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RUMOR: Project Beast (From Software/Sony Japan Studio, PS4) [Port begging = ban]

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Not Wario
If this is legit, this is the first next gen exclusive (aside from the Wii U, which has plenty) that would actually persuade me to buy a console. While I'd prefer it on PC as always, if Sony is getting us either a Demon Souls sequel or the next big jump in the franchise, I'm fine with supporting them.

Vaati (and probably plenty others- haven't read this massive thread through) is speculating a Victorian aesthetic, which I could certainly buy for Souls, as long as they retain the specific brand of English so strongly associated with the series thus far. I kind of hope they do go in this direction now that I've seen him talk about it. Looking forward to E3.


Some of you guys are looking way too much into these fonts, it's just fonts FROM Software are fond off and use.

On the subject of fonts, I hope they go with a more unique and 'customized' title like with Demon's instead of Dark:



I think the project Beast font looks good. Hope they stick with this font in the final version of the title.
I think the project Beast font looks good. Hope they stick with this font in the final version of the title.

Again, Demon's Souls probably had the best example of a title font for one of the Souls games, but the one they keep showing for Project Beast seems like nice middle ground between both.
What's the current consensus on Beast Souls/Beast's Souls as the name? I personally don't care for it but Demon's Souls 2 wouldn't be much better really


Again, Demon's Souls probably had the best example of a title font for one of the Souls games, but the one they keep showing for Project Beast seems like nice middle ground between both.
What's the current consensus on Beast Souls/Beast's Souls as the name? I personally don't care for it but Demon's Souls 2 wouldn't be much better really

Personally I don't mind Beast Souls or Demon's Souls 2, but I just want them to keep "souls" part.


Again, Demon's Souls probably had the best example of a title font for one of the Souls games, but the one they keep showing for Project Beast seems like nice middle ground between both.
What's the current consensus on Beast Souls/Beast's Souls as the name? I personally don't care for it but Demon's Souls 2 wouldn't be much better really
Deep in the bowls of this thread I believe people showed some theory based on DemonNite's posts that it's actually called Bloodborne.


Picking up Shadow Tower for the PS1. Never played it, it's cheap as well. How can I play the PS2 game? I only have a gen1 PS3.


Again, Demon's Souls probably had the best example of a title font for one of the Souls games, but the one they keep showing for Project Beast seems like nice middle ground between both.
What's the current consensus on Beast Souls/Beast's Souls as the name? I personally don't care for it but Demon's Souls 2 wouldn't be much better really
I prefer Beast Soul or Beast Souls. But if Sony's looking to make this their next big franchise, I think they'll rename it entirely.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Picking up Shadow Tower for the PS1. Never played it, it's cheap as well. How can I play the PS2 game? I only have a gen1 PS3.

Unless its a JP OG PS3, then yeah you wont be able to play the original JP PS2 version of Shadow Tower Abyss as its still region locked.

Also for bored people went and recorded some Shadow Tower Abyss footage today. Along with Kings Field IV footage. Both is from the start of the game so dont expect super exciting stuff lol. One thing for sure ST: Abyss is much harder with how the mechanics are in general.

Shadow Tower Abyss

Kings Field IV


This won't be on PS3. Sony is not that stupid. Right now they need software to sell PS4s, and this would go down very well with the small but vocal core audience.


Whatever game Project Beast ends up being, it will not be merely exclusive to PlayStation consoles, it'll be PS4 only.
if Sony decides to name it differently and have a changed up Souls game then they'll have two Souls series under their belt

maybe they want to have that


while i don't have complaints on the gameplay side (From always deliver), i still can't understand how a rather small and unknown company like Deck13 can achieve similar gameplay but with true next gen graphics while From doesn't (apparently even with Japan Studio's help) on the same machine.
Not that i'm a graphic whore or something but man, a Souls game with this graphical fidelity would improve immersion so much (on the animation/physics sides too).
Hope to prove wrong at E3, i'll gladly eat graphic crows.


Wow, PS4? I think this officially seals in my choice of next-gen console.

Playing through DS2 right now, it feels like what AC Brotherhood felt to ACII: a perfection of an already amazing game. Here's to hoping that Project Beast takes the souls series in a completely novel direction!
Also for bored people went and recorded some Shadow Tower Abyss footage today. Along with Kings Field IV footage. Both is from the start of the game so dont expect super exciting stuff lol. One thing for sure ST: Abyss is much harder with how the mechanics are in general.

Shadow Tower Abyss

Kings Field IV

They are two of my favorite non-AC From games. Thanks you a lot for taking the time to promote them :)


it sucks to get a phone call while playing these games lol, you can't pause. and the enemies are relentless.

I got a call fighting
the pursuer
the 2nd time. I had him on the ropes, and the phone went a-ringin'. It was either him or the phone.
It was him.


Nice, thanks.

