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RUMOR: So Killzone: SF was only using 1.5GB of VRAM


Fuck me just saw this:




Post this in the GAF Unreal PS4 downgrade thread lol.
Fuck me just saw this:



God damn. I AM THE LINK.

Totally not Mark Reign. I mean Mike isn't a short for Mark....that and Mark has an account on B3D already.


MikeR said:
No I'm not Mark - nor a Epic developer. Ask yourself this? Would it be far fetch for a school teacher to know her City Councilmen/woman? Would it be far fetch for a City Councilmen/woman to know a State Senator? Would it be far fetch for a Police Officer to know an FBI agent? Would it be far fetch for an FBI agent to know a CIA agent? In other words, I don't have to be in the actual hen house to know what's going on. Let's just say I'm into hardware technology.

Anyhow, I've been lurking around Beyond3D for years, never cared to register until recently. I'm not here to fuel any one side (PC Vs. PS3 Vs. Xbox or Intel Vs. AMD Vs. Nvidia). I'm here to offer additional information... be it firsthand or secondhand. Sometimes I will have to be vague about things - just because I'm not stupid. Additionally, I will never belittle anyone here, not my thing. I've seen over the years, people (respectful people of the industry), lose their calm over internet nonsense. Taking pictures of pistol's in their hand's and threatening other board members.

Back on topic. I stand by all my comments ...that's all I can say.

Sorry to kill your enthusiasm


Fuck me just saw this:



Before people get too exited

No I'm not Mark - nor a Epic developer. Ask yourself this? Would it be far fetch for a school teacher to know her City Councilmen/woman? Would it be far fetch for a City Councilmen/woman to know a State Senator? Would it be far fetch for a Police Officer to know an FBI agent? Would it be far fetch for an FBI agent to know a CIA agent? In other words, I don't have to be in the actual hen house to know what's going on. Let's just say I'm into hardware technology.


Edit: ah too slow


you might want to go ahead and re-edit that post again to say "Random person on the internet:" instead of "Insider"

Unless MarkR is thuway's mythical insider! That would explain a lot. thuway though he had inside track to the CEO of Epic!


That makes sense since the whole 8GB will not be used by the GPU. lol
If true though this probably means it was optimised with the 4GB devkits in mind that should mean that some problems especially the pop-in present in the demo may not be present in the final game.

rdrr gnr

I wonder if my professors will accept something along those lines: "Don't bother checking my sources, I am the peer-reviewed paper published in a reputable journal."

Not as catchy.
I've been away for the last two days but it feels to me like people are confusing a lot of stuff. Let's see if my hypetrain of thought is right.

By 2012 Q1 Sony was aiming for 2gb in the final unit, their BOM was set on buying 16 chips of GDDR5 and hoping for increased densities.

Dev kits had that 2.2 + 8 config, but that doesn't mean much, it was just a different build trying to emulate final specs.

Devs working on games were working with 1.5 memory, since the footprint for the OS was 0.5 and the final machine would have 2gb avaliable.

At that time Killzone was being made with 1.5 RAM, since the other 0.5 was for the OS.


By Q3 of 2013 or so, Sony knew densities improved, so they would be able to get 4gb in the final unit.

Developers were told, but since devkits would only arrive in January, they were still working on 1.5 for a while.

So development of games like Killzone went on, and much of the bulk was being done with this setup of only 1.5 of memory.

They got their new devkits in January, but that was too late to change anything for the PSmeeting, since demos were already locked in and tested.

Sony delivers the new kits and says "hey, we're still trying to match Durango's number, if densities improve we will get 8gb, but that's a long shot, so we'll see".

OS footprint stayed at 0.5gb, so developers knew they had at least 3.5 for games, but they haven't even started coding for that yet.

Just before the meeting and when deals of buying memory in bulk were being set, Sony finds out they got lucky and they can go to 8gb. Some developers know this by February, others knew during the presentation.


That's a reasonable explanation for having demos with 1.5 in mind (which would later turn on to be 3.5 and them 7.5 for games).

Now, such increase in just a few months sounds too good to be true, because some projects might even have to be restructured to take advantage of so much RAM.

I'm crossing my fingers, because after last minute donwspecs on PS3 i just hope things go well and they don't have to scale it back for launch.

