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Resident Evil 4: Chainsaw Demo will be available today for download (No Time Limit)


Until DF and NXG come out with their analyses this will have to do (?) :

Taken from the video description :
PS4: 900p/~45fps
PS4 Pro: Resolution Mode: 2160p/~30fps Performance Mode: Dynamic 1080p/~60fps
PS5: Resolution Mode: 2160p/~60fps Performance Mode: Dynamic 2160p/60fps.

All versions use the same temporal reconstruction technique for resolution that we saw in RE Village. PS5 runs at an average of 1872p in performance mode. - The PS5 version has an advantage in almost all graphical settings. Animations, textures, LOD, lighting, shadows, post-processing effects... Although the oldgen version maintains an acceptable visual quality. - PS5 Resolution mode activates Ray-Tracing by default, but we can enable/disable it even if we choose Resolution or Performance mode. - Ray-Tracing improves the overall lighting of specific areas and reflections as we saw in Resident Evil Village. Its use is quite anecdotal. - On PS5 it is possible to activate a graphics option that improves the physics of Leon's hair and other characters/animals. However, this option causes integration problems with the lighting in certain areas. I recommend not activating this enhancement for now. - PS4/PS4 Pro remove the shadow casting of some elements and light points (especially indoor lamps). - The oldgen versions present some problems in texture loading. - Loading times are 5 times faster on PS5. - General audio uses quite aggressive compression on PS4/PS4 Pro. - The PS5 version supports VRR, although it does not exceed 60fps in any mode.

This site is banned here


Played the demo on PC. Naturally, I ramped everything to the max @4K res, cos I'm a chad (and an idiot, according to 'friends') - I had to disable RT as the D3D crash occurred. Other than that, wow... best PC port by Capcom in a long time, if ever. Zero stuttering, an exhaustive list of options and it looks incredible. Only real gripe is the blacks look a little too crushed in areas. Can't wait for the 24th.


Can’t Git Gud
Played the demo on PC. Naturally, I ramped everything to the max @4K res, cos I'm a chad (and an idiot, according to 'friends') - I had to disable RT as the D3D crash occurred. Other than that, wow... best PC port by Capcom in a long time, if ever. Zero stuttering, an exhaustive list of options and it looks incredible. Only real gripe is the blacks look a little too crushed in areas. Can't wait for the 24th.
So rt tanks the game over time and crashes. Just like re2 rt mode on my 3080. Interestingly, village was fine


Gold Member
Holy shit this game is more violent than the original. I just blew half a Ganado's torso off with the shotgun. Then later I end up dying and I get a death animation where a Ganado holds Leon down while another slows hacks decapitates him with a hatchet. It's live the developers knew how brutal OG RE4 was an wanted to turn it up a notch.

Don't get the complaints I'm seeing either. You'll get used to the controls. Relax and enjoy yourself, the game is gonna be great.


Holy shit this game is more violent than the original. I just blew half a Ganado's torso off with the shotgun. Then later I end up dying and I get a death animation where a Ganado holds Leon down while another slows hacks decapitates him with a hatchet. It's live the developers knew how brutal OG RE4 was an wanted to turn it up a notch.

Don't get the complaints I'm seeing either. You'll get used to the controls. Relax and enjoy yourself, the game is gonna be great.
Why is there no chainsaw gore?


Gold Member
how's the fan noise?
Good Deeds News GIF by Mic


I didn't have too much time to play last night, so I'll have to jump in for more today. Some preliminary thoughts:

- The corpses are fairly creepy to look at, which is a nice feature.
- Leon's grunting every time he aims is hilarious. I honestly can't remember if this is a feature in the original or not, but I feel like it wasn't. I'm quick aiming just to hear him grunt a ton.
- The atmosphere is terrific and my performance on PC has been pretty outstanding thus far. No major complaints.
- I'm okay with small changes here and there, but I do wish the shotgun had more of an oomph factor to it.
- Playing through that village again is like seeing an old friend. Extremely faithful and still quite fun/challenging. Still shows that RE4 charm, so I'm glad it's not lost. We'll have to see how the other areas of the game feel.

I do wonder if some of the complaints are because this demo is from an older build? But I'm not 100% sure on that one. I guess we don't have long to wait to confirm. Even still, if people are having these kinds of issues, you'd think they'd want those to be hammered out in a showcase like this, right before the game is set to release.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Until DF and NXG come out with their analyses this will have to do (?) :

Taken from the video description :
PS4: 900p/~45fps
PS4 Pro: Resolution Mode: 2160p/~30fps Performance Mode: Dynamic 1080p/~60fps
PS5: Resolution Mode: 2160p/~60fps Performance Mode: Dynamic 2160p/60fps.

