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Racism caught on tape (NSFW) for starting car : White woman +kids vs Black male

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flawless technique

Do I really want to watch this or will it ruin my morning?

What's the story behind that one?

edit: Just looked it up. Yep, that guy totally deserved it.
This thread was infuriating with all the posters saying you should basically acquiesce to being kissed by a random stranger before fighting back.

For context this knockout comes after repeated refusals from the guy, but the kisser just had to make his little cringe video and got hit.


Try to wrap your head around this:

As a young Black male, I've seen shit like this happen many times with family, friends, and myself. And 9 times out of 10, none of us would respond as calmly as this dude here was. My question to you is, why the fuck don't WE ever get the benefit of the doubt and people like this woman do?

You wanna know what I hear whenever some Black kid gets shot for doing human things while Black? "He/She must've did something to deserve it." You wanna know what people tell me when I get upset when White people refer to me as a thug? "Well, maybe you should change the way you dress." Point is, people hold US responsible for not only the way other people perceive us, but also the actions people take against us, violent or otherwise.

Yet... this disgusting woman, acting a fool at a supermarket, praising herself stripping for cops, calling this man a nigger, threatening him in different ways... I'm supposed to be concerned for her safety? I'm supposed to be considerate about how SHE feels when she's clearly not giving a fuck about how HE feels about her comments and perception of him?

Shit, I guarantee you that if this woman were anything other than White, the sentiment would be "She deserves whatever's coming to her."

My ability to give a fuck died the moment she started threatening him...


These coloreds and their loud bangy-bangy cars scaring all the young childreeeens. So sad, glad someone stood up to this menace. A colored's car once started next to me,I almost died.
What exactly is your problem? Someone pointing out that the women is definitely not stable (or near downright crazy) in that video? Would that take away your ability to look down on her? Then ignore my comment, please, and continue doing whatever it is you are doing.

Edit: being "crazy" and being racist are not mutually exclusive states, that is my point.

At this point it's funny that when one set of people do something vile or commit crimes "mental issues" seems to frequently come up but when another set of people do the same thing they are just bad eggs and are beyond help.

I've seen it all my life, starting in elementary school.
Try to wrap your head around this:

As a young Black male, I've seen shit like this happen many times with family, friends, and myself. And 9 times out of 10, none of us would respond as calmly as this dude here was. My question to you is, why the fuck don't WE ever get the benefit of the doubt and people like this woman do?
Nearly everyone in this thread has stated how they think the guy responded very well to the situation. I get the overarching issue dealing with racism and I do not respond to anyone in that way.
You wanna know what I hear whenever some Black kid gets shot for doing human things while Black? "He/She must've did something to deserve it." You wanna know what people tell me when I get upset when White people refer to me as a thug? "Well, maybe you should change the way you dress." Point is, people hold US responsible for not only the way other people perceive us, but also the actions people take against us, violent or otherwise.
Yes, some do and we need to work on fixing that. It is absolute BS and shouldn't happen. Since we are being candid, it is one of the reasons why I have disassociated myself from the majority of my family. They cannot 'help' themselves from saying racist and homophobic shit, I have gotten into numerous arguments with them about it. Trying to explain how it is messed up and irrational, it doesn't change.
Yet... this disgusting woman, acting a fool at a supermarket, praising herself stripping for cops, calling this man a nigger, threatening him in different ways... I'm supposed to be concerned for her safety? I'm supposed to be considerate about how SHE feels when she's clearly not giving a fuck about how HE feels about her comments and perception of him?
I'm not going to sit here and tell you how you should feel, that is on you. I will still be considerate of her and hope that she isn't harmed, even if she is a scumbag racist. I think that is the biggest issue of contention between you and I. The immediate situation is 'resolved', her threat of violence isn't present. But I'm not going to advocate that we should hope this video goes out to the entire news media, listing her name, address, place of employment, etc. Why? Because I would be worried that some other unstable individual would seek to carry out some form of vigilantism.
Shit, I guarantee you that if this woman were anything other than White, the sentiment would be "She deserves whatever's coming to her."
My ability to give a fuck died the moment she started threatening him...
It wouldn't be my sentiment, nor do I think it would be the sentiment from this thread.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I sort of wanted to knock the coffee out of her hand. What the fuck was with nobody saying shit to her? Just walk on by and shit.


