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Resident Evil 4: Chainsaw Demo will be available today for download (No Time Limit)


It does but it feels like shit. It’s not a true mouse input and the deadzone is massive.

And no flick stick. The 180 degree turn using flick stick feels way better than the nausea-inducing delayed quick turn they put in this game.

I really don't understand how developers still fuck up gyro aiming.
how hard is it to emulate a freaking mouse? like wtf?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
FYI, turn the button presses from tap to hold.

Not only is it better for the escaping QTEs, but it also means you can just hold RT/R2 down and Leon will keep knifing instead of needing to tap tap tap it. Good for downed enemies.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Everyone saying it blurry turn off Depth of Field
The games uses it aggressively, I personally like it
But I think people are mistaking it for low resolution and blurriness.


I tried to play the demo again on Xbox..

like, it literally is unplayable on Xbox at the moment. you just can't aim with any precision due to the massive deadzone and the weird reaction curve
I’m really sensitive to deadzones and I feel you, the controls feel awful on Xbox, though if you have an Elite, you can improve it a bit by using the instant response curve. If you have a PS5, it’s the inferior version but the controls are better, especially on a DS Edge.

I basically skipped on RE Village because of the garbage aiming. Disappointed they haven’t improved their controls since.


I’m really sensitive to deadzones and I feel you, the controls feel awful on Xbox, though if you have an Elite, you can improve it a bit by using the instant response curve. If you have a PS5, it’s the inferior version but the controls are better, especially on a DS Edge.

I basically skipped on RE Village because of the garbage aiming. Disappointed they haven’t improved their controls since.

I haven't used my elite in a while, can you add a negative deadzone on that? because that would be the only thing to truly fix it.

I know you can adjust the reaction curve but even the best reaction curve would still feel bad with that deadzone in place
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Played a little more this morning. The AI is better in this game in comparsion to the og. Just the little things are starting to crop up on dismemberment and other stuff that's really grabbing me. I like it.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Some more captures from last night, still gotta play through it as I had to turn it off because of the time



I had one animation where Dr. Salvador impaled Leon from behind, and lifted him up into the air.

That's subjective, it controls just fine. If people can get used to tank controls when they go back to play OG RE4, they can get used to the controls here. They're fine. I had to get used to Isaac's clunky movement in Dead Space too. The challenge and difficulty of these games can sometimes be built around the control scheme.
Yes but Leon doesnt get cut up :/


Gold Member
Yes but Leon doesnt get cut up :/
I haven't seen him get cut up from a chainsaw yet. That said who knows if there's different animations from other chainsaw wielding enemies like the sisters.

I have seen him get his head brutally hatched off with a handaxe, and his eyeballs pushed in by a Ganado. The brutal deaths are still there, and in some ways more gruesome. I mean you can argue a chainsaw decapitation is gorier, but watching Leon struggling and being held down while his head slowly gets chopped off by a hatchet is barbaric and disturbing.
PS5 version feels like absolute shit to play but I thought it looked and sounded great, with strong DualSense/3D audio implementation. But my experience with the PC version showed me just how revolutionary Steam Input is.

PC version looks god-tier and after dialing gyro + flick stick that is the version I will play with, easy choice. There is no simply no overstating how revolutionary of a control method that is, it just takes some time to learn how to set it up. It is the perfect middle ground between precision and immersion. Doubt I will ever play a shooter on console again until that is standardized, the gyro aim on PS5 had my hype completely deflated and playing on PC just feels amazing. It's a complete night-and-day difference or me.
As a Steam Input/gyro aiming enthusiast myself, thanks for confirming they work well with RE4R! For the full game I plan to set up the m&k gyro aiming


So excited for RE4R the original was my favorite game of the PS2 and GC generation bought it on PS2 Wii GC PC and PS3 and PS4


I finished the original game with pleasure back in the day. I enjoyed RE2 remake and original too. But this game... I didn't like this one. It has too many enemies but character moves so slowly. I watched the original game again, Leon moves faster on that one. So, I deleted it in 10 minutes. Thanks Capcom for the demo, it's not for me I guess.


Yeah, I hate the black level adjustment thing that Capcom add to their games because even if I set them correctly from the sliders, the black levels still look washed out to me on PC and consoles. The sRGB setting in Resident Evil 2 / 3 Remake more or less fixed that for me on PC but that setting is missing from the PC demo.

Unless you mean a different setting?


I found it too slow, maybe if I play the old game again I won't like it either. Probably my tastes have changed over time.

Yeah. I was never even a huge fan of the original. Spent some time with the demo, and no thanks, this style of game is just not for me.


played and finished the demo 5 times in a row, I see a proper goty contender. Honestly. Every playthrough was different, they took RE4 to the next level. I cannot wait until the final game arrives, this has sooooo much potential.

edit: yeah, the deadzone on the sticks could use some improvements. Thats right.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Couple of things hopefully people also noticed

- There's a deactivated co-op partner prompt in one of the barns near the village entrance, i-e revisiting later with Ashley for treasure sweeping.
- Climbing up the tower in the far end of the village causes the ganados to break it (in the original they just threw molotov's if you climbed it)
- If you do not enter the scripted house for the chainsaw cut-scene, eventually you will always trigger a secondary cut-scene where the chainsaw man busts in from another place, i-e there is no avoiding spawning the chainsaw man unlike the original.
- To "parry" say an enemy charging you with a pitch fork, you don't need to raise the knife at the right point, just having it ready with LB/L1 is enough
- The lamp in the barn where the cow is can be used to burn ganados, so a good tactic is to lure a couple of them in there and burn them together. The rampaging cow can hit a few too.
- The chainsaw *can* and *will* hit and kill the regular enemies, so worth using that tactic as well.
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I liked the demo, but there are certain things that didn't convince me. The shooting mechanics seem to be the same from 2 and 3 Remakes, which I was afraid it would be the case. The shooting just doesn't feel tight like it did in the original, it's floaty and the enemies are bullet-sponges. It was acceptable in 2 and 3 because those were true survival horror games and the aiming-shooting was supposed to be sparse and difficult, but RE4 is an action game first and foremost.

