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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)


It's not real?

I think he meant in terms of game mechanics.

Tomb Raider games have traditionally been about exploration and puzzle solving in... Tombs.

If the 1st reboot is anything to go by this will be Tomb Raider : Dudebro with a femail lead. Thats not to say it wasn't fun for what it was, but it isn't wasn't a real Tomb Raider game from a traditionalist standpoint.
Yeah. Microsoft is literally the devil.

How evil of them to commit to their platform and offer their customers the very best exclusives they can. How fucking dare they spend money to benefit their customers.

Fuck you Microsoft you evil horse. I thought you we're selling off the brand, but instead your committing to it! I hate companies for supporting their products!
how much are they paying you? are you paid by salary biweekly or monthly?


I don't know if it was mentioned with all the 'timed' talk but yesterday the french Xbox twitter account said it wasn't timed.
But they're just PR so maybe they have no clue.


extra source of jiggaflops
How are they benefiting their customers if they were already getting the game in the first place? You keep bringing up that argument, but it doesn't make sense, especially when they are alienating their own Windows PC customers in the process.
I would also like to hear from someone that is cheering for this move to come out and explain to me in depth what is so great about it for the customer of Xbox.


lol @ senjutsu tweets

This has a different meaning to me...

I would also like to hear from someone that is cheering for this move to come out and explain to me in depth what is so great about it for the customer of Xbox.

I am by no means cheering for this move, but more time optimizing for just one console (or two if we see a 360 version) and perhaps some enhanced features we wouldn't have seen because they had more time to use the magic of the cloud (see crackdown 3).
Anything can happen, people. Strangely enough, it seems like the Xbox One is still receiving more exclusive support from developers, even though their sales results aren't nearly as good as Sony's.

I mean yeah if you ignore the fact that the PS4 has far more exclusives announced so far.


The next time SenjustsuSage tries to act all measured and impartial I'm gonna post any of his correspondences with Tim Dog on twitter. What a joke.

He's already admitted before that he has a vested interest in seeing the Xbox One succeed (since he has a friend who is making a game or something). Never read his posts like they're impartial.


For those that don't know for sure, I can confirm that TimDog is a troll for the lulz and attention. He literally does it because he considers it fun.

I don't know if he owns a PS4, but he certainly owns a PS3, and uses it. His preference for platform and hatred of others is an act for internet 'fame'.

The guy is actually quite reasonable outside of his troll show.
Really? Are there numbers for ME2/Oblivion/Bioshock and so on? I can't find any unfortunately :/ But I can see the initial buzz wearing off of course.

However I still think TR2 will sell significantly more on current gen than tr1 did on last gen despite or because of the exclusivity deal and the attached marketing/buzz which is already starting on here...

... I don't know how you figure that. Right now there's simply a lot of angry Tomb Raider fans... mostly on PC and PS4.

How does it help SE to not sell them the game? If anything that will kill pre-orders.

The last Tomb Raider is at about 7 mil life-time sales.

I think it will take a big hit on the sequel. It will be limited to the console with far less install-base (up against Halo 5...)... and quickly forgotten about by PS4 fans with Uncharted and jaded PC fans who will wait for sales.
How are they benefiting their customers if they were already getting the game in the first place? You keep bringing up that argument, but it doesn't make sense, especially when they are alienating their own Windows PC customers in the process.

You can't bring logic to this fight, that's not allowed. Take your critical thinking elsewhere thank you!

It's Twitter incidents like this why I stopped using Twitter for the most part, especially after my own *ahem* incident. It's just ammo. I also stopped posting on N4G, more ammo.

Aww, I didn't want to make a console warzz thing, just noticed the name when I looked for the Timdog thing and thought it was funny....
It would be hilarious to see people's reactions if the deal was with sony instead

Yeah pc gamers would react like omg Sony you are my hero...

Get real and stop the whole its just because its Microsoft bullshit. No its because its a multiplatform title kept away from 2/3 of the fanbase.
This doesn't benefit their customers at all though. Tomb Raider was always going to be released on the Xbox. What benefits are there, for Xbox customers, for preventing a release on other platforms?

