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Reddit [verified] User shares NX info: x86 Architecture, Second screen support etc.

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... My 2 cents. I think anyone expecting Nintendo to release some cutting edge hardware that is more powerful then current console hardware is living in a house made of playing cards. Nintendo hasn't released hardware more advanced then any other console maker since the Super Nintendo was introduced.

The Gamecube was the strongest of its generation and that was the last console before all this wii stuff and wii branding. Going back to power is very possible.


... My 2 cents. I think anyone expecting Nintendo to release some cutting edge hardware that is more powerful then current console hardware is living in a house made of playing cards. Nintendo hasn't released hardware more advanced then any other console maker since the Super Nintendo was introduced.

Did you completely sleep through Gamecube/PS2/Xbox?
... My 2 cents. I think anyone expecting Nintendo to release some cutting edge hardware that is more powerful then current console hardware is living in a house made of playing cards. Nintendo hasn't released hardware more advanced then any other console maker since the Super Nintendo was introduced.

I don't know why you call yourself older gamer when you don't seem to know your history...the N64 was right in line with the PS1 and the GC was soundly stronger than the PS2 (please don't say you thought otherwise)

The "Wii line" are the exceptions and Nintendo seems done with them


Rösti;200394170 said:
From the abstract of that patent:

Which is patenting/marketing bs. All that eyetracking does is move the camera around a little bit to match you're perspective. It gives no real extra effect than simply moving the camera around manually with the analogue stick.
Even if they built cheap they could end up with a competitive and powerful machine if they go with current mainstream components

Thraktor broke down a shit ton of potential options


... My 2 cents. I think anyone expecting Nintendo to release some cutting edge hardware that is more powerful then current console hardware is living in a house made of playing cards. Nintendo hasn't released hardware more advanced then any other console maker since the Super Nintendo was introduced.


Did you start with the Wii/360 generation?


Junior Member
It's allot more than 3d.

Read the list on my post:

- No motion sickness because it doesn't need cross eye effect.
- You can do it with a 2d tv, that means that the rest doesn't need glasses.
- It's cheap to build
- It can also block the rest of the vision outside the TV screen so that you get the feeling that your are in the game.
- It's headtracking, so it will react on your movement and know where you are.
[0099] Enhancing the VR experience Additional output devices that enhance the experience can be provided. For example, we can put light out that is correlated to the image to provide "ultra wide field of view correlated lighting." Given that your eye does not see clearly in the periphery, this could still be useful and interesting.
[0100] Additionally, smell is a very strong sense. There may be some ways to produce aromas for a very strong experience.
[0101] Virtual wind could enhance the experience.
[0102] Temperature: blowing cool air on your face.

Crazy, and i want it :)

Yeah but I don't think the market will respond to something that essentially requires 3dtv glasses. The market didn't respond to 3dtvs. Seems DOA to me. Doubt this patent will become a real product.
... My 2 cents. I think anyone expecting Nintendo to release some cutting edge hardware that is more powerful then current console hardware is living in a house made of playing cards. Nintendo hasn't released hardware more advanced then any other console maker since the Super Nintendo was introduced.

Someone just lost a good opportunity to not say anything


Yeah but I don't think the market will respond to something that essentially requires 3dtv glasses. The market didn't respond to 3dtvs. Seems DOA to me. Doubt this patent will become a real product.

It aren't 3dtv glassess.
If this small thing is DOA that can do allot more than VR. that means VR and hololens is already dead.
Fuck i dont know why but..

I kind of want another semi-legit leaker

So boring at work today lol

More martyrs like Trev? I am sure there will be more semi-legit leakers appearing before E3, but I would rather like to see Nintendo coming out from their secret chamber before the leaks spoil the surprise.


Which is patenting/marketing bs. All that eyetracking does is move the camera around a little bit to match you're perspective. It gives no real extra effect than simply moving the camera around manually with the analogue stick.

Is this patent similar to the concept seen in this video, but uses a camera for head tracking (like the New 3DS super-stable 3D) instead of WiiMote?

Seeing is believing. Believe. :]


If they are meant to share a library as has been hinted, their priorities should be very similar.

Has it ever been hinted that the two will share a library? If say it's been more speculated based on asset and studio integration. I don't think it's impossible but I no longer think as I once did that it's by any means a certainty. I suspect we'll get a partially shared library with major exclusives for the HH and console each.