All versions use the same temporal reconstruction technique for resolution that we saw in RE Village. PS5 runs at an average of 1872p in performance mode. - The PS5 version has an advantage in almost all graphical settings. Animations, textures, LOD, lighting, shadows, post-processing effects... Although the oldgen version maintains an acceptable visual quality. - PS5 Resolution mode activates Ray-Tracing by default, but we can enable/disable it even if we choose Resolution or Performance mode. - Ray-Tracing improves the overall lighting of specific areas and reflections as we saw in Resident Evil Village. Its use is quite anecdotal. - On PS5 it is possible to activate a graphics option that improves the physics of Leon's hair and other characters/animals. However, this option causes integration problems with the lighting in certain areas. I recommend not activating this enhancement for now. - PS4/PS4 Pro remove the shadow casting of some elements and light points (especially indoor lamps). - The oldgen versions present some problems in texture loading. - Loading times are 5 times faster on PS5. - General audio uses quite aggressive compression on PS4/PS4 Pro. - The PS5 version supports VRR, although it does not exceed 60fps in any mode.

On PS5 it is possible to activate a graphics option that improves the physics of Leon's hair and other characters/animals. However, this option causes integration problems with the lighting in certain areas. I recommend not activating this enhancement for now

Yeah, the new strand hair are more 'strandey' but they look worse, especially if you get under some shadows in any tree. The lighting does not play well with them.

Best to turn it off.


Gold Member
Why is there no chainsaw gore?

I had one animation where Dr. Salvador impaled Leon from behind, and lifted him up into the air.

you can't get used to terrible controls

That's subjective, it controls just fine. If people can get used to tank controls when they go back to play OG RE4, they can get used to the controls here. They're fine. I had to get used to Isaac's clunky movement in Dead Space too. The challenge and difficulty of these games can sometimes be built around the control scheme.
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One thing I've not seen mentioned is that we're actually gettign a backstory to Leon between games and KRAUSER is part of it! Thats a great change, in the original he was kinda just there for some reason and hated Leon without ever explaining why


I wouldnt worry too much if the demo has framerate problems. Resi 2 and 3 remakes,, and Village, were incredibly well optimized games at release.
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So rt tanks the game over time and crashes. Just like re2 rt mode on my 3080. Interestingly, village was fine
Adjust the settings so the VRAM usage is not on RED. With it on orange I was able to complete the demo with no crashs, even with RT on.


Gold Member
Tried the game on pc maxed out and PS5. PC version is really well optimized but the PS5 version isnt that bad. People are a bit over exaggerating here. Tweaked some aim settings, HDR. Tried both resolution and performance mode. Performance mode with RT, lens distortion and CA off looks great and a locked 60. A bit soft sometimes but nothing too bad. Also this is capcoms best dualsense implementation yet. Im going with the PS5 version and playing on OLED
I wouldnt worry too much if the demo has framerate problems. Resi 2 and 3 remakes,, and Village, were imcredibly well optimized games at release.

You think ? Thing Is Stuart, i don't remember the demos for RE7, RE8 and RE2RE being this bad, I mean, the IQ was pretty good even before the retail versions (minus some aiming fuckery on the Xbox version for RE8).

This has to be the most cross-gen looking game (and I'm being generous) I've ever played in the past 2+ years since the current gen consoles released.

Things look OK when watching videos on YouTube but, when you start playing on a 4K 55"+ screen it's a whole different matter, shit looks blurry with very visible shimmering to boot.


That's subjective, it controls just fine. If people can get used to tank controls when they go back to play OG RE4, they can get used to the controls here. They're fine. I had to get used to Isaac's clunky movement in Dead Space too. The challenge and difficulty of these games can sometimes be built around the control scheme.

did you play it on Xbox? because if not then you don't know what you're talking about.
while it's still not great on PS5, it's LITERALLY unplayable on xbox.
it is impossible to aim with any precision.

also if you thought Isaac feels clunky then this must be 10 times worse because the movemen controls here are way less precise
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You think ? Thing Is Stuart, i don't remember the demos for RE7, RE8 and RE2RE being this bad, I mean, the IQ was pretty good even before the retail versions (minus some aiming fuckery on the Xbox version for RE8).