I don't think Microsoft is evil or some stupid shit like that, but to say that this exclusivity arrangement is beneficial to customers is silly.
the moneyhat takes away from a new IP developed and published from the ground up on X1 to solidify a game they already knew they was getting that nobody else can get unless they own a X1. This will only make people on all ends resent MS more including die hard xbox fans that want new IPs instead of moneyhats thrown at 3rd party devs.


No one knows. Everyone is assuming it is a timed exclusive because it would be insanity for it to be an exclusive.

That and because Microsoft refuses to clarify the situation by continuing their messed up messaging.

But it's alright guys. Believe in Phil Spencer. Surely he wouldn't have anything to do with this.
He's already admitted before that he has a vested interest in seeing the Xbox One succeed (since he has a friend who is making a game or something). Never read his posts like they're impartial.

Oh, trust me. I never have. He tries to act like he is though sometimes and it's...well, cute. It's cute.


Yeah. Microsoft is literally the devil.

How evil of them to commit to their platform and offer their customers the very best exclusives they can. How fucking dare they spend money to benefit their customers.

Fuck you Microsoft you evil horse. I thought you we're selling off the brand, but instead your committing to it! I hate companies for supporting their products!

You see I'm not up in arms about this. Microsoft are now well aware that they cannot Coast on third party games and a threadbare first party offering any longer.

I'm interested in seeing the timed nature of this debunked as it will continue to demonstrate that Microsoft simply aren't interested in making many games.

Where Sony spent a generation languishing, they put a huge effort in making and securing/funding a large amount of content for its platform. Microsoft *almost* can see that this is what they need to do but can't actually push themselves to make any games, hence spanking cash at a big series.

Unfortunately for them, the lack of customer awareness (something that seems to be the legacy of the X1) has just irritated everyone. Especially as they have to trot out a very thin and carefully worded retort to every question about exclusivity. They can't admit that it is timed as it continues to dig the grave, they can't say it is locked forever as it is not.

Microsoft aren't evil, they're just being, well, stupid and lazy.


MS isn't "buying a game"... that's the same misconception those promoting this are saying. MS is paying a company to not release a game on a competitor (and PC...).

As I mentioned the equivalent would be if Sony turned around and paid Rocksteady to not release Arkham Knight on Xbox One.

Too right, paying for a game that was not being made is good and gives gamers more to play in total, irrespective of platform.

Paying for a game that was multiplatform by any publisher is the pits.


I'm confused why anyone is acting like this is Microsoft taking action to support their customers. You realize Xbox One customers were going to get this game without Microsoft paying for exclusivity, right? All they did was pay to make sure no other fan bases could have it.

The best action would be new IPs and indies.

They have taken money that could have helped new ideas and talent and used it to lock out fans of an existing multiplat IP.
How are they benefiting their customers if they were already getting the game in the first place? You keep bringing up that argument, but it doesn't make sense, especially when they are alienating their own Windows PC customers in the process.
Okay, fine.

Xbox One (and maybe Xbox 360) is now their only focus. It gives them time to get the game running perfectly and being optimized as best as can be.

They have all the freedom to implant voice commands and camera features now that they don't have to worry about Sony and their Camera which only has about a 15% attachment rate.

The Multiplayer for this game will now run on Microsoft's Azure servers, instead of Square's solution to get Servers for both the Playstation brand and Xbox brand.

That's since you don't consider my "Microsoft rewarding consumers by giving them new exclusives" to be a legitimate one.


Really? Are there numbers for ME2/Oblivion/Bioshock and so on? I can't find any unfortunately :/ But I can see the initial buzz wearing off of course.

However I still think TR2 will sell significantly more on current gen than tr1 did on last gen despite or because of the exclusivity deal and the attached marketing/buzz which is already starting on here...

