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Resident Evil 4 HD Project - Progress Thread


No? Which companies go after texture mods?

I have no idea. Did you watch the interview? Sounds like people can get screwed over for the smallest amount of modifications. By the sounds of it it's not the textures that would be the problem, it's the working with a brand and IP that's not originally yours.

Some monumentally shortsighted companies go after fan games but I can't think of any that go after texture mods of existing games.

They bring up Project M, the Smash Bros mod, which got taken down by Nintendo, that's one example. Not a texture mod exactly, but a fan modification nonetheless.

I'm not the one that can answer these questions either. The whole thing I found interesting was here's an actual lawyer explaining something from their perspective. It was interesting and thought it applied here. It spooked me a bit as I love this project.


I think Nintendo's a special case when it comes to this stuff. They're awful.

Proving exactly the point the guy makes in the video that everyone thinks only Nintendo will go after people.

My thought is one would want some more confirmation other than "Well who except a shortsighted company would go after us?" That's the kind of attitude that could easily find you in trouble if apart of a fledgling entity running off donations.

Again, did you watch the video? I feel like I'm having a discussion here based on what I typed and not what was said in the video, which I feel hits a lot more points regarding modding and companies general thoughts on these kinds of projects.


Proving exactly the point the guy makes in the video that everyone thinks only Nintendo will go after people.

My thought is one would want some more confirmation other than "Well who except a shortsighted company would go after us?" That's the kind of attitude that could easily find you in trouble if apart of a fledgling entity running off donations.

Again, did you watch the video? I feel like I'm having a discussion here based on what I typed and not what was said in the video, which I feel hits a lot more points regarding modding and companies general thoughts on these kinds of projects.

Well this is unfortunately very small evidence but Capcom themselves have pinned the HD texture project on their RE4 Steam forum.
With all the insane amount of money some patrons make, I'm shocked by how little donations this has. Maybe people are waiting for them to finish?

This was my original stance and then I donated a few months back.

Resident Evil 4 (PC) |OT| Now in super HD, Capcom pinned to RE4 Steam forum, it's going to be alright
And here comes... the final rooms!
That water was a real pain... I don't know if it's possible to optimize further its look...

Take a look at our website for extra info:
























Ridiculous work as always.

I was gonna say you're on the final stretch now, but then I remembered you're planning to re-do all the character textures too. Man... no one can say you were unambitious, haha.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Now just the models/characters remain and we are done right ?

This is just the first sweep, they will be going all over the Island again and fixing up/finalizing things, as described before the process is usually going over some things multiple times.

But they are getting close to tackling the models, which I wish them luck since obviously those are more challenging and have some pretty big shoes to fill with their hard work, but I'm excited to see them.

However, even after that there's still the work to be done for the Mercenaries/Ada campaign stuff for example.
The view on the exploding island is fantastic. Such a minor and unimportant scene that's only two or three seconds long and you polished it up so much, amazing. I could swear those are entirely new, better building models rather than just a texture swap.
Thank you for the comments!
Now we must apply extra 3D edits, lighting and effects to the Village areas. Cris is now doing the second revision to the final Castle stages and then the Island rooms.
After this we'll do the enemies, characters, weapons, items and menus

The Extra games will be easy, other than 2 or 3 new stages, the others will be a copy-paste work

The view on the exploding island is fantastic. Such a minor and unimportant scene that's only two or three seconds long and you polished it up so much, amazing. I could swear those are entirely new, better building models rather than just a texture swap.

Yep, I added real 3D structures up there :)


Thank you for the comments!
Now we must apply extra 3D edits, lighting and effects to the Village areas. Cris is now doing the second revision to the final Castle stages and then the Island rooms.
After this we'll do the enemies, characters, weapons, items and menus

The Extra games will be easy, other than 2 or 3 new stages, the others will be a copy-paste work

Yep, I added real 3D structures up there :)

I am pumped to see what the redone characters and weapons look like


It's great to see how far this has come along. I was planning, like a number of others, to wait until the project was finished to play the game again, but a month or two ago I ended up doing what I always do with RE4: everything possible. But that won't stop me taking a leisurely infinite weapon wielding stroll through the game when the time comes.


