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Resident Evil 4 - Ultimate HD Edition |OT| Welcome back, stranger!


Junior Member
But on Pro mode I will be forced to buy and upgrade at least the handgun? And also keep the grenades and herbs cause I dont think I can get through all the enemies with just a handgun, right?
Oh, I assumed you had a few upgraded guns (striker, red 9) after the first run. And I didn't mean sell your guns.


I haven't played as much recently, but I'm on my third runthrough of the game and I have the Handcannon fully upgraded, the PRL 412, and the chicago typewriter. I'm almost at another 1,000,000 pesetas to purchase the infinite launcher. Then I'll truly have the ultimate inventory!


Have to say, this game is tougher then my memory serves me. My girlfriend is catching me screaming odd lines like "keep ducking and killing me asshole!" from the other room.

Played the GC and PS2 versions religiously. Tried the entire PC + texture pack vs. Dolphin mess and got fed up with the work. So it's been awhile since I did a full play-through.

Game looks pretty good with the HD upgrade. Less stand-out gaudy textures then the packs for previous PC version but a lot of low res hurts the visual experience. Mouse controls are OK but I hate the QTE. The mouse shake doesn't register well. QTE's are garbage regardless. I also find that Leon "spazzes out" with the mouse controls too often. There is a trick to having the mouse focused on a specific field while doing quick-turns and navigating KB + mouse. I haven't found the trick yet though and end up staring at room corners, enjoying the paint work.

I had an early chainsaw death and then saw better drops... So I assume the game dumbs down when you perish. I'm not sure I realized this years ago unless I'm imagining things. Regardless, I'm now not continuing, not to drop my death count, but to stop difficulty assisting. Too lazy to research the truth.

Parts still suck. Boat controls and escort missions come to mind. Took me a bit to figure out that the turn part you do with Del Lago is a dodge and fire, not a free shot. So you have to give the boat a little turn. Led to some frustration. Then I took him out with no damage once that puzzle was solved. Ashley is OK if you just have her hold position way way back. Pretty pointless though. Oh and Luis, house scene. Can you not jam into corners and constantly duck, not assisting in any way, cause you are jamming my line of sight? Thx buddy, I'm not invincible like you.

El Gigante round 2 with 80% health, one body slam, I'm dead... Shesh. Ended up taking him out with a Red 9 and no damage though, which was rewarding. Chainsaw fanatics who take a truck load and one smacks you. The merch when he sees you have too many herbs and won't part with the spray. The head craps which spawn sometimes with a shot lower then a head shot. Doesn't seem right.

All that said and less then 4hrs in again, this game is a fucking MASTERPIECE. I don't even know why I would go next-gen or upgrade my GPU when I have RE4. 3rd on the all-time list for me.

Looks like I'm right and there is sliding difficulty. No thanks Capcom. Give me death or give me victory.

"In Resident Evil 4, playing well will increase the amount of spawned enemies and improve their AI; conversely, playing poorly and dying often reduces the number of foes and disables most of their AI. Ammo and health item rarity is also affected by dying."


Sometimes it feels like the running-sequence is a bit fucked up, cuase Im smashing the X-button as hell but Leon won't run fast enough, and then statue salazar runs me over. Is it just me?


Looks like I'm right and there is sliding difficulty. No thanks Capcom. Give me death or give me victory.

"In Resident Evil 4, playing well will increase the amount of spawned enemies and improve their AI; conversely, playing poorly and dying often reduces the number of foes and disables most of their AI. Ammo and health item rarity is also affected by dying."

In professional the foes are always with max aggressiveness.


Sometimes it feels like the running-sequence is a bit fucked up, cuase Im smashing the X-button as hell but Leon won't run fast enough, and then statue salazar runs me over. Is it just me?
I feel the same with some QTEs, especially the mouse shake. They don't feel like the console versions in response.
In professional the foes are always with max aggressiveness.
I'm waiting to clear normal and then I'll move on to it. I still wish normal difficulty didn't scale. To me it cheapens that play-through where you are rusty from the last time you played.
Looks like I'm right and there is sliding difficulty. No thanks Capcom. Give me death or give me victory.
Yeah, I too also always retry at the last save point because of this. I wish you could turn off the adaptive difficulty, I enjoy overcoming a challenge. Die a couple times in the Water Room and the crossbow Ganados won't spawn anymore, fuck that.


Yeah, I too also always retry at the last save point because of this. I wish you could turn off the adaptive difficulty, I enjoy overcoming a challenge. Die a couple times in the Water Room and the crossbow Ganados won't spawn anymore, fuck that.

I would like an option too.


I think I'm done for a while. In the future I'll come back and play mercenaries.



Played about 8 hours of this so far, great game.

I did however beat this game several times before this version came out, so it's quite interesting I was able to get more play time out of a game I've played so many times before.
Aahh pro mode done, was going fine without a TMP until about 2/3's of the way through .... being given plenty of TMP ammo but nothing else :( Had to buy one, was dying too much ....


