyss. No way.
AbsoluteZero said:
So what you're saying is that the 3DS is just wall-to-wall Mario games with no original ideas like the video you've linked?
What I'm saying is, Nintendo likes to rehash the same old shit over and over again.


Will the Vita be BC? I was interested in a few PSP games, but not enough to buy the system, so this might be an incentive to buy the Vita.


MalboroRed said:
You're grossly overestimating the graphical capabilities of the 3DS big time if you think 3DS can pull off anything remotely close to Uncharted Vita graphics, or controls for that matter.
Even if the 3DS could match the PSV in the graphics compartment, the lack of a second analogue stick (and maybe rear touch screen?) means it will never be able to play like it does on the PSV.

Why Nintendo chose to only go through with one nub for the 3DS is beyond me. Having that second stick would have more than likely sold me on the system back when it launched.


UrbanRats said:
Will the Vita be BC? I was interested in a few PSP games, but not enough to buy the system, so this might be an incentive to buy the Vita.

Yes BC with all psp games on PSN, along with minis and ps1 games. Only if you bought them on psn though, no umd transfer option that anyone knows about.


UrbanRats said:
Will the Vita be BC? I was interested in a few PSP games, but not enough to buy the system, so this might be an incentive to buy the Vita.
Word on the street is you can download the PSP games via PSN to it.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The graphical difference between Vita and 3DS is going to be more deceptive than you think.

Yeah, 3DS isn't going to show off something like Uncharted, with that kind of art style, texturing, lighting, etc.

However, the difference between 3DS and Vita is, philosophically, a bit like the difference between the Gamecube and the Xbox 1.

There were certain games on the Xbox 1 that you simply wouldn't see on the Gamecube unless they were heavily downgraded.

But there were still a ton of Gamecube games that looked quite impressive standing shoulder to shoulder with Xbox 1 games.

The DS vs the PSP was too harsh a gap in that the DS lacked far too many *basic* technologies like even texture filtering.

The 3DS on the other hand, can produce games that look quite good with shadows, shaders, textures, and character models that are in the same ballpark, especially when the art direction is optimized for it. Comparing the earliest games for each:

Dead or Alive, Resident Evil, and Nintendo's various titles vs a Vita game *does not* evoke the same sense of utter trouncing like a 3D DS game versus a good 3D PSP game.

I realize that some people seem capable only of recognizing the most advanced possible realtime 3D graphics in the world at the present moment as "legitimate" and everything else is "pure trash, get it out of here". I don't think that is actually an objective thing you can put into a comparison tho; it's just extreme personal taste.

Hmm. The biggest controversy for a while may be the basic fact of the 3DS' 3d function. Even aside from arguments over whether it helps with gameplay - I think it does, for instance, depending on the game - it seems disingenuous to discount it when we are in such a debate over *sexy graphical effects*. It's like saying "Vita has Cool Shaders Bro, so it wins. I care about graphics. 3DS just has that 3D effect that only makes things look cool, it does nothing for gameplay, so it loses."

Entirely apart from the gameplay angle, the 3D aspect creates a unique visual flare for 3DS games. Hate on it if you want (I'm sorry Avatar made 3D such a hateful thing for so many), but an equal number of people have felt that various 3DS games look better when they see the 3D trailers from E3. Clearly, it makes a difference for some people.


Gunsmithx said:
Yes BC with all psp games on PSN, along with minis and ps1 games. Only if you bought them on psn though, no umd transfer option that anyone knows about.

Ikkarus said:
Word on the street is you can download the PSP games via PSN to it.

Is the selection good on the PSN? Never really stopped looking at the PSP games there. :\


I am Wayne Brady.
All over PSV but i don't like classic nintendo franchises so i'm not sure my input matters.

I'll tell ya what tho. I hated the PSP. It wasn't the console ports. It was just all the shit i liked to play couldn't be ported or represented properly. Now there's no excuse. First and foremost, I want my real sports franchises. None of that lets use the engine we used half a decade ago bullshit.


Sol.. said:
All over PSV but i don't like classic nintendo franchises so i'm not sure my input matters.