But I'm not going to advocate that we should hope this video goes out to the entire news media, listing her name, address, place of employment, etc. Why? Because I would be worried that some other unstable individual would seek to carry out some form of vigilantism.

I somehow doubt her details will be coming out publicly, but I'm curious what kind of person you are picturing. Because I hardly picture a white person going out to harm her on account of this. I'm sure she'd have an enormous white defense force tbh, and judging from how the black guy handled it calmly it doesn't seem like something one would enact violence against her for anyway. He was perfectly reasonable.
Try to wrap your head around this:

As a young Black male, I've seen shit like this happen many times with family, friends, and myself. And 9 times out of 10, none of us would respond as calmly as this dude here was. My question to you is, why the fuck don't WE ever get the benefit of the doubt and people like this woman do?

You wanna know what I hear whenever some Black kid gets shot for doing human things while Black? "He/She must've did something to deserve it." You wanna know what people tell me when I get upset when White people refer to me as a thug? "Well, maybe you should change the way you dress." Point is, people hold US responsible for not only the way other people perceive us, but also the actions people take against us, violent or otherwise.

Yet... this disgusting woman, acting a fool at a supermarket, praising herself stripping for cops, calling this man a nigger, threatening him in different ways... I'm supposed to be concerned for her safety? I'm supposed to be considerate about how SHE feels when she's clearly not giving a fuck about how HE feels about her comments and perception of him?

Shit, I guarantee you that if this woman were anything other than White, the sentiment would be "She deserves whatever's coming to her."

My ability to give a fuck died the moment she started threatening him...
Couldn't have said it better myself.


We don't know what happened before he pressed record.

Sure we do. He started his car and the chick went batshit insane. If that was untrue when he brought it up several times in the video we would've heard otherwise from her mouth.


Crazy racists always pick the people with the right attitude to fuck with. I would have smashed her face in right in front of her kids.
We don't know what happened before he pressed record.

Yes we do. Quit with that bullshit.

I laughed when her kids started messing with the doors, and she wasn't paying any attention, and he told her to look after her kids, and only after he said something did she bother to tell them not to mess with the doors.

Then after she says their father is coming, the kid does a little dance and says "My Daddy's a cop." After which the woman says "AND HE DOESN'T LIKE BLACK PEOPLE EITHER."

I rest my case.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
You know, more and more I'm really not convinced that throwing around words like that at people entirely amounts to racism. When people get pissed off at another person they will often resort to name calling. Name calling isn't meant to be nice but it doesn't mean the person in question has a problem with an entire race of people either. This woman? Perhaps, but I don't think this can be applied to everyone in these situations.

Not that I want to defend her acting stupid but people are way too hypersensitive about this shit these days.


Neo Member
We don't know what happened before he pressed record.
Hoo boy..., this is gonna be one of them house cleaning threads, isn't it? Also, love those flawless technique gifs.
I'm sure most of the media has picked this up by now, wonder how its gonna play out through the week... Not lookin forward to that... :(


You know, more and more I'm really not convinced that throwing around words like that at people entirely amounts to racism. When people get pissed off at another person they will often resort to name calling. Name calling isn't meant to be nice but it doesn't mean the person in question has a problem with an entire race of people either. This woman? Perhaps, but I don't think this can be applied to everyone in these situations.

Not that I want to defend her acting stupid but people are way too hypersensitive about this shit these days.

Racist people use racial epithets to insult people when they are angry.


omg, Cheektowaga, NY....fuck....I work here...

I'm kind of tempted to put this on FB and see if anyone knows this idiot lady.


You know, more and more I'm really not convinced that throwing around words like that at people entirely amounts to racism. When people get pissed off at another person they will often resort to name calling. Name calling isn't meant to be nice but it doesn't mean the person in question has a problem with an entire race of people either. This woman? Perhaps, but I don't think this can be applied to everyone in these situations.

Not that I want to defend her acting stupid but people are way too hypersensitive about this shit these days.

If the first thing that leaps into your mind when angry is "Nigger". Yes you are a racist.


Why are people defending this? How much more fucking racist do you need to get than this?

"Oh she's just angry, oh she's not mentally stable"

What shitty excuses.
I'm trying to figure out how starting his car made her snap like that.

"How dare you start a fucking car in this parking lot!"

People like that are already projecting negative thoughts on any black person they see, so when ANYTHING they do intersects their path it sets them off. I'm looking in this racist person's general direction becomes "he must be looking at my daughter let me go yell at him." My car has a loud engine becomes "he's scaring my children let me go unload all the negative things I've already been thinking for the past 20 secs."
Try to wrap your head around this:

As a young Black male, I've seen shit like this happen many times with family, friends, and myself. And 9 times out of 10, none of us would respond as calmly as this dude here was. My question to you is, why the fuck don't WE ever get the benefit of the doubt and people like this woman do?

You wanna know what I hear whenever some Black kid gets shot for doing human things while Black? "He/She must've did something to deserve it." You wanna know what people tell me when I get upset when White people refer to me as a thug? "Well, maybe you should change the way you dress." Point is, people hold US responsible for not only the way other people perceive us, but also the actions people take against us, violent or otherwise.

Yet... this disgusting woman, acting a fool at a supermarket, praising herself stripping for cops, calling this man a nigger, threatening him in different ways... I'm supposed to be concerned for her safety? I'm supposed to be considerate about how SHE feels when she's clearly not giving a fuck about how HE feels about her comments and perception of him?

Shit, I guarantee you that if this woman were anything other than White, the sentiment would be "She deserves whatever's coming to her."

My ability to give a fuck died the moment she started threatening him...

All. Of. This.


Try to wrap your head around this:

As a young Black male, I've seen shit like this happen many times with family, friends, and myself. And 9 times out of 10, none of us would respond as calmly as this dude here was. My question to you is, why the fuck don't WE ever get the benefit of the doubt and people like this woman do?

You wanna know what I hear whenever some Black kid gets shot for doing human things while Black? "He/She must've did something to deserve it." You wanna know what people tell me when I get upset when White people refer to me as a thug? "Well, maybe you should change the way you dress." Point is, people hold US responsible for not only the way other people perceive us, but also the actions people take against us, violent or otherwise.

Yet... this disgusting woman, acting a fool at a supermarket, praising herself stripping for cops, calling this man a nigger, threatening him in different ways... I'm supposed to be concerned for her safety? I'm supposed to be considerate about how SHE feels when she's clearly not giving a fuck about how HE feels about her comments and perception of him?

Shit, I guarantee you that if this woman were anything other than White, the sentiment would be "She deserves whatever's coming to her."

My ability to give a fuck died the moment she started threatening him...

Hypersensitive about the word nigger..yep, I can agree to that. Only when it's said over 30 times should I feel any kind of feels. Seems reasonable..I love this place.


You know, more and more I'm really not convinced that throwing around words like that at people entirely amounts to racism. When people get pissed off at another person they will often resort to name calling. Name calling isn't meant to be nice but it doesn't mean the person in question has a problem with an entire race of people either. This woman? Perhaps, but I don't think this can be applied to everyone in these situations.

Not that I want to defend her acting stupid but people are way too hypersensitive about this shit these days.

Welcome to the current state of this country. Sensitivity runs high these days. The lady was clearly upset and I am not going to judge her without knowing what set this all off.


The woman's behaviour was unacceptable and I feel for her children. She should have just walked away, not stood outside letting the guy film her and her kids.

That said, the guy was clearly egging her on and the situation escalated far past where it would have if he would have driven off after te initial contact.

Both parties should be ashamed of themselves, but the woman more so because of the impact her behaviour will have on those kids.
Why are people defending this? How much more fucking racist do you need to get than this?

"Oh she's just angry, oh she's not mentally stable"

What shitty excuses.

If that is in reference to me saying she is unstable, then you can pack it up. She is clearly unstable, that does not mean she is somehow not responsible for her actions and behavior. It isn't meant to be an excuse, that is exactly what I'm saying.
Seems terrible of her, but perhaps she had a bad day, and this black male filming wasn't making his best attempts to look non-threatening, is there another video of his attire that day.
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