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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!


At this point I'm betting on Outbreak being the "big" title for the year and RE7 next year. There's no way they can announce it at E3 and release RE7 this holiday unless someone is paying big bucks for advertising or they want to go out and die. Even COD games get announced before E3.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
At this point I'm betting on Outbreak being the "big" title for the year and RE7 next year. There's no way they can announce it at E3 and release RE7 this holiday unless someone is paying big bucks for advertising or they want to go out and die. Even COD games get announced before E3.

Man, if we get Outbreak I'm gonna flip the fuck out

(in a good way)

I've been afraid to hope for Outbreak, but you're right it is getting late for RE7
I never played the Outbreak games. I would love even if they just rereleased them as PS2 Classics on the PS4 with the online functionality restored.

I hope they do more than just emulation. The games are a relic of their time in some ways, and could use some new features. They should really add voice chat, for example. It's become an expected feature nowadays in online co-op games. The voice presets were kinda goofy in a fun way, but I always had trouble remembering all of the command shortcuts.

Oh and releasing it only as a PS2 Classic would mean it'd be PS4-only. No PC. :(


I hope they do more than just emulation. The games are a relic of their time in some ways, and could use some new features. They should really add voice chat, for example. It's become an expected feature nowadays in online co-op games. The voice presets were kinda goofy in a fun way, but I always had trouble remembering all of the command shortcuts.

Oh and releasing it only as a PS2 Classic would mean it'd be PS4-only. No PC. :(

They were basically all 3D if memory serves right so upscaling to 1080p would be easy for them. Recall doing that with PCSX2 and my copy looked great.
But yeah a few updates here and there would be great. With online and voice chat being necessities. Since for old school players just keep the option to make rooms and disable voice chat. While still offering a match making or "cycle mode" like RE6 has. Also the load time issues back on the ps2 should be non-existent on newer hardware.


Wouldn't party chat on PS4 negate the need for Voice Chat in game? You'll have to excuse my ignorance, I do almost all of my multiplayer gaming on Xbox One, and have had many cross game chats before with my friends.
It also just occurred to me that a re-release would make it possible to record live network data again, which would (theoretically) make it much easier to reverse-engineer the servers for the two games. Apparently no one bothered to capture server packets for the North American or Europe versions of the original PS2 games which is why the current PS2 private server is only for NTSC-J. If Capcom ever decided to pull the plug on the HD servers, fans will (hopefully) have an easier time starting up private servers next time around. It'd mean the games would remain alive potentially... forever! Hopefully Capcom keeps official servers alive for a looooong time though.

Also the load time issues back on the ps2 should be non-existent on newer hardware.

Yeah. The load times were the only thing I hated about the original games (I didn't wanna buy the HDD just for two games), but despite them I somehow still managed to have fun. With load times gone, the games will be so much easier to appreciate. The load times really hurt them in reviews back in the day.

IGN gave Outbreak a 7.6/10, and two of the reasons cited were the load times and the lacking communication options. Two things they can fix relatively easily today.

Wouldn't party chat on PS4 negate the need for Voice Chat in game? You'll have to excuse my ignorance, I do almost all of my multiplayer gaming on Xbox One, and have had many cross game chats before with my friends.

Don't own a PS4, maybe someone else can answer that. I imagine they'd probably just reuse whatever voice system they used in the last few co-op RE's.


Wouldn't party chat on PS4 negate the need for Voice Chat in game? You'll have to excuse my ignorance, I do almost all of my multiplayer gaming on Xbox One, and have had many cross game chats before with my friends.

It does, but having it in game as well would be a nice addition. So you wouldn't have to invite randoms you're playing with to a party chat on any platform. If it got a PC the feature would especially be needed.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
To make Outbreak work, they'd need to remake elements of it. The whole game is in 3D, so that element is a bit easier. The thing that needs work would be the netcode, but there is reason to believe the netcode is modifiable. Both the Japanese and the English version of Outbreak had completely different online systems and netcode as it were.

Outbreak I've held off all this time fully playing for such a remaster to occur, since I want to experience it online. I really do hope Outbreak HD happens, I and my friends would be so on-top of that if it were to happen.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
To make Outbreak work, they'd need to remake elements of it. The whole game is in 3D, so that element is a bit easier. The thing that needs work would be the netcode, but there is reason to believe the netcode is modifiable. Both the Japanese and the English version of Outbreak had completely different online systems and netcode as it were.