I guess if you followed all the rumors in these last few months, that's the only story that can be told... right? wrong?
I remember when Ground Zeroes was first shown and people went crazy. ''No way that is on PS3/360 this is next gen omggg''

Fast forward to Shadowfall demo running on non finished hardware. ''Not as good as I expected. Not really a leap from KZ3.''

To be fair when I was watching the stream I was really underwhelmed by the demo. Then I saw it again at 1080p on youtube... I am fully content by this leap. Also I am glad that people are fighting a war between Crysis 3 and next gen consoles. Few years ago people were certain that PC already was lightyears ahead the next consoles. I believe we will see some really incredible shit from these consoles and it will finally push the PC multiplat games too.


I remember when Ground Zeroes was first shown and people went crazy. ''No way that is on PS3/360 this is next gen omggg''

My initial reaction to this video was that it was running on PS3. I figured they had just found a new software trick, similar to when LA Noir blew everyone away with the stunning facial animation.

When people jumped on the OMG its next-gen bandwagon- I became confused and dissapointed with the IMO small leap in graphics.

They've been trying to tease us consumers with little tastes of next-gen... but you know what? I want the whole damn meal. FEED ME MORE!
After all we saw at the meeting is 512MB for the OS still considered enough? Seems like they'll need a little more.
I dunno. What is the memoryhog we saw? The share button recording ect has separate hardware for it and multitasking/crosschat is definately possible with 512. It could be more but I doubt it will be over 1GB. Even the PSEYE as far as I know wouldn't require much.


After all we saw at the meeting is 512MB for the OS still considered enough? Seems like they'll need a little more.

For an optimised, console specific OS, 512MB should be fine. The only are I can think this would blow out during typical usage is web browsing. Hell, I've got Firefox open now with just one tab open, and it's using 190MB memory. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony do want some of this increased RAM. You'd imagine the OS team would be just as vocal in their needs and wants as ND or GG etc.

The craziest RAM related thing ever is the fact that the WiiU reserves 1GB RAM for its OS. Which doesn't noting special at all. Miiverse just runs in a dedicated browser. The rest of the system applications are just tiny apps.


WTF is wrong with talking about random access memory and how it plays into console performance? Why are some of you people acting so fucking stupid about it?

Yea, I was looking forward to tech-GAF really delving into the RAM and all. Not a bunch of unfunny post (maybe like 2 or 3 that are actually funny), and people complaining about RAM threads.
Does anyone have a link to the Mark Rein video with Geoff Keighley immediately following the PS4 reveal where he said, when asked about the leap from PS3 to PS4 that "No, I disagree....PS2 to PS3 was good..but PS3 to PS4 is spectacular"

Something to that effect.

I wonder if even he was aware of the 8 GB of GDDR5...I know he's been asking for lots of RAM for next-gen consoles.


so wait. MikeR is Mark Rein?

I'm confused.


The real Rein does have a GAF account. He posted after the showing of the Unreal demo for PS3 back in 06. He owned someone who was saying it wasn't realtime I think. Could be wrong.

"So Killzone: SF was only using 1.5GB of VRAM "

That explains the:

  • Pixelated shadows.
  • Geometry detail pop-in.
  • Screen Tearing.
  • 30FPS.

Keep lying and hating. Your future here not so bright.
I'm getting flashbacks to a Steven Segal movie where he is trying to save a hijacked train. The nerdy villain hacks a military satellite by uploading it several gigs of RAM!


Keep lying and hating. Your future here not so bright.

Except he is right about about the pixelated shadows. They are rare and the human characters do not cast them. It's the soft shadows cast by distant objects. I bothered me as well. That's the only thing he got right.

I also saw texture flickering/z-fighting in the beginning and later hiccup in an animation. But I am not worried because things like these get fixed.


Except he is right about about the pixelated shadows. They are rare and the human characters do not cast them. It's the soft shadows cast by distant objects. I bothered me as well. That's the only thing he got right.

I also saw texture flickering/z-fighting in the beginning and later hiccup in an animation. But I am not worried because things like these get fixed.

1. Launch title
2. Underpowered hardware
3. 8 months left of development time
4. Unfinished engine

It's got a long way to go... but don't expect the world from a launch title. I expect it to look a little bit better than Crysis 3 by launch.
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