This has to be the most cross-gen looking game (and I'm being generous) I've ever played in the past 2+ years since the current gen consoles released.

Things look OK when watching videos on YouTube but, when you start playing on a 4K 55"+ screen it's a whole different matter, shit looks blurry with very visible shimmering to boot.
To be honest i'm not sure how the demo's for the games ran, but the finished games ran brilliantly, on PC anyway.


I do wonder if the "deadzone" issues are tied to an older build of the game. Maybe not fully optimized but who knows. Gonna try both PS5/PC versions today.


Gold Member
did you play it on Xbox? because if not then you don't know what you're talking about.
while it's still not great on PS5, it's LITERALLY unplayable on xbox.
it is impossible to aim with any precision.
I played on the PS5 and PC and had zero issue with the controls. If you had issues with the Xbox I'll take your word for it. I've seen people who played on the Xbox not really bring up the controls. But I haven't personally experienced it.

also if you thought Isaac feels clunky then this must be 10 times worse because the movemen controls here are way less precise

He did feel clunky but it didn't bother me because I understand some control schemes, depending on the player, need to get a little used to.


I do wonder if the "deadzone" issues are tied to an older build of the game. Maybe not fully optimized but who knows. Gonna try both PS5/PC versions today.

I really hope so.
it's crazy how bad it is on Xbox.
this is why the console manufacturers need to take a look at what is possible on PC.

if we could add a negative deadzone to our controllers this could literally be fixed by the user
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I played on the PS5 and PC and had zero issue with the controls. If you had issues with the Xbox I'll take your word for it. I've seen people who played on the Xbox not really bring up the controls. But I haven't personally experienced it.

He did feel clunky but it didn't bother me because I understand some control schemes, depending on the player, need to get a little used to.

I played it on all systems and I can absolutely tell your it's unplayable on Xbox.
and it's still pretty bad on the other systems.

and there are multiple threads about it on the RE subreddit, and I have seen people bring it up on twitter.

so it's not just me.


Bit surprised by all the negativity, onl;y because i expected Capcom to knock this game out of the park, simply because of how beloved the orig game is.
Backlash incoming i feel.
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A big thing to look at with aiming issues on games these days is the aim acceleration. I’m not sure why it’s in games, but I always turn that and deadzones down and aim sensitivity up.

That said, even with aim acceleration all the way down, I noticed inconsistency in aiming that couldn’t be sorted out in RE4. Maybe it’s the devs trying to create aiming challenges?

As for graphics, I played in resolution mode with motion blur, RT, and that stupid lens distortion+CA off. Gives a much cleaner look on XSX.


Gold Member
I played it on all systems and I can absolutely tell your it's unplayable on Xbox.
and it's still pretty bad on the other systems.

See that's where I disagree. I don't think it feels bad. I actually really like the controls. But I'm willing to take your word for it regarding the Xbox.

and there are multiple threads about it on the RE subreddit, and I have seen people bring it up on twitter.

so it's not just me.

I know it's not just you. The subreddit seems pretty glowing across the board though, I just looked there.

The Skull

Game seems to run slight better in the same modes on PS5 than on Xbox series x:



But on reality it plays like shit (with rt off!) on both in resolution mode lol
Other than the back of Leon, his head and body look blurry on series X, it is indeed sharper. Same issue as the Dead Space remake. PS5 using tier 1 VRS maybe?
Tried the game on pc maxed out and PS5. PC version is really well optimized but the PS5 version isnt that bad. People are a bit over exaggerating here. Tweaked some aim settings, HDR. Tried both resolution and performance mode. Performance mode with RT, lens distortion and CA off looks great and a locked 60. A bit soft sometimes but nothing too bad. Also this is capcoms best dualsense implementation yet. Im going with the PS5 version and playing on OLED
it looks goof. the only problem is the checkerboarding lines. All RE games use it on consoles, but this is a much more detailed looking game, so it suffers


Gold Member
I can play on hard to make up for it since my first run is usually on normal. I just hate durability issues in all games.
Same, i absolutely hate this, but infinite parry would break the game even on hard.

The original one wasn't made with infinite parry in mind.


A big thing to look at with aiming issues on games these days is the aim acceleration. I’m not sure why it’s in games, but I always turn that and deadzones down and aim sensitivity up.

