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Reddit [verified] User shares NX info: x86 Architecture, Second screen support etc.

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I read that Thraktor write-up (props btw) and looked into the ARM option he listed. On the page for it I found info about:

ARM CoreLink™ CCI Cache Coherent Interconnect

This is a hardware scaling interface for sharing caches between multicore ARM chips (right?). I'm no expert but wouldn't this serve as a good solution to the scale able hardware from that one Nintendo patent last year? The one with SPUs? Thought it was interesting.


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I think he's just that invested in his fake leak that he can't let it go.
That stuff about the domain in the email he provided as proof and his poor explanation of the companies firewall editing the domain sets off red flags all over the place

I could be.

So you were just provided a wall of reasons on why the guy is wrong and his refusal to admit he was wrong somehow reinforces your belief in him..? Seems rational...

Who says I need to be rational?
Thanks. They guy isn't backing down though is he. I'm starting to believe it's real.

What if the 2nd leak that looks identical to the first which turned out to be fake, was paid by Nintendo to throw people off the scent and the original leak is in fact true!



At this stage I don't think it's conceivable at all to talk about the handheld before the console. Say E3 was "NX Handheld now, console reveal later" - Can you imagine the backlash?

That's what I hope for, though. I want to see a handheld first. But it's becoming pretty clear that we're at last getting a console this year - and since we don't see any suggested leaks about handheld specs I guess that's for later. Booooo.


That's what I hope for, though. I want to see a handheld first. But it's becoming pretty clear that we're at last getting a console this year - and since we don't see any suggested leaks about handheld specs I guess that's for later. Booooo.

I'd kind of like a handheld that when placed in a dock allows it to be used as a home console with external controllers and TV output (and possibly increased power in the dock itself to assist with the higher resolution).
Doubt it would ever happen though, would sure make continuing a game when you have to leave, or playing on from where you were on the handheld when you get home a tasty possibility.
I'd kind of like a handheld that when placed in a dock allows it to be used as a home console with external controllers and TV output (and possibly increased power in the dock itself to assist with the higher resolution).
Doubt it would ever happen though, would sure make continuing a game when you have to leave, or playing on from where you were on the handheld when you get home a tasty possibility.

I'd like that as well but then you are either stuck with an underpowered console or an overpowered handheld with horrible battery life.