Outbreak I've held off all this time fully playing for such a remaster to occur, since I want to experience it online. I really do hope Outbreak HD happens, I and my friends would be so on-top of that if it were to happen.

Outbreak was ahead of its time with all of the online stuff. I didn't get to experience that at the time, and would love a chance to play in a modern net ecosystem.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
But who is the best piano player? Jill, Rebecca, or... Nemmy?



Does his best thinking in the flying car
Saw that on the RE twitter, pretty funny :p

Capcom's the only company I know that actually posts/promotes fanmade Gmod pics based on their games. They even posted a link to the Gmodder's deviantart.

Yeah, they post a lot of fan art and cosplay. I like it.

I've been playing RE6 (Jake-2). Having more fun than I did when it came out. Mainly from trying to make the most of the controls, I think.

Lol, my Jake just killed Sherry four times opening those airlock doors. She was just kind of chilling when I got the last door open.

My stick waggling skills aren't at a competitive level. It's too bad those doors are at the very end of the level, sucks to lose an S-Rank at the very end.
Hey everyone, new around here (2nd post)

I've been a RE/Biohazard fan since i was a kid. The first one i played was 3 when i was 10 years old but my first approach to the series was when my older brother was trying RE1 and i didn't want to watch the tv, specially after the scene where the first zombie appears... lol

Here's hoping that RE7 delivers (didn't really liked 6)



Does his best thinking in the flying car

Thanks for posting. It's interesting that he uses the word "entertainment" to describe the evolution of the series from 4 on... I think he uses the term to describe what we usually call an increased action focus

LOL, don't those people watch any movies? No way that can turn out well.

Hey everyone, new around here (2nd post)

I've been a RE/Biohazard fan since i was a kid. The first one i played was 3 when i was 10 years old but my first approach to the series was when my older brother was trying RE1 and i didn't want to watch the tv, specially after the scene where the first zombie appears... lol

Here's hoping that RE7 delivers (didn't really liked 6)


Welcome to GAF (and REGaf)! The dogs always got me. That and hearing a hunter offscreen. Yikes.

Yeah, I think everybody is waiting to hear about 7. Strange we've come so far without a word.
Thanks for posting. It's interesting that he uses the word "entertainment" to describe the evolution of the series from 4 on... I think he uses the term to describe what we usually call an increased action focus

LOL, don't those people watch any movies? No way that can turn out well.

Welcome to GAF (and REGaf)! The dogs always got me. That and hearing a hunter offscreen. Yikes.

Yeah, I think everybody is waiting to hear about 7. Strange we've come so far without a word.

Thanks!! Yeah, those freaking dogs jumping from outside... damm lol
Yeah, it's weird, Capcom hasn't said anything about 7.. we only know that right after 6 launched they started working on it. Really hoping to see Jill back

BTW, Is there a way to know if i have been quoted??


Thanks!! Yeah, those freaking dogs jumping from outside... damm lol
Yeah, it's weird, Capcom hasn't said anything about 7.. we only know that right after 6 launched they started working on it. Really hoping to see Jill back

BTW, Is there a way to know if i have been quoted??

Sadly there isn't. All you can do is check threads you posted it. As for RE7 really hope it's at E3. Would make the most sense to give us something there at this point. Considering it's the 20th anniversary and all
Sadly there isn't. All you can do is check threads you posted it. As for RE7 really hope it's at E3. Would make the most sense to give us something there at this point. Considering it's the 20th anniversary and all

Thanks for the answer.
Yeah, it's the 20th anniversary and the only thing that "celebrates" it, is Umbrella Corps (meh) not counting the remasters... E3 is the place to reveal 7!!

I've been wondering who might end up being the main character this time, maybe Rebecca since she's coming back on Vendetta. I really hope that they don't use Leon or Chris once again


Does his best thinking in the flying car
People need to stop saying this. It is factually false and the reality was quite the opposite.

I'm open to being educated, but you aren't giving me anything to work with. You don't consider Outbreak an ambitious title, particularly in the console space?
Imma need some news about Resident Evil 5 for PS4 stat! Like, when is it coming? "Summer"? What is that? June, July, August?

I'm still playing RE6 daily and having fun but my Jill abstinens is starting to kick in.


