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Republican Debate 6 [Fox Business] Super PAC Fighter 2 Turbo

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1. Increase Military Spending

2. Repeal Obamacare

3. Defund Planned Parenthood

4. Reduce taxes.

These are the only policy points I ever even hear in these debates, and even then they're just parroted to rile up the base, no actual details are given. The rest of the debate is just dick wagging, bullshit platitudes, and fear mongering about a Democratic win. I mean most of that happened during the Democratic debates to a certain extent, but we didn't even hear fiscal policy discussion tonight, let alone the differences between their fiscal policies. I know plenty of Republicans who are rational, thoughtful people, but I wonder how they can be satisfied with their party at this point? Is spending less in taxes really worth an entire government being reduced to this garbage?


Can someone summarize the exchange where Trump destroyed Cruz about New York?
Trump verbally avenged those wronged in 9/11 through Cruz:



Can someone summarize the exchange where Trump destroyed Cruz about New York?

Cruz was asked to elaborate on his comments that Trump is "too New York", to which he replied that New York is liberal and "you won't find a Conservative in Manhattan". To which Trump replied that New York is a city of great people that came through after 9/11 like no other city in the world could.


Trump has this shit on lock.

The establishment has already been in panic mode for the past month. I imagine the next couple of weeks to look like:



There is going to be fireworks on Sunday. You won't have a civil Democratic Debate. Hillary is going to body slam Sanders into Oblivion.
Can someone summarize the exchange where Trump destroyed Cruz about New York?
Cruz went on a two minute rant about NYC (being a liberal hell hole) and trying to peg that on Trump's lifestyle

Trump countered by taking pride of being from NYC and brought up 9-11, the death of Americans, the sacrifice of 1St responders that day.

Cruz disappeared for 30 minutes after that


Can someone summarize the exchange where Trump destroyed Cruz about New York?

Before the debate, Cruz was talking shit about Trump and his "New York values" to a crowd of Republicans from Bumfuck, USA. Trump responded by saying that New York has amazing values: see the amazing and beautiful response to 9/11. It was a masterful response and one of the most graceful rebuttals to an attack that I've ever witnessed. Of course the crowd that would laugh at "Northeastern liberals" are also the type to be sensitive to terrorist attacks and especially 9/11.

The moderators asked Cruz about this. And Trump did the same thing he did earlier, except somehow made it even more somber. Ted Cruz was visibly shaken by this and to save face, he started clapping at Trump's answer because the alternative is to look like a heartless Canadian that doesn't care about 9/11.


Trump vs Cruz on birtherism was not well handled but it will plant the seeds of doubt on Ted's iligitamacy.

But Trump knocked out Cruz on that stupid un-American anti-New York rant. So much so that Cruz disappeared for 30 minutes.

Jeb! Should stop calling out Trump, he loses everytime
Is there a clip of this?


I feel like being a GOP candidate is about convincing the republican electorate that you're the most horrible person they can vote for.


Before the debate, Cruz was talking shit about Trump and his "New York values" to a crowd of Republicans from Bumfuck, USA. Trump responded by saying that New York has amazing values: see the amazing and beautiful response to 9/11. It was a masterful response and one of the most graceful rebuttals to an attack that I've ever witnessed. Of course the crowd that would laugh at "Northeastern liberals" are also the type to be sensitive to terrorist attacks and especially 9/11.

The moderators asked Cruz about this. And Trump did the same thing he did earlier, except somehow made it even more somber. Ted Cruz was visibly shaken by this and to save face, he started clapping at Trump's answer because the alternative is to look like a heartless Canadian that doesn't care about 9/11.



Trump vs Cruz on birtherism was not well handled but it will plant the seeds of doubt on Ted's iligitamacy.

But Trump knocked out Cruz on that stupid un-American anti-New York rant. So much so that Cruz disappeared for 30 minutes.

Jeb! Should stop calling out Trump, he loses everytime

Seriously. and fuck cruz -- are you running for president of the USA or president of the red states?


That 9/11 reference was the best moment out of all of these debates. Cruz being so damn smug then seeing the rug being pulled out from underneath him is a fucking classic.


Before the debate, Cruz was talking shit about Trump and his "New York values" to a crowd of Republicans from Bumfuck, USA. Trump responded by saying that New York has amazing values: see the amazing and beautiful response to 9/11. It was a masterful response and one of the most graceful rebuttals to an attack that I've ever witnessed. Of course the crowd that would laugh at "Northeastern liberals" are also the type to be sensitive to terrorist attacks and especially 9/11.

The moderators asked Cruz about this. And Trump did the same thing he did earlier, except somehow made it even more somber. Ted Cruz was visibly shaken by this and to save face, he started clapping at Trump's answer because the alternative is to look like a heartless Canadian that doesn't care about 9/11.

LOL! That's fucking perfect. You could totally tell he was thinking about how he could pander to his audience. "Oh shit, I'm supposed to be the ultra patriot... 9/11, they like those people. Quick! Clap like you care!"


It was a terrible blunder for Cruz to double down on the vague regional attack like that.

Say it at a closed door fundraiser, fine. Do not say it on the national stage.


It was a terrible blunder for Cruz to double down on the vague regional attack like that.

Say it at a closed door fundraiser, fine. Do not say it on the national stage.

Considering there are a shit ton of rich conservatives in Manhattan, that was a super fucking stupid attack line.


I seriously doubt you all watched this, but tonight there was a World of Dogs show where youtube dogs, etc. received awards. My kids were watching it.

Anyway, George Lopez was the host. One dog was able to leap over a 8' high wall into it's owner's arms.

Lopez said "can a Mexican kid ride on him and jump over Trump's wall?"

It isn't on Youtube (and probably never will be) but it was amazing.


Catching up on the DVR now. Just checking, our military is still bigger than like the next 10 countries put together, right? If all I watched was Fox News I would think we were down to a couple of biplanes and a dingy.


Considering there are a shit ton of rich conservatives in Manhattan, that was a super fucking stupid attack line.

Oh it's toxic anywhere outside of maybe Iowa, but that's probably Cruz's thinking. Win Iowa, worry about everything else later.
It was a terrible blunder for Cruz to double down on the vague regional attack like that.

Say it at a closed door fundraiser, fine. Do not say it on the national stage.

You can see it in his voice that he was hesitant. Cruz is really smart. He's a harvard grad and argued in front of the supreme court. But there was hesitancy on his part about the new york line. It was specifically tailor made for Iowa caucusgoers. He dun goofed.


1. Increase Military Spending

2. Repeal Obamacare

3. Defund Planned Parenthood

4. Reduce taxes.

These are the only policy points I ever even hear in these debates, and even then they're just parroted to rile up the base, no actual details are given. The rest of the debate is just dick wagging, bullshit platitudes, and fear mongering about a Democratic win. I mean most of that happened during the Democratic debates to a certain extent, but we didn't even hear fiscal policy discussion tonight, let alone the differences between their fiscal policies. I know plenty of Republicans who are rational, thoughtful people, but I wonder how they can be satisfied with their party at this point? Is spending less in taxes really worth an entire government being reduced to this garbage?
I just wish, for just once, a moderator would bring up all the good Planned Parenthood does and that abortion only takes up 3% of it's budget. I hate how all the Repubs are fighting to defund it completely, ugh..

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