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Resident Evil 4 HD Project - Progress Thread


Capcom should be paying you guys for this incredible work.

If there was any justice they would promote the hell out of this saying 'look what our dedicated fan base has done!'

'We have the best fans in the world!'

If for no other reason than it ads immense value to their old product.


I've made half a dozen thanks comments and I'd add another. But instead of just repeating what I've already said I'd like to address the kind of discouragement people entering modding tend to get.

I understand that very very few projects get the kind of effort these gents put in. This an amazing project, the kind of thing I am so happy, lucky, and in awe of.

But even a quick look early in the project you can see a lot of people who project failure. Everybody has a right to say what they want, and many big projects like this do go unfinished. But I have to wonder if the dismissiveness of some folks early in the process doesn't hurt the cause of endeavours like this.

Once again thank you guys so very much. This is a game that deserves to be played for many more years than Capcom's weak ports will allow.
Hello! I've just posted a new buch of screeshots:






















I hope you like them and don't hesitate to comment.
Have a nice Sunday!


I'm assuming the underlighting on Leon's face here is due making the lava a light source? Really cool if so. The other lighting fixes seem like they'll add a lot of atmosphere as well.

Also, holy shit this is a good one. One of the nicest improvements I've seen in the whole mod. When you can clearly see the difference even without full-sizing the thumbnail, you know it's going to be good.
Can I just say thank you for fixing the horrible blob shadows from this PC release?

New light sources look amazing, and texture/geometry work is excellent as always.


As usual this looks incredible. The lighting changes really add something that I felt was missing from the HD release. Holding off my next playthrough until this is finally out!

Any news on Cris and his job situation btw? Hope everything worked out ok.

edit: also just to add, that last pic is amazing, everything gels together and looks natural in a way most HD fan projects don't.
As usual this looks incredible. The lighting changes really add something that I felt was missing from the HD release. Holding off my next playthrough until this is finally out!

Any news on Cris and his job situation btw? Hope everything worked out ok.

edit: also just to add, that last pic is amazing, everything gels together and looks natural in a way most HD fan projects don't.
Thanks for asking! I just completed the third and final certification I was going for earlier this week. That means that the job hunt begins in earnest now. I have a meeting with staffing company next week, and I have some internal leads on a new position with my current company, the problem being that my family would need to relocate in order to take one of those positions. Right now I'm just trying to keep my options as open as possible so that I can choose from the most options available. Hopefully this will be worked out by early March, since that's my last official day with my current company in my current role. Thanks again for asking, I appreciate it!


Congrats, that sounds really good! As someone who has spent the last few years studying towards a professional qualification I can imagine how relieved you must feel :)


Thanks for asking! I just completed the third and final certification I was going for earlier this week. That means that the job hunt begins in earnest now. I have a meeting with staffing company next week, and I have some internal leads on a new position with my current company, the problem being that my family would need to relocate in order to take one of those positions. Right now I'm just trying to keep my options as open as possible so that I can choose from the most options available. Hopefully this will be worked out by early March, since that's my last official day with my current company in my current role. Thanks again for asking, I appreciate it!

Happy to hear!


Capcom should definitely pay you all handsomely for this and release it as an official remaster. It matches or exceeds the quality of what you'd want from an official remaster.


Low Poly Gynecologist
I showed one of my friends the Village demo on PC. He's never played RE4 before. He was fuckin BLOWN away by the game, and the next morning ran out and bought it (unfortunately has to setlle for the Xbox One version =( )

Seeing the game again reminded me how damn cool RE4 is, and how damn great this texture pack is. It was my first time seeing it in motion on my screen and it was stellar.
I wonder, with all these geometry changes that have been made and the new textures being made fit that, there's probably no chance of this being ported to the Wii version after completion?


Low Poly Gynecologist
I wonder, with all these geometry changes that have been made and the new textures being made fit that, there's probably no chance of this being ported to the Wii version after completion?

The textures could be manually ported as it would just be a mapping job of texture A name to texture B name. It'd be a boring project to do if it couldn't be automated though.


I wonder, with all these geometry changes that have been made and the new textures being made fit that, there's probably no chance of this being ported to the Wii version after completion?

I don't think it's worth it. The Steam version will look much better with the 3D fixes and effects, it runs at 60fps, and the Steam controller allows for a better overall control scheme than the Wii remote. Not to mention the game is really cheap to buy on Steam, and if you could run it in Dolphin then you can run the UHD version. There really isn't much reason to play on Dolphin instead of the UHD edition.

I loved the Wii remote control scheme and technically it's a little faster and more precise than using gyro aim with the Steam pad, but the original aiming mechanics are broken by it and the difficulty is unbalanced. I played for the first time using Steam+gryo last year and preferred it. You get the original laser sight aiming and turning, but still have much better aim than dual analog.