The marketing/buzz will only work in 2015 Holidays, so it will sell more in current gen Xbox (Xbox: TR2 >TR1).
However in 2016 the buzz/hype will be long gone, and the marketing will be minimal from SE (good luck advertising late port), so PS/PC version TR2 will have less sales than TR1. (PS/PC: TR2 < TR1)

So the question: Will TR2 (Xbox+PS+PC) be bigger than TR1 (Xbox+PS+PC)? It does look the answer is no.


Neo Member
So, aside from horrible PR, misinformation/vague information, and a sequel supposedly being exclusive for an amount of time to a system with a 5 million install base, Square Enix deserves a prize for knowing how to piss off their fan-base on a consistent basis.

On another note, I do feel that a combo pack of the two Tomb Raider games will be released in the future for PC/PS4 after/if the exclusivity contract expires. I'm more or less waiting to see how MS/Square Enix/CD present the graphical/technical fidelity and performance of the game to the public.


Okay, fine.

Xbox One (and maybe Xbox 360) is now their only focus. It gives them time to get the game running perfectly and being optimized as best as can be.

They have all the freedom to implant voice commands and camera features now that they don't have to worry about Sony and their Camera which only has about a 15% attachment rate.

The Multiplayer for this game will now run on Microsoft's Azure servers, instead of Square's solution to get Servers for both the Playstation brand and Xbox brand.

That's since you don't consider my "Microsoft rewarding consumers by giving them new exclusives" to be a legitimate one.
I can't believe you just pulled the Kinect card when they didn't mention it a single time today.
Okay, fine.

Xbox One (and maybe Xbox 360) is now their only focus. It gives them time to get the game running perfectly and being optimized as best as can be.

They have all the freedom to implant voice commands and camera features now that they don't have to worry about Sony and their Camera which only has about a 15% attachment rate.

The Multiplayer for this game will now run on Microsoft's Azure servers, instead of Square's solution to get Servers for both the Playstation brand and Xbox brand.

That's since you don't consider my "Microsoft rewarding consumers by giving them new exclusives" to be a legitimate one.

I don't even know if this is serious anymore.

So list wars ammo?
Well, I guess from its E3 reveal when it was multiplatform we know Crystal Dynamics is developing it and Square Enix is funding it, so...I'd say that's how we know.

Kagari has told us.

I'm not privy to what info Kagari has or why Kagari has it. From what I saw Kagari said SE doesn't need help. But wouldn't any major company love to have one of the big three foot the bill? Its not about need its about profit.


The more I think about this now the more it irritates me. Beyond the actual paying to stop a game getting in more people's hands there is the likely misrepresentation of what this deal actually means.

The wording is clearly purposefully ambiguous, misleading and disingenuous. If it's a timed deal then day so. Treating potential customers like idiots is one of the reasons you're so far behind the market leader this gen. PvZ, Ryse etc, they did the same thing. Bullshit practice that needs to stop. Honesty is a good thing here


Okay, fine.

Xbox One (and maybe Xbox 360) is now their only focus. It gives them time to get the game running perfectly and being optimized as best as can be.

They have all the freedom to implant voice commands and camera features now that they don't have to worry about Sony and their Camera which only has about a 15% attachment rate.

The Multiplayer for this game will now run on Microsoft's Azure servers, instead of Square's solution to get Servers for both the Playstation brand and Xbox brand.

That's since you don't consider my "Microsoft rewarding consumers by giving them new exclusives" to be a legitimate one.
Speedy Blue Dude
This Post Brought To You By the Microsoft Xbox One™, The All-in-One Entertainment System


Okay, fine.

Xbox One (and maybe Xbox 360) is now their only focus. It gives them time to get the game running perfectly and being optimized as best as can be.

They have all the freedom to implant voice commands and camera features now that they don't have to worry about Sony and their Camera which only has about a 15% attachment rate.

The Multiplayer for this game will now run on Microsoft's Azure servers, instead of Square's solution to get Servers for both the Playstation brand and Xbox brand.

That's since you don't consider my "Microsoft rewarding consumers by giving them new exclusives" to be a legitimate one.

