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Qatar: If you're gay, you should avoid the 2022 World Cup

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Why aren't world stage type of events just a neutral zone where everybody is allowed? I mean shouldn't that be a requirement if they want to host it?

The country doesn't have to change fully to appease outsiders, but what happens if lets say a player is whatever that country doesn't like, do they just prevent them from playing? If not then why exclude it when it's viewers.
So if homosexuals are being told to avoid Qatar, what are you going to tell the Israelis if they qualify?

You know what, I want to see Israel qualify for Qatar 2022 and then drawn against an Arabic team just so we can see how deep this hole can go.

Hopefully not too deep.

This might be time for me to go to bed, I sat and wondered for a few moments if you were saying the Israeli football team is gay lol

Israel probably won't qualify anyway though, so not going to happen

Why aren't world stage type of events just a neutral zone where everybody is allowed? I mean shouldn't that be a requirement if they want to host it?

Because corruption and bribes.


I'm not. As someone who is Arab and grew up in a Muslim Arab household, I'm really disappointed and kind of ashamed of the people of my culture.

This is me to a tee.

It does considering all I've gone through as an Arab female having to deal through bullshit because of ignorant Arab culture that is still being widely practiced today.


This shit is seriously disgusting and it's the one of the biggest reasons why I identify as "American" over "Arab" at all times.


I think it's disappointing that your attitude is to leave it be, especially seeing how you had no qualms against the example you used. If we're going to let countries commit human rights violations, then they have no right to participate in world events, let alone host one.

this would make us Americans very lonely
Does Qatar have a passport ban against Israel? lmao, what a mess
Along with the majority of the Middle East. Heck, just getting an Israeli stamp in any passport would mean a refusal of entry, so that's why they usually stamp a separate little slip at the passport control these days.
The deaths of thousands of slaves hasn't changed FIFA's mind and neither will this. There needs to be more outcry about these things..


Along with the majority of the Middle East. Heck, just getting an Israeli stamp in any passport would mean a refusal of entry, so that's why they usually stamp a separate little slip at the passport control these days.

lmao are you fucking kidding me

I guess I should never even set foot in Israel if I ever plan to pop in and say hello to my family in Syria.
lmao are you fucking kidding me

I guess I should never even set foot in Israel if I ever plan to pop in and say hello to my family in Syria.
I think you'll be fine these days (due to the protocol change in light of that fact, for one) unless you need to apply for a visa to visit Israel. But yeah, it's...something.


It's simple, Qatar isn't and shouldn't be happening (And for that matter neither should Russia).

Wanting the WC during the Winter is one of the stupidest decisions ever and you bet your ass the UEFA won't let that shit happen.


It's ridiculous to ask a country to change its laws regarding alcohol or sexuality for a bloody football tournament. That kind of change has to happen naturally in a society.

On the other hand, homophobia is possibly the best of the three main reasons why they never should have considered the backwards shithole in the first place. (Others being heat and no football culture / football infrastructure.) Fuck Fifa. I hope that tournament never goes ahead, and if it does, I hope it's a disaster.


lmao are you fucking kidding me

I guess I should never even set foot in Israel if I ever plan to pop in and say hello to my family in Syria.

You can get away with having an Israeli stamp by saying you visited Jerusalem/Dome of the Rock. I know some people had problems going back to Yemen just because of that.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
The Qatar world cup still has no sponsors listed, but these are the FIFA sponsors for the 2018 Russia world cup:

Coca Cola
Hyundai/Kia motors
Mac Donalds

Want things to change? Get these corporations to complain to FIFA. Boycott them.
So if homosexuals are being told to avoid Qatar, what are they going to tell the Israelis if they qualify?
Actually Qatar is the only Gulf nation that recognizes Israel.
You can get away with having an Israeli stamp by saying you visited Jerusalem/Dome of the Rock. I know some people had problems going back to Yemen just because of that.
I disagree with some of your rather strong opinions on the Arab people and the source of the hatred of homosexuals. However, I do recognize that if you do not want to continue this type of conversation, I will desist.
(Also just saying that's a good idea, but not sure how far that will carry you.)

