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Republican Debate 6 [Fox Business] Super PAC Fighter 2 Turbo

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I just wish, for just once, a moderator would bring up all the good Planned Parenthood does and that abortion only takes up 3% of it's budget. I hate how all the Repubs are fighting to defund it completely, ugh..


The day they finally defund Planned Parenthood will the the day that the abortion rate in this country skyrockets.


That 9/11 reference was the best moment out of all of these debates. Cruz being so damn smug then seeing the rug being pulled out from underneath him is a fucking classic.

Trump defended his home state gracefully there. Will be interesting to see if he still picks Iowa after this.

This is the first time this campaign I've seen Donald Trump give a response that sounded like it came from an actual human being with a firm grasp on reality. The look on Cruz' face at the end when he realizes just how big he had fucked up was delicious. He deserved to get BTFO like that and it had been a long time coming.

God, that's how shitty and slimy of a person Cruz is: I was on Donald Trump's side!


So I didn't watch the debate (not feeling it) but I'm hearing about the Trump vs Cruz clash over New York values. How in the world did Cruz NOT see that coming ? Like seriously?


The more I see Trump, the more I believe he's basically a RINO who is smart enough to to sink to the lowest-common denominator in order to pander to the rubes in Iowa and South Carolina.

He's no different than any other NYC republican: he wants low taxes and limited government intervention. But I think deep down he's a social liberal. There might be a little ingrained Queens racism there, but its basically benign. I don't think someone who believes all the inflammatory and awful things Trump has said would actually say them. That might seem a little counter-intuitive, but his willingness to double and triple-down on everything he says actually makes everything ring a little false.

He knows that to get the nomination, he needs to shift all the way to the right. And I have no doubt that if he gets the nomination, he will shift far to the center.


Trump is a legit threat. His audience knowledge and unrestrained nature is too strong.

Everyone else is a lot easier to handle for the Dem crew.


No Scrubs
The more I see Trump, the more I believe he's basically a RINO who is smart enough to to sink to the lowest-common denominator in order to pander to the rubes in Iowa and South Carolina.

He's no different than any other NYC republican: he wants low taxes and limited government intervention. But I think deep down he's a social liberal. There might be a little ingrained Staten Island racism there, but its basically benign. I don't think someone who believes all the inflammatory and awful things Trump has said would actually say them. That might seem a little counter-intuitive, but his willingness to double and triple-down on everything he says actually makes everything ring a little false.

He knows that to get the nomination, he needs to shift all the way to the right. And I have no doubt that if he gets the nomination, he will shift far to the center.

Fixed that for you.


No, at one point they used to debate actual policies. Now they just make nationalistic appeals and try to get the sickest burn of the night.

Here's Bush and Reagan debating immigration in 1980:

Their answers would unequivocally root them as democrats today.
Yeah, it feels like a freakin "reality show", even the post-analyst started the discussion with who got the "sickest burn of the night".


The more I see Trump, the more I believe he's basically a RINO who is smart enough to to sink to the lowest-common denominator in order to pander to the rubes in Iowa and South Carolina.

He's no different than any other NYC republican: he wants low taxes and limited government intervention. But I think deep down he's a social liberal. There might be a little ingrained Queens racism there, but its basically benign. I don't think someone who believes all the inflammatory and awful things Trump has said would actually say them. That might seem a little counter-intuitive, but his willingness to double and triple-down on everything he says actually makes everything ring a little false.

He knows that to get the nomination, he needs to shift all the way to the right. And I have no doubt that if he gets the nomination, he will shift far to the center.

He's poisoned the well though. Every thing he said about women, minorities etc will be played back in attack ads. He really has no chance to get the pivotal voters he needs to win the whitehouse.


So I didn't watch the debate (not feeling it) but I'm hearing about the Trump vs Cruz clash over New York values. How in the world did Cruz NOT see that coming ? Like seriously?

Cruz was thinking he had Trump against the ropes and could pin him as this elitist out-of-touch RINO. 'He's from New York, what the fuck does he know?'.

Too bad he picked the city that had to deal with 9/11.


He's poisoned the well though. Every thing he said about women, minorities etc will be played back in attack ads. He really has no chance to get the pivotal voters he needs to win the whitehouse.

Yea, probably. But for some reason, he's surprisingly good at the whole, "Well of course I said that back then, I needed to win the nomination" thing. He used that with the birther issue tonight and it works because he has enough of a sense of humor about it.

The great irony, which has been said by many at this point, is that no matter what Trump says, I'm less scared of him as a president than anyone on that stage. If Cruz wins and somehow goes on to win the GE, we're completely fucked.
Cruz main issue is how unlikable he comes across in the way he speaks and presents himself. Trump appears compassionate towards the white working class and emphatic about helping them, Cruz seems like a cold and conniving schemer.


Cruz was riding high after slightly getting the better of Trump in the birther exchange I reckon.

Trump brought him down to earth.


Cruz was thinking he had Trump against the ropes and could pin him as this elitist out-of-touch RINO. 'He's from New York, what the fuck does he know?'.

Too bad he picked the city that had to deal with 9/11.

You have to be a special kind of dumbass to forget about 9/11 though


The more I see Trump, the more I believe he's basically a RINO who is smart enough to to sink to the lowest-common denominator in order to pander to the rubes in Iowa and South Carolina.

He's no different than any other NYC republican: he wants low taxes and limited government intervention. But I think deep down he's a social liberal. There might be a little ingrained Queens racism there, but its basically benign. I don't think someone who believes all the inflammatory and awful things Trump has said would actually say them. That might seem a little counter-intuitive, but his willingness to double and triple-down on everything he says actually makes everything ring a little false.

He knows that to get the nomination, he needs to shift all the way to the right. And I have no doubt that if he gets the nomination, he will shift far to the center.
Even if you're right, it's still absolutely unacceptable and is a different kind of maliciousness and cynicism. Remember, he's a birther and is Donald J. "I have a great relationship with the blacks" Trump.


No Scrubs
Cruz was riding high after slightly getting the better of Trump in the birther exchange I reckon.

Trump brought him down to earth.

Considering Cruz didn't go after him at all after that, Trump did more than bring him down to Earth. Trump buried him, Cruz didn't say shit for 20 minutes after that beat down.


Cruz was riding high after slightly getting the better of Trump in the birther exchange I reckon.

Trump brought him down to earth.

Cruz's reaction is so good. You can see the smile slowly die from his face and he starts glancing at the ground. Then he claps at the applause line like the puppet he is. Afterwhich when Trump says that's an insulting line, Cruz has this smile/grimace at knowing he got played hard and wrecked.


I was surprised that Cruz allowed himself to get in a penny-ante argument with Rubio over VAT taxes. There were glimpses why he is considered a good debater at the beginning of the debate, but his method is smug and obvious. Trump's rebuttal will be the focal point of the night.


I was surprised that Cruz allowed himself to get in a penny-ante argument with Rubio over VAT taxes. There were glimpses why he is considered a good debater at the beginning of the debate, but his method is smug and obvious. Trump's rebuttal will be the focal point of the night.
CNN and MSNBC are both currently talking about that exact moment.
Cruz's reaction is so good. You can see the smile slowly die from his face and he starts glancing at the ground. Then he claps at the applause line like the puppet he is. Afterwhich when Trump says that's an insulting line, Cruz has this smile/grimace at knowing he got played hard and wrecked.

Yeah, Cruz's reactions to Trump's response really added to just how damning Trump's retort was. You don't want to look like you got stomped on and are aware of it, especially with the GOP.
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