Excellent work as always, guys. I'm looking forward to the completed mod and final release more than ever. Will you do a release of the mod for the entire campaign after you finish the model and menus/UI?


It's always a huge treat to see these updates, but it's pretty surreal to see the ending of the game finally overhauled. The new modeling work makes a huge difference in these shots:

The low res, ugly 2D elements make the original screens look really dated, but the new chains and towers totally bring it up to date. I also get to compliment you on the new skies, which we don't see very often. I feel like the clouds could be just a bit puffier and closer to the original type, though.

Otherwise, one small nitpick here:
There's a little bit of grit lost on the objects in this shot, like the deep cracks and dents on the black and yellow pillar or the giant rust spot on the metal sheet in the back. Those objects are just a little too clean now for my liking.

Really impressive work all around. I'm eager to see what you do with the village revisions, since the few we've seen so far were pretty big leaps.
I feel like the clouds could be just a bit puffier and closer to the original type, though.

Otherwise, one small nitpick here:

There's a little bit of grit lost on the objects in this shot, like the deep cracks and dents on the black and yellow pillar or the giant rust spot on the metal sheet in the back. Those objects are just a little too clean now for my liking.

Really impressive work all around. I'm eager to see what you do with the village revisions, since the few we've seen so far were pretty big leaps.

I agree! I like the sky how it looks now but this specific portion looks a little different. It's not a big deal but I'd like to fined a more fitting kind of clouds. So, we'll try it again during future revisions.

The same with the other 2 comments! We'll surely will refine them at some point :)

Thank you!!

Have you guys considered setting up a Patreon page? A bit late into the game now but if they're not difficult to set up, you might be pleasantly surprised. I'd certainly subscribe.
I think they Albert and Cris should make a Patreon page indeed.
I'm at work and I forgot my wallet today, but you better believe I'm dropping a donation when I get home. It's a crime that they're not at least breaking even.

Why not set up a Patreon, guys?
Hey guys! Quick question re: Patreon. A few folks have recommended that we start an account up as a donation platform, but we're wondering if / why there's a preference for that over Paypal (since Paypal seems to have been working and allows you to sign up for monthly contributions if you want). Any opinions out there? Or is there something we're not considering? Maybe there's something really important that we're not thinking of?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Hey guys! Quick question re: Patreon. A few folks have recommended that we start an account up as a donation platform, but we're wondering if / why there's a preference for that over Paypal (since Paypal seems to have been working and allows you to sign up for monthly contributions if you want). Any opinions out there? Or is there something we're not considering? Maybe there's something really important that we're not thinking of?

Patreon has a lot more visibility.


Rodent Whores
Hey guys! Quick question re: Patreon. A few folks have recommended that we start an account up as a donation platform, but we're wondering if / why there's a preference for that over Paypal (since Paypal seems to have been working and allows you to sign up for monthly contributions if you want). Any opinions out there? Or is there something we're not considering? Maybe there's something really important that we're not thinking of?

It's just easier for a lot of people. It also consolidates and helps keep track of everyone that a particular person is supporting all in one convenient place.
Patreon has a lot more visibility.

It's just easier for a lot of people. It also consolidates and helps keep track of everyone that a particular person is supporting all in one convenient place.

Thank you both! It sounds like it's not so much an "anti-Paypal" thing as it is a "this is easier and how I'm used to managing my giving" thing.

Re: visibility, that makes sense -- though if we use it we wouldn't be branding the account with ResEvil in any way, so that might not be applicable here.


This might not be possible, but could you alter the Ashley section so that you can toggle between the Japanese 1st person and International 3rd person camera angles by using the aiming button? I've always wanted to use the classic camera angle in that area.
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