Honestly, I feel really bad for the poor and lower class in the city.
That really must be a kind of hell... especially for those who a4e stuck there because of various circumstances. Now I've depressed myself. Fucking FIFA, always ruining my afternoons.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
If Fifa selected tournament hosts based on their human rights records, then all of these countries would start putting effort into eliminating racism, misogyny and everything in between.

But fifa is corrupt, and our politicians are too busy wearing 'i'm a feminist too guys!' t-shirts instead of actually doing what is necessary and effective.


Why aren't world stage type of events just a neutral zone where everybody is allowed? I mean shouldn't that be a requirement if they want to host it?

The country doesn't have to change fully to appease outsiders, but what happens if lets say a player is whatever that country doesn't like, do they just prevent them from playing? If not then why exclude it when it's viewers.

What? Why?

Everyone knew what the place was like before they gave the even to them.
If the organisers don't want these types of problems then they choose another place


"playing" dumb? unpossible
How after all of the countless labour violations/deaths, anti-gay remarks, misogynistic attitudes, etc, does this shithole in the desert still be allowed to host the world cup? FIFA, I know you guys are corrupt. But come on.


It's ridiculous to ask a country to change its laws regarding alcohol or sexuality for a bloody football tournament. That kind of change has to happen naturally in a society.

On the other hand, homophobia is possibly the best of the three main reasons why they never should have considered the backwards shithole in the first place. (Others being heat and no football culture / football infrastructure.) Fuck Fifa. I hope that tournament never goes ahead, and if it does, I hope it's a disaster.

Its more ridiculous to let a backwards stone age country host the tournament.


As much as I hate Qatar's assbackwards cultural norms and the wahabbi emirates in general, truth is, this crap wouldn't have been talked about if it weren't for the world cup. I mean, it is not as if if instutionalized homophobia in the Middle East is a recent phenomenom or something.

Most of us westerners didn't gave a flying crap about it until this event. If this helps to alliviate the leash of the Qatari goverment on these issues, so be it. I don't care if a good deed (more human rights) comes out from the wrong reasons (saving face in front of world).

That being said, I intend to not give any single cent of my money to this event. Ad-blocked streaming sport websites with a heavy dash of sponsor boycott for me, please.

Being gay is against their values, but having human labor die everyday with no care in the world is fine.

Go fuck yourselves.

What a western-centric view you have! You should respect their precious unique snowflakey customs, man.


It would be great to see campaigns starting which send a message to sponsors: we will not buy team shirts, we will not by boots, we will not by soft drinks or fast food or any products of companies that choose to sponsor the 2022 World Cup.

The ONLY way FIFA will listen, is if they think they are seriously gonna lose a truck load of cash.


The deaths of thousands of slaves hasn't changed FIFA's mind and neither will this. There needs to be more outcry about these things..

FIFA don't care about those people. So it's no surprise no effort has been made to halt building while actual safety and reasonable hours are implemented.

Once again we need to target their corporate advertising sponsors,they're just as scummy but will probably fold if their products are getting tied in with what amounts to slave labour.


Neo Member
I'm pretty sure we will see the highest amount of gay people, attend a world cup ever.
Practically ever time the cameras focus on the fans, there will be gay people kissing.
And Qatar cant do jack about it and will have to accept it


Fuck FIfa and fuck blatter that piece of shit. How is this guy still there.

Because FIFA is not an organization which exists to better the sport, but to profit from the commercial opportunities the sport has opened up for those in charge of the organization. It is completely corrupt, the system exists to enrich those who continue to support the system, it's an ongoing cycle. There is too much greed and money involved for anyone in a position to make a difference to want to risk upsetting the balance.

Basically: Fuck FIFA and fuck everything associated with them.

It's disgusting, and every new piece of news about FIFA's "ethics committee", or the progress of the two upcoming World Cups, just makes me angrier and more disillusioned as a football fan.


Whether or not Arabs are 'awful' or not. Arab/Muslim culture and countries are indefinitely backwards, hateful and behind the times.

Qatar wouldn't allow thousands of its own citizens to die building stadiums but they are happy foe foreigners to be slaves and die enmass.
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