hemo memo

Gold Member
Because you seem to want to continue this charade forever, i'm going to have to shut you down, so let's dig in to your most ludicrous claims and do just that.
Claims to know what the NX looks like
False: This early in a consoles lifespan if developers have devkits, they do not look anything like the final console, neither do the controllers, the CAT-DEV v2 WiiU devkit was a large black box with a square looking gamepad attached, it was only AFTER the WiiU console was finalized and already shown off to the public that CAT-DEV v3 shipped with a retail-looking controller.
The devkit NEVER LOOKED LIKE A WIIU, the few pictures people have seen of a green faced WiiU is not a devkit, it is a TEST unit, hence why it's called the WUT-002 (Hint is right there in the SKU, WUT stands for WII U TEST) So even if you had access to development hardware (which you don't), it would look like a nondescript, boring metal box, and be much larger than the final retail unit.
Claims to know the final name, NEX
Ever since the days of the SNES launch, companies have flat out avoided launching using the same or even remotely similar name to it's development codename and even then the initial codenames varied greatly from the final name, eg:
Project Cafe - WiiU
Revolution - Wii
N2000/Dolphin - Gamecube
Project Reality / Ultra 64 - Nintendo 64
Atlantis - GBA
Dot Matrix Game - Gameboy
Candy - Atari 400
Coleen - Atari 800
Stella - Atari 2600
Pam - Atari 5200
Mercury - Sega Game Gear
Mark V - Sega Genesis/Mega Drive
Jupiter - Sega Saturn
Venus - Sega Nomad
Mars - Sega 32X
Neptune - 32X/Mega Drive combo unit (unreleased)
White Belt (Katana, Guppy), Black Belt (Shark, Dural) - Dreamcast PS-X - PlayStation
Arc - PlayStation Move
NGP (Next Generation Portable) - PlayStation Vita
Orbis - PlayStation 4
Xenon - Xbox 360
Project Natal - Kinect
Durango - Xbox 720
So why you want anyone to believe that Nintendo would announce the codename as being NX then release a final product that is called "NEX" is unknown to virtually anyone but yourself, Additionally, being a Japanese company, Nintendo would want to actively avoid having their product mixed up with the following established Japanese product lines and services:
N'EX - Narita Express
NEX - Range of Pioneer car head units
NEX - Navy Exchange
NEX / NEX Zero - Pepsi soft drinks in Japan
NEX - A range of SONY digital cameras, why in the world would Nintendo use a name that could be associated with their direct competitior?
NexToys - Tokyo branch of a toy distributer/retailer
NEXSTREAMING - a somewhat popular streaming service available in Japan
With all these key products and services well known to Japanese customers, Nintendo would NEVER use NEX as their consoles name.
So-called proof
Firstly, you have your email letter from Nintendo, so let's start with that shall we.
1) Developer emails, staff emails, pr emails, pretty much anyone with a Nintendo email will send mail that comes from @nintendo.ext only, your picture claims @nintendo-europe.com, probably in your haste to throw together some verification material you forgot to check if it was even a legitimate origin, it isn't, nintendo-europe.com is simply a redirection hub used to allow visitors from europe easy access to find the appropriate nintendo.ext page for their given country.
2) It's company policy to use @nintendo.ext emails only for work, no other domain layout is permitted, as part of their corporate identity and employee guidelines.
Secondly, we have the linkedin screenshot.
Unfortunately for you, I handle recruitment for my company and recruiters membership to Linkedin, thus I have full access to linkedin profiles. As such, using simple filtering I was able to find the following:
//// NOTE! theres are the actual people shown in this guys "Proof" picture ////
First connection: Sophia is a low level job doing grunt work - "My role involves assisting the design team with creating banners, backgrounds and material for the website, newsletters and social media." Accepts any connection request.
Second connection: Interaction designer at google, No longer works at Nintendo, Accepts any connection request.
Third connection: Denis Works in social media, accepts any connection request.
Adding any of these (Indeed, while investigating I was able to add all three with ease), results in "x shared connections" when scrolling through the list of Nintendo of Europe employees, because that's simply how linkedin works. however going through the connections of all three people I was able to narrow down the number of people who shares the same number of connections amongst the three identified people all the way down to two, neither one of them holds a position related in any way to game development, any other person cross referenced from the list of the three users turns up dramatically different shared connection numbers.
I'm not going to out you, because that would be considered doxing, but believe me when I say this. The game is up, the shows over, you can stop lying now.
Sorry but if you're going to publicly post your "proof" you should expect someone somewhere to vet it properly, I did, and you're a fraud.

I agree specially about the code name of the console and final name Nintendo Extra.


That's what I hope for, though. I want to see a handheld first. But it's becoming pretty clear that we're at last getting a console this year - and since we don't see any suggested leaks about handheld specs I guess that's for later. Booooo.
There are also a lot less western companies involved in handheld development these days. What's the last big western 3DS game that wasn't from a Nintendo studio?


There are also a lot less western companies involved in handheld development these days. What's the last big western 3DS game that wasn't from a Nintendo studio?

Very few, which is a good argument for not worrying about western AAA support. The 3DS did well without it.


I assume he means the shareholder meeting ;)

I figure if that's a few days, though, he's already in the future and can tell us about some other leaks. The alternative is that something else is happening a few days from now. 😜 a few can't mean 20. It just can't 😵
I really like the name NEX,slips of the tongue nice.

Had no idea shareholders meeting was in a few days,wonder if we will get a snippet of info
I'd kind of like a handheld that when placed in a dock allows it to be used as a home console with external controllers and TV output (and possibly increased power in the dock itself to assist with the higher resolution).
Doubt it would ever happen though, would sure make continuing a game when you have to leave, or playing on from where you were on the handheld when you get home a tasty possibility.

I think a handheld-first approach makes a lot of sense for them. I'm not sure about the docking part as it takes away a potential controller, but I guess it needs somewhere to recharge at times.
I'm interested in something that can stream to apps on 3rd party hardware (tablets, chromecast etc) but I don't know if they could match the low latency streaming setup they had with Wii U


Oh no,I'm not claiming anything, I'm just saying he said ( ue4nx)there would be announcement of an event around mid April.
So we'll know for sure if he's a fraud or not.

Oh, I was only teasing about there being a few days before the investor meeting. That's what I thought you were referring to, sorry. Failed joke. 😟 😅 ☺


I really like the name NEX,slips of the tongue nice.