What concept? A co-op game with adventure game gameplay? No there were only a few hundred very popular ones by that point.

I've been google searching but I cannot find anything that even remotely plays like Outbreak. The closest being the Left 4 Dead series, but that was years later.

You mind listing some titles?


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Imma need some news about Resident Evil 5 for PS4 stat! Like, when is it coming? "Summer"? What is that? June, July, August?

I'm still playing RE6 daily and having fun but my Jill abstinens is starting to kick in.

My roommate & I were just talking about that. We've couch co-oped through the campaigns & are ready for more RE. I've gotta admit that I've had way more fun with RE6 than I originally had when it came out. Embracing the controls makes a huge difference in the experience. I still think the game has major issues with tone and pacing, but I can't deny that it's a lot of fun. I think one reason Leon's campaign really shines is that the encounters encourage melee more than some of the more gun-centric gameplay of, say, Chris's campaign (even though I like Chris's conclusion, story-wise).

I'm ready to grind for weapon upgrades in RE5. So satisfying
Imma need some news about Resident Evil 5 for PS4 stat! Like, when is it coming? "Summer"? What is that? June, July, August?

I'm still playing RE6 daily and having fun but my Jill abstinens is starting to kick in.

Yeah! we need some news about RE5. It would be great if Capcom made the mercenaries characters like Jill and Wesker playable on M Reunion... but that's just wishful thinking.
I've been google searching but I cannot find anything that even remotely plays like Outbreak. The closest being the Left 4 Dead series, but that was years later.

You mind listing some titles?

L4D nothing like it, is a pure action-shooter. Pretty much any online adventure game did what Outbreak did, it's nothing but very basic adventure game gameplay, explore an area and collect keys to unlock doors, occasionally killing a monster or boss to proceed. Even FPS games of the late 90s/early 2000s still used adventure game gameplay before the genre turned into nothing but shooting. A lot of online adventure games would get labled as RPGs also since they usually added a leveling system.

Off the top of my head games like Hexen II, Heretic II, System Shock II all feature campaign co-op with adventure game gameplay present and those are from the 90s. System Shock the better example of the three.

Outbreak sure looks different due to the RE skin, but gameplay wise it wasn't anything new.


L4D nothing like it, is a pure action-shooter. Pretty much any online adventure game did what Outbreak did, it's nothing but very basic adventure game gameplay, explore an area and collect keys to unlock doors, occasionally killing a monster or boss to proceed. Even FPS games of the late 90s/early 2000s still used adventure game gameplay before the genre turned into nothing but shooting. A lot of online adventure games would get labled as RPGs also since they usually added a leveling system.

Off the top of my head games like Hexen II, Heretic II, System Shock II all feature campaign co-op with adventure game gameplay present and those are from the 90s. System Shock the better example of the three.

Outbreak sure looks different due to the RE skin, but gameplay wise it wasn't anything new.

But those are PC games. When people say it was ahead of it's time, they were referring to the console space. Back then consoles were as far away from PC gaming as you could get. Online was still in it's infancy. The fact that we needed a hard drive just to normalize the load times was also completely new for the console space and did not last long since Sony discontinued it less then a year after release.
If the game had been released on the PS3 or 360 it might have reached a larger audience since the infrastructure was there for it by default. Hell the online would probably still be active today like RE5 and RE6 still is.
But those are PC games. When people say it was ahead of it's time, they were referring to the console space. Back then consoles were as far away from PC gaming as you could get. Online was still in it's infancy. The fact that we needed a hard drive just to normalize the load times was also completely new for the console space and did not last long since Sony discontinued it less then a year after release.
If the game had been released on the PS3 or 360 it might have reached a larger audience since the infrastructure was there for it by default. Hell the online would probably still be active today like RE5 and RE6 still is.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

PC games were light-years ahead of consoles when it came to online play back then. It's disingenuous to even compare them. I mean going by this standard, PSO was also old hat, and that's just silly. Making an online game work on a console in those days was much more challenging than on PC because of the inherent limitations of the hardware and infrastructure. The early pioneers who made it work despite those limitations deserve the praise they get.
But those are PC games. When people say it was ahead of it's time, they were referring to the console space. Back then consoles were as far away from PC gaming as you could get. Online was still in it's infancy. The fact that we needed a hard drive just to normalize the load times was also completely new for the console space and did not last long since Sony discontinued it less then a year after release.
If the game had been released on the PS3 or 360 it might have reached a larger audience since the infrastructure was there for it by default. Hell the online would probably still be active today like RE5 and RE6 still is.