Seeing is believing. Believe. :]

Not this shit again. It only looks "3D" in the video because the video itself is 2D. Since the whole video is 2D, you can't tell what is actually 3D within that scene and what 2D drawn to match the perspective. It only works in video. In real life you can easily see that you're just looking at a 2D screen. Perspective correction isn't going to change that.

Edit: If you have a web cam, try out this app and you'll see exactly what I mean. The effect is piss weak at best and in the end you would get the exact same effect just manually moving the camera, since it's all based on the same monocular cues. It's clearly not comparable at all to real stereo 3d.


Has it ever been hinted that the two will share a library? If say it's been more speculated based on asset and studio integration. I don't think it's impossible but I no longer think as I once did that it's by any means a certainty. I suspect we'll get a partially shared library with major exclusives for the HH and console each.

Yeah, I think the shared library idea has been repeated so many times that people basically think it is fact now. It was good evidence based speculation, but still speculation nonetheless.


The thought the Xbox was stronger than Gamecube. However, Gamecube was definitely stronger than PS2.

Xbox was definitely the strongest of that era, but the Gamecube was no slouch. It very much crushed the PS2 and Dreamcast. It always had a perception of being weak to many due to the small, goofy appearance of the console.


It's interesting to discuss VR and 3D, but that said, I don't see Nintendo likely ditching the 3D screen on the handheld, to better fail a third time with it on the home console.
Unless they come close enough to this as a software only (minus the 2nd front camera) solution for stereo-3D backward compatibility. They are able to do research about this at least.

My opinion on Nintendo VR is that they should wait & see, and team up with fb/oculus which is not tied to microsoft or sony or valve (if I'm not mistaking?), and eventually make a cheap VR set themselves when the time comes.


Xbox was definitely the strongest of that era, but the Gamecube was no slouch. It very much crushed the PS2 and Dreamcast. It always had a perception of being weak to many due to the small, goofy appearance of the console.

The black gamecube is probably one of the most appealing console visually of all time IMO. The focus on purple was so stupid.


Xbox was definitely the strongest of that era, but the Gamecube was no slouch. It very much crushed the PS2 and Dreamcast. It always had a perception of being weak to many due to the small, goofy appearance of the console.

From weakest to strongest in my officially accurate scale:

Has it ever been hinted that the two will share a library? If say it's been more speculated based on asset and studio integration. I don't think it's impossible but I no longer think as I once did that it's by any means a certainty. I suspect we'll get a partially shared library with major exclusives for the HH and console each.
They said they wanted something akin to iOS and android which would most likely mean that at least porting between the two is easy
It's on the eshop right now. Remember watching it a bunch during the 3DS launch window so I bought it just now, lol
doesnt work with the 3DS's camera position.


Did you completely sleep through Gamecube/PS2/Xbox?

I don't know where this idea comes from except from people being born in the late 90's who didnt grow up with a Nintendo with competitive HW. Nintendo HW has always been roughly on par with its competition in the past up until the Wii. The Wii and Wii U are the only exceptions to this when they made a lateral move focusing on interfaces instead of hardware performance.
They said they wanted something akin to iOS and android which would most likely mean that at least porting between the two is easy

It's on the eshop right now. Remember watching it a bunch during the 3DS launch window so I bought it just now, lol
doesnt work with the 3DS's camera position.

That's annoying. You should try using a paper mache head on your shoulder or an intricate system of mirrors.


Not this shit again. It only looks "3D" in the video because the video itself is 2D. Since the whole video is 2D, you can't tell what is actually 3D within that scene and what 2D drawn to match the perspective. It only works in video. In real life you can easily see that you're just looking at a 2D screen. Perspective correction isn't going to change that.

Edit: If you have a web cam, try out this app and you'll see exactly what I mean. The effect is piss weak at best and in the end you would get the exact same effect just manually moving the camera, since it's all based on the same monocular cues. It's clearly not comparable at all to real stereo 3d.
But it looks 3D in real, "when it works" says the review: http://kotaku.com/5541044/looksleys-line-up-micro-review-broken-promise
When the game is at its best, images pop from the screen and disappear with a simple turn of your wrist, and the illusion of 3D is simply sublime.