Had no idea shareholders meeting was in a few days,wonder if we will get a snippet of info

LOL. More like a weeks than a few days. Shareholder Meeting is on the 28th. Anyway, I highly doubt we'll get anything substantial from a shareholders meeting. At the very best we might get a vague timeframe for the unveiling (it will very likely happen this quarter, either before or at e3, so I would expect Nintendo to acknowledge that, if they don't announce anything before the meeting).


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I guess I don't get why people think they would fully reveal NX before E3. It doesn't make sense. What would they talk about at E3?


Junior Member
So people think they'll unveil the system itself and its features but no games before E3? Hmm...
System or systems depending on if the shared platform thing pans out (would make sense since the 3DS is also on its last legs). And yeah, Nintendo may want the spotlight to themselves & avoid potentially getting upstaged by Sony. The other two did something similar for the PS4 & XB1 initial unveilings.


We'll know in a few days anyway.

I really hope so, DaSorcerer7. I'm so tired of reading contradicting leaks that I don't know what to believe anymore. You know what? I think that all these leaks only manage to get our expectations to high. I'm sure we will be greatly disappointed once we know the truth. I really hope that they reveal it soon to kill all these high hopes of an utopic console (or confirm them, if they're actually real).
All these hoaxes and fake rumors are playing into Nintendos favor honestly

Even if a real leak were to pop up it would get lost in the sea of madness and scrutinized like crazy


I guess I don't get why people think they would fully reveal NX before E3. It doesn't make sense. What would they talk about at E3?

If they're launching this holiday, then doing an initial (likely partial) reveal before E3 would give them a little more breathing room to talk about everything before launch. That way they can better pace the feed of info. Also announcing the system at their own private event allows them more attention than the shared stage at E3. Especially now we know the PS4K is a thing, Sony could potentially steal Nintendo's thunder this E3 (It doesn't help that Nintendo always has their conference/direct last). Getting out ahead with the NX announcement and getting the hype train rolling early could be a smarter move.

That said, as much sense as it makes, there's definitely no guarantee they'll go that route. Given prior Nintendo system announcements, E3 seems the more likely choice. I'd split the odds 70:30 in favour of at E3 over before E3.


It would be kind of weird to have a reveal event in late April, the same week the fiscal year end briefing is. That's why I always assumed it would be in May.

Well the middle of April is next week or so, let's see which one of these guys is legit.


I agree specially about the code name of the console and final name Nintendo Extra.

Firstly, you have your email letter from Nintendo, so let's start with that shall we.
1) Developer emails, staff emails, pr emails, pretty much anyone with a Nintendo email will send mail that comes from @nintendo.ext only, your picture claims @nintendo-europe.com, probably in your haste to throw together some verification material you forgot to check if it was even a legitimate origin, it isn't, nintendo-europe.com is simply a redirection hub used to allow visitors from europe easy access to find the appropriate nintendo.ext page for their given country.
2) It's company policy to use @nintendo.ext emails only for work, no other domain layout is permitted, as part of their corporate identity and employee guidelines.
Secondly, we have the linkedin screenshot.

Just want to chime in and say this is indeed a red flag. From my publishing agreement emails with Nintendo, none of them have come from "nintendo-europe.com". This is not the type of email address used for publisher correspondence.
It would be kind of weird to have a reveal event in late April, the same week the fiscal year end briefing is. That's why I always assumed it would be in May.

Well the middle of April is next week or so, let's see which one of these guys is legit.

Well, it would be weird to speak about their coming Nx business without having said ANYTHING about it.
It could be the same and be a bit different like windows 8,10 on PC, Smartphones, then xbox
I understand that, I just don't see why Nintendo would need to, neither of their new products are desktops/laptops or smartphones as far as we know.

The size of the allocation can change between form factors, and will likely be adapted depending Nintendo's priorities for each system.
If they are meant to share a library as has been hinted, their priorities should be very similar.

How different in IOS between iPhone and iPad?


Does Nintendo even have a press conference this year or just a booth?

We still don't know. Nintendo hasn't announced their plans, yet.

For what it's worth, last year, Nintendo didn't announce there e3 plans until May 13th. I suspect similar scheduling this year.


I hope it isn't true because of the mario sunshine game. I didn't liked that mario game, it was like they put mario figure in another game that isn't mariolike.

I don't mind if we are getting something new like super mario bros2, but not like sunshine.


And i'm not yet talking about the music in that game.

I hope we will get a mario galaxy 3

Of course it's not true. His first post was ridiculous and every update since then has made it more silly, with plenty of clear proof that he's lying
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