It is too difficult to make a good guess about the framerate, due to YT, emulation and everything, but is King's Field IV / The Ancient City around 60 fps or around 30 fps when played on an actual PS2 ?

The Ancient City targeted 30 FPS but had plenty of framerate drops. It was definitely a From Software game in that regard. :p

Eternal Ring, a PS2 launch title and kinda-sorta spinoff to King's Field, actually ran at a fairly consistent 60.
I got a call fighting
the pursuer
the 2nd time. I had him on the ropes, and the phone went a-ringin'. It was either him or the phone.
It was him.

Circle to the right. Had the same thing happen to me and I ended up spending a good two minutes just holding the controller in one hand and keeping my finger on the stick to constantly move behind his shield.... Really grateful they decided he didn't need as good tracking as basic hollows have


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Nice, thanks.

It is too difficult to make a good guess about the framerate, due to YT, emulation and everything, but is King's Field IV / The Ancient City around 60 fps or around 30 fps when played on an actual PS2 ?

Im the last person you really should be asking about frame rates, since as long as its not a slideshow dont really care.

It was played on an OG JP PS3, using the original PS2 disc.

They are two of my favorite non-AC From games. Thanks you a lot for taking the time to promote them :)

People kept asking about ST:A so figured might as well make a vid showing something from it.


Unless its a JP OG PS3, then yeah you wont be able to play the original JP PS2 version of Shadow Tower Abyss as its still region locked.

Also for bored people went and recorded some Shadow Tower Abyss footage today. Along with Kings Field IV footage. Both is from the start of the game so dont expect super exciting stuff lol. One thing for sure ST: Abyss is much harder with how the mechanics are in general.

Shadow Tower Abyss

Kings Field IV

Damn the Souls series needs dismemberment. Not just for you against enemies but if you get killed. Just fizzing away does not feel like a massive loss. :D


^Thanks for the info on From's PS2 games.

Okay, the latest result from searching Project Beast on news.google.com

Dark Souls creator’s next game is PS4 exclusive Project Beast suggest leaks

The screenshots you see here come from two separate Japanese sources, before both sets were posted on forum NeoGAF. There’s relatively little information on what they are, but they seem to show a Dark Souls style world but with a shotgun-wielding protagonist.

What also isn’t known is how From Software’s recent acquisition by Japanese multimedia firm Kadokawa Games affects any of this. But until we know otherwise we’d have to assume not at all.

Since it’s not clear how close the game is to completion it’s hard to tell when it might be officially announced, but since we’re getting into the trade show season a reveal at E3 in June, Gamecom in August, or the Tokyo Game Show in September are likely options.



Imagine the number of views this thread would've had if it hadn't been leaked now and it was properly revealed with a full blown trailer at E3.
So more people is starting to believe it's a Shadow Tower sequel now? Kinda funny since I got quickly dismissed when suggesting it earlier.

All you talking about guns breaking the fiction - you do know that FROM made a King's Field-esque game called Shadow Tower with guns in it right? I said it last page, but it's more probable that the game is a sequel to that than to Souls games.



At this point, I'm not expecting it to be a direct sequel to anything in terms of either story, mechanics, or title. It'll probably exist in the same general design space as the Souls series, like Shadow Tower and Eternal Ring did relative to King's Field.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
So more people is starting to believe it's a Shadow Tower sequel now? Kinda funny since I got quickly dismissed when suggesting it earlier.

Doesnt fit the setting really from what we have seen here in pics. Since firearms do not suddenly = shadow tower. They exist in the game yes, but its not the main point of the series itself.
Doesnt fit the setting really from what we have seen here in pics. Since firearms do not suddenly = shadow tower. They exist in the game yes, but its not the main point of the series itself.

To be honest. How much of the setting can we gather from those pictures? Also, the Shadow Tower games span between many different settings.

EDIT: Granted, guns by no means equal Shadow Tower. Howvever, it fits the ST-setting a whole lot better than than the DS-setting, wouldn't you say?

Imagine the number of views this thread would've had if it hadn't been leaked now and it was properly revealed with a full blown trailer at E3.

Probably less since it would drown in the noise from all the other announcements.


You guys can have your hype train, I'm gonna get my life jacket and hype doggie paddle all the way to the finish line


I'd be in the dick
I wonder how. To me, it was so much better than Dark Souls. It took way longer to get started, that's all I'd say about it.
Too much trial and error and character progression was too obtuse. After that my PS3 died so I lost my progression. I really enjoyed the setting and feel of combat but it felt like the game discouraged exploration and exerimentation.


I'm pretty convinced it will have "souls" in the game name, marketing reasons etc etc

I'm pretty sure it will. The Souls following has become quite large. See this thread for instance..

It would be a missed opportunity to not include Souls in the title. Sony let the franchise go once, don't think they'll be doing the same thing again.

Sony's Souls could become pretty huge if Miyazaki stays behind it.

(my post was made with the theory that this is indeed a Miyazaki Souls games)
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