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RUMOR: Project Beast (From Software/Sony Japan Studio, PS4) [Port begging = ban]

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Junior Member
But most people in this thread are getting a raging boner from said screens too. They don't look anything special really yet this seems to be the most hyped up thread in years.
The Souls series has never been about the visuals. However, I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with the screenshots in the OP. It already looks better than Dark Souls II.
I think it is to do with people complaining about exclusivity or asking for it to be on PC/Xbox.

It is to avoid another Bayonetta 2 situation.

And a 150-pages topic on neogaf, without non-stop port-begging, it really shows how much we are waiting for such a title :)

The Souls series has never been about the visuals. However, I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with the screenshots in the OP. It already looks better than Dark Souls II.

I love the dead leaves, the tombstones. Feels much more natural than DrK2's scenery (some levels were truly awful - Brightstone cove, for example ?); the game felt devoid of an art direction.


Junior Member
And a 150-pages topic on neogaf, without non-stop port-begging, it really shows how much we are waiting for such a title :)

I love the dead leaves, the tombstones. Feels much more natural than DrK2's scenery (some levels were truly awful - Brightstone cove, for example ?)
I hope we see the amazing lighting engine in this game.

Just look at that. It looks a generation above DSII!


He's described as the "White Dragon God" IIRC. He doesn't resemble a traditional dragon, but he's still supposedly one. Actually, similar to how he is in Dark Souls, anyway.

Also, you get the Moonlight Sword from Black Dragon Guyra, who Kalameet heavily resembles.

I only brought it up, because from my understanding is
Seath is a dragon, but you never encounter him as a dragon. I believe you fight a humanoid manifestation of him in King's Field III. I find it interesting that Seath's actual appearance as a dragon is in Dark Souls.

To my knowledge modders cannot just hack in a lighting engine...


This is what I use. I modified it quite a bit, but this should give you a general idea. Of course the whole model can not be replaced, but you would be amazed if you saw some other areas.

Sadly, this is not a good showcase video and I am way too lazy to make mine.

There are many differect presets with very different moods, the original ENB preset from the guy who did this video is closer to that prerelease lighting, darkness and mood.


this is done on an earlies version of the ENB, now it is even better.


I only brought it up, because from my understanding is
Seath is a dragon, but you never encounter him as a dragon. I believe you fight a humanoid manifestation of him in King's Field III. I find it interesting that Seath's actual appearance as a dragon is in Dark Souls.

Yeah the
Seath you fight in King's Field 3 looks more like an organic mech or something.
There can be only one Souls' "ENB"!
And one Big Boss!

fake edit:
doesn't work anymore? It has to be in capital letters now?
I know probably got answered somewhere in the 7000+ posts, but is this going to be like a typical souls game, or is this just a new IP that happens to be from From Software?
I know probably got answered somewhere in the 7000+ posts, but is this going to be like a typical souls game, or is this just a new IP that happens to be from From Software?

We have no idea, but from the little info we have it seems right in between of those.
Since GAF betrayed my covenant and killed me with the void, I am now a buff icon from the equipment you made with my soul, jerks


Endo Punk

I have no problem with Sony co-developing this game, but I understand where people are coming from. The Souls franchise has extended into a really successful xbox and PC franchise since Demon's Souls.

I hope said fans realize that Sony also owns a Souls branded IP. They are sitting on a gold mine and it would be a shame if they don't leverage it post Dark Souls success. It's not like FROM will put a stop to the DaS franchise, just so happens that going forward there will be two franchises from the Souls, probably alternating release to become an annual sort of IP.
I know probably got answered somewhere in the 7000+ posts, but is this going to be like a typical souls game, or is this just a new IP that happens to be from From Software?

Some people pushed the idea of a spiritual successor of Shadow Tower Abyss with some flavor from Stephen King's Dark Tower series, too ;p

Truth is we know next to nothing for the time being. The wait for E3 will be a long one.


I don't think they'll call it Demon's Souls 2, and I don't think the IP is a gold mine at all. It's practically worthless when all you have to do is change the first word and you can own the IP again. Sony own Demon's Souls, sure, and if they wanted, Microsoft could own Drowned Souls, and Nintendo could own Doomed Souls, etc.

What's valuable is the team, and the fandom that surrounds their releases.


I don't think they'll call it Demon's Souls 2, and I don't think the IP is a gold mine at all. It's practically worthless when all you have to do is change the first word and you can own the IP again. Sony own Demon's Souls, sure, and if they wanted, Microsoft could own Drowned Souls, and Nintendo could own Doomed Souls, etc.

What's valuable is the team, and the fandom that surrounds their releases.

But Sony IS having key members of the team on this, therefore the IP IS a gold mine. They're not just shitting out their own Souls game and hoping the name carries it to sales. They have more key Souls leadership on this than DaS2 did.

(Also, any room for me on this train? :) )

Endo Punk

I don't think they'll call it Demon's Souls 2, and I don't think the IP is a gold mine at all. It's practically worthless when all you have to do is change the first word and you can own the IP again. Sony own Demon's Souls, sure, and if they wanted, Microsoft could own Drowned Souls, and Nintendo could own Doomed Souls, etc.

What's valuable is the team, and the fandom that surrounds their releases.

Absolutely so its a good thing Sony were able to bring back the team who put Demon's Souls together. I personally see Miyazaki sticking to Sony's IP whilst the new team work on the DaS series, I'm sure they will grow into a fine studio by listening to the fanbase and fixing what wasn't liked about DaSII


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
random observation, the font using for "dark side box" looks just like the font used in the dark souls logo

The Dark Side Box came out in January of 2007 so far far far before Dark Souls came out. Hell thats still 2 years before Demon Souls came out.

Endo Punk

If someone happens to find an unknown warrior soul, that's mine. Feel free to pick it up and place it back on the soul train. lol


But Sony IS having key members of the team on this, therefore the IP IS a gold mine.
Not at all.

Demon's Souls 2 is not a more advantageous name than D???? Souls, the IP isn't worth much at all. The team making a Souls game is, but that's what I wrote.


The souls series is kings field in my mind. I don't think From would ever go first person again, because I think 3rd person is closer to what they always envisioned and what they wanted to do all along, they just didn't because of technical hurdles. Bringing it back to first person would be moving backwards and a downgrade. Souls is the field games evolved. Dark, depressing, difficult, hidden doors with nothing behind them, etc.


Absolutely so its a good thing Sony were able to bring back the team who put Demon's Souls together. I personally see Miyazaki sticking to Sony's IP whilst the new team work on the DaS series, I'm sure they will grow into a fine studio by listening to the fanbase and fixing what wasn't liked about DaSII
It certainly is, and personally, I would have been playing on PS4 anyway, so the exclusivity is actually a benefit to me, so I'm not complaining about it at all.

I am very interested to see how they handle Dark Souls from now on. Is Beast Souls March '15 and Dark Souls 3 March '16? I would be concerned for the future of the franchise if they're coming that regularly, and I can't see Sony or Namco electing to favor four year cycles to keep each other happy.
I will honestly throw a bitchflip if this turns out to be a PS3 exclusive.

This is why I am not buying into it yet, I believe there IS a Project Beast. We just don't know everything about it, and there's things that could ruin it for me.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I hate to be THAT guy and be too lazy to read the thread, but is there any new confirmation or info in addition to what's in the OP and the cataloging of Demonite's past hints?
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