Being PC games doesn't really change much, Outbreak was lacking compared to them while many other online console games were not. FFXI released a year prior and was a much better effort at replicating PC online. Even the Dreamcast had some better efforts.


Being PC games doesn't really change much, Outbreak was lacking compared to them while many other online console games were not. FFXI released a year prior and was a much better effort at replicating PC online. Even the Dreamcast had some better efforts.

Lacking in what exactly? A proper chat system? Sure I'd agree with that. But everything else it did is more inline with what modern console games can do as a standard now. Which I attribute to Hard Drives becoming a standard feature in consoles now.

Also, you realize FFXI was actually built for PCs right? The only reason it exists on the PS2 at all is because of the Hard Drive. The game simply cannot function without it because it needs the extra memory to pre-cache all it's data ahead of time. Otherwise it would've been a PC exclusive.

As for the Dreamcast, there isn't a single game on it that requires the machine and Net Code to keep track of literally the hundreds of variables that Outbreak needs to keep track of at once.
Even PSO didn't need to know everything that was going on. All it needed to keep track of was the very room you were standing in and the Chat Box. The game's base programming took care of the rest. You could run that shit on Dial-up my man.
Lacking in what exactly? A proper chat system? Sure I'd agree with that. But everything else it did is more inline with what modern console games can do as a standard now. Which I attribute to Hard Drives becoming a standard feature in consoles now.

Also, you realize FFXI was actually built for PCs right? The only reason it exists on the PS2 at all is because of the Hard Drive. The game simply cannot function without it because it needs the extra memory to pre-cache all it's data ahead of time. Otherwise it would've been a PC exclusive.

As for the Dreamcast, there isn't a single game on it that requires the machine and Net Code to keep track of literally the hundreds of variables that Outbreak needs to keep track of at once.
Even PSO didn't need to know everything that was going on. All it needed to keep track of was the very room you were standing in and the Chat Box. The game's base programming took care of the rest. You could run that shit on Dial-up my man.

What you trying to argue here? FF XI was made for PC? So? The fact it run so well on PS2 and wasn't so feature lacking just shows how flawed Outbreak was given it was designed for PS2 limitations in mind and still couldn't match FF.


What you trying to argue here? FF XI was made for PC? So? The fact it run so well on PS2 and wasn't so feature lacking just shows how flawed Outbreak was given it was designed for PS2 limitations in mind and still couldn't match FF.

FF XI cannot even function without a hard drive. Which few people actually bothered with due to how expensive it was at the time. The PS2 by itself is incapable of handling the game.

Outbreak only works because they had to make several compromises. A lot of what they tried to do with it was just barely doable with the existing hardware specs. With the hardware we have today, they could easily make a game like Outbreak without any of the compromises.

When people say it was ahead of it's time, it's because a lot of what we have today is very similar to what Capcom tried to do with Outbreak back then, but simply could not do back then because it was not economically feasible. But since Hard drives and online infrastructure come out of the box these days, it is far more possible to make a game like Outbreak today then ever before.
FF XI cannot even function without a hard drive. Which few people actually bothered with due to how expensive it was at the time. The PS2 by itself is incapable of handling the game.

Outbreak only works because they had to make several compromises. A lot of what they tried to do with it was just barely doable with the existing hardware specs. With the hardware we have today, they could easily make a game like Outbreak without any of the compromises.

When people say it was ahead of it's time, it's because a lot of what we have today is very similar to what Capcom tried to do with Outbreak back then, but simply could not do back then because it was not economically feasible. But since Hard drives and online infrastructure come out of the box these days, it is far more possible to make a game like Outbreak today then ever before.

Bit it could have used a hardrive, but didn't. So it clearly was not ahead of its time, not that that is the reason people say it anyway.


Perhaps the "ahead of its time" phrase is a bit much for this game? Though it's hard to deny that Outbreak being an online focused experience on a console is a lot more characteristic of what we get today rather then back then, in this case, the phrase maybe seems to imply Outbreak was also more...eh..."innovative" than what games really had to offer at the time.

