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Reddit: leaked Paper Mario TTYD 3D? (Real or Fake)


More (equally suspicious) video leaks:


And a youtube video (for now)

The 3D light isn't on. Now I know it's a fake.
He's not wrong. PM64 and Super Paper Mario were both pretty charming games. Hell, one could argue that Super Paper Mario had the best story of the entire series. A fact I wasen't ready to admit at first play, but the more I think about it the more it seems true.

PM64 is so basic compared to TTYD, and don't get me wrong I agree with you on Super Paper Mario's story but that game has to be taken on its own and not within the context with the rest of the series. at least it's not Sticker Star.

Back on topic the leak is obviously fake.


Not sure if serious, but if so...

3DS games require 3D? Since when?

They don't. But the only 1st party game I can think of without full 3D is pokemon. Why wouldn't there be full 3D for a remake of all things?

You do know the red light isn't always on right? If you're referring to the head tracking "light" next to the camera.

Referring to the light that goes on when the option for 3D is available.

The N3DS doesn't have that light.

I prefer the Wii Paper Mario game. I want that one.

That one had the whole 2-d/3-d thing going on with it. Makes sense to have it on the 3DS
I prefer the Wii Paper Mario game. I want that one.

Err, you can buy a Wii copy and play it on Wii-u. And it's dirt cheap due to how many people disliked it. Not Sticker Star or Other M bomba levels, but cheap enough.

A 3DS version would literally only add 3D.

Of course I'm dodging the most obvious reason: It isn't popular enough like the RPG games are.
Miyamoto just seems really out of touch with the Paper Mario series. Which doesn't seem to have done the series any favors.

I mean we went from an RPG follow-up to Super Mario RPG, an "improved" version of that follow-up, then we got an Action RPG version of Super Mario Bros., then we got Sticker Star...

People just want that third true RPG entry and we can safely close the book on this series.


I wouldn't say my time with the game was joyless past the first 10 or so playthroughs, but I start to notice how PM64 had way more charm overall. I can see the argument for TTYD's story being "deeper", however, just because a story is deeper doesn't necessarily mean it's better.

Not trying to say TTYD lacks charm but it definitely lacks something that PM64 had. What exactly, I'm not quite sure.

Agreed, the original is still the best in the series, it has more imagination, creativity and charm than TTYD. However TTYD is still a great game, even if it lacks that certain something.


Fake, but pass if true in any case. Thousand Year Door was terrible. I'd love to see a remake of Paper Mario 64 though.

TTYD was like 64 but better in every aspect and I'm not saying 64 is bad in any ways, it's one of my favorite games. I just don't understand how you could want a 64 remake yet say that TTYD was terrible. D:
Aoyama: After E3, Miyamoto-san played the prototype and said it was just a port of the GC version.

Which would have been infinitely better than what we got! Miyamoto rarely screws the pooch on things but man did he ever with sticker star. No more new side characters? Those are the best part of the Paper Mario games!
It is not wrong. That is called an opinion. This kind of post shouldn't be allowed here... I don't think TTYD is terrible*, but why not respect the other poster's opinion?

*It was only boring as hell. Both Paper Mario and Super were far more entertaining and charming.

In my opinion, his opinion is wrong. BOOM. Also gross overstatement for comic effect. But mostly the former.


Not sure if posted yet, but this is from the Sticker Star Iwata Asks:

Iwata Asks

Not that I think this is real but it's pretty obvious that something was lost in translation here and that what Miyamoto meant wasn't that it was a literal port of TTYD but instead that the prototype felt like a rehash of the formula.
TTYD was like 64 but better in every aspect and I'm not saying 64 is bad in any ways, it's one of my favorite games. I just don't understand how you could want a 64 remake yet say that TTYD was terrible. D:

It fails in one area in comparison and that's for over world design.

For some rather interesting settings, it's design can be summed up as basic corridor design, which leads to quite a lot of forced retreading that you can never avoid. And it happens quite often after chapter 4.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Please be real! Sticker Star was a grand disappointment with the cutting of character that have been there since the start, the lack of new ones,and removing the RPG Elements.
It's so fake, that leaker is trying too hard to make this happen.

He has the option to film !multiple! videos and it's just a blurry top screen we see in that video showing a basic intro. Learn to Rayman or don't try at all.


Aoyama: After E3, Miyamoto-san played the prototype and said it was just a port of the GC version.

Miyamoto's complete disregard for storylines in games is both his biggest strength and his biggest weakness.
Lol cropping the image to get widescreen, not showing second screen, not showing game being played in videos. This leaker is trying so hard and is only making it more and more fake.


El Capitan Todd
so, if we suppose that it is real, how this Reddit guy obtained a not-yet-even-announced game 3DS cartridge?
TTYD was like 64 but better in every aspect and I'm not saying 64 is bad in any ways, it's one of my favorite games. I just don't understand how you could want a 64 remake yet say that TTYD was terrible. D:
If they made a remake that retooled the battle and badge system to be more in lone with Thousand Year Door's with better graphics to boot, I'd say that would be pretty awesome.


Not sure if posted yet, but this is from the Sticker Star Iwata Asks:

Iwata: We imagined rather early on that Paper Mario would be a good match for the Nintendo 3DS, and the papercraft atmosphere of the actual prototype was good.
Tanabe: That was about three years ago, at the end of 2009.

Aoyama: At the beginning of development, we were simply incorporating an idea making use of the stereoscopic display function. Then at the 2010 E3, before release of the Nintendo 3DS, we revealed several images.

Iwata: So why did it drag on until now?

Aoyama: After E3, Miyamoto-san played the prototype and said it was just a port of the GC version.

Iwata Asks

Miyamoto done fucked it up.


That glow on the bottom of the screen?

That's the most damning piece of evidence.

The above image was posted on reddit. Pull out your own n3DS, watch this video in the YouTube app through your phone's camera on medium quality, and accept this was a few days early April Fools prank.

There's a special place in hell for faker like this who toy with my emotions with malicious intent.

Well duh this had to be fake. Firstly, why would he not only have a leaked version, but a finished leak at that? Someone said it on the first page, it's just a video.


Junior Member
So the 3DS is finally getting a great Paper Mario game (Sorry for the one who loved Sticker Star, but that game doesnt come close to Thousand Year Door)
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