I'll tell ya what tho. I hated the PSP. It wasn't the console ports. It was just all the shit i liked to play couldn't be ported or represented properly. Now there's no excuse. First and foremost, I want my real sports franchises. None of that lets use the engine we used half a decade ago bullshit.

I don't know about hating the psp but I totally agree with that sentiment. I found the metal gear game to be completely unplayable. I'm excited about vita because the controls will no longer be gimped.


Kaijima said:
The graphical difference between Vita and 3DS is going to be more deceptive than you think.

Yeah, 3DS isn't going to show off something like Uncharted, with that kind of art style, texturing, lighting, etc.

However, the difference between 3DS and Vita is, philosophically, a bit like the difference between the Gamecube and the Xbox 1.

There were certain games on the Xbox 1 that you simply wouldn't see on the Gamecube unless they were heavily downgraded.

But there were still a ton of Gamecube games that looked quite impressive standing shoulder to shoulder with Xbox 1 games.

The DS vs the PSP was too harsh a gap in that the DS lacked far too many *basic* technologies like even texture filtering.

The 3DS on the other hand, can produce games that look quite good with shadows, shaders, textures, and character models that are in the same ballpark, especially when the art direction is optimized for it. Comparing the earliest games for each:

Dead or Alive, Resident Evil, and Nintendo's various titles vs a Vita game *does not* evoke the same sense of utter trouncing like a 3D DS game versus a good 3D PSP game.

I realize that some people seem capable only of recognizing the most advanced possible realtime 3D graphics in the world at the present moment as "legitimate" and everything else is "pure trash, get it out of here". I don't think that is actually an objective thing you can put into a comparison tho; it's just extreme personal taste.

Hmm. The biggest controversy for a while may be the basic fact of the 3DS' 3d function. Even aside from arguments over whether it helps with gameplay - I think it does, for instance, depending on the game - it seems disingenuous to discount it when we are in such a debate over *sexy graphical effects*. It's like saying "Vita has Cool Shaders Bro, so it wins. I care about graphics. 3DS just has that 3D effect that only makes things look cool, it does nothing for gameplay, so it loses."

Entirely apart from the gameplay angle, the 3D aspect creates a unique visual flare for 3DS games. Hate on it if you want (I'm sorry Avatar made 3D such a hateful thing for so many), but an equal number of people have felt that various 3DS games look better when they see the 3D trailers from E3. Clearly, it makes a difference for some people.

I think you are over estimating the graphics of 3DS. It is way obvious even to casuals, firstly the 3DS screen itself is much lower quality with lower resolution, where as the Vita screen is bigger, OLED (high contrast, just read the positive impressions), and higher resolution than the 3DS screen. When a casual holds both systems together, he can easily identify Vita is the more powerful and premium products with better graphics and a higher quality screen, even if the 3DS has the 3D gimmick. I's like comparing someone playing a Wii on a small SDTV, and someone playing a PS3 on a large HDTV, it is extremely obvious.

Also lets get into actual graphics, it is obvious 3DS will not be anywhere clost to Uncharted, Resident Evil and Street Fighter looks nice, but those games are very closed enviroments, for example Resident Evil Revelaitons, takes place in small corridors, so they can bump up the graphics a bit, but looking at games like Kid Icarus with huge open enviroments, shit just looks awful. Hell even the new Mario game looks worse than Mario Sunshine, with closed enviroments and just worse graphics in general. It is obvious 3DS cannot play even a shitty looking game like Left 4 Dead, in can't handle all the AI, physics, many enemies on screen at once and etc. And on top of that it won't be able to control a game like Left 4 Dead as good.


I think the difference between vita and 3ds is more than xbox1 vs gamecube. It's more like PS2 vs Xbox1.

Kaijima said:
The graphical difference between Vita and 3DS is going to be more deceptive than you think.

Yeah, 3DS isn't going to show off something like Uncharted, with that kind of art style, texturing, lighting, etc.

However, the difference between 3DS and Vita is, philosophically, a bit like the difference between the Gamecube and the Xbox 1.

There were certain games on the Xbox 1 that you simply wouldn't see on the Gamecube unless they were heavily downgraded.

But there were still a ton of Gamecube games that looked quite impressive standing shoulder to shoulder with Xbox 1 games.

