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Rodrigo Duterte tells Philippines police to kill his son if drug allegations are true


Yeah, if they find out if the allegations are true. The thing is, many of his allies in the senate refused to even summon him to answer the accusations on a senate hearing. The committee head was only forced to invite him after weeks of public outcry. Then, when all was said was done, his allies filed an ethics case against the senator who was most inquisitive and decided to end any senate hearing on the matter. Meanwhile, the DOJ has been conspiring with an NGO to file an impeachment case against another vocal senator.

Basically, the president's allies (and maybe Duterte himself) have been stopping anyone from going to the bottom of this.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Gesture politics, nothing will come from it. If you think Duterte means this, read up about the case.


He may say this and say the cops that kill his son won't be prosecuted but I have my doubts that if/when his son gets murdered he won't get some payback on the cops


Don't believe his lies. People here are too gullible, of course he would say that as he really believes his son is innocent. People here know that they are very close. He already spoke too many lies recently.
Don't believe his lies. People here are too gullible, of course he would say that as he really believes his son is innocent. People here know that they are very close. He already spoke too many lies recently.
How dare you shame our beloved president!?
You must be drug supporter if you don't believe in him.
He literally has no choice but to say this.

You can’t spend years making your citizens watch you murdering people for “drug offences”, then turn around and say that your family gets a pardon from the slaughter.

The uprising would be unimaginable.

He’d get Gadaffi’d the fuck out of there before he knew what hit him.
He literally has no choice but to say this.

You can’t spend years making your citizens watch you murdering people for “drug offences”, then turn around and say that your family gets a pardon from the slaughter.

The uprising would be unimaginable.

He’d get Gadaffi’d the fuck out of there before he knew what hit him.


It's all talk, his son will be found innocent...


I'm not sure if a consistent madman is any better than a hypocrite.

Actually, he hasn't been consistent with his stand at all. IIRC, he said these a few days after telling the police that anyone who kills a suspected drug addict/drug dealer would be punished--something he said after a series of young boys' death under the police (younger than 18).
This is the typical power play of "look at what I'm risking for my cause" when in reality the stakes are low. It's funny that his son will get due process (and found innocent) but meanwhile other citizens are slaughtered without any sort of trial. I'll be completely shocked if it happens any other way.
Oh, so he believes in gathering evidence and having a trial i.e. the due process of law? But only when it's his son. Everyone else can just kill someone they suspect of dealing or taking drugs without any evidence...

This guy.

Well, the thing is, if you kill him while the accusation is still up in the air, everyone just assumes it to be true.

It's win-win! No innocents harmed whatsoever.

PS, we're (USA) actually not that far removed from our president openly discussing the pardoning of police officers who commit unconstitutional crimes.


Waiting to find out if the allegations are true is more of a courtesy than the thousands of people already murdered were ever offered.


Gold Member
Don't believe his lies. People here are too gullible, of course he would say that as he really believes his son is innocent. People here know that they are very close. He already spoke too many lies recently.

Exactly. I actually don't believe he thinks his son is innocent, I believe that he and his son are in cahoots to control the drug trade in the Philippines. What better way to control the drug trade than to eliminate all competition? His son will be found innocent.

The man is a gangster.

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
Sub-text: his son won't be convicted.


what drugs are illegal over there? I assume you can drink alcohol? Marijuana?

or is this just over harder stuff like cocaine and heroin?


Looking for meaning in GAF
He'll probably magically go "oh, we didn't find any truth to those allegations" and move on.

This talk is probably just his usual tough guy posturing.
The worst thing about leaders like Duterte and Trump is that even if they were to die all of a sudden, the damage they've done won't be easily repaired, because they foster a kind of hatred that will outlive them for an entire generation at the minimum.


I oddly admire his unrelenting dedication to his cause and then I remember he's probably half insane and in a post Trump world every hour is an hour closer to the end times.


never left the stone age
He is, as others have said they gun down other suspects without trial. They would've already killed him if he wasn't Duterte's son (and frankly the PNP are probably so afraid they wouldn't dare kill him anyways).

That plus it wouldn't exactly be a surprise if the allegations turned up "false".
Lots of poorer countries are About retributive justice

It's kinda easy to talk about human rights here in the West where most of us are living in a highly developed country.

When people on the other side of spectrum are wondering will I have children that can take care of me later on, or will they be addicted to drugs not be able to take care of me.


More like "while sipping a juice box."

Absolutely. Remember his back and forth with North Korea?

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