Question, since this is running on DX 9 now, is it possible to add shaders not possible or in the original GC version of the game? I know textures can be improved, but never seen a hack that added more shaders like normal mapping to a game.


Question, since this is running on DX 9 now, is it possible to add shaders not possible or in the original GC version of the game? I know textures can be improved, but never seen a hack that added more shaders like normal mapping to a game.

Think it already been done, at least at some level of approximation:


Edit: Or you are not talking about the missing effects, but new effects. In that case I don't know; think textures needs, in some way, to support it also.


Just pissed myself, used all my healing items, and killed verdugo for the first time. Then the game crashes.

So damn mad. Fucker is scary.
Looks like the public beta has been turned off and patch beta patch 1.0.4 will be released shortly.

wbacon said:
Hey guys,

A new 1.0.4 beta should be going out very soon provided we don't find any obviously broken issues.

The public beta branch is being turned off for now (you're forced back to the public 1.0.2) as we begin to upload the new build.

There's a host of fixes, tweaks, and a config.ini-based option included. Full list will be revealed with the official beta 1.0.4 announcement...shortly. Please stay tuned!

I only half remembered the regenerators from my decade ago play through. I remembered how they needed to be killed but I didn't have the particular item needed to do it properly when I ran into the first set. I figured blowing off a leg would give me enough time to get around one and move onto the next room. That was a mistake that almost made me shit my pants. Holy shit, that attack made me jump.


Beta patch 1.0.4 out:

Change log
Fixes & Tweaks:
1. Changed “locked” mouse sensitivity during Del Lago fight, binocular and turret sequences – it should now be properly affected by settings.
2. Fixed a general bug influencing drop rates in all game modes (grenades should now drop properly for Hunk in Mercenaries mode, and ammo drops overall should now be more consistent – this should resolve problem with rifle ammo drops).
3. Fixed the speed at which the battleship sinks in chapter 4 of Separate Ways/Another Order in 60fps mode.
4. Re-enabled yellow glow on lamps, torches etc.
5. Fixed the frequency at which Louis supplies ammo during the siege sequence in Chapter 2-2 in 60fps.
6. Fixed the bug for K&M controls causing Leon to stand still when Ashley or Mike speaks.
7. Implemented a fix for X+A QTEs removing the necessity to press the two buttons at the exact same time.
8. Fixed aim reset when X+C QTEs pop up for K&M controls.
9. Fixed "warped" laser sight bug from 1.0.3 from for "Modern" control scheme.
10. Fixed the speed of rolling clouds in 60fps.
11. Fixed the additional camera flash appearing during the church cutscene (end of Chapter 2-1) when replaying the scene in Movie Browser.
12. Fixed the flare effect piercing Saddler in the Final Chapter cutscene.
13. Fixed the bug causing weapons to float in the air.
14. Fixed flares piercing walls in the church.
15. Added controller vibration for machine guns and automatic pistols (TMP, Typewriter and Matilda)
16. Improved lens flare effect.
17. Added missing sound of splashing water when running back through the cave in chapter 2-2.
18. Mouse sensitivity settings retuned again - now the levels should be similar as in 1.0.2.

New Feature:
X+C QTE can now be customized for Mouse and Keyboard controls. X+C QTE can be customized by editing usr_input.ini located in (...)/Documents/My Games/Capcom/RE4/ folder.

In order for the usr_input.ini to appear in the folder one has to enter K&M control settings, change any of the bindings (can be changed to the same value)
and exit the menu.

To change the keys used in X+C QTEs two stings ["KEY_1 = 00000" and "KEY_2 = 00000" (X and C accordingly)] listed under ###KEYBOARD have to be altered. 00000 value can be changed to any of the ones listed below (without quotation marks).

When changing the value make sure that your keyboard has the keys you intend to use for the QTEs!

X+A QTEs fixed, huzzah!
Ahh so the X+A issue had to do with timing the press ultra-precisely at that same time, not necessarily too tight a window. That makes sense. That was weird. Triggers were never a problem X+A were a coin toss.


So the 1.0.4 beta patch is supposed to add vibration to the TMP, Typewriter, and Matilda, but I don't get any vibration when using the TMP in Mercs and Assignment Ada. Other weapons are just fine. This is on a DS4 which has had zero issues with RE4 so far. Anybody else have the same issue?


So did Capcom purge the thread with the specular fix from the forum? Can't find it and any links in this thread just redirects back to the front page of the forum.


Picked up the game this past weekend, been noticing slowdown in some spots, not sure why, I guess my pc is starting to show its age. I'm not particularly sensitive to frame-rate issues, but this is like really noticeable , like cut in half.


Picked up the game this past weekend, been noticing slowdown in some spots, not sure why, I guess my pc is starting to show its age. I'm not particularly sensitive to frame-rate issues, but this is like really noticeable , like cut in half.

Turn off in-game AA. You can force through drivers if you wish.
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