The DS vs the PSP was too harsh a gap in that the DS lacked far too many *basic* technologies like even texture filtering.

The 3DS on the other hand, can produce games that look quite good with shadows, shaders, textures, and character models that are in the same ballpark, especially when the art direction is optimized for it. Comparing the earliest games for each:

Dead or Alive, Resident Evil, and Nintendo's various titles vs a Vita game *does not* evoke the same sense of utter trouncing like a 3D DS game versus a good 3D PSP game.

I realize that some people seem capable only of recognizing the most advanced possible realtime 3D graphics in the world at the present moment as "legitimate" and everything else is "pure trash, get it out of here". I don't think that is actually an objective thing you can put into a comparison tho; it's just extreme personal taste.

Hmm. The biggest controversy for a while may be the basic fact of the 3DS' 3d function. Even aside from arguments over whether it helps with gameplay - I think it does, for instance, depending on the game - it seems disingenuous to discount it when we are in such a debate over *sexy graphical effects*. It's like saying "Vita has Cool Shaders Bro, so it wins. I care about graphics. 3DS just has that 3D effect that only makes things look cool, it does nothing for gameplay, so it loses."

Entirely apart from the gameplay angle, the 3D aspect creates a unique visual flare for 3DS games. Hate on it if you want (I'm sorry Avatar made 3D such a hateful thing for so many), but an equal number of people have felt that various 3DS games look better when they see the 3D trailers from E3. Clearly, it makes a difference for some people.


Kaijima said:
The graphical difference between Vita and 3DS is going to be more deceptive than you think.

Yeah, 3DS isn't going to show off something like Uncharted, with that kind of art style, texturing, lighting, etc.

However, the difference between 3DS and Vita is, philosophically, a bit like the difference between the Gamecube and the Xbox 1.

There were certain games on the Xbox 1 that you simply wouldn't see on the Gamecube unless they were heavily downgraded.

But there were still a ton of Gamecube games that looked quite impressive standing shoulder to shoulder with Xbox 1 games.

The DS vs the PSP was too harsh a gap in that the DS lacked far too many *basic* technologies like even texture filtering.

The 3DS on the other hand, can produce games that look quite good with shadows, shaders, textures, and character models that are in the same ballpark, especially when the art direction is optimized for it. Comparing the earliest games for each:

Dead or Alive, Resident Evil, and Nintendo's various titles vs a Vita game *does not* evoke the same sense of utter trouncing like a 3D DS game versus a good 3D PSP game.

I realize that some people seem capable only of recognizing the most advanced possible realtime 3D graphics in the world at the present moment as "legitimate" and everything else is "pure trash, get it out of here". I don't think that is actually an objective thing you can put into a comparison tho; it's just extreme personal taste.

Hmm. The biggest controversy for a while may be the basic fact of the 3DS' 3d function. Even aside from arguments over whether it helps with gameplay - I think it does, for instance, depending on the game - it seems disingenuous to discount it when we are in such a debate over *sexy graphical effects*. It's like saying "Vita has Cool Shaders Bro, so it wins. I care about graphics. 3DS just has that 3D effect that only makes things look cool, it does nothing for gameplay, so it loses."

Entirely apart from the gameplay angle, the 3D aspect creates a unique visual flare for 3DS games. Hate on it if you want (I'm sorry Avatar made 3D such a hateful thing for so many), but an equal number of people have felt that various 3DS games look better when they see the 3D trailers from E3. Clearly, it makes a difference for some people.
I was getting ready to write a big detailed post, but this sums up my feelings on the graphics better than my post would've.


kinggroin said:
Vanillaware and capcom?

And Ken Levine pulling a Vita out of his pocket and saying that he had something in mind?
Hell Capcom even brought Ono out there.
kuroshiki said:
I think the difference between vita and 3ds is more than xbox1 vs gamecube. It's more like PS2 vs Xbox1.
PS2 vs Xbox 1 implies that third parties will be willing to work pretty hard to downport games to the less powerful system, so maybe the Xbox 1 vs. GC really is more apt.

Not that some consumers will be all that forgiving to the "lazy" developers when they choose not to downport.
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