Reads like a wishful thinking.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Aww, I didn't want to make a console warzz thing, just noticed the name when I looked for the Timdog thing and thought it was funny....
Yeah, I know. My incident was console warz either. But a combination of having the same name throughout the internet but a different attitude towards each service creates friction with my neogaf posting.
Oh, trust me. I never have. He tries to act like he is though sometimes and it's...well, cute. It's cute.
Thought you were going to sleep. I find its a good idea to stay bugged out when you initially commit to it. Personal experience.


Yeah. Microsoft is literally the devil.

How evil of them to commit to their platform and offer their customers the very best exclusives they can. How fucking dare they spend money to benefit their customers.

Fuck you Microsoft you evil horse. I thought you we're selling off the brand, but instead your committing to it! I hate companies for supporting their products!

Hows about they use their "support" and fund some actual 1st parties rather than taking something
they already had access to
away from everyone else? No what they're doing isnt illegal, but it sure as hell isn't good for the consumer.
I would also like to hear from someone that is cheering for this move to come out and explain to me in depth what is so great about it for the customer of Xbox.

i aint cheering for anything but am going to throw ideas out there. i don't claim to know how their development process work nor do i claim anyone gives a shit about some of these reasons

- more time for polish closer to release if there is only 2 platforms
- no exclusive dlc content going to another platform
- bigger install base for online play ( there will be some who will chose xbox for this reason, not saying their will be a considerable or massive amount)
-Faster post launch support for 2 platforms rather than 4 ( patches, dlc content)


Okay, fine.

Xbox One (and maybe Xbox 360) is now their only focus. It gives them time to get the game running perfectly and being optimized as best as can be.

They have all the freedom to implant voice commands and camera features now that they don't have to worry about Sony and their Camera which only has about a 15% attachment rate.

The Multiplayer for this game will now run on Microsoft's Azure servers, instead of Square's solution to get Servers for both the Playstation brand and Xbox brand.

That's since you don't consider my "Microsoft rewarding consumers by giving them new exclusives" to be a legitimate one.

Trying as hard as you are is proving everyone else right. This deal was not about Microsoft paying for an optimized former multiplat with voice commands on their generic rental servers that even PS games can use.


I can't believe you just pulled the Kinect card when they didn't mention it a single time today.

I know. This will not feature any camera specific technology. It will receive no more optimisation than it would have anyway. The platforms are near identical architecture with the x1 having a lower spec. You cannot optimise with magic, otherwise I want games optimised to make my 660 run as well as a 680.

Also they will do nothing that cannot be replicated in the post holiday multiplat versions.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Just to clarify, we are talking about a Tomb Raider game coming out over a year from now right? I'm sure by then I will either not care or have saved enough pennies to buy an Xbox if I do.


This has a different meaning to me...

I am by no means cheering for this move, but more time optimizing for just one console (or two if we see a 360 version) and perhaps some enhanced features we wouldn't have seen because they had more time to use the magic of the cloud (see crackdown 3).
Cloud Powered Lara :eek:


I'm not privy to what info Kagari has or why Kagari has it. From what I saw Kagari said SE doesn't need help. But wouldn't any major company love to have one of the big three foot the bill? Its not about need its about profit.

And that's a moneyhat, which is different than funding the game.


Okay, fine.

Xbox One (and maybe Xbox 360) is now their only focus. It gives them time to get the game running perfectly and being optimized as best as can be.

They have all the freedom to implant voice commands and camera features now that they don't have to worry about Sony and their Camera which only has about a 15% attachment rate.

The Multiplayer for this game will now run on Microsoft's Azure servers, instead of Square's solution to get Servers for both the Playstation brand and Xbox brand.

That's since you don't consider my "Microsoft rewarding consumers by giving them new exclusives" to be a legitimate one.

Why couldn't they get the game running good on the Xbox even if they were developing it for the PS4 and PC too? All other developers have been able to do it...

Kinect? They don't even bundle it with the Xbox anymore, which would mean that people aren't all that invested in it in the first place.

I get the Azure servers being good for people, but all other multiplayer, multiplatform games have managed without them so I don't see the big fuzz.
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