I've been following this since the thread's inception as a lurker. God bless you for the incredible work you've been doing.
I don't think it's worth it. The Steam version will look much better with the 3D fixes and effects, it runs at 60fps, and the Steam controller allows for a better overall control scheme than the Wii remote. Not to mention the game is really cheap to buy on Steam, and if you could run it in Dolphin then you can run the UHD version. There really isn't much reason to play on Dolphin instead of the UHD edition.

I loved the Wii remote control scheme and technically it's a little faster and more precise than using gyro aim with the Steam pad, but the original aiming mechanics are broken by it and the difficulty is unbalanced. I played for the first time using Steam+gryo last year and preferred it. You get the original laser sight aiming and turning, but still have much better aim than dual analog.
I already own the UHD version and already prefer the regular control scheme, so I'll be fine. I've played through the game multiple times on a regular pad already, and will continue to do so for many years to come, but the Wii version is fun alternative way to play the game. I don't have a Steam controller so I can't comment on that.

Although, are there any mods that let you play the UHD version with a Gamecube controller?


I showed one of my friends the Village demo on PC. He's never played RE4 before. He was fuckin BLOWN away by the game, and the next morning ran out and bought it (unfortunately has to setlle for the Xbox One version =( )

Seeing the game again reminded me how damn cool RE4 is, and how damn great this texture pack is. It was my first time seeing it in motion on my screen and it was stellar.

You know a game is wonderful when a decade later you still envy people who get to play it for the first time.

I already own the UHD version and already prefer the regular control scheme, so I'll be fine. I've played through the game multiple times on a regular pad already, and will continue to do so for many years to come, but the Wii version is fun alternative way to play the game. I don't have a Steam controller so I can't comment on that.

Although, are there any mods that let you play the UHD version with a Gamecube controller?

I think if you get the official Nintendo USB adapter or the Mayflash one it shows up as an xinput controller which you can use with most anything.


No words. Just insane. This may be the thing that pushes me over the edge to buy a PC lol.

Capcom would become instant favourites with the community if they find a way to reach out and somehow make this official. They're idiots if they don't.


Unconfirmed Member
Amazing stuff fellas, impressive as always :) I'm happy to wait until you fine folks have finished everything, regardless of how long that is be it in another year or two!


I'm honestly surprised the Castle section is getting released in March! The Island will definitely be a unique endeavor. I'll still probably hold off on re-playing RE4 for the 200th time until the finalized texture pack is completed. Well...I guess it wouldn't hurt to replay the game for every texture pack they release. It's not like I won't have an amazingly awesome time!!!

Thank you guys so much for performing this labor of love. I'm happy the Greatest Game Ever Made is getting the love and attention it deserves.


The extra detail for the art assets—paintings, statues, inscriptions—is incredible.

Kudos on the trailer, too! Really well done.


If there's any justice in this world Capcom will buy your work off of you and use it to put out yet another RE4 special edition that I will happily buy yet again for like the 8th time now.


Can't wait! The island section is pretty far along too isn't it? Really can't wait till we see the items and characters get remodeled and textured


Good God this is some amazing work.



The way that the shadows are cast through the iron work to the doors behind; Speechless.

Are those shadows just painted on to the texture or are those cast in realtime? I didn't think RE4's engine's lights had high quality shadow casting abilities like this?
Are those shadows just painted on to the texture or are those cast in realtime? I didn't think RE4's engine's lights had high quality shadow casting abilities like this?
You're probably right in that they're baked in, but still impressive as all hell even if they're "Faked" as the shadows move in relation to the ironwork in front.

The original door was basically one flat surface. I redid it to be two layers: the iron work in front, and the glass surface (with painted-on shadows) placed slightly behind it. It was one of the most satisfying revisions for me. :)
Ah I thought that's how you did it.

Bravo Chris & Albert, the attention to detail is through the roof.
Are those shadows just painted on to the texture or are those cast in realtime? I didn't think RE4's engine's lights had high quality shadow casting abilities like this?
The original door was basically one flat surface. I redid it to be two layers: the iron work in front, and the glass surface (with painted-on shadows) placed slightly behind it. It was one of the most satisfying revisions for me. :)


After seeing that trailer, this is now my most anticipated game of the year.

And it's simply a mod. Amazing work guys.

You've went above and beyond.


The original door was basically one flat surface. I redid it to be two layers: the iron work in front, and the glass surface (with painted-on shadows) placed slightly behind it. It was one of the most satisfying revisions for me. :)

Phenomenal work though. It definitely looks incredible!


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I've learned about this just as I'm about to finish RE4. Why. Why.
Guess I can always replay the game with the infinite machine-gun
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