That said, even with aim acceleration all the way down, I noticed inconsistency in aiming that couldn’t be sorted out in RE4. Maybe it’s the devs trying to create aiming challenges?

acceleration has to be turned to the max in this to almost disable it.

the other issue is the reaction curve. it starts WAAAY too flat and then ramps up towards the edge like crazy.
now, I am someone who likes a precise curve, my curve in apex is 13 which many high level players would already find too flat on the inner circle, but what Capcom did here is basically equivalent to a 30 curve in apex.

and no they don't try to add challenge to the game with this, they're just incompetent.


Seems to be unnecessarily heavy to run. I had a go with a 1060 for the lulz and even with medium settings and 1080p FSR2 performance, I couldn't sustain 60fps. I mean sure, it's a crap GPU these days, but the village demo was 1080p60 in comparison with much higher settings/resolution and I can't say it looked any worse. No wonder the console versions look so soft with artifacts, probably reconstructing from a pretty low resolution. At least the performance felt solid even with tons of enemies running around, just the occasional stutter I noticed.
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See that's where I disagree. I don't think it feels bad. I actually really like the controls. But I'm willing to take your word for it regarding the Xbox.

I know it's not just you. The subreddit seems pretty glowing across the board though, I just looked there.

the thing is, most people when they play shooters on a controller just set the sensitivity to a super low setting and then when aiming they just SMASH the stick right to the edge as if they're using a digital input, not using it as an anlog input at all.

and people like that will of course not feel this issue as much.

but the issue with playing like this is that you have to rely on aim acceleration, and aim acceleration is disgusting


Seems to be unnecessarily heavy to run. I had a go with a 1060 for the lulz and even with medium settings and 1080p FSR2 performance, I couldn't sustain 60fps. I mean sure, it's a crap GPU these days, but the village demo was 1080p60 in comparison with much higher settings/resolution and I can't say it looked any worse. No wonder the console versions look so soft with artifacts, probably reconstructing from a pretty low resolution. At least the performance felt solid even with tons of enemies running around, just the occasional stutter I noticed.

reduce your shadow settings and ambient occlusion settings.
then turn off FSR2 and try using Interlaced rendering (checkerboarding).

the console versions run a dynamic 4K using checkerboarding. so at the maximum they will render at 1920x2160 and then adjust down from that.
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Gold Member
the thing is, most people when they play shooters on a controller just set the sensitivity to a super low setting and then when aiming they just SMASH the stick right to the edge as if they're using a digital input, not using it as an anlog input at all.

and people like that will of course not feel this issue as much.

but the issue with playing like this is that you have to rely on aim acceleration, and aim acceleration is disgusting

Look I'm guessing you were excited for the game, but the controls and aiming have really upset and brought you down. I really do think you'll get used the controls and end up enjoying yourself. I'm just trying to be optimistic.

A common thing I've been seeing from other places is that some people who didn't like the controls at first, have said it grew on them after playing the Demo a few more times, and now they're having a blast. Just find the version that works best for you on release.


Look I'm guessing you were excited for the game, but the controls and aiming have really upset and brought you down. I really do think you'll get used the controls and end up enjoying yourself. I'm just trying to be optimistic.

A common thing I've been seeing from other places is that some people who didn't like the controls at first, have said it grew on them after playing the Demo a few more times, and now they're having a blast. Just find the version that works best for you on release.

nope, I won't get used to them, you can not get used to them on Xbox.
like I said on PS5 and PC they aren't great but playable. on Xbox it's literally UNPLAYABLE.

that is the issue.

if the final version isn't fixed I'll just play it on PC and be done with it, but I shouldn't have to... sadly japanese devs rarely care about feedback.
Played the demo on PC. Naturally, I ramped everything to the max @4K res, cos I'm a chad (and an idiot, according to 'friends') - I had to disable RT as the D3D crash occurred. Other than that, wow... best PC port by Capcom in a long time, if ever. Zero stuttering, an exhaustive list of options and it looks incredible. Only real gripe is the blacks look a little too crushed in areas. Can't wait for the 24th.

Yeah, I hate the black level adjustment thing that Capcom add to their games because even if I set them correctly from the sliders, the black levels still look washed out to me on PC and consoles. The sRGB setting in Resident Evil 2 / 3 Remake more or less fixed that for me on PC but that setting is missing from the PC demo. I'm not why Capcom do this as other games just look fine on the default settings when I load them up on my PC but their games always require a lot of fiddling around to get them not looking washed out with greyish blacks.
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