I'll test your link at home, thx.


But in order to achieve the eye tracking effect, wouldn't I have to either move around/towards/away from the tv or adjust the position of the tv? Wouldn't that be pretty impractical?
But in order to achieve the eye tracking effect, wouldn't I have to either move around/towards/away from the tv or adjust the position of the tv? Wouldn't that be pretty impractical?

Basically, this patent isn't as great as it seems. As others have noted, it's nothing like stereo 3D, let alone VR. And people complained about the Wii? Here, you would be craning your neck all over in order to peek around corners/duck for cover/etc.

If this were to be Nintendo's answer to VR (complete w/ cheap wearables for the IR beacons), it would be embarrassing. That being said, I don't think they'll be using it. The other ideas mentioned in this "kitchen sink" patent, like smell-o-vision, are even less likely to be implemented.


Xbox was definitely the strongest of that era, but the Gamecube was no slouch. It very much crushed the PS2 and Dreamcast. It always had a perception of being weak to many due to the small, goofy appearance of the console.

The perception was because when Nintendt released the specs, they (stupidly) used real world performance insfead of theoretical performance. So you you had MS advertising 100M+ polygons, Sony saying 67M, and then Nintendo saying 10-12M.

If the NX is actually stronger than the other two, they should def advertise it. There is a perception amongst most gamers that they only release under powered boxes. They have to actively and directly fight that.


The perception was because when Nintendt released the specs, they (stupidly) used real world performance insfead of theoretical performance. So you you had MS advertising 100M+ polygons, Sony saying 67M, and then Nintendo saying 10-12M.

If the NX is actually stronger than the other two, they should def advertise it. There is a perception amongst most gamers that they only release under powered boxes. They have to actively and directly fight that.

If Nintendo does indeed release a console that is noticeably more powerful than current PS4 and Xbox One hardware (something I'm not really expecting, but would happily embrace), then I fully expect them to flaunt it, since it'd be a considerable change in strategy from their last 2 consoles.

Mr Swine

If Nintendo does indeed release a console that is noticeably more powerful than current PS4 and Xbox One hardware (something I'm not really expecting, but would happily embrace), then I fully expect them to flaunt it, since it'd be a considerable change in strategy from their last 2 consoles.

But would it be even when MS and Sony release a much more powerful revision this year? I don't know if Nintendo can flaunt that if MS and Sony scream high heavens that their new revisions are much more powerful than the NX is. But then again all 3 are basically starting from "zero"


Junior Member
Polaris GPU at 2.5TFlops
Quad core Excavator CPU at 2.5 GHz.

All on a custom APU. Believe.

That ddr4 better be at 3200mhz or faster or I don't want to believe. Or the gpu better have at least 4gb of gddr5. And the ddr4 is system memory and spillover if a game needs more than 4gb of video ram.
If Nintendo does indeed release a console that is noticeably more powerful than current PS4 and Xbox One hardware (something I'm not really expecting, but would happily embrace), then I fully expect them to flaunt it, since it'd be a considerable change in strategy from their last 2 consoles.

Now that is something I very highly doubt.

They will talk about amazing graphics etc for sure, but they will NEVER give us official tech specs and use them in marketing. Whatever they are doing, I doubt they want to be directly compared to the other 2 as their main messaging. It will counter their efforts of standing apart and being different


For me though i think the specs are the following.

Assuming we have 50w to work with because Nintendo is going to stay small form factor and cool. Fab is 14nm.

8 puma cores at 2ghz
16+ CU Polaris cores at 1 ghz. 2 teraflop+
8gb of DDR4 on 256 bit bus. 80-100 gb / sec bandwidth.
64mb edram 512-1024gb/s.

SOC is 50w. Total system tdp is 65W.

First party titles and most ports run at 1080p 60fps without a hitch.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I don't know why you call yourself older gamer when you don't seem to know your history...the N64 was right in line with the PS1 and the GC was soundly stronger than the PS2 (please don't say you thought otherwise)

The "Wii line" are the exceptions and Nintendo seems done with them

In most ways the N64 was more powerful than the PS1, if you could get around the limited texture cache and game storage size that is. There was a z-buffer and anti-aliasing too, though the anti-aliasing could be a llttle heavy handed at times.
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