Anyways, I couldn't test it properly because the demo is so short. Maybe it changes once you start improving the guns. Once you have tried shit like TLOU Part II's shooting and melee this just doesn't cut it.
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K' Dash

Gold Member
Couldn't try until today, I'm playing right now on PS5 and it looks really bad, there's lots of shimmering and smudge looking, like low res.

I'm playing performance mode.

I'm going to try it on my Series X and see how it looks, can't wait for DF.


Couple of things hopefully people also noticed

- There's a deactivated co-op partner prompt in one of the barns near the village entrance, i-e revisiting later with Ashley for treasure sweeping.
- Climbing up the tower in the far end of the village causes the ganados to break it (in the original they just threw molotov's if you climbed it)
- If you do not enter the scripted house for the chainsaw cut-scene, eventually you will always trigger a secondary cut-scene where the chainsaw man busts in from another place, i-e there is no avoiding spawning the chainsaw man unlike the original.
- To "parry" say an enemy charging you with a pitch fork, you don't need to raise the knife at the right point, just having it ready with LB/L1 is enough
- The lamp in the barn where the cow is can be used to burn ganados, so a good tactic is to lure a couple of them in there and burn them together. The rampaging cow can hit a few too.
- The chainsaw *can* and *will* hit and kill the regular enemies, so worth using that tactic as well.
there is also a special cutscene when you're getting grabbed by a ganados and the chainsaw guy is nearby and ready to strike. I won't spoil it though. You can kill the chainsaw freak btw, I already did it (unintentional).


Played on base PS4 and looks good? I wasn't expect a good version after they pushing next gen, but is rather nice seeing the PS4 getting some love.


I haven't seen him get cut up from a chainsaw yet. That said who knows if there's different animations from other chainsaw wielding enemies like the sisters.

I have seen him get his head brutally hatched off with a handaxe, and his eyeballs pushed in by a Ganado. The brutal deaths are still there, and in some ways more gruesome. I mean you can argue a chainsaw decapitation is gorier, but watching Leon struggling and being held down while his head slowly gets chopped off by a hatchet is barbaric and disturbing.

I have no clue how this is not in. THIS is RE4.
The original RE4 had some very strange aiming. I hoped they will improve aiming in the remake, but it's even worse now. It's difficult to kill even a single enemy with such floaty aiming, so gameplay feels much worse compared to the original in this aspect.

Graphics looks very good on PC, but I had to use some fidelityfx sharpening to get decent sharpness. I also had no problems with SDR and HDR black levels.


The original RE4 had some very strange aiming. I hoped they will improve aiming in the remake, but it's even worse now. It's difficult to kill even a single enemy with such floaty aiming, so gameplay feels much worse compared to the original in this aspect.

Graphics looks very good on PC, but I had to use some fidelityfx sharpening to get decent sharpness. I also had no problems with SDR and HDR black levels.

the aim in the original was pretty much perfect... not sure what you thought was strange about it tbh.


Gold Member
Looks good and plays well,but it made my PC sound like a jet engine,and it uses more Watts than other games I have played before


Okay, played a little bit of the steam version. It looks great and plays great. I honestly don't understand how people saw this and think RE2make looks better. Unless they played the PS5 version which is plagued with visual issues, the way I hear.

It's tense, and feels amazing. As far as I'm concerned, Capcom did it again.

There are some texture pop-in issues, but I want to believe those will be fixed in the final version, or at least patched.

I must admit I was very worried when I heard some people here, but I think the game looks awesome.


Looks awesome on PC on my rig. Very well optimized. Will try the PS5 version later, I've it preordered so if it really looks that worst I'll cancel it for the PC ver.


I didn't play the whole demo cause I want to go in as fresh as possible, even though I've played the game multiple times already. Playing on PC (4090/13700k), game runs fantastic, never dipped below 115fps and that's with absolutely everything at max, including ray tracing and fov. Aiming feels like almost cheating with m+kb, able to get headshots at good lengths without issue. I was already going to buy it but this solidified my purchase.


Gold Member
Maybe the demo is a good idea beyond building hype and advertising the game. It allows them to view feedback on the game and make tweaks before the launch. They are already addressing the rain. More can make it into a day 1 patch. I really wonder if this is an intentional part of their strategy.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
There need to be a PSA for console players to turn off lens distortion and depth of field

I'll go one farther and turn motion blur off too :D

motion blur: off, DoF: off, lens distortion: off, camera wobble: off, FoV: max expanded, damage indicator: off (that jelly shit should die with Call of Duty 2).



I have no clue how this is not in. THIS is RE4.

I agree if I have a complain I would say that is the chainsaw guy not cutting your head off, that I really miss it. Also the suplex, in the original Leon looked like bruce lee doing it, now like my grandma, lol. Gameplaywise I feel this remake is much better, everything looks more frenetic and enemy aggression really make you feel in a danger, you don't have time to plan a strategy, in the original once known the map you could easily go through enemies fight

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I really don't understand how developers still fuck up gyro aiming.
how hard is it to emulate a freaking mouse? like wtf?
Gyro aiming would make this a day 1 purchase for me if done well.

It should be in literally every game with any kind of projectile weapons.
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