People who say that and want a re-release, as pretty much stated already, really just want Outbreak to have more of an actual chance at being a thing in a time like now where its features are much more easily implemented and accessed by users.
Yeah, can't see RE7 releasing this year with so many titles being released this year. Even if they are re-releases 2016 is the year of RE with Zero, 6, 5, 4 along with Umbrella Corps and other unannounced titles coming this year. It's pretty great. No need for RE7 this year tbh though an announcement would be great which is expected already.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Honestly, you talk like calling it ahead of its time is some sort of gross miscarriage of justice:

People need to stop saying this. It is factually false and the reality was quite the opposite.

But your follow up is, um, some old LAN party fan favorites

L4D nothing like it, is a pure action-shooter. Pretty much any online adventure game did what Outbreak did, it's nothing but very basic adventure game gameplay, explore an area and collect keys to unlock doors, occasionally killing a monster or boss to proceed. Even FPS games of the late 90s/early 2000s still used adventure game gameplay before the genre turned into nothing but shooting. A lot of online adventure games would get labled as RPGs also since they usually added a leveling system.

Off the top of my head games like Hexen II, Heretic II, System Shock II all feature campaign co-op with adventure game gameplay present and those are from the 90s. System Shock the better example of the three.

Outbreak sure looks different due to the RE skin, but gameplay wise it wasn't anything new.

When in reality, none of them play anything like Outbreak. Talking about online gameplay between open and closed platforms as if they were apples to apples is either disingenuous or just plain erroneous. You just sound like you don't like Outbreak very much, which is fine, but personal taste doesn't change the market reality that Outbreak inhabited.

There were no titles like Outbreak at the time. Making it a canon entry in an already-established gameworld was ambitious as well, with so many possibilities for each scenario. Neither Hexen, Heretic, nor SS2 attempted anything like it. Not remotely.

The Final Fantasy mention just makes everything even more strange. I mean, what

EDIT, new subject:

I saw this in Gaming, thought the subject of Capcom's finances might interest some, even though Resident Evil isn't part of the analysis. While I don't think we ever saw the numbers, we know REmake was considered a successful digital-only offering.
When in reality, none of them play anything like Outbreak.

Aside from the camera and Resi skin the design and progression of many games was identical (and more fleshed out than Outbreak).

Is a good reason the games reviewed quite poorly, other games had already done it bigger and better with more actual game, better story and better online features.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I can affirm as a rabid horror and co-op enthusiast there's nothing really like Outbreak on the market. The closet that comes to it is the ObsCure games (and notable those don't have online).

If you have very many horror action-adventure co-op games in the vein of Resident Evil: Outbreak to show me, then I'd love to see them.

As an abide to mechanically, Outbreak did a few things I think the "It's the same as X" is undermining. I mean, ignoring that there's a ton of games like X in every industry and this same argument we're having could be had for any Resident Evil title when it comes to taste, Outbreak did feature a few mechanics that differentiated it from the rest of the series. Nothing major, but notable. The most obvious ones being the infection rate system, the randomization/unlock system tied to this, and featuring a more robust item inventory system and character skill set to match with Resident Evil's limited inventory management system. Everyone will have their own faults and all, but I think trying to simplify it to, "Oh yeah, there's tons of games just like Outbreak and Outbreak does absolutely nothing special outside of having a RE skin," is too huge a generalization.

And if there's a ton of games that can give me the exact experience I have dove hours into digging into and do have a craving for, IE. the classic survival-horror or very similar type game with online co-op, or even just co-op functionality, I'd love to hear about it. There's less than a handful of games out there with that sort of set-up than I think many believe there are sometimes.



The 4 million to me seems like it would be RE7. It's their biggest IP and the only other property that consistently sells that high.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller

The 4 million to me seems like it would be RE7. It's their biggest IP and the only other property that consistently sells that high.

It is 100% Resident Evil. Their second and third biggest game series, Street Fighter for its fifth entry and Monster Hunter as listed there, they even only expected 2 million sales. Their only franchise they would expect 4 million sales for in demonstration would be Resident Evil, and only for one of their mainline games (Revelations 1 & 2 for example have one million expectation), so it's a pretty safe assumption that is probably Resident Evil 7. It's also a bit below their sales expectation for RE6, which was at 6 million but was too ambitious (while the game still sold well, and above 4 million).
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