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Racism caught on tape (NSFW) for starting car : White woman +kids vs Black male

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Seems terrible of her, but perhaps she had a bad day, and this black male filming wasn't making his best attempts to look non-threatening, is there another video of his attire that day.

Maybe... maybe it was a hoodie ;__;.... with skittles all over it ;__; super-scary!
Seems terrible of her, but perhaps she had a bad day, and this black male filming wasn't making his best attempts to look non-threatening, is there another video of his attire that day.

Well he was playing that rap music and he had a very deep voice, I concur we need to find out his attire.

It matters what he was wearing?

Obvious sarcasm.

The woman's behaviour was unacceptable and I feel for her children. She should have just walked away, not stood outside letting the guy film her and her kids.

That said, the guy was clearly egging her on and the situation escalated far past where it would have if he would have driven off after te initial contact.

Both parties should be ashamed of themselves, but the woman more so because of the impact her behaviour will have on those kids.

The guy has nothing to be ashamed of, he did nothing wrong. Granted I would have left because she seems scary and volatile. No telling what she could have done.


The woman's behaviour was unacceptable and I feel for her children. She should have just walked away, not stood outside letting the guy film her and her kids.

That said, the guy was clearly egging her on and the situation escalated far past where it would have if he would have driven off after te initial contact.

Both parties should be ashamed of themselves, but the woman more so because of the impact her behaviour will have on those kids.

What, is he supposed to bow down, meekly say "yessum" and scamper off? I can see where you're coming from but given this context c'mon man. He handled it amazingly well, far better than most of us would have if we were in a situation like that.


What, is he supposed to bow down, meekly say "yessum" and scamper off? I can see where you're coming from but given this context c'mon man. He handled it amazingly well, far better than most of us would have if we were in a situation like that.

I keep reading how well he handled it. What would you have done exactly, assaulted her?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Welcome to the current state of this country. Sensitivity runs high these days. The lady was clearly upset and I am not going to judge her without knowing what set this all off.
Yeah, I don't live in the States anymore so my entire world view has shifted and now I feel like the outsider.

I don't feel like berating someone for acting stupid is a constructive thing to do, though. She was an idiot but I don't know if putting her through the internet wringer is really the right thing to do either.

With the way people are talking I'm expecting someone to hunt her down and murder her and her family.
Try to wrap your head around this:

As a young Black male, I've seen shit like this happen many times with family, friends, and myself. And 9 times out of 10, none of us would respond as calmly as this dude here was. My question to you is, why the fuck don't WE ever get the benefit of the doubt and people like this woman do?

You wanna know what I hear whenever some Black kid gets shot for doing human things while Black? "He/She must've did something to deserve it." You wanna know what people tell me when I get upset when White people refer to me as a thug? "Well, maybe you should change the way you dress." Point is, people hold US responsible for not only the way other people perceive us, but also the actions people take against us, violent or otherwise.

Yet... this disgusting woman, acting a fool at a supermarket, praising herself stripping for cops, calling this man a nigger, threatening him in different ways... I'm supposed to be concerned for her safety? I'm supposed to be considerate about how SHE feels when she's clearly not giving a fuck about how HE feels about her comments and perception of him?

Shit, I guarantee you that if this woman were anything other than White, the sentiment would be "She deserves whatever's coming to her."

My ability to give a fuck died the moment she started threatening him...

I'm not black, but that's some truth right here.
Yeah, I don't live in the States anymore so my entire world view has shifted and now I feel like the outsider.

I don't feel like berating someone for acting stupid is a constructive thing to do, though. She was an idiot but I don't know if putting her through the internet wringer is really the right thing to do either.

.... actually, this is how I learn how not to stupid. most of the time. by having people calling me out on my bull shit.
Welcome to the current state of this country. Sensitivity runs high these days. The lady was clearly upset and I am not going to judge her without knowing what set this all off.


Nothing justifies being a racist.

I keep reading how well he handled it. What would you have done exactly, assaulted her?

Some in this thread have stated they would have, personally I think it is just internet bravado.


We don't know what happened before he pressed record.

You know, more and more I'm really not convinced that throwing around words like that at people entirely amounts to racism. When people get pissed off at another person they will often resort to name calling. Name calling isn't meant to be nice but it doesn't mean the person in question has a problem with an entire race of people either. This woman? Perhaps, but I don't think this can be applied to everyone in these situations.

Not that I want to defend her acting stupid but people are way too hypersensitive about this shit these days.

Welcome to the current state of this country. Sensitivity runs high these days. The lady was clearly upset and I am not going to judge her without knowing what set this all off.

The woman's behaviour was unacceptable and I feel for her children. She should have just walked away, not stood outside letting the guy film her and her kids.

That said, the guy was clearly egging her on and the situation escalated far past where it would have if he would have driven off after te initial contact.

Both parties should be ashamed of themselves, but the woman more so because of the impact her behaviour will have on those kids.

Yeaaah, I'm out.


You know, more and more I'm really not convinced that throwing around words like that at people entirely amounts to racism. When people get pissed off at another person they will often resort to name calling. Name calling isn't meant to be nice but it doesn't mean the person in question has a problem with an entire race of people either. This woman? Perhaps, but I don't think this can be applied to everyone in these situations.

Not that I want to defend her acting stupid but people are way too hypersensitive about this shit these days.

do you honestly believe this stupid bullshit you typed? we can't know for sure who is a racist unless they are a white hood sporting, black person lynching caricature? do you drink your own piss as well?


I hope you're being sarcastic.

The last guy that tried that argument got banned. Thread carefully, Junior.

No, I'm not sarcastic. We do not now what happened before he pressed record.

People do say bad things when they get angry, frightened etc. Maybe this was her way to "get back" at the guy, and the racial slur her best (but stupid) shot? I doesn't make you racist, just stupid.

If the guy where white and obese and she screamed "fat f-ck!", no one would care. Wouldn't be a forum thread about it. That's for sure.
I keep reading how well he handled it. What would you have done exactly, assaulted her?

Going from calmly responding to her screaming and rolling up a window when she threatened to throw something at him to assaulting her would be a pretty big leap, wouldn't it? As if, I dunno, there's no other way in-between someone could have responded with that involved anger, like words?

Come on.

When someone is screaming at you, calling you a racial slur, having her children swear at you, threatening to have her cop husband beat your ass, and threatening to throw something at you, responding with any sort of calm rationality seems remarkable.
No, I'm not sarcastic. We do not now what happened before he pressed record.

People do say bad things when they get angry, frightened etc. Maybe this was her way to "get back" at the guy, and the racial slur her best (but stupid) shot? I doesn't make you racist, just stupid.

If the guy where white and obese and she screamed "fat f-ck!", no one would care. Wouldn't be a forum thread about it. That's for sure.

Um, no. Not the same thing at all.

Saying racist shit makes you a racist. It isn't that hard.

Two Words

People say awful things when they are upset and are in protect mode.

We don't have back story to this. She says he frightened her kids. We don't know what happened.
Yeah and they usually say what they honestly feel without regard for others. It's not like she's not a racist and decided to act like one once mama bear mode was activated,

Edit- ahh, he's banned. Figures.


Try to wrap your head around this:

As a young Black male, I've seen shit like this happen many times with family, friends, and myself. And 9 times out of 10, none of us would respond as calmly as this dude here was. My question to you is, why the fuck don't WE ever get the benefit of the doubt and people like this woman do?

You wanna know what I hear whenever some Black kid gets shot for doing human things while Black? "He/She must've did something to deserve it." You wanna know what people tell me when I get upset when White people refer to me as a thug? "Well, maybe you should change the way you dress." Point is, people hold US responsible for not only the way other people perceive us, but also the actions people take against us, violent or otherwise.

Yet... this disgusting woman, acting a fool at a supermarket, praising herself stripping for cops, calling this man a nigger, threatening him in different ways... I'm supposed to be concerned for her safety? I'm supposed to be considerate about how SHE feels when she's clearly not giving a fuck about how HE feels about her comments and perception of him?

Shit, I guarantee you that if this woman were anything other than White, the sentiment would be "She deserves whatever's coming to her."

My ability to give a fuck died the moment she started threatening him...
How about we stop focusing on the fact that they have different skin colour. That in itself is the core of racism.

People are people, we're all the same. She was a raving loon and he was cocky and egging someone on. Black, white, it doesn't matter. It was two people who could have made better decisions.

Unfortunate situation all around.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
do you honestly believe this stupid bullshit you typed? we can't know for sure who is a racist unless they are a white hood sporting, black person lynching caricature? do you drink your own piss as well?
No I don't really. I'm just fucking depressed as hell and this thread makes it worse.

good enough?

I love how it's sourced.
You know, more and more I'm really not convinced that throwing around words like that at people entirely amounts to racism. When people get pissed off at another person they will often resort to name calling. Name calling isn't meant to be nice but it doesn't mean the person in question has a problem with an entire race of people either. This woman? Perhaps, but I don't think this can be applied to everyone in these situations.

Not that I want to defend her acting stupid but people are way too hypersensitive about this shit these days.

Yeah, I doubt she's racist. I'm sure calling her husband, who apparently doesn't like black people, to beat that nasty and racist nigger was just a momentary lapse of sanity and not at all reflexive of her worldview.


No, I'm not sarcastic. We do not now what happened before he pressed record.

People do say bad things when they get angry, frightened etc. Maybe this was her way to "get back" at the guy, and the racial slur her best (but stupid) shot? I doesn't make you racist, just stupid.

If the guy where white and obese and she screamed "fat f-ck!", no one would care. Wouldn't be a forum thread about it. That's for sure.

like clockwork
You know, more and more I'm really not convinced that throwing around words like that at people entirely amounts to racism.

I know what you're getting at but that's exactly what it is, inherently, objectively.

When people get pissed off at another person they will often resort to name calling. Name calling isn't meant to be nice but it doesn't mean the person in question has a problem with an entire race of people either. This woman? Perhaps, but I don't think this can be applied to everyone in these situations.

This is ... well, at least I thought I knew where you were going ...

Not that I want to defend her acting stupid but people are way too hypersensitive about this shit these days.

Oh ........ OOOOOH.
Awful woman.

Also I was listening to this on my headphones, and I have to say.. The sound quality was amazing. Binaural sound I'm sure it was. I got freaked out because I actually thought that woman was right here....


Awful woman.

Also I was listening to this on my headphones, and I have to say.. The sound quality was amazing. Binaural sound I'm sure it was. I got freaked out because I actually thought that woman was right here....

Might have been a Nokia winphone

edit: Nas playing in the background... NAS won.


For context this knockout comes after repeated refusals from the guy, but the kisser just had to make his little cringe video and got hit.

I've watched the video and the bouncer says, "If you kiss me I'm not going to have a problem with it and I'm going to enjoy it". And clocks the guy when he leans in.

Two Words

How about we stop focusing on the fact that they have different skin colour. That in itself is the core of racism.

People are people, we're all the same. She was a raving loon and he was cocky and egging someone on. Black, white, it doesn't matter. It was two people who could have made better decisions.

Unfortunate situation all around.
He really wasn't egging her on. He said he was recording and said he can't believe the way she was acting and explained all he did was started her car. Anything else he did was so minor and after she was already flipping out.


Going from calmly responding to her screaming and rolling up a window when she threatened to throw something at him to assaulting her would be a pretty big leap, wouldn't it? As if, I dunno, there's no other way in-between someone could have responded with that involved anger, like words?

Come on.

When someone is screaming at you, calling you a racial slur, having her children swear at you, threatening to have her cop husband beat your ass, and threatening to throw something at you, responding with any sort of calm rationality seems remarkable.

I am saying his options were rather limited. Responding to exacerbate the situation brings a pissed off, racist cop into the mix. He should have just left.


No, I'm not sarcastic. We do not now what happened before he pressed record.

People do say bad things when they get angry, frightened etc. Maybe this was her way to "get back" at the guy, and the racial slur her best (but stupid) shot? I doesn't make you racist, just stupid.

If the guy where white and obese and she screamed "fat f-ck!", no one would care. Wouldn't be a forum thread about it. That's for sure.

Well, I hope you read the spoiler I had in my reply to you earlier. If so, I tried to help, man. I really did :(


No, I'm not sarcastic. We do not now what happened before he pressed record.

People do say bad things when they get angry, frightened etc. Maybe this was her way to "get back" at the guy, and the racial slur her best (but stupid) shot? I doesn't make you racist, just stupid.

If the guy where white and obese and she screamed "fat f-ck!", no one would care. Wouldn't be a forum thread about it. That's for sure.

She says her husband hates niggers too
How about we stop focusing on the fact that they have different skin colour. That in itself is the core of racism.

People are people, we're all the same. She was a raving loon and he was cocky and egging someone on. Black, white, it doesn't matter. It was two people who could have made better decisions.

Unfortunate situation all around.

People would LOVE not to focus on skin colour. But it is only the privilege of the one side that has the luxury of being able to ignore it that usually suggests such a naive idea.

In other words, no, both sides were NOT being equally reprehensible. She was a racist and a horrible person. He, on the other hand, was civil.
Maybe he was before he started recording?
I mean, she confesses lap dances for cops and clearly let's it all spill out, dude. Wouldn't she mention it? She confesses she called him a nigger? Her husband hates blacks? Didn't mention that, though? Fuck it..benefit of the doubt..because reasons.


He gave his car a dehumanizing start, which scared her kids...

Her kids looked just fine twirling around the concrete posts in front of the store.
This seems like one of those situations that could've been avoided if she hadn't lashed out in the first place.

The chip on her shoulder, and then knowing that she did something wrong and being caught on camera got her back up, made her scared (not scared of the man in the car, but of repercussions of using racist language on camera) and then she acted out even more to make herself look more threatened and the situation worse than it actually is. This is a way some people act when they're nervous about being caught over-reacting - they over-react some more. It can all be avoided by just not losing your cool.

The guy did what, started his car and made her kids jump at the noise? What a whole load of anguish about nothing.


I mean, she confesses lap dances for cops and clearly let's it all spill out, dude. Wouldn't she mention it? She confesses she called him a nigger? Her husband hates blacks? Didn't mention that, though? Fuck it..benefit of the doubt..because reasons.

Watching it again..doesn't she call HIM a racist?

If I am hearing wrong I apologize. if so, wonder what he said?


Genuinely baffled at the people trying to defend her, the list of usernames in here going grey is crazy. Notable members too.

She says her kids and her husband hate 'niggers' too.

She didn't slip into